Love's Abyss (St. John Series) (6 page)

Up top, the ship was bustling with activity. The sailors were carrying out their duties efficiently. Blue coats
hustled from one section to another, following the orders being shouted out by the lieutenant. She could see Andrew standing up by the quarterdeck. He was leaning over a table looking at a paper of some sort. As she climbed the steps to his location, she observed him. He was intently studying the paper. He raised one of his large hands to his face and slowly rubbed his cheek.

“Sir,” the sailor said, “Lady Madison is present.”

Andrew rose up and turned towards them. He looked at the sailor and nodded his head, “That will be all. You’re dismissed,” the Commodore told the sailor.

Madison smiled sweetly at Andrew. “Commodore, you requested my presence.”

One side of his mouth rose up in a crooked smile. “Ah, yes, my dear. I thought you might like to see
The Armada
from topside. You may observe the activities from the safety of being by my side.” He gazed upon her as she gave him an innocent look. “But don’t stray. I don’t know what I would do if you became injured under my care,” he said in a tone trying to convey concern.

“Yes, Commodore,” she said as she batted her eyes at him. She turned her head into the breeze. It caught a loose strand of hair and whipped it around her face. She took her hand and placed the stray lock behind her ear. The wind pressed the wispy sheer fabric of her dress against her body, outlining every curve.

McClain’s eyes slowly traveled up and down her body. He swallowed slowly and twisted his neck slightly. A purse lipped smile emerged on his face as he thought about how soon he could have his way with the delicious figure.

His attention was drawn away from the beauty before him by a shout of “Commodore!” coming from the crow’s nest.

“What is it?” he said agitated, as his gaze moved from Madison to the man shouting from atop the mast.

The figure was pointing off the port bow. “A ship approaches with a red flag!”

As Madison looked at Andrew, a serious look of concern crossed his face. “My spy glass,” he ordered as he outstretched his hand. The lieutenant placed the long brass cylinder in the Commodore’s hand.

The Commodore walked quickly to the railing on the port side, extended the brass cylinder, and placed it to his eye. “Please don’t be him,” he muttered to himself. As he looked through the telescope, his eyes gazed upon the approaching vessel. It was dark, almost black in color. All of the large gray sails were lowered on the large three-mast vessel. His eye slowly moved towards the top of the main mast. He watched the red flag flap and whip in the wind, waiting to catch a glimpse of the symbol. He stood in this pose for several minutes.

Madison cautiously approached. “Is everything all right?” she questioned with a slight twinge of fear in her voice. “Andrew?”

And then he spotted it, the white ominous figure of the Kraken on a field of red. “Bloody Hell!” He murmured. “Sound general quarters!” he shouted. A bell began to toll rapidly and the crew began to hustle about preparing for battle.

Madison followed quickly. “Andrew?!”

He turned quickly and grabbed a sailor who was running past. “Take her to my quarters. Quickly!”

“Andrew? What’s wrong?” questioned Madison with fear in her voice.

“Pirates,” he stated. He looked back at the sailor, “Go! Now! Take her!”

“Come, Miss,” the sailor ordered as he took Madison by her arm.

The sailor opened the door quickly to the Commodore’s quarters. “Stay here. You’ll be safe,” he told her and quickly closed the door.

“What’s going on, Madison?” questioned the still green Ruby.

Madison glanced Ruby’s way, her face ashen with fear in her eyes, “Pirates,” she whispered.

“I knew we shouldn’t have come. I knew it!” avowed Miss Ruby.

Chapter Seven


Max looked at this friend. “Alex, we have been patrolling these waters for almost a week now. I don’t think we’re going to see him.”

Alex glared back. “No, we’ll find him. Today,” he stated matter-of-factly. He just had a feeling that today would be the day. The wind was too perfect.
was traveling with good speed, faster than usual, even with half of her sails still tethered up to the mast. His eyes turned back to the sea.

“Ship off the starboard side, Capt’n,” shouted a voice from up high.

Alex walked towards the railing of the starboard side. He grabbed his spyglass that was fastened to his belt. As he peered through the lens, a slow cat-like smile crossed his face. “It’s him.”

Max snatched the lens and looked for himself. “How do you know? I can’t even make out her colours.”

“It’s her,” he said as he grabbed the telescope out of Max’s hand and hung it back on his belt. He turned around to the crew. “Drop all sails and release the colours!”

“Aye, aye,” the crew answered. They hustled about on
The Abyss
. Several crew members quickly climbed the masts and untied the remaining gray sails. The wind was quickly caught by the massive sails, and
The Abyss
jerked as her speed doubled.

Alex peered skyward. The colours had been released. The crimson red flag whipped back and forth in the wind, occasionally giving observers the view of white Kraken.

Alex relocated to the helm and turned
The Abyss
towards the unsuspecting vessel.
The Abyss
quickly closed the distance between her and the awaiting vessel. Alex opened his spyglass again. He surveyed the other ship. It was
The Armada
all right. He could see the numerous gun ports on the side, the blue and red coats of her crew, and the flag flying high on the mast. “Finally, revenge,” he sneered as a fateful smile crossed his lips.


* * * *


In the Commodore’s office, Madison could hear the clacking of chains opening the gun ports. Footsteps echoed above her head. She gazed at Miss Ruby, who was sitting stiff as a board in the leather chair. Miss Ruby glared at Madison. Madison quickly raced to the large window in the back of the office and peered out. She could make out the telltale image of the upcoming ship. It was closing fast. Its large gray sails were stretched tightly under the strength of the wind. Watching the bow of the ship, it rose out of the water and came crashing down as it cut through the waves. A flash of light came from one of the many cannons protruding out of the front of the ship. The cannon ball came towards them. It hit the port side of the ship with a thunderous clamor. She quickly ducked and looked towards Ruby, who had fainted by that time. Her gaze quickly turned back to the ship racing towards them.

“Fire!!!” she heard a voice shout from
The Armada
. There was a deafening roar of several of her cannons firing at the vessel driving towards them. She watched as the shots fell short, splashing the water just feet away from the pirate ship. She witnessed a flash of light again coming from the pirate ship. She raced quickly over to Miss Ruby and crouched down beside her body.

A volley of explosions from both ships filled the air. Shouting from above and below deck could be faintly heard. Her heart was pounding with fear. She had never been so afraid in her life! Cannon fire raged on for what seemed like an eternity to Madison. She was beginning to agree with Miss Ruby for a change, why did they ever come on this vessel?

Before the thought left her head, she could hear the sounds of swords, metal hitting metal. Screams from above, from both Andrew’s men and the pirates, echoed throughout the room as gunshots rang out. The smell of sulfur was overpowering. She glanced towards the large window and could only see smoke billowing. A bullet shattered the glass of the door that led into the office. She bit her lip trying to hold back cries of fear, not only for her safety, but for Andrew’s, too.

Just as quickly as the battle around her had begun, it was over. She could hear strange voices with strange accents. Madison crawled over to the door and peered through the broken glass. What she observed even surprised her. She saw the most handsome man she had ever laid her eyes on, not exactly what she imagined a pirate to look like. He was tall and lean. His long blond hair was blowing in the wind, wrapping around his unshaven face. His shirt had been crisp and white in color, but now was tattered with bloody slashes. The front was partly opened and she could see his muscular chest. His thigh fitting black trousers hugged his long legs. She followed one of his extended arms. He was holding a sword and pointing it at someone. From her vantage point, she couldn’t tell who. She tore her eyes from the handsome pirate and crawled to the other side of the door. She slowly raised her head and peaked out. “
!” she screamed silently. That pirate had his sword pointing at Andrew’s throat. She had to do something. She looked over at Miss Ruby who was still passed out. “Well, you’re no help,” she whispered sarcastically at the helpless figure on the floor.

Madison sat down on the floor. Knowing from past experiences that petticoats make horrifically loud noises whenever you try to sneak about, she quickly removed them along with her shoes.

Madison took a long slow breath and silently opened the door. She quietly slipped out and hid behind the stairs leading to the top deck. She glanced down and spied a sword.
Dropped from some poor slain soldier.
She picked it up and placed it in her hand, adjusting her grip to its weight. She had been a child the last time she held a sword. She took a deep breath and crept towards the man who was holding Andrew and his crew hostage.

“Where is it?” she heard the pirate question Andrew.

A malevolent smile crossed the Commodore’s face as he looked up at the pirate. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,
,” he answered in a smart aleck voice, condescension apparent in his tone.

“I was hoping you would say that,” the pirate replied as he took his large fist and hit McClain’s face. Madison cringed. The pirate placed the sword back up to Andrew’s throat, “I’m only going to ask this one more time. Where is the necklace?”

Before the Commodore could reply, Madison jumped out and pointed her sword at the pirate’s throat. “Drop your sword and let them go.” She ordered with bravado.

Alex glanced at the beautiful woman before him. A woman on this ship! How odd. His eyes slowly traveled up the blade, up her dainty arm, and then to her face. She was stunning. Her curly, long auburn hair had fallen down and was sitting at her waist. Her emerald eyes were glowing with rage, and her full pouty lips were slightly parted as she breathed heavily with fear. He scrutinized the woman before him. His amusement showed as he gazed at the beauty who barely came to his upper chest.

“As you wish, my lady. Max, guard McClain,” he bellowed as he turned towards the red-headed splendor before him.

“Release them!” she demanded again.

Within a blink of an eye, Alex took his sword and twisted it with the one she was holding. Her sword went flying into the air. He caught it in his free hand and quickly pointed one at her and the other at Andrew.


Max was watching the show with comic interest. A smile crossed his face and then a thunderous laugh came from the dark man before them.

“What’s so damn funny?” Alex demand.

Max laughed again. “Oh, I never dreamed I’d see the day when the Commodore would have his rescue attempted by a red-headed imp.” He pointed his pistol at McClain.

Alex glared at his first-in-command. His eyes returned to the woman who tried to threaten him. He slowly looked her up and down again. He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful her body was. The pale green dress she was wearing outlined every inch of her figure, leaving little to his imagination. The pale pink sash around her waist helped outline her hourglass figure, which she did not need a stay to achieve. Her full breasts rose up and down with each of her quick breaths. A shimmer of something between them caught his eye. He walked towards her.

She glared up at the towering man before her as he took his large hand and tenderly traced her cheek. She jerked her head away. “Get your hands off me!” she spat through clenched teeth.

One side of his mouth came up in a sneer. His hand went back to her face. He slowly traced her jaw and allowed his long fingers to travel down her delicate neck. His index figure traced the gold chain around it and followed the chain to the object nestled between her breasts. She gasped as she felt his fingertips along her breasts.

Her hand was quick as lightning as it struck his face. His head turned slightly from the force of her blow. He turned his head back to face her and an evil sneer crossed his handsome face. He quickly grabbed both of her hands and held them above her head. “If you hit me again,” he seethed coldly, “I’ll see how well you can swim in a dress.”

“Go to hell!” she shouted at him.

“When I’m through with you, love.” he told her with a demented gaze. His free hand went back to the trinket that was resting safely on her warm flesh. Her struggles were useless against his strong grip. He picked up the trinket, looked at it, and with one quick move ripped it from her neck. He pushed her towards another pirate. “Hold her, Slim,” he told the man.

His eyes took in the delicate opal-backed cross. He slowly twisted the dainty chain around his fingers and turned towards McClain who had been observing the entire encounter. “You disgust me,” declared Alex.

Suddenly, there was a crash and a thin gray-haired woman came rushing out of a door. The woman stopped in her tracks and her mouth dropped open. She approached the man who was holding the auburn-haired lady. “I demand you release Lady Madison immediately,” she commanded in an authoritative voice.

Slim looked down at the stick of a woman before him. A devious smile crossed his face. “How ‘bout I take you instead. Ya look like ya could use some fun.”

“How dare you state such—”

“SILENCE!” Alex yelled. He crossed the ship to the old woman. “I suggest you shut up before I let him have his fun with you.” Alex dictated as he gestured his head towards Slim. If that one spoke one more word with her horrid voice he would shoot her.

“Do you know who you have attacked? That’s Commodore McClain and this ruffian has his . . . his . . .” She stopped before she revealed Madison’s identity as the Commodore’s fiancée, afraid that it might be used against them.

“Who? His mistress?” Alex questioned. Miss Ruby lowered her gaze. Alex looked towards the Commodore.
Oh, this is rich.
He stole Maggie’s necklace and gave it to his mistress

Madison wasn’t paying attention to the conversation at hand. She had an idea. Before she could rationalize her thoughts, she reacted. She quickly shoved the tall skinny man holding her, knocking him off balance. As he fell, she grabbed his pistol, pivoted quickly, and pointed the weapon at the blond-haired pirate.

“Stop!” she shouted.

Alex and Max looked at her in disbelief.

“Is she serious?” Max questioned.

Alex just looked at his friend. He turned and fixed his gaze back on the brazen redhead. “Go ahead, shoot me. But rest assured, Angel, before that bullet leaves the end of the pistol, my good friend here will have slit your lover’s throat. Then, because you have only one shot, my crew will have their way with you. So you see, love, it’s a lose-lose situation . . . for you.”

Madison glared at this pirate. Before she could respond to his reasoning, the pistol was ripped from her hands by the skinny black man she had taken it from.

“Max?” Alex asked.

“Yes, Capt’n?”

“Is the cargo loaded?”

“Aye, the gold and artillery are secure aboard
The Abyss

Alex glanced at the scene before him, Slim holding the Commodore’s mistress and the Commodore with his bloody, bruised face and swollen eyes. An idea crossed his mind. He had thought about killing McClain, but even he wasn’t so heartless as to kill a man in front of his naive mistress. No, I’ll torture the Commodore, he thought evilly. “Max, take the prisoner to


“The Commodore’s lovely red-headed lady friend.”

“I don’t think that would be a wise decision,
,” Max replied forcefully, in an attempt to remind his friend of the irrationality of his decision.

A look of cold fear came over Andrew’s face. “You wouldn’t?”


Max took a quick frustrated breath. “Aye, aye,” he gritted. Max walked to Slim and tied the wrists of the feisty woman. Dragging her to the edge of the ship, she fought him the entire way. He wrapped his strong, muscular arm around her tiny waist and grabbed the rope. “If you don’t want to join the Commodore’s crew below, I suggest you wrap those wee little arms of yours around my neck.”

Madison gazed down between the ships. She could see the bodies floating in the water. She watched as shark fins bobbed up and down, feasting on the bodies of the fallen soldiers. She placed her arms quickly around the dark pirate’s neck and closed her eyes. She felt her feet leave the security of
The Armada
then quickly touch down on the pirate ship.

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