Loving the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 2) (15 page)

Chapter Twenty-Seven


It’s Saturday and I have the day off. I haven’t been having dreams lately and when I walk, I don’t feel a shadow behind me. It must have been Max and I’m glad he’s no longer a threat.

Sebastian and I are dedicating the whole day to hanging out. Watch movies, make out, just be together.

When I woke up this morning, I found Sebastian in the kitchen, standing before the opened fridge. He was staring at the box of Popsicles I bought him. It pained my heart to see the expression on his face. I took his hand and led him to the couch where I spent a good few minutes making him feel better. He’s very bothered by the fact that we can’t be…together anymore. I told him I’m fine with that. I just want to wake up to his smile every day and lie in his arms. I know that’s not going to happen forever. I’ve given up on the hope that there’s a way to save him. There isn’t. Maybe I knew all along.

Sebastian trails his lips from one side of my face, across the other, then down my neck where he takes his time, causing my back to arch and my body to go insane with love for him. I pull him down to me and hold him tight, mentally begging the genie rules not to take him away from me. Don’t they see how much I need him? How much he needs me? Don’t they have a heart?

“Lily,” Sebastian breathes against my neck.

“Don’t leave me,” I whisper.

He shifts off me and pulls me into his arms. “I wish I didn’t have to. But I’ve been feeling fine. Maybe I don’t…” His voice trails off.

“I sort of used the first two wishes close to one another. Maybe we have some time.”

“And then what?”

“No. We’re not talking about this.”

He shuts his eyes. “I know we want our last few days together to be filled with happiness and love, but every time I look into your eyes, I see how much pain you’re in.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

His eyes open. “Yes, it does. Even though you won’t remember it, I don’t want to be the cause of your pain.”

I get to my feet and walk away from him. “I don’t want to keep talking about this.”

He comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “I’m sorry.” He kisses my temple. “I’m sorry for ruining our Lily/Sebastian day.”

I turn my head and our lips connect. The kiss is slow at first, then the pace quickens, like we can’t get enough of each other. My hands claw in his hair and his tighten around my waist. It’s a good thing he’s supporting me or else I’d melt into a puddle on the floor. We can kiss the entire day. I don’t need oxygen, food, or sleep, just Sebastian.

The doorbell rings, forcing us to tear apart. I glance at the door, my eyebrows furrowed. I’m not expecting anyone.

When I open the door, I find my mother standing there with a small smile on her face and luggage near her feet. My heart skips a beat. What’s she doing here? She’ll see my apartment devoid of guy things and she’ll think I’ve been lying to her. I don’t want her to think I’m not honest with her.

“Mom. Hi. What are you doing here?”

“Can’t I visit my daughter?”

I widen the door and invite her in. “Of course you can. I just wasn’t expecting…” I stop talking as she takes in my tiny living room. Sebastian is standing near the couch, frozen in place, his eyes wide.

Mom smiles. “What a nice place you have here.” She looks around some more. “Where’s Sebastian? I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve talked to him.”

I shift on my feet, twirling my hair around my index finger. “He’s not, um, here.”

She laughs. “I can see that.”

She walks deeper into the apartment. Sebastian and my gaze are locked on one another. What do we do? Tell her the truth? Lie that we broke up?

Mom’s back at my side. She takes me in her arms, holding me close. “Oh, honey. Why didn’t you just tell me?”


She draws back and strokes the back of my head. “You and Sebastian broke up.”

“Why, um, why do you think that?” My eyes flit to Sebastian for a second before returning to her. I can either go along, or lie.

I look back at Sebastian. “Do what you feel is best,” he says.

The truth is Sebastian will leave me, probably sooner rather than later. Why tell Mom the truth? It doesn’t make sense. What if, by some weird chance, Sebastian leaves and I remember him? I don’t want Mom to. I don’t want her to take my pain upon herself. She’s always done that, ever since I was little.

Mom pulls me into her arms again. “It’ll be okay, sweetie.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” I say, referring to more than just Sebastian and me “breaking up.” I’m talking about keeping her in the dark about everything.

With her arm around my shoulder, she brings us to the couch and we sit down side by side. Sebastian leaves for the bedroom. She takes my hands. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m here for you. Whenever you need me.”

I hug her. “Thanks.” I wish I could tell her everything. I don’t want to keep any secrets, but the only way to protect my genie is to not tell anyone about him.

Mom tilts her head toward the TV. “What are you watching?”

A comedy is on, but neither Sebastian nor I was watching. We were a little too preoccupied with other things... “Oh, a movie,” I tell her.

“Any good?”

“Uh, no.”

We’re quiet as we watch. I notice something about my mother. She’s twiddling her thumbs. I’ve never seen her do something like that except for one time when I was around six and we were about to lose the house. She’s always been so strong, so confident.

“Mom? Is everything okay?”

She smiles. I’m not sure if it’s forced. “Everything is fine.”

I nod slowly and we continue watching in silence. After a bit, I ask, “How’s it going with George?”

“It’s going well. He’s a very kind man. I enjoy spending time with him.”

I wait for her to elaborate, but she doesn’t, and we resume watching. Twenty minutes pass before she turns to me and sighs. “Honey, I lied. Everything isn’t fine.”

I mute the TV and give her my full attention. Her lower lip trembles and her face is a little white. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I went to the doctor…and they found something.” Her eyes fill with tears. “Cancer. They said I have about a year to live.”

Hot liquid shoots to my head. My heart hammers against my ribcage. My ears ring. No, I did not just hear those words leave my mom’s mouth. She’s fine. She’s not…dying. Tears pool in my eyes. They’re so strong, I can’t see anything.

“Isn’t there something they can do? Can’t they…?” I can’t talk because my voice gets choked up. I won’t believe this. I

Mom places her hands on mine. “The cancer is spreading rapidly. It was detected too late, and there’s not much the doctors can do. Perhaps prolong my life by a few months, but it’s not worth it. Sweetie, I’ve accepted it.”

I wipe my eyes. “How long have you known?”

“A little while. I didn’t want to tell you. I’ve gone through many tests and have seen many doctors, but they all said the same thing.”

“What do I do?” I ask.

She looks into my eyes. “I want you to be strong. I want you to live your life to the fullest. Promise me you’ll do whatever you can to follow your dream and get into culinary school.”

I nod, my throat tight. I can’t believe this. Losing my sister and mom in less than two years? It isn’t fair.

Mom’s arms are around me. “Be strong.”

“I can’t.”

“You need to be.”

Tears run down my face. “First Daisy and then you?”

She hugs me closer. “Daisy wouldn’t want you to fall part. And neither do I. I want you to move on from this, to take life by the horns, to conquer your fears and hesitations. I want you to own your life.”

I nod. “Where will you be staying?”

“A facility where I will be cared for, once my condition deteriorates and I’m unable to care for myself.”



“I’ll visit you as often as I can. We’ll talk and video chat.”

She kisses my forehead. “I really wish things weren’t so, but this is the card I’ve been dealt with and we need to live with that.”

I rest my head on her shoulder. “You can stay here however long you need.”

“Thank you. I love you, honey.”

“I love you, too.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Mom is sleeping in my bed. Sebastian and I are sitting on the couch with his arms around me. We haven’t said one word to each other since Mom went to rest fifteen minutes ago. My mind’s been anywhere but here. I keep replaying my mom’s words over and over, trying to convince myself that I heard it wrong. But who am I kidding? I saw how weak she was. In just a few months, she’ll grow weaker and weaker and won’t be able to care for herself anymore.

I turn around and look into Sebastian’s eyes. “Sebastian, what do I do?”

He looks away from me.

“What?” I ask.

His eyes meet mine. “There’s only one way to save your mother. It’s a hard decision, but I know what the right choice is. So do you.”

I stare at him. What’s he talking about? Then it hits me. “My last wish.” Why didn’t I think of this sooner? I must have been overwhelmed by the devastating news that I completely forgot I have one more wish.

He nods.

“I can heal my mother? Completely remove the cancer?”

He nods again.

“But then…” My heart feels heavy. I’d lose him.

Sebastian pulls me to his chest, placing his chin on the top of my head. “You know what the right decision is.”

“Healing my mother.”


I draw back and gaze into his eyes. “Does that mean I can save everyone who’s sick?”

He shakes his head. “You need to have a personal connection to the person you want to heal. I can’t fulfill general wishes.”

I remember him telling me that the last time he was a genie. I press myself closer to him. “Is there any way you can heal my mom and remain with me?”

He smooths his hand down my hair. “We both know there’s a high chance that once I fulfill the wish, I’ll be gone forever.”

And I won’t remember him. I knew this day would come, but I didn’t think it would come so soon. I’m not ready to lose him. But of course I need to heal my mother. There’s no question about it. Why did I waste my second wish on getting my job back? It’s nothing compared to saving my mom’s life.

A little voice in my head tells me that had I not used my second wish to get my job back, I’d be left with no job or boyfriend once Sebastian would leave. I tell that voice to shut up. If only I had more time…to do what, though? More research? It’s inevitable that he’ll leave me. No amount of research can change that.

I take a deep breath. “I’m ready.” I shut my eyes. I’m ready to lose him. I know the doctors said my mom has about a year left, but what if they’re wrong? Sebastian can only heal, not resurrect someone. If I don’t wish now, I might lose my mother forever.

“Do you think we should ask her?” Sebastian says.

I peer into my room, where Mom is sleeping soundly. “And tell her you’re a genie? I think she’s been through enough. Besides, I don’t want her to talk me out of it.”

He raises an eyebrow. “She’d talk you out of saving her life?”

“If it meant I have the chance to spend some more time with you, I think she would. She’d do anything for me.” I swallow as tears fill my eyes. “Just like I would do anything for her.”

When she’s healed, she won’t understand how it happened. Neither will I. These next few minutes might be my last with the man I love. Now my whole body feels heavy, like someone is burying me alive. I can’t bear this, I just can’t. But I need to heal my mom.

I wrap my arms around Sebastian and press my face to his chest, inhaling his genie smell that I love so much. My tears are getting him all wet, but he doesn’t seem to mind. “I love you.” The hole inside me has grown to the size of ten Earths combined into one. My brain will move on without him, but what about my heart?

“I love you, too.” His voice is laced with pain. “I will cherish my memoires of you forever and I won’t love anyone else.”

“You might.”

He takes me by the chin and lifts my head so our eyes meet. “Never. I’ll love you for all eternity.” Still clutching my chin, he lowers his mouth to mine, kissing me, gently at first then growing rougher. I press myself closer, wanting to fuse us together. My lips move against his in this frenzy because this is the last time I will feel his warm lips on mine. The last time I’ll be in his arms. The last time I’ll call him my love.

“I’m sorry, Lily,” he whispers against my cheek. “I wish there was another way.”

I clutch him. “Maybe you can visit me one day.” I look into his eyes. “Maybe I’ll remember you. Like I did when you came back from Ortarus.”

He doesn’t say anything, but from the expression on his face, I know that’s not a possibility. He remembered me when he returned from Ortarus because he didn’t come back as a genie.

We stay wrapped in each other’s arms, swaying to nonexistent music. Sebastian’s eyes are so deep and blue as we stare at each other for what feels like hours but are probably only minutes.

Noises sound from my bedroom destroying the trance we’re in. Mom’s shifting on the bed. It always creaks, especially when I’m tossing and turning. Sebastian had never complained about my disturbing him from his rest. He never really complained about anything. How am I going to live on without him?

But I don’t have a choice.

“I think it’s time,” I say reluctantly, my voice low. Tears gather in my eyes and I let them fall down my cheeks. This is it. This is goodbye.


Closing my eyes, I say, “I wish…” No, I can’t do it. I bury my face deeper into Sebastian’s chest. I’ve
to. “I wish to completely cure my mother’s illness.”

Sebastian steps back, causing my arms to fall from around him. He spins and swings his arms. “Your wish is my command.”

Winds blow at me. They’re so strong that I can barely see anything, only Sebastian’s eyes boring into mine.

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