Read Love Me if You Dare Online

Authors: Carly Phillips

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

Love Me if You Dare (8 page)

“Would you mind?” Aunt Vi asked.

He shot Sara a grateful glance. She’d given him a solution and a way out of here. “Next time he leaves, call me. Day or night. I’ll follow him and see what’s going on.”

“You’re the best!” Aunt Vi hugged him tight, reminding him of why he loved her.

She had daughters, and so he and his brother were the sons she’d never had. She’d gone with his mother and father to his football and baseball games and to his graduations. She’d spent hours baking with his
mother, and she’d often been there when he came home from school, sneaking him cookies before dinner even when his mother had said no.

The warm memories caught him off guard, and he hugged her tighter. “Don’t worry,” he reassured her, meaning it.

Though he didn’t want to think about her sex life, he’d do his best to help ease her mind. Despite Rafe’s experience with his father’s affair, he still couldn’t believe Pirro would cheat on Aunt Vi—with or without sex, the man was loyal. He thought the sun rose and set on his wife.

Still, Rafe didn’t doubt Pirro was up to something. The writing in the notepad, the way his cronies circled around him when Rafe walked out of the doughnut shop…

Aunt Vi was prone to dramatics, but Rafe had no doubt the man was working an angle. He just had to figure out what it was.


his driveway. Sara met him behind the Jeep, ready to pull her suitcase out of the back herself. Instead, he grabbed the handle, too.

“I’ve got it,” Rafe said.

“I appreciate the gesture, but I can handle it.” They each had a grip on the luggage handle, but he’d just had surgery. She wasn’t about to let him do heavy lifting just for her.

She cleared her throat and shot him her fiercest
I mean business
look. “Do I need to call your mother and tell her you aren’t following doctor’s orders? Maybe she’ll come over and supervise you.”

He immediately released his hold. “Fine. Drag it in yourself.”

“I will.” With a grin, she yanked the suitcase, ignoring the tug in her knee. It had been a long day, and of course her injury was bothering her.

He strode ahead of her, unset the alarm and released the dead bolt. Along with the woodsy, hidden driveway, the security system made her feel much safer.

“Welcome home,” he said, holding the door for her.

“Thanks.” She walked past him, lifted her suitcase over the doorstep and inside. She glanced around, taking in the warm, cozy place he called home. “I love it. It’s very you.”

Deeply masculine and earthy, in a welcoming sort of way.

“Thanks.” He smiled, pride evident in his expression. “My family has owned this property for generations. My great-grandfather originally bought the land. He subdivided the acreage and left it for his sons, who left it for their sons and so on.”

“And so on. I get it. But didn’t your father want to live here?”

“Even if he did, my mom never wanted to be hidden away. She liked being in town, in the center of things. So Dad used an old cabin for fishing until Joanne got married. He subdivided the property, and we all got our portions early. Joanne is a few miles closer to town. I took the most secluded part.” Rafe shrugged. “So, here we are.”

She wrapped her arms around herself. “It’s so nice that you have such deep family love and tradition. You can just feel it surrounding you.” It was something she definitely missed.

The sense of having roots in any particular place.

“The only thing handed down in my family is being a cop.” For some reason, the thought didn’t bring as much comfort as she got from envisioning Rafe’s family living on this land.

Rafe didn’t reply.

It was almost as if he didn’t want to bring his big family into the small house with them. “So, how many bedrooms are there?” she asked, respecting the boundaries he’d erected.


“Perfect!” She glanced toward the small hallway leading to the other rooms, which appeared directly next to each other.

“The second one is an office with a daybed.”

She nodded. “Great. I can sleep there.”

He shook his head. “I’ll take the daybed. You can have mine. It’s more comfortable.”

“Nope. You’re the one recuperating from surgery. I’m the one intruding. I’ll take the daybed.”

“Don’t argue with me again.” He placed his hand on the handle of her suitcase and wheeled it toward the hall.


“But nothing. Keep it up and I’ll call my mother and tell her I’m sleeping in my bed while I put you, my guest, on the daybed.” He threw her threat back at her. “She’ll be over here in no time, lecturing me on how to treat a lady. And you wouldn’t want to subject us to that, would you?”

Sara swallowed her argument. It wouldn’t hurt her to be gracious. “Okay, I’ll take your bed. Thanks.” Although she didn’t know how she’d get any sleep, imagining him there.

She wondered if he slept nude.

Sara sighed. She doubted she’d get any sleep with him directly next door, either.


How could he when the woman he desired more than his next breath was in the adjoining room? Her mere presence was making him crazy. He tossed and turned, imagining he could hear her breathing next door. Wondering what she wore to bed.

His bed.

Suddenly he bolted upright and glanced at the clock. One o’clock. He must have dozed off after all. Sounds from the other room told him there was someone in the kitchen. He assumed it was Sara, but he climbed out of bed, pulled on an old pair of sweats and headed into the other room to make sure.

Sure enough, Sara stood in front of the sink. But he was unprepared for the sight of her in a short two-piece number, all silk and lace, that was probably supposed to be cute but instead looked sexy as hell.

Her hair, tousled from sleep, hung over her shoulders. Her full breasts peeked from the low-cut V-neck and her nipples poked through the nearly sheer silk.

How much could a red-blooded male take?

Knowing he was staring, he cleared his throat.

She jumped, startled, and met his gaze. “I didn’t hear you come in!”

“Sorry. I wanted to make sure it was you and not someone trying to get to you.”

She nodded in understanding. “Sorry if I woke you. I just wanted to get a drink of water.” She raised the glass in her hand.

He inclined his head. “You didn’t wake me. I couldn’t sleep.”

“Me, neither.”

Quiet descended; there was no noise except for the hum of the fridge and the ticktock of a clock on the wall.

“We could sit and talk for a while,” she suggested. As if she weren’t half-naked. And he weren’t completely aroused, the blood rushing in his ears, through his head and settling in one very obvious body part.

There was no way she could miss it any more than he could ignore it. “Or we could pick up where we left off on the beach.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “I thought you said it was a bad idea?”

He inclined his head. “It probably is.”

They looked at life from opposite points of view. He wanted to believe anything was possible. She was a cynic, always looking for the worst. He knew better
than to think he could convince her to change her mind about relationships.

But he could change his about short-term affairs.

She reached out and placed her hand against his forehead much as he’d done to her the other day. “Are you sure you’re not sick?”

“I’m sure.” He was burning up, but not from fever. He stepped closer. “Are you still interested?”

She didn’t back away. “I could be persuaded…if I knew what brought on the change of heart.”

He dove in completely. Meeting her gaze, he lifted a lock of her long hair, winding it around one finger. “I didn’t like it when those guys tried to hit on you back at Angel’s.”

Her eyes darkened to a richer hue. Desire shimmered in the chocolate depths, and a pleased smile tipped her lips. “So that explains your snippy behavior.”

“You sound pleased.”

She shrugged. “Maybe I am. Nobody wants to be rejected, even if the reason is a sound one.” She paused, biting down on her lower lip.

“I’m not turning you down this time,” he assured her.

She nodded her head in understanding. “But…”

“What?” He couldn’t take it if she rejected him, and steeled himself for whatever she said next.

“Are you sure you’re up to it?” She reached out
and gently drew her hand over the still-fresh scar on his chest, her fingertip delicate and hesitant as she touched his skin.

Memories of waking up and seeing her in his hospital room came flooding back. Of Sara asleep in a chair, watching over him—caring for him. Yes, they’d already bonded emotionally, and knowing she cared deeply merely assured him that this next step was right.


As necessary to him as breathing, Rafe thought. Because there was no way he could walk away from her.

“So, what do we do now?” she asked.

“This.” Rafe tugged lightly on her hair and pulled her toward him.

She came willingly.

Her lips met his, and all the oxygen sucked from the room. This was what he’d been waiting for. Starving for. He swirled his tongue inside her mouth and found himself surrounded by her scent and her taste, aroused by the sweet feel of her lips urgent and insistent on his.

She snuggled in close, plastering her body against his until his bare chest crushed her breasts. Skin against skin, every soft curve pressed tightly into him. There was no room between them. Not even air.

She trailed kisses with her lips from his mouth to
his jaw, her hot breath against his cheek, her wicked tongue whispering over his skin.

He shuddered from the arousing sensations he never wanted to end.

“Take me to bed,” she whispered into his ear.

She asked for what she wanted, and he liked that about her.

Rafe grabbed her hand and led her into the bedroom. He paused by the nightstand and opened the drawer, pulling out a box of condoms.

“I like a man who’s prepared.” She sat on the bed and eased back against the pillows, the pose provocative and arousing: everything he hadn’t let himself want, there for the taking.

His heart beat hard inside his chest. He placed the foil packet on the corner of the mattress and sat beside her, deliberately leaving the dim light on so he could enjoy the view. Her hair fanned over the pillows, her eyes hooded and pupils dilated. He watched in awe as her nipples tightened, peaking beneath the flimsy material, silently beckoning to him.

He slipped his hand beneath the thin strap of her top, his finger deliberately grazing her skin. “I never knew you liked silk and lace,” he murmured. But he was damned glad she did.

Sara lifted one shoulder in a light shrug. “That’s because we didn’t spend much time together outside of work,” she said, her voice sexy and raw.

“That’s because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

“And now you don’t have to.”

She met his gaze, her need crystal clear, so he slid the straps down over her arms until the entire camisole gave way, pooling around her waist, exposing her full breasts to his view.

He hadn’t known she was so full or ripe, and he wondered what other surprises awaited him. His mouth watered, the need to taste her growing stronger. “Beautiful.”

She made no move to cover herself, merely braced her hands behind her, thrusting those luscious mounds forward, teasing him, tempting him, as she waited for him to make the next move.

He cupped her breasts, letting their weight settle in his hands, her nipples puckering and pressing into his palms. Just the feel wasn’t enough; he turned his attention to those tight peaks, rolling and plucking her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, watching with satisfaction as she threw her head back and writhed beneath his touch.

He’d found her sensitive spot, he thought, pleased, and continued the sensual assault.

Her breathing grew more and more uneven, and suddenly Rafe was on a mission to see how far he could take her this way. Dipping his head, he sealed his lips over one breast, pulling the distended bud into
his mouth. His other hand never left her other breast, and he continued giving them equal attention.

Her breathing increased, while his body tightened more with each pant until her body convulsed and she let out a long, drawn-out moan of pleasure.

He lifted his head in time to see her slide her hand from beneath the waistband of her silk shorts.

Startled, he met her heavy-lidded gaze. “Should I be insulted?” he asked lightly.

Because he wasn’t. He was even more turned on.

She shook her head, a naughty look in her eyes. “Only if you’re insecure.”

He burst out laughing. “I admire a woman who isn’t afraid of anything.”

She grinned. “I believe it’s your turn now.”

“I’d like mine the old-fashioned way.”

“I think that can be arranged.” A slow, seductive smile curved her lips. “I don’t want you to exert yourself. You’re still recovering, after all.” She sat up and eased his shoulders down until he lay flat on his back.

Liking this show of control, he placed his hands behind his head and grinned. “Then take care of me, babe.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Sara pulled the string on his sweats, releasing the waistband, then lowered the soft cotton only to discover he wasn’t wearing
boxers. Or briefs. Or anything but a raging hard-on meant just for her.

She glanced at his swollen member and swallowed hard. “Commando.”

He merely shrugged.

“That means you sleep…”


Just as she’d thought.

“Is that a problem for you?” he asked.

“It certainly isn’t.”

“Good.” He kicked the sweats off, leaving him gloriously naked. “Your turn.” He watched her intently.

She wasn’t normally self-conscious, but his admiring gaze unnerved her, in part because she’d wanted this for so long. At the reminder, she turned her thoughts off and decided to enjoy. After all, this might be the only time she had with Rafe, and she wanted to savor and remember it all.

Her top was already wrapped around her waist, and it didn’t take long to shimmy both pieces down her legs and slide them off.

“Now we’re on equal footing.” His eyes darkened with need, his expression one of pure admiration.

She swung her good leg over his hips and settled her body over him. Warm skin against warm skin, he felt so good as she eased herself down and settled her lips on his.

He captured her head with the back of his hand, holding her in place while he thrust his tongue inside her mouth. Like everything else they did, they were in complete synch, his rhythm and hers meshing perfectly. Each kiss, every roll of their hips, the rasping of her sensitive breasts against his hair-roughened chest, was in unison.

His erection teased her, rubbing against her flesh, making her ache and want with a desperation she’d never experienced before. And the sensations were spectacular, shooting through her body, which now begged for completion.

She broke their connection only to grab for the condom packet on the edge of the bed and tear it open. She sat back, watching out for her knee, and rolled the condom over his shaft.

Her hands shook as she touched his rigid length, covered with soft skin. Her fingers lingered, feeling and learning him until his hips bucked upward, startling her.

“I suggest you get to it or it’ll be over before it begins,” Rafe said, his voice rough. He gripped the sheets beside him, knuckles white.

She’d obviously tortured them both long enough.

She bent her legs to lift herself over him. Pain shot through her knee, and she buckled over. “So much for me taking care of you.” She spoke over the searing pain, knowing it would eventually subside.

“Maybe we’re supposed to take care of each other.” He brushed her hair out of her eyes and met her gaze.

“What did you have in mind?”

He climbed out of bed. He was gorgeous, his body tanned and fit. He pulled a chair from the desk in the corner, turned it around and sat down.

Then he crooked a finger her way. “Come here,” he said, his tone sexy and full of need.

She stood and walked over. “I like how you think.”

As she swung her bad leg over his thighs, he grasped her hips and helped her maneuver directly over his erection, which jutted out at her, poised for entry.

He placed one hand over her mound, using his finger to spread her moisture, tease her flesh. She bit down on her lip, allowing the gentle but insistent sensations to take over, enjoying his tender touch until her good leg buckled from the weight.

“Ready?” he asked gruffly.

She nodded.

Raising her hips, he lifted her and settled his erection at the juncture of her thighs. He thrust upward at the same moment she released herself and settled onto him completely.

The shock of the connection made her pause. He was thick inside her, buried deep. She met his gaze
and saw the same sense of rightness and awe settle over his handsome face. It scared her so much she shut her eyes and rocked her hips in an attempt to focus on the sensations in her body, but for the first time she couldn’t separate emotion from need. Desire from yearning.

He tugged at her hair, and she opened her eyes. He wanted her to watch. She saw it in his face and was powerless to deny him.

And then they began to move together, in unison, the rock of her hips, the thrust of his, working together to take her higher and higher. He was buried so deep, she felt all of him inside her, every thick, rigid, velvet inch as they ground together where their bodies joined.

Harder, faster, he took her higher.

He breathed deep, his exhales sounding like erotic groans in her ear.

His hips rocked against hers over and over, and she gasped at each sensual assault, the waves coming at her from all sides, inside and out. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes dilated, and every raw groan took her closer to the explosive orgasm that was just out of reach.

She wrapped her arms around his neck to thrust harder against him, letting him plunge higher and deeper. He released her hair, slipping his hand between them again and touching her where she needed
it most. His fingertip slid over her, and the pressure sent her spiraling out of control as she exploded, coming in wave after never-ending wave that took him along for the ride. His last final groan reverberated in her ear and sent shock waves through her body.

Even after the contractions subsided, Sara held on to him for dear life, her arms still around his neck. But when reality came pouring back, she unlocked her hands and released him, easing herself off, careful not to put too much pressure on her bad knee.

She heard rustling behind her, and then, taking her by surprise, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back into bed.

No words were spoken as, naked, he curled himself around her, held on tight and fell asleep.

She didn’t relax as quickly or as easily, the ramifications of finally making love to Rafe hitting her hard.

She’d dreamed of this, but the reality was far more potent and exciting than she’d ever imagined. Even with them both not quite at one hundred percent, he’d satisfied her like no man ever had. Because he’d breached the emotional walls she’d always kept high. Walls she’d just have to make higher now that she knew what they were capable of together.

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