Love Unexpected (32 page)

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Authors: Anne Leigh


“But, he’s at fault. He started it,” I reasoned.


“I know. We’re trying to sort everything right now. I just want you to be careful, k? I’ll see you later.”




My mind was reeling from the realization that Brennan had actually filed a lawsuit against Zander. How could this happen? Brennan was the one at fault. He started it all. He acted like a complete psycho. And now, Zander was being dragged into this.


I went to class, but I was constantly checking updates on my phone from a local news media outlet. According to the report, Brennan Townsend filed an assault charge against Zander Zobowski, son of Sev Zobowski. It was unknown what caused the fight, details to follow.


No images or videos were attached to the report. Apparently, football players had a code of conduct. If the fight had happened somewhere else, I was pretty sure that video footages or pictures would be all over the web. 


It was difficult to concentrate in class. Zander was facing assault charges! I was scared and upset for him. He did not deserve this. He was only defending me against being attacked by Brennan. What if the National Football Association heard about this? Well, they probably heard
about it by now. But what if this case dragged on before the draft? Zander’s dream of playing for the National Football Association would be in jeopardy. The NFA had strict rules and regulations on good conduct by players. The assault charges against Zander would not be taken lightly by the Commissioner.


I had to do something. I had to change Brennan’s mind.


Without giving my brain enough time to process my decision, I texted Zander that I was going to be in a group study. He was probably too busy discussing the case with his parents and lawyer, and setting up a game plan so he wouldn’t think twice of the change in my schedule.


I drove for two hours to get to Brennan’s apartment. Traffic was extra heavy. On the way over, I was formulating what I was going to say to Brennan. How I would ask, if not plead, for him to drop the charges. I was so worried about what the charges would mean to Zander’s reputation and how it would affect his future that I dismissed the nagging feeling that I should have told someone where I was going.


I grabbed my phone and called Brennan after parking 2 blocks away from his place.


He answered on the fourth ring.


“What?” His voice bubbled with irritation.


“Hey, can we talk?” I was not going up to his apartment. I did not want to be alone with him.


“Why?” his voice, filled with malice, “So you can ask me to drop the charges against pretty boy?”


“Please, Brenan, for old time’s sake,” I appealed to our past friendship.


He was silent for a minute, he sighed upon answering, “Ok, where do you want to meet?”


Thank god.


“How about the coffee place on Union Street?” He and I used to go there all the time.


“What time?”


“15 minutes.”


“You’re in the area?” he wondered.


As a matter of fact, I’m in front of your place. I’m not stepping inside even if you invite me in because right now I don’t feel safe being alone with you.


“Ok, I’ll meet you there. I’m around the campus so it will take me about 20-30 minutes.”


“Alright, bye.”


I drove to Coffee, Tea, and More Café. Brennan loved this place. This was one of his go-to hang outs.


I picked a corner table inside the café to give us some privacy. The place was always busy so if at any point I felt unsafe, there were people around to help.


I received an incoming text.


Zander: Just got off the phone with Matt, our lawyer. Where u at?


I really hated lying to him, especially under the circumstances. Zander would freak out if he knew where I was at and who I was meeting with.


Me: Group study


Zander: K. Any media people bug you?


Me: No


Zander: Good. I’ll drop by ur place tonite.


Me: Ok


Zander: Later, bye


Me: K, bye


I pursed my lips. I felt so bad about lying to Zander. But I needed to talk Brennan to drop the charges.


The café door opened and Brennan strutted inside. He was sporting a purplish bruise on his right cheek and a band-aid was high on his forehead. Clad in his regular attire, dark brown khaki pants and red polo shirt, he looked worn out.


I waved my hand in the air; he walked straight onto my table.


“Hi,” I said.


“To what or rather to whom, do I owe this pleasure?” I couldn’t see his eyes because he kept his sunglasses on. His mouth was definitely turned into a smirk.


Underneath the table, I was wringing my hands. I was fighting the urge to smack his arrogant face and plop his head into the coffee cup that I was drinking.


I stated, “I think you know why I’m here.”


He shrugged his shoulders, “For your boy toy? No, Sedona. I am not dropping the charges. He attacked me like an animal!” His jaw clenched.


“We were friends, Brennan. At one point in time, we were friends. You know you started this,” I was trying to get through his stubborn, crazy, thick head, “You and Kieran were close. What I’m trying to say is, ‘please don’t do this.’ Don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to Zander. You’re hurting me.”


His lips remained in a tight line.


“I liked you. When we dated, I honestly liked you. But you broke my trust.” The words in my mouth were not coming out fast enough to describe the turmoil I was feeling. “It’s been over between us for a while now. I don’t know why you’re still thinking that I’m coming back to you. I’m not. I’ve forgiven you for what you did. It’s just that we’re not ever getting back together, Brennan.”


He removed his sunglasses, his brown eyes were dark, almost black, as he spoke in tight, clipped tones, “It’s because of Zander, isn’t it? If he wasn’t around, maybe, you could have given me another chance.”


I shook my head, “No, Brennan. It’s not because of Zander. Even if Zander wasn’t in the picture, I still wouldn’t be getting back with you.”


Exasperation showed on his face, his brows furrowed and he winced when he accidentally touched his bruised cheek.


“Why Sedona? Why couldn’t you give me another chance?”


His hand was on the table. I reached out and held it. He didn’t flinch away. We were, after all, friends once. He was my first boyfriend. Together, we had some good memories.


“It’s because you broke my trust. I can’t go back to that place where we once were. I was hoping we could be friends. But you kept pushing and started acting crazy and now this. I don’t feel safe with you. I feel like you’re going to explode on me and I don’t know why. It’s scary, Brennan,” I said sadly, my voice breaking.


For a long time, he stared at me, memorizing the lines of my face. His eyes were expressionless. His voice was filled with raw emotion when he found his words, “I’m sorry, Sed. I am. I’m sorry for making you scared. I…I don’t,” he was struggling to speak, “I’ve never been like this. With you, I saw a future. I messed it all up with that one-time fling. It’s been really hard for me to accept that fact. And Kieran, he hasn’t spoken to me. We used to hang, you know. We were cool. I saw him one or two times at events and it was like he never even saw me.”


This was the Brennan I knew, the person I’ve known since high school. He might be arrogant but he cared for other people’s feelings. I held on to his hand and he placed both of his hands on mine.


“I can’t speak for Kieran. He has his own mind and does what he wants. Maybe, if you gave him time, he’ll come around. You guys were friends before so maybe he’ll come around,” I said. After all the events that have transpired, I highly doubted that Kieran will ever come around.


His eyes dawned with understanding as I continued speaking, “Maybe we can friends again. Just not right now. I wish you all the best, Brennan. But please, you have to stop this.”


He looked at me and asked, “Did you ever notice why Kieran didn’t hang around when we were together?”


I nodded.


Brennan sighed, “He knew. I think he knew that I would hurt you or do something to fuck it up but I also think he wanted you to be happy.”


“But,” my voice barely a whisper, “Kieran can’t predict that you would cheat on me.”


He raised his eyebrow, “Couldn’t he? He knew I was a player in high school. I had to practically beg him for your number. He asked me to stay away. And when I didn’t, when I couldn’t, he just said that he would leave it up to you. The minute we started becoming more, he stayed away. Sedona, I chose you over my friendship with Kieran.”


His admission stunned me.


“You chose me?” I stammered a little.


His gaze was sad when he continued, “Yes and if given the choice, I would do the same thing all over again, minus the cheating part.”


“Brennan,” I said, aware that my voice was shaking, “When we were together, I gave it my best shot. I think I knew why Kieran stayed away. He wanted to give you and me the chance to build a relationship. I didn’t expect that you would do what you did. But I can’t come back from it. I don’t want to come back from it. You just seem so different now. You’re full of anger and bitterness.  You have to let us go. You have to let me go.”


He gave a soft nod and said, “I just can’t control myself. I feel enraged, mad when I see you with him. Zander has fucking everything. And now, he has you.”


“Maybe you need to get some professional help if you feel like this. You can’t go around getting mad at people when they break up with you. You’re a good person, Brennan. You have a great future ahead of you. If you feel like this is too much to handle, you need help to manage your anger.”


I thought he was going to say no.


“You’re right,” he swallowed, “I think you’re right.”


My phone buzzed on top of the table. It was Kieran calling. I let it go to voicemail.


“I have to go.” I stood up on the table.


He stood up and he looked forlorn. The weight of the world, crumbled down on his shoulders. I stepped towards him and gave him a hug.


I felt his arms around me and he whispered, “You’ve been so good to me. If only I could go back and tell myself not to do what I did.”


“Everything happens for a reason,” I reached up to his ear and whispered back,  “Take care, Brennan.”


“You too, Sed. You too.”


“Bye.” I said and walked outside to my car.




I placed Kieran on my speakerphone and talked to him on the way back. 


He knew about the media storm happening around campus. I did not tell him about my meeting with Brennan. It was so hard to keep a secret but he would probably react the same way Zander would if he knew what I did.


He informed me that he just heard Brennan had dropped the charges. He saw it a few minutes ago at a local news channel. 


Whew! I sighed in relief. Brennan came into his senses.


Zander’s Porsche was parked in front of my apartment when I arrived.


I was overcome with the good news; I almost hopped the stairs two at a time to my apartment.


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