Read Love's Deception Online

Authors: Adrianne Byrd

Love's Deception (10 page)

Chapter 18

arissa worked late despite her promise to Nathan to stop by the hospital. Sure, she was concerned about his father’s health, but masquerading as the man’s fiancée with the staff, then convincing his son that she was a concerned
was taking things too far.

What if Travis woke up and exposed her—then what? Leaning back against the chair, she wondered if she was dealing with a full deck. She shook her head. Who was she kidding? She wanted to see
—plain and simple. The man monopolized her thoughts. In the week that she’d avoided him, she missed being with him and talking with him.

Yes, it was the wrong time and he was definitely the wrong man, but she’d be damned if she could
help the way she felt.
This is crazy
. She grabbed her handbag.
I’ll just go for thirty minutes and that’s it
, she decided.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” she said to Liz, who was also getting ready to leave. A sniffle caught Carissa’s attention. She stopped and turned back toward her secretary. “Liz, is there something wrong?”

Liz kept her head down and dabbed her eyes with a Kleenex. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Carissa frowned at the obvious lie. But when she thought about it, there was no reason Liz should confide in her. When was the last time she had inquired how her loyal secretary was doing?

“You don’t look fine,” Carissa said, moving toward her desk. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

Liz choked back a sob and shook her head.

Carissa’s shoulders sagged. What did she expect?

Liz stopped and dropped her belongings.

Carissa rushed around the desk and took the sobbing secretary into her arms. They clung to each other for a long time until Liz’s heart-wrenching sobs subsided.

“I’m so sorry, Ms. Cartel. I—I just received some bad news and I—Actually, I thought that I was more prepared for this.”

Carissa allowed her to pull away, but she stared, stupefied by her distraught secretary. She’d never seen Liz, the overly cheerful employee, in this condition. “Please tell me there is something I can do.”

“N-no.” Liz snatched another Kleenex from the
box. “It’s my grandmother. I just got a call. She’s passed away.” She knelt to collect her belongings.

Carissa knelt to help her.

“I have to go and pick up Darius.” Liz pressed her hand over her heart. “Oh, my God! He’s going to be devastated.”

“They were close?”

Liz nodded. “Very.”

Tears stung Carissa’s eyes. “I had no idea.”

Liz’s gaze flew to her employer. “I’m not surprised.”

Carissa pulled back at the sharp retort, but she relaxed when Liz’s features softened.

“Let’s face it, Ms. Cartel. You’ve never expressed interest in what’s going on in your employees’ lives. If you had then you’d know that Mr. Duran’s wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and that Mrs. Nelson has been absent because of a severe case of bronchitis.”

“It’s impossible for me to keep up with every
,” Carissa said, defending herself.

Liz shrugged. “You’re right. Forgive me. I better go.”


Liz stopped.

“You’re right, too.” Carissa exhaled. “I haven’t expressed an interest in a lot of things. And I’m sorry. But I’m trying to change all of that. I’m truly sorry for the loss of your grandmother. If there’s anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to call me.”

Liz’s gaze searched hers. Then, as if she had read Carissa’s sincerity, she smiled. “Thanks. I needed to hear that.”

Carissa embraced her. “Now, you go on home. Take as much time off as you need.” The women headed out of the office together.

When they parted ways outside the double glass doors, Carissa turned and rammed hard into a solid mass. But before she could fall backward, a pair of strong hands grabbed her.

“This must be my lucky day.”

Carissa recognized the man’s rich baritone as she pulled away. “I’m starting to believe you’re following me.” She removed her sunglasses.

“It’s not a bad idea,” Nathan responded with a wide smile. “Maybe then I’d know why you’re leaving Cartel Enterprises. You’re not fraternizing with the enemy, are you?”

The color drained from her face as she looked guiltily up at the building. “Uh, yes…I mean no.”
Think. Think
. “Actually, I came to see if I could get in to see Cartel, but he’s not in.”

“Again?” Nathan’s voice thundered, then he made a step toward the door. “I’m starting to think the bastard is here and just laughing at us. What kind of person would do that?”

As he moved closer to the door, Carissa’s fear escalated. “I—I was told he’s been out of town on business.”

He looked at her. “Who did you talk to—his secretary?”

Her defenses rose at his note of sarcasm. “She’s also a good friend of mine.”

“Really?” He frowned. “So, does this mean you
know C. J. Cartel?”

“No! I—I mean, I didn’t know my good friend worked here until a few minutes ago. I only came here because you said that you were having trouble getting in to see Cartel, so I decided to see if I would have better luck.”
I’m sinking fast.

He stared at her for a moment. “So, did your friend tell you when her elusive employer will be back in town?”

“At least another two weeks.”

“That long?” He exhaled and rubbed his hand along the short crop of his hair. “I don’t know if I’ll still be here then.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “You’re leaving?”

“I have some business to tie up in New York. I might be able to send my assistant. I don’t know. My life’s been a little crazy here lately.”

“I can imagine. I’ve been experiencing a few hiccups myself.”

“You want to tell me about it over dinner?”

“I don’t think—”

“I missed you at the hospital today.”

“I’m sorry.” She gave up, running out of excuses. “I’ve really been busy.”

“You’ve told me. Look, I get the hint and I understand. You won’t get any more pressure from me. I’ll make sure I keep my distance.”

He moved away and a wave of panic washed over her. “Wait.” Her courage fled when his dark gaze
centered on her. “I’ve been awful toward you. I’m sorry.” Are you crazy? Let him go.

“Go on,” he agreed.

She laughed. “You purposely used this guilt tactic, didn’t you?”

“I’m a desperate man.”

“All right, you win.”

“Really? Does that mean you agree to have dinner with me?”


“A lot’s happened since the last time we’ve talked. You’re a great listener.”

“So now I’m your shrink?” Carissa crossed her arms, but a bright smile covered her face. “That means I should be charging you by the hour.”

Nathan held up his hands in surrender. “Judging by that Armani suit, I don’t think I can afford your prices. What did you say your family business was?”

“I didn’t.”

Again, he held up his hands. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. I suppose we all have our secrets. But I must say yours are stacking up pretty high.”

“Have you ever thought that maybe you just ask too many questions? Just because you’re Travis’s son doesn’t mean you’re not some mass murderer.”

He moved so close she feared he’d hear her heart pounding.

“Do you make a habit of kissing mass murderers?” His gaze caressed her face.

Speech failed her as her eyes lowered to his lips
and the memory of their kiss weakened her knees. And despite the afternoon’s cool breeze, she felt hot.

“Now about that dinner. How about I pick you up at your place at eight o’clock?”

No. Say no
. “Eight?”

“I’ll tell you what. I’ll even wear a tie.”

She smiled at that. “Do you even own one?”

Nathan rubbed his chin in deep thought. “Good point. Are the malls still open?”

“That’s okay.” Carissa laughed. “I don’t want you to go to any trouble. Dinner at eight will be fine.”
That’s if I don’t hang myself by seven-thirty.

Chapter 19

athan returned to his car rather pleased with himself. He smiled as he watched Carissa’s SUV pull out of the parking deck. What was it about her that intrigued him so much? Maybe he was fascinated by how she went to such extremes to avoid him.

He started the car and laughed at his inflated ego. Instead of being pursued, he was doing the pursuing. It was a nice change. As he pulled out into traffic, his thoughts drifted to Carissa’s other charming characteristics. But there was only one word that described Carissa:

He couldn’t fathom why she kept her hair pulled back or wore unflattering business suits. It was as if she went to great pains to hide herself.

He remembered their first meeting and how the morning sunlight seemed to dance off each curl of her hair. And her eyes, for the briefest moment, were so childlike. That was when he’d first felt stirrings of some kind.

But it was the kiss at her front door that monopolized his thoughts and even seeped into his dreams. He could tell a lot about a woman by her kiss. In Carissa’s, he tasted passion and longing. It was that longing that haunted him.


“A date? A real date?” Helena shrieked.

Carissa cradled her head between her hands, feeling sick. “I was doing so well. Then I ran into the man twice in one day.”

“Took one look into that man’s handsome face and couldn’t say no, huh?”

“Something like that. Oh, Auntie. Nothing good can come of this. It’s like I have a death wish.”

“Or you’re just following your heart. Come on, stop your moaning and groaning.” She glanced at her watch. “It’s seven o’clock. I have less than an hour to perform a miracle.”

“What are you talking about?” Carissa frowned when her aunt pulled her up from the sofa.

Helena stopped and dropped her hands on her hips. “You’re not planning to go out dressed like that, are you?”

Carissa looked down at her attire. “Well, no.”

“Do you have any idea what you’re going to wear?”

“I haven’t given it much thought.”

“That’s what I was afraid of.” Helena shook her head, then grasped her niece’s arm.

Minutes later, Carissa sat on her bed and stared incredulously at her aunt as she tossed outfits onto the bed. “What are you doing?”

“Praying.” Helena turned and faced her. “Don’t you own any evening wear?”

“They’re in the other closet.”

Her aunt clasped her hands together, then raced to the bedroom’s second walk-in closet. Her face quickly fell in dismay. “This is your evening wear? There’s nothing but business suits in here.”

Carissa joined her. “No, they’re not. They’re casual pantsuits, not quite business suits. I find them perfect for banquets and business dinners.”

Helena stared at her as if she’d sprouted another head. “This is worse than I thought. Come on.” She snatched Carissa by the wrist and dragged her into the guest room, where she proceeded to go through her own wardrobe. “We need something simple, yet sexy.”

Carissa picked up an outfit. Her eyes widened at the dress’s plunging neckline.

“Oh, that will be perfect.” Her aunt took the dress from her.

“For what—amateur night at the Gold Club?”

Helena shrugged. “You never know, he might like strippers.”

Carissa crossed her arms and narrowed her gaze. “There’s no way in hell I’m wearing that.”

Helena glanced at her, then back at the outfit. “You’re right. You don’t have the chest for it.”

“What? What’s wrong with my chest?”

“Nothing. I’m just slightly more endowed. What about this one?” She held up a little black dress.

Carissa took the dress and inspected it. “Not bad. It’s simple.”

“And don’t forget sexy,” Helena added, twisting her hips.

“It’s kind of short, don’t you think?”

Helena reclaimed the dress. “It’s supposed to be short. Trust me on this. When he takes one look at you tonight, he’ll be putty in your hands.”

Carissa smiled at the thought.

“Now that we have the outfit out of the way. Our next task is your hair. Do you have any scissors?”

She quickly pulled back. “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to let you cut my hair.”

“Relax. I’m just going to trim it up a little.”

“Are you any better at cutting hair than you are at cooking?”

“You’re comparing apples to oranges.” Helena glanced at her watch. “You go ahead and jump in the shower. I’ll get everything ready for your transformation. I can’t wait until he sees you.”


Nathan rang the doorbell at eight o’clock sharp. In his hand, he carried a single red rose. As he rocked back on his heels, he inhaled a deep breath. He couldn’t remember ever being this nervous.

Helena answered the door, breathless. She took one look at him and her eyes brightened. “You don’t happen to have another one of you at home, do you?”

He laughed at her candidness. “I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

She stepped back and allowed him to enter.

Nathan stood in the entry and took in the penthouse’s subtle elegance.

“It’s not what you expected, huh?” Helena read his thoughts, then looked around, too. “You know, I was always taught that you can tell a lot by a person’s home.” She slid her arm around his and led him toward an exquisite portrait. “For instance, you can learn their passion.”

He looked up at a beautiful ballerina that at first sight stole his breath. There was no mistaking the dancer’s identity. “How old was she?”

“I believe eleven. Her father painted it.”

“I didn’t know he was an artist.” He leaned closer “He had a wonderful eye.”

“It’s amazing what he captured, isn’t it?” Helena crossed her arms and studied the picture with pride. “But he was what I called a closet artist. He never pursued it professionally. I remember teasing him about how he was depriving the world of his talent.”

Nathan faced her. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

Her smile wobbled. “Despite his flaws, and let me tell you he had plenty, he was a great brother.”

“I’m sure he was.”

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting,” Carissa announced as she made her grand entrance.

Nathan looked up and simply stared at the creation before him. Her hair hung in perfect ringlets to her shoulders, while her face appeared luminous beneath the room’s low lighting. His gaze traveled lower to her provocative black dress, and his mouth went dry.

Carissa’s heart pounded in her ears as a wave of heat followed the wake of his gaze. There was no mistaking the gleam of approval in his eyes.

“You look amazing,” he finally said with a widening smile.

Carissa shared a conspiratorial smile with her aunt.

“You two kids have a good time.” Helena winked, then retreated to the guest room.

“I’m almost afraid to show you out on the town. Someone might steal you away.” He walked toward her.

“Scared of a little competition?”

“Where you’re concerned, yes.”

She stood mesmerized as he drew near. “I brought this for you.” He held out the rose.


He laughed. “I guess I wasn’t thinking. Red is for lovers, isn’t it?”

She managed to nod, but wondered how she remained standing.

“I promise next time I’ll remember to bring yellow.”

“Next time?”

“After seeing you in a dress like that, I’m anxious
to see what other little secrets you have hidden in your closets.”

Unaccustomed to such flattery, she felt her face flush deep burgundy as she accepted his gift. “What makes you think I have secrets?”

“Don’t all women?”

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