Love You Moore (19 page)

Read Love You Moore Online

Authors: Melissa Carter

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #young adult

I absolutely can.” Holly squealed.
“This is going to be awesome. Abby what do you think?”

I love the idea, although I can be a
tyrant, do you think you are up for attending to my every beck and
call” she teased.

I think I can handle you Missy” Holly
teased back “I have to go call my parents.”

Abby turned to Jimmy, “Thank you.”

No need to thank me, this is so I can
be comfortable that you are ok. Especially since the boys and I are
going out of town to Vegas for my Bachelor party, I know that you
will be taken care of.”

Right but while you are away having
your fun I will be here with the girls having mine.” Abby

Are you sure you don’t want to have it
in Vegas with us guys?” Jimmy asked knowing Abby had chosen to stay
at the hotel, invite her girlfriends and have a girl’s night

I am not a Vegas girl, since we are
too young to get into the bar, we are going to have room service
bring all the comfort foods to us, burgers, pizza, fries and ice
cream. We are going to hang out in our jammies and watch movies.”
Abby informed him.

Well you party animal, try not to make
a ruckus and get us all thrown out of here.”

I cannot make any promises.” Abby

It’s all set, my parents are aware I
will be staying here. I just have to go home to pack a few
essentials and I’ll be back.” Holly kissed Abby on the cheek and
grabbed her purse. She stopped to speak to Jimmy. “Thank you, this
really means a lot.”

Thank you, you are the only one that I
know, that will put her first.” Jimmy gave Holly a hug. She gave
him a thumbs up and left the room.

Holly returned and settled into Abby’s room
with her. With a king size bed they would be fine, especially since
they were used to sharing her queen size bed no problem. Jimmy was
preparing to head to Vegas for his bachelor party with his friends.
Most of them would meet him there. It was being held at the Palms.
It was off the strip which is what Jimmy liked. He didn’t like to
be in the middle of it all but the Palms provided an atmosphere
like they were. He always booked the Playboy Suite. No matter why
they were in town that’s where they stayed. Abby was fine with
that, this is how he was before he met her, she knew he didn’t
chase the girls whether they be dancers or bunnies. She could trust
him. She was getting ready for her own party, all her girlfriends
from school were coming. There would be about seven of them
altogether. Abby had invited Karma to join them but made it
perfectly clear she wasn’t going to hang out with a bunch of
schoolgirls. Jimmy had the hotel makeover the living space. They
brought in a large screen TV and DVD player. The couches and chairs
were taken out to make room for two queen size beds, Abby’s bed was
also brought out from her room. Some tables were brought in to hold
the food and non alcoholic beverages. Abby and Holly had raided the
video store and rented about 10 movies. Knowing they wouldn’t be
able to watch them all but now they had choices. As Jimmy was
getting ready to head out with Steve to the airport early Saturday
morning, he kissed her and told her to have a great time, he would
see her Sunday night. She encouraged him to have a good time, but
not a really good time, kissed him back and waited with Holly for
the other girls to arrive. Around noon time the first of the girls
showed up, Krissy and Dee were very excited to be there. Abby had
known Dee for as long as she knew Krissy, they were close but fell
out of touch a bit since they started senior year. She had started
seeing Billy and was afraid Abby would be upset.

Dee, please, I am glad you are dating
Billy, just be careful and don’t let him talk you into anything you
are not ready for.” Abby warned, but by the look on Dee’s face Abby
could tell Billy already had.

Jennie, Sarah and Nicole all arrived shortly
after. After the squeal and hugs, Abby gave them a short tour and
called room service to bring up the food. A few moments later there
was a knock at the door.

That was quick.” Abby noticed,
assuming it was room service.

When she opened the door, there was an array
of people dressed in white t-shirts and slacks.

Can I help you?” Abby asked

Jimmy Riley ordered spa services for
seven.” A tall blonde man answered.

Oh my gosh, ok please come in.” Abby

Three similar looking men carrying massage
tables come in, followed by two small Asian ladies with all the
other spa items you could think of. The girls were going to be
treated to massages, manicures, pedicures and facials.

Isn’t he amazing?” Abby asked to no
one specific

Yes he is” all the other girls said in

They all laughed and decided who was going to
get what first. Abby was sitting in a chair letting her pedicure
dry, when there was another knock at the door.

This must be the food.” She assumed

Abby opened the door to find two men holding
eight very pretty boxes.

Pajama gram for Abby Moore and party.”
One of the deliverymen said.

Abby opened the door to let the men walk in.
They set the boxes on one of the queen beds.

Oh my goodness.” Abby said tearing up.
“He is the best isn’t he?”

Yes!” They all replied again in

Abby looked at the boxes and they all
had their names on them. She handed them out to each of the girls.
They were all matching light pink cotton pajamas. They had a short
sleeve top with front buttons and Capri bottoms. They also each had
their names stitched in a darker pink thread over the left breast
pocket. Along with the pajamas there were ballet style pink
slippers. There was an 8
with Abby’s name on it. She read the card on top before opening


Have fun, make lots of memories. I
love you, Jimmy”


Abby opened the box. Inside were seven
pink disposable cameras and a scrapbooking album with a pink cloth
cover. There was embroidery the color of chocolate brown on the
cover that read,
Abby’s Bachelorette
Abby smiled and hugged the album to her chest.
Holly approached her.

He really is a great guy Abby, you are
very lucky. I hope the tow of you will be forever

Abby hugged her. “You will find your prince
someday Holly, I know you will and he will make you as happy as
Jimmy makes me.”

Holly nodded and they looked back at the
girls all in pink. Abby took the first picture of all the girls and
handed out the others. There was flashing and clicking. Everything
was documented. The Spa Team was photographed, Dee getting her
nails done, Abby getting a massage and one taken of Krissy
exchanging numbers with one of the masseurs. Finally the food did
arrive and the girls settled in to watch movies. They had all had
treatments and were primped and relaxed. After a four to three vote
to watch Twilight, Abby laid on her stomach on her bed with a plate
of food that Holly made sure she had and ate. Abby looked around
the room at her friends and knew, even though this was one of the
best nights she could remember having with them, this was probably
the last time they would all be together like this. Abby rested her
head on her hands and turned to watch the movie.

In the morning, after they had a huge
breakfast delivered by room service, Abby hugged five of her
friend’s goodbye. She promised to see them all at the wedding that
was less than two months away. Housekeeping came in to put the
rooms back together. Abby and Holly took the day to just veg and do
nothing, except watch some of the movies they hadn’t gotten too
last night. By the time Jimmy had gotten back it was about midnight
Sunday night. He came into Abby’s room and woke her with soft
kisses on her face and neck.

Did you have a good time?” he

It was the best girl’s night ever,
thank you so much for the gifts. You never cease to amaze me. Did
you have fun in Vegas?”

Abby noticed a peculiar look on his face and
propped herself up on her elbow.

Everything ok?” she asked.

Yes everything is fine, I am so glad
to be back here with you. Vegas was…Vegas. Same ole same

You sure?” Abby pried, examining his
facial expressions.

Yes I am sure I am just very tired.
Can I lay in here with you awhile?” Jimmy took off his shoes and
got in bed next to her fully dressed. He held on to her tightly,
Abby thought too tightly. What had happened in Vegas? Should she be
concerned or was he just tired from the party and traveling? She
was about to ask him again if everything was ok when she heard him
snoring softly. She resolved herself that he was just tired and she
had nothing to worry about. But she also had the nagging feeling
that she was just trying to convince herself that everything was
ok. Abby closed her eyes and tried unsuccessfully to go back to

The following morning, Abby and Jimmy had
made plans to go and register for the wedding. They had agreed to
drive to the mall in Portland. Abby figured if they took the limo
versus taking the plane, it would give them more alone time
together. Before they got ready to go, Abby was sitting on the
couch flipping through a bridal magazine not really looking at the
pages. Holly sat next to her.

Why so glum Chicky, you get to go and
do the ultimate shopping. Pick out what you want and have someone
else buy it for you…I call that a win win?” She laughed and started
picking at a muffin from the breakfast tray.

I know.” Abby started. “I just feel
weird about it.

About this time Jimmy came out of his bedroom
and listened to the conversation.

Why do you feel weird?” Holly

Because it’s not my house I am picking
things out for. It’s Jimmy’s. I feel like I am intruding on his
space, taking over.

Abby he wants you there, he’s invited
you into that space and you aren’t intruding”

But still, he already has memories
there, I am not naïve enough to realize he has had other women
there. In his bed. I guess I just feel like, if I go in and change
everything he has, then someday he will resent me for it. I know
I’m being ridiculous, it’s stupid. It’s fine. Jimmy will be there
and he knows what he already has. It’s fine.” Abby was

Jimmy went back into his bedroom unnoticed by
the girls that he was there. After about 10 minutes, he announced
when he was coming back out.

Are we ready to shop till we

Abby shot Holly a “don’t say anything” look
and announced she was ready to go. Holly had made plans to get with
the florist and go over the guest list of the ones that had already
sent in their RSVP. The rest of the day turned out as Abby had
hoped. A long car ride to the mall, shopping at Macy’s, picking out
things she never could imagine buying for herself and feeling
guilty she was expecting others to buy it for her.

Jimmy really, some of these things are
very expensive, I can’t expect people to fork out the money for
these things. My friends could never afford most of this stuff. One
dinner place setting that cost $750.00? Really?”

Abby, I have friends and associates
that could buy this whole registry 10 times over. Don’t worry about
it. If you want, pick out some items that you feel your friends and
family would want to buy for you. Besides, what doesn’t get
purchased as gifts I am coming back and buying the rest for you
anyways.” He informed her.

She pointed the registry gun at him. “I want
to put you on my wish list.” She teased.

Sorry Babe, not for sale, already
bought and paid for.” He teased back and took her in his arms.
“Anything you want I am going to get it for you,

They finished up their list and went to
dinner. It was after eight o’clock.

Hard to believe we shopped for 10
hours.” Abby was interrupted by Jimmy’s cell phone going off again.
Abby had noticed that he was getting a lot of texts and calls.
“Everything ok” she asked.

Fine, just something I need to take
care of as soon as we get back to the hotel.” He told

They went to get a quick dinner at the Olive
Garden before heading back home. Jimmy had excused himself and went
to the restroom. Abby noticed he had left his phone on the table
when it began to ring. Abby contemplated letting it ring but she
didn’t want to disturb the other diners so she answered the


Hello, is Jimmy there?” an unfamiliar
female voice asked.

No I am sorry he is unavailable, can I
take a message?” Abby asked trying to sound professional incase it
was a business associate.

Yes, “ the voice purred, “could you
tell him it was great being with him again the other night and I
can wait to see him again? He’ll know who this is. Thanks doll.”
The line went dead. When Jimmy came back to the table, Abby was
holding the phone, her mouth partially open and her eyes were
filled with tears. Jimmy’s heart sank. Something he was trying to
hold off telling her for as long as possible finally came back to
haunt him. He needed to have the dreaded conversation about his
past. Jimmy had the waiter box up their uneaten dinners to go and
paid the check.

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