Love Me Back (10 page)

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Authors: Michelle Lynn

“You did?”  Gabe asks me.  I shake my head up and down.  “Huh, I forgot you were older than Trent.”

“Hey” I hit him in the arm.  “Only by a couple of months” I smile.

“Now, I have to be extra careful with you tonight.”  He says casually, his eyes never leave the road ahead.

“That’s for sure, you should just take her home Basso.  I won’t go after it because I like you so much but I guarantee you Cooper won’t be so obliging.”  Grady speaks from the back seat.

“IT?”  I question exactly what he is talking about referring to me as it.

“Your ass.”  He deadpans.

“Oh…thanks for the clarification.  Maybe my ASS wouldn’t want to take it up with you or this Cooper.”  I state.  Gabe starts laughing and I hear Rich chuckle behind me.

“Honey, if I put on my charm you would be escorting me back to my dorm before one o’clock.”  Grady scoffs leaning closer to my ear so I can feel his breath at my neck.

“More like running from you come midnight.”  I sarcastically come back at him moving closer to the window away from him.

Gabe full out belly laughs, Rich chuckles and I am stunned to see Grady laughing as well. 

“Oh Maddy, we are going to get along just fine.”  He leans back into his seat remaining silent for the rest of the trip.

There are co-eds everywhere when we pull up.  If this is what Gabe calls a get together than I would hate to see a party.  This is three times bigger than any party in Belcrest.  Rich and Grady get out walking into the house.  It might have been my imagination but it was like the people parted from the sidewalk to let them through.  Maybe since they play on the football team with Gabe they had clout or something.

Gabe comes around meeting me by the truck taking my hand following the two.  “Stay by me ok?  Don’t drink anything unless I give it to you.” 

“Ok” now I didn’t only feel uneasy I was paranoid.

If I thought the outside was busy enough the inside was jammed full of people.  I rubbed against enough guys and girls chests before Gabe releases my hand in the kitchen. 

“Here” he hands me a bottle of beer.  I don’t like beer but I am not about to ask for something else.  He twists the tops off and takes a long pull on his.

“Hey man, new girl already?”  A long leaner guy comes up next to Gabe.  His eyes and hair match a dark brown, almost black.  He has a dimple in his right cheek when he smiles and it looked like he forgot to shave this morning but it just makes him that much sexier.  He isn’t as muscular as Gabe or the other two but you can tell he is strong.

“What’s up Coop?  No, this is my brother’s girl.”  He nods his head towards me while shaking the guy’s hand.

“I’m not your brother’s girl.”  I sneer back at him.

“Sorry, they broke up.  You know one of those couples where they break up and get back together but they will probably get married one day…”  Gabe rambles making me wonder why he is going on like that to a perfect stranger, at least in my eyes.

“Cooper Sears.”  He puts his hand out for me to shake.

“Maddy” I take his hand and he brings it up to his mouth kissing the outside of my hand.

“Hello Maddy.  Welcome to my place.”  He doesn’t let go of my hand. 

“Well, I have some people I want to introduce Maddy to, so we’ll see you around Coop.”  Gabe puts his hand on my elbow moving me closer to him.

“You just got here, there’s time for that.  Come on Maddy, let’s go downstairs, its quieter.”  He pulls me by my hand walking to a door off the kitchen.

“Cooper, I am warning you once.  Leave her alone.”  Gabe pulls me back.

“Its fine Gabe, we can all go down to the basement.”  I move my elbow out of his grip.  I wouldn’t mind some alone time with Cooper.

“I have to find someone.  Maddy, this isn’t high school.”  He whispers in my ear.

“I can handle myself but thank you for your concern Gabe.”  I start walking with Cooper.

“Cooper.”  Gabe yells over the crowd.  “I will be down there in five minutes.  And Madgirl?”  I look over to him.  “Remember what I told you.”

I nod my head.  I appreciate his interest in my safety but I am a big girl.  I follow Cooper Sears down the stairs.  His name alone sounds sexy.  There is a tattoo on his forearm and another peeking out from under his shirtsleeve on the other arm.  It intrigues me to find out what they are.  The basement is decked out with a pool table, some arcade games and a poker table in the corner where a girl is sitting in her bra and underwear while a pile of clothes are in the corner. 

“Nice Coop.”  A guy looks me up and down as though I am there for his viewing pleasure.

Cooper gives him a high five winking in his direction.  He sits me on the black leather couch holding my hand but I take it away positioning myself to sit towards him instead of alongside.  He asks me about Belcrest, saying he came down with Gabe a few years ago and couldn’t believe the town is so small.  He is from Chicago making it clear to me he lives in the city not the suburbs stating there is a big difference between the two.  I found out he is the kicker of the football team but graduated last year.  I fail to divulge who my brother is since I am sure he would know him only being three years apart and both playing on the football team.  I don’t want to be Little Jennings in his eyes.

He caresses my leg and arm, as we talk never taking it further.  Gabe never returns so I assume he was ok with me staying with Cooper.  I don’t want him to not have a good time because I am here.  I haven’t talked to a guy like this except for Trent.  Where Trent went out to find other girls to hook up with I never did.  I was never interested in other guys so I didn’t see the point.

The poker game becomes heated when a girl has to take off her bra and a guy has to remove his underwear.  I give her props for being so forthcoming. I would never do that.  Everyone in the room starts talking louder and people from upstairs start coming down to watch the people stripping their clothes off.  The guys are gawking at the girl and the girls are drooling at the guy.

“Let’s go into my room. It’s quieter.”  Cooper entwines his fingers in mine leading me through a door at the right.  “So much better.”

I sit on the edge of the bed starting to realize I am out of my league here.  I want to kiss Cooper so bad but I have only really kissed Trent my whole life.  Not to mention what if he wants more, I am inexperienced and I don’t want to come off like some naïve high school girl.

“I think I should find Gabe.”  I stand up walking towards the door.

“He’s fine, probably making out with some chick.  You know him.”  He comes closer putting his arm around my waist kissing my neck.

“Really Cooper, it’s been great talking with you.   Thanks for having me over.”  I say turning myself away from him but he clutches me harder.

“Any of those girls out there would love to be in here with me but I picked you.”  He softly speaks in my ear sucking on my earlobe.

“Please Cooper, I don’t want to do this.”  I start pleading to him.

“You know you want to, just let yourself enjoy this.”  He makes his way down my neck while his hands roam my body. 

I freeze, not knowing how to react.  This has never happened to me before.  In Belcrest I am Little Jennings, Jack’s sister or Trent’s girl.  No one ever asks me out or hits on me.  I know I have to get out of this situation fast.

“I am sure Gabe is looking for me.  Let’s go find him and then we can come back down here once he knows I am ok.”  I try to trick him into getting me out of the room.

“No can do.  I told you Gabe is fine.  He’s a big boy.”  His lips are coming dangerously close to mine and I keep scooting back but he put his hand on the back of my neck holding me in place while his face inches closer.  The face I found stunningly gorgeous five minutes ago now resembles a pervert.

Right when his lips brush lightly against mine I hear someone trying to open the door.  It is locked, when did he lock it?

“Cooper, open this fucking door.”  Gabe screams from the outside banging with his fists.

“Go away Basso, we are having a killer time in here.”  He never takes his hands off me but thankfully his mouth moves so he could yell through the door.

“I am giving you one warning Sears, open this door or I am busting it open.”  Gabe keeps pounding against the door.

“Give it your best try Basso.”  Cooper yells back having no intention of letting me out.  “Now, where were we Maddy?”  His lips come upon mine urgently.  Forcing his tongue through my lips and down my throat.  My arms are at my side limp as though all my energy is drained.   His hand grabs my breast and he moans in my mouth while I feel bile rising in my throat.

Wooden splinters hit my face as Gabe breaks through the door.  He stops at the doorframe thinking he has the situation wrong, like I want to be in Cooper’s arms.  Everyone from downstairs huddles around the doorframe speechless.

“I gave you fair warning.”  Gabe tugs my arm bringing me to his side and then behind him.

“What are you going to do?  You think you’re so noble.  Mr. Quarterback, Captain of the football team and Scholar on the dean’s list.  You are just like me, a ladies man.  I see you with all those girls tossing them aside just like I do.  I think the problem here is maybe you want that girl but let me warn you she is just a tease.  Her legs are zippered shut.”  He points towards me.

Before I can see it Gabe hits him square in the jaw.  “That one’s from me.”  He hits him in the stomach “That one’s for her.”  He upper cuts a fist into his chin.  “That’s for her brother, I think you might know him.”  Gabe steps away knowing he has the ace in the hole. “Jack Jennings.”  Gabe divulges.  Cooper’s face goes white while the whole room gasps.  He doesn’t come after Gabe for retaliation.  He is smart enough to know that my brother would be paying him a visit if he sees a mark on Gabe and if Gabe told my story of what happened Cooper Sears would be in the hospital.

Gabe grabs my hand leading me through the crowd toward the stairs when a blond stops him.  “Where are you going Gabe?”  She whines putting her hand on his chest.

“Leaving.”  He pushes past her.

“Don’t come back Gabe.  I will not be here when you drop off that little slut.”  She sneers up the stairs at us.

“Don’t bother, she’s no one.”  Gabe softly speaks wanting me to just leave and not run down the stairs pulling the fake blond strands out of her head.

“Grady, Rich.  I assume you are good.”  He asks them.

“Don’t worry about us, we’ll get home.”  Rich quietly says.

“I told you man, Cooper was going to get her.”  Grady yells loudly.

Gabe doesn’t humor him in a comeback.  He walks us both out of the house past the oblivious co-eds in the lawn into his truck.  My eyes follow him as he moves around the front of the truck into the seat next to me.  Water is forming in my eyelids.  I curse them to stop.  That is the last thing I want to do.  I am sure Gabe is mad he even suggested me to come tonight.  He says nothing as he starts the truck pulling away from the party.  I notice his knuckles are red and swollen and I am thankful he didn’t have a game this week.

“I’m sorry.”  I whisper looking down in my lap.

“It’s not your fault.  Cooper’s an ass.”  He says while I can still hear the anger in his voice.

“I should have listened to you.”  I admit.

“Yeah, you should have but it’s over.”  His voice starts calming a bit.

“Are you going to tell my brother?”  I ask finally having the courage to look up.

“Hell no, your brother would kill him.”  He chuckles like he is thinking about Jack beating up Cooper.  “Just knowing Cooper will be fearing your brother for the next month or so is enough payback.”

“Thank you.”

“No thanks required Madgirl but I have to say.  My brother must have his hands full with you around.” 


“You’re a good looking girl and obviously naïve to how attractive you are.  I assume you put yourself in bad situations since you see only the good in everyone.”

“Gabe, your brother has been the only guy to even ask me out.  I don’t know if it’s the fact that I am ‘Little Jennings’ or Trent’s girl but it gets really annoying sometimes.”

“I could see that.”

“So, is Cooper telling the truth?”

He raises an eyebrow at me.

“That you are like him, make out with girls and then toss them aside for someone else the next night.”

“No. Yes. I don’t know.  College is different Maddy.  Everyone is on the same page, everyone just wants to have fun, no strings.”

“Hum” I sigh.

“You will see next year.  Too bad I will be gone by then.”  He looks genuinely upset we would miss each other being unable to attend the same school again.

“I don’t think that whole casual hooking up thing is for me.” I confess.

“You’re probably right.  That’s why my brother always keeps you close.” 

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing, let’s go in.”

I hadn’t realized we were at the house already.

“Tell me Gabe, what?”  I grab his arm stopping him from leaving the car.

“Oh Maddy.  I just wonder if he knows you are the one he wants to settle down with in the future but he wants to enjoy what’s out there before he will commit to you.”

“Maybe we aren’t supposed to be together and that’s why it never works out.  I don’t really think I am his type.”

“Believe me Mad, you are every guy’s type.”

There is something in his eyes at that moment but I can’t spot it.  Shyness and reluctance mixed with some desire.

“Thanks Gabe and I am so sorry for tonight.”

“Don’t mention it, I wish I could have shown you a better time.”  He reaches over removing my hand from his arm but it lingers in his hand while chills spread through my body.  “You better get in there to your boy before he comes out to get you.”  He motions to the front window with his head.

Trent is peering out the window at us.  When he sees me he moves away.

“It was memorable.”  I lean over kissing Gabe on the cheek.

I run into the house before I do something I would regret.  Bryan and Kenna are wrapped in each other’s arms on a blow up air mattress on the floor and Trent is laying on the couch acting like he is sleeping.  I go into the bathroom changing into my pajamas.  When I come back the house is shut and locked and I hear running water upstairs.  I assume Gabe is taking a shower.   I get into the couch cuddling under the blanket that I assume Kenna made up for me.  My mind is going crazy between Cooper, Trent and the stuff Gabe said.  Were Trent and I destined to be together but we had to enjoy our lives single before committing to each other.  Mackenna and Bryan didn’t have a problem like Trent and I did.  I was completely confused when I heard a whisper next to me.

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