Love You Moore (21 page)

Read Love You Moore Online

Authors: Melissa Carter

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #young adult

Abby stood up straight and hid her shoe
behind her back.

Hi Honey, what are you doing here?”
Abby asked lightly like what was going on was no big

Brittany grabbed her clothes and walked
towards the open door, Brian was there looking like he under
estimated the danger in the room.

Keep your psychotic girlfriend away
from me. Oh and Jimmy, lose my number.” Brittany pushed by Jimmy
and Steve and left the room, chastising Brian all the way to the

Jimmy turned back to look at Abby, mouth
still open not believing what he just saw. Abby put her shoe back
on and gave Steve an accusing look.

I’m sorry Miss Abby, when Jimmy called
me I couldn’t lie, I had to tell him we were on our way to Vegas.”
Steve admitted looking very sorry.

It’s ok Steve, it isn’t your fault.”
Abby forgave, she then whipped her eyes towards Jimmy. “Why did you
call him? I thought you were going to be so busy today, locked
behind closed doors writing all day.”

I was planning on doing that very
thing, however, when the Palms called me to confirm the reservation
I was a bit curious on how I could have forgotten that I was
supposed to be in Las Vegas. I told them I would call the back and
then I called Karma, she wasn’t aware of a Vegas commitment, Dave
wasn’t aware of a Vegas commitment. So I called Steve asking if he
had any idea what was going on. That’s when he informed me you were
on your way to Vegas. Holly was also very surprised you were on
your way here without a word to anyone. So I figured you were up to

I called the hotel back and asked the
particulars with the reservation. I was told a female had made the
booking under my name and requested that female entertainment be
sent to the room. I told them to let the reservation stand and to
give the Young Lady anything she needs. I then called to charter a
jet and flew straight out. Could you believe my surprise when I
opened the door and saw my fiancé looking like she was going to
permanently implant a shoe into my ex-wife?” Jimmy was looking at
her, but she could tell he wasn’t as mad as he was amused. Steve
had quietly excused himself from the room, avoiding any further

I wasn’t going to permanently implant
it, just insert it…hard.” Abby replied innocently trying to look as
innocent as she sounded.

And what is up with the new look? Has
Vegas influenced you so quickly?” he joked.

This was for effect, it’s nothing long
term.” Abby assured.

Oh I am not complaining it’s a very,
intriguing look. You look like you are ready for an exciting
night.” He told her with one eye brow raised.

Did you want to go out? Let me grab my
purse and we can…”

He stopped her and took her in his arms.
“Going out was not what I had in mind.”

Abby giggled as he carried her to the

Abby filled Holly in on her adventure and why
she went, when she arrived back at the Samoset with Jimmy the
following morning.

Are you kidding me, why didn’t you
tell me? I totally would have gone with you and kicked her butt.”
Holly stated.

Abby laughed “I’m sure you would have and I
appreciate that, but it was something I had to do on my own. I
think if I had brought reinforcements she wouldn’t have taken me
seriously. I needed to stand up to her alone. It appeared to work.
We’ll see. If it didn’t, you and I are on to head back out there
and show her who she’s messing with.” Abby teased Holly.

That’s right” Holly

They both laughed and Holly asked Abby to
tell her all the details again starting at the beginning and not
leaving out the good parts. Little did Abby know the next ex she
would have to deal with would be her own.

The next few weeks were crazy, getting all
the details to fall in line before the wedding. On a rather quiet
day, not too many things needed Abby’s immediate attention so she
was just hanging out in the room. Everyone but Zane was out doing
errands. Abby felt bad for Zane that he was just there to make sure
nothing bad happened to her. Abby thought it was more Jimmy’s way
to make sure she didn’t get herself into any trouble when he wasn’t

Zane, why don’t you go down to the
pool? Really I am not going anywhere, what can happen if I just
stay in the room?” Abby suggested.

I don’t know Miss Abby, Jimmy was very
specific that I be around at all times.” Zane told her.

You will be around, just down a few
floors. Keep your phone on and I’ll call if there is an emergency.
Please go, you must be so bored just sitting around

Call me…if you need anything, I’m
serious.” Zane held up his phone.

Abby gave him a soldier’s salute and smiled.
Zane went to his room to change. Abby plopped down on the couch and
turned on the TV. There was a knock at the door.

Seriously Zane, go swimming, I’m fine,
Oh…hi Billy” Abby surprised by the unexpected visitor.

Hi Abbs, wow you look nice, can I come
in?” Billy was half way through the door before she could

Sure come on in.” She said

So, you all alone here?” Billy asked
while looking around the room.

Sort of, Zane is in the other room”
She lied.

That big guy headed towards the pool,
that Zane?” Billy grinned.

Abby rolled her eyes “Yes that Zane, who can
be back here in minutes if I needed him. Why are you here

I know that your big day is coming up
and I wanted to come by to see you before you head off to La La

Well, you’ve seen me now you can go.”
Abby headed back to the door.

Not so fast, why the rush, I thought
we’d catch up a bit.” Billy took off his letterman’s jacket and sat
on the couch.”

Abby sat in one of the chairs facing Billy.
“What do you want to talk about? I spoke to Dee at my bachelorette
party, seems you haven’t changed at all in the ways of love, still
pressuring girls to give you what you want and making them feel
like they have to give it to you.”

Awww come on…that’s not fair, you know
we had some good times without any pressure involved. Dee’s ok,” he
continued “she certainly is no you, but you are one in a million.”
Billy said sliding closer to Abby’s chair.

Too bad you didn’t realize that when
we were together, things could have been very different Billy.”
Abby said somberly.

That’s why I’m here, to make it up to
you.” He started rubbing her leg.

There is nothing to make up for,
you’ve said your hellos so now I want you to leave.” Abby was
getting very uncomfortable, why did she have to send Zane way,
stupid girl, she thought to herself.

Abby stood up to open the door for Billy to
leave. He grabbed her and pulled her down onto the couch.

Come on Baby, come sit next to me and
we can get reacquainted.” Billy was as strong as she

No Billy, let go of me and get out.”
Abby yelled.

Not till I make you remember what I
can do for you, for old time’s sake.” He crushed his mouth to hers
before she could scream.

At once he was on top of her. One hand
holding both of hers above her head while the other tried to get
her pants off. Abby was thankful she chose to wear the jeans today
instead of the skirt she almost chose. This may give her a few
extra minutes.

GET OFF OF ME!” Abby tried to scream
but his face was over hers again. If she turned her head to the
left it was smothered into the back of the couch. If she turned it
right, he would crush his face into hers to muffle the

Abby was struggling with every fiber in her
body. She could feel her hands knocking something around on the end
table, a flower vase. If she could just get one of her hands free
she could grab it and smash it over his head that would teach him.
He was strong, he held fast and tight to Abby’s wrists. As he was
fishing around trying to get out of his pants and in to hers she
brought up her knee as hard as she could, contact. Billy screamed
like a little girl and grabbed his crotch and rolled to the floor.
Abby at once grabbed the vase and broke it over his head, making
him scream again. Out of nowhere Zane picked up Billy and dragged
him to the door.

Do not ever come near me again Billy
Towers. If you do I will have you arrested, do you hear

Answer the Lady.” Zane

Billy squeaked out a “yes” and Zane threw him
out into the hallway. Zane turned to Abby, his general tan
completion was visibly paler. He was about to say something when
Abby held up her hand.

We are not going to mention this to
Jimmy or to anyone. It’s been handled, I think Billy got the
message and will not come around again.” Zane tried to speak again
and again Abby stopped him.

This is no one’s fault, let’s just
pretend this never happened.” Abby bent down to put up the broken

Let me,” Zane insisted and looked at
Abby with regret in his eyes. Abby touched his arm.

Zane, really this is no one’s fault.
Billy’s an ass. He probably scoped out the place until he knew I
was alone. Why did you come back anyway?” Abby now looking at him

I forgot my ear plugs and I heard
struggling so I came in just as you kneed him in the Johnson. Good
form by the way.” Zane smiled but Abby could tell he was still
upset he wasn’t there.

This is all cleaned up and no one need
be the wiser, deal?” Abby held out her hand to shake to seal the
deal, Zane hesitated then took her hand.

Deal.” he agreed

Zane decided not to go back down to the pool,
instead he changed back into his t-shirt and jeans and sat down to
watch some TV with Abby.

I swear that will not happen again
Miss Abby.”

I know Zane, I know” Abby gave him a
reassuring look and they both spent the rest of the day watching
reality TV.

Word got around that Billy had to get
stitches in his head. His story was he was in a fight with a couple
of kids from a rival school and one of them broke a bottle over his
head, “cheap shot.” he would throw in for good measure. Holly had
put two and two together when she heard the story the day after she
saw the glass from the broken vase in the trash can.

Ok spill it, what really happened,
that lame story Billy is spouting it totally ridiculous.” Holly
confronted her when no one was around.

Abby told her what had happened and that no
one else needed to know, it was over and done with. There were only
a few days until the wedding and she didn’t want Jimmy to get upset
and make a bigger deal out of it than it was. Zane was there and
over heard Abby’s modest version of the events that unfolded, he
quickly chimed in to let Holly know that “Abby must have a knee of
steel as hard as that boy hit the floor.” Abby thanked Zane for his
input and made them both swear again they were not going to say
anything to Jimmy. She wanted everything to go smoothly from here
on out until the wedding. Abby crossed her fingers and said a
little prayer just for good measure.



* * * * *


Chapter 18


All the plans had been made. People were
bustling all round getting the last little details in place. Abby
was alone in her room staring at herself in the mirror. It had been
a little over a week since the Billy incident and the bruises on
her wrists that she had kept hidden had finally gone away.

The bridesmaids and her mom were waiting in
the living room. Abby needed a moment of calm before the chaos.
White dress, veil and flower bouquet check, something new, check,
Jimmy had given her a pre wedding day gift of a tanzanite and
diamond necklace with matching earrings, she also counted that as
her something blue. Her dress was a ball gown style with crystal
adorned spaghetti straps. Tulle and lace flowed into a cathedral
length train. The crystals sparkled from the bodice to the hem.
There was a knock at the door, Abby took a deep breath,

Come in” Her father entered the

Every memory he had of his daughter came
flooding back to him, the day she was born, her first steps, the
first time she spoke the words “Daddy," the first day of school,
her high school graduation and today, her wedding day. He took a
handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his eyes.

You are the most beautiful bride I
have ever seen.” He kissed his daughter on the cheek.

I bet you say that to all the brides”
Abby teased.

I have only said it one other time and
until today it was true. You look so much like your mother Abby, so
beautiful. You are such a wonderful person, I am honored to have
been your father and help you to become the woman you are today.”
He wiped away more tears.

Dad, I love you.” Abby reached to give
her father a hug. “I’m going to miss you.” Abby’s tears were mixed.
Happy ones and regretful ones. Her father handed her his

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