Read Lyfe Changing Online

Authors: Desirae Williams

Tags: #romance, #crime, #suspense, #relationships

Lyfe Changing (12 page)

I asked pathetically. That
sexy smile of his spread across his lips and damn near made me melt
to the floor. “I’m fine.” “Yes you are.” I heard Marisol mumble
while staring at Derrick like a hungry wolf eying a great big
steak. I looked at her completely forgetting that she was even
there. “Ummm…Marisol, don’t you have some work to do?” She looked
up at me breaking away from her own personal thoughts. “Huh…uh no
I’m on break.” I nodded seeing she wasn’t catching the hint. “Good…
then your free to get me some coffee.”

She looked at me like a sad
puppy as she walked out of the store. She stopped directly behind
Derrick and gave me a huge thumbs up. I shook my head and pretended
not to notice. With everything going on I picked up on Derrick
gaze, he had not once taken his eyes off me since he had been here.
It was that same penetrating stare he gave me at the super center
that made me hot and bothered. I gulped and folded my arms across
my chest feeling a little uneasy and stimulated at the same time.
“So what brings you here?” I asked breaking the sexual tension in
the room. “I was in the area and I saw you through the window…I
figured I drop in and say hi.” I nodded trying to avoid his eyes
while mine fell on his wide chest and trailed down his

Everything on him looked
perfectly fit and hard, I was finding it difficult to keep it
together. “So you own an art gallery…that’s interesting.” His voice
broke me away from my trance. “Huh? Oh yes um I have had it for a
while now…I always had a thing for art and nice things.” I laughed
nervously; he picked up on it and chuckled himself. “Well do you
mind showing what you got up in here?” “Oh…yes. Of course follow
Damn Destiny
I thought
. What’s with you? You’re acting
like a preteen get it together.
I guided
him through the gallery showing him the entire space and some of my
favorite pieces. Occasionally I would feel a pair of eyes staring
me down but could never quite catch him in the act…he was a slick

We stopped in front of one
of my favorite paintings. It was called,
Lady of the evening
by an art student
in Harlem. It was of a young lady singing the blues, she was
glowing gold and shimmering brown creating such a sultry essence,
you practically could feel the emotion within the painting coming
out and penetrating the atmosphere. I stared at Derrick trying to
read his face as he stared at the painting. “So what do you think?”
I asked. He nodded. “Shit…its good…better than anything that I
could come up with….you don’t really see paint and sticks in the
Bronx that much.” He looked back down at me. I noticed he was a
little more blunt and rough around the edges than I was used to,
but I guess I should expect that from a guy like him… I didn’t seem
to mind. “Which one of these are yours?” He asked out of the blue.
I was a bit taken aback not expecting this question. He saw my
expression and explained. “Well you did say you had a passion for
art and you do own your own gallery. You mean to tell me you don’t
paint?” He asked already knowing the answer. I looked away from him
finding flattery in his assumption.

I do paint but I don’t
show case my work.” “Why the hell not?” He asked staring me down
trying to read my face. “Because…I don’t paint for public display,
I do it for me.” He raised his eyebrow suspiciously. “That’s the
story your sticking too.” I nodded. “Yep.” He smiled at me and
chuckled. “Well what does your boyfriend think about that?” Now it
was my turn to give the suspicious look. “I don’t know being that I
don’t have one.” “Uh huh…” He nodded and looked away for an
instant. “Good...saves you from having to explain to him why you
are going out to dinner with me tonight.” “Oh?” I said chuckling at
his comment. Derrick’s face did not change nor did his demeanor; he
still stared at me with a slight smile and confident eyes.
Does this guy really think he has me in the bag
just like that?
I thought. I was taken
aback by his arrogance and yet strangely turned on. I stood right
in front of him and stared into his handsome face. “Are you asking
me or telling me?” He saw my challenge to him and matched

Destiny I’m a good at
reading people’s minds.”

Oh Really?”

Really…I can read faces,
expressions…body language.”

He said staring me up and
down. I eased back against the wall as he came closer. “Everything
about you is telling me you wouldn’t mind if we spent some more
time together…get to know each other on a more personal level.”
Derrick placed his hands on each side of the wall cornering me. I
tensed up not knowing what to except but clearly feeling the heat
between us. He leaned in closer to me and brushed his face across
mine, I could feel the softness of his beard as it caressed my
cheek. It was getting difficult for me to breathe as well as stand.
“Derrick. I…” “What?” He said cutting me off. “What do you want?”
His lips brushed against mine and I could almost feel the warmth of
his mouth until I a heard an interruption. “Excuse me…” As Marisol
entered the room we both straightened up and composed ourselves.
For Derrick it seemed simple but for me I was still hot and
sweating. Marisol chuckled at us knowing good and damn well what
she just had witnessed.

I’m sorry…was I
interrupting something?” She smiled innocently while holding the
coffee. “No…we were just finishing up here.” I lied miserably. She
nodded. “I see…” Derrick smoothed out his beard and nodded as well.
“Yes I have to head back now…can’t keep people waiting.” He said
walking off but not before looking back at me. “I’ll see you later
on tonight.” He declared. I looked at him sternly. “I didn’t say
yes…” I could hear him chuckle all the way out the door. “You
didn’t say no either.” I watched him walk out and shook my head at
the reality of what just happened here. I couldn’t believe we
almost…my God I couldn’t even admit it to myself. “Well...should I
have come back a little later?” Marisol asked cheesing at me. I
took my coffee from her hands. “Oh shut up.” She continued to laugh
having caught me in this awkward situation. “For what it is worth I
can’t say I blame you…” She yelled out. I closed my office door and
leaned against it chuckling to myself…not knowing what I had just
gotten into.


Some like it hot


I laid out another dress on
my bed as I rummaged through my closet, it was the fifth dress I
had picked out but I still couldn’t come to a decision. “Everything
is starting to look the same in here.” I sighed. Derrick had called
me earlier today and told me the plans for tonight… how he got the
number I do not know and quite frankly I didn’t care. I was excited
about tonight and I wanted to really impress him. I stood in front
of my full length mirror and stared at myself. I had just bathed in
some vanilla scented body wash and was now in my black Victoria
secret bra and panties. I admired myself in the mirror and placed
my hand on my neck and let it trail down my chest. I had been
feeling especially hot all afternoon due to my unexpected visitor.
I don’t know what it was about this man but he made me want him and
want him bad. I turned back to the clothes on my bed. None of them
seemed to fit the atmosphere for tonight, thy all seemed too flashy
and business dinner like. I started to match some things together
and came up with a perfect assemble. I put on some black tights;
black knee high boots, along with a dark aqua v cut sweater. I was
in the middle of fixing my hair when the doorbell rang.

I sprayed a dash of perfume
on before going to open the door for Derrick. I opened it in hopes
of wowing him out of his mind…but to my surprise. He stood there
smiling at me looking as if he were straight out of GQ magazine.
His hair hung around his shoulders covering his black sweater which
contrasted with his light complexion, his jeans wore dark denim
jeans that were clinging to his very masculine thighs. I breathed
in his cologne that was doing more than pleasing my nostrils then
finally rested my eyes on his handsome face. After finally picking
my jaw up from off the floor I was able to speak. “Hello Derrick…”
He smiled that sly smile of his while still holding my gaze. “Hey
beautiful…you ready to get up out of here so I can show you off or
what?” I chuckled at his bluntness and nodded. “Yes… just let me
get my things.” He followed me into the living room while I
retrieved my purse and jacket. “Nice place…”

He said looking around at
all of the paintings and artifacts I had up. I watched him as I put
my jacket on. “Thank you…I really tried to make this place stand
out.” I said. Truth be told my home wasn’t much different from the
gallery. I had found a nice condo not too far from Destination 1. I
decked it out with many paintings, sculptures, and other matching
décor to give it that artsy feel and in due time I finally created
my dream place. Derrick turned his gaze back to me and continued to
smile in a way that made me think he had something else on his
mind. “Brutha can’t get a tour?” He asked with ulterior motives. I
looked at him sternly but still having a twinkle in my eye. “Not
any time soon.” He nodded in defeat. “Well let’s be on our way
shall we?” I said moving the conversation outside of these walls in
fear of what may happen if we lingered hear too long. Derrick
grabbed the door for me to go ahead of him. “After you…”

I turned out the light in
my condo and he followed me out. We made it down to his truck which
was a blue pickup that looked to be made back in the 80’s, this was
definitely something I was not necessarily used to but I said
nothing. Derrick and I began driving downtown while talking and
laughing amongst one another. We joked about the silliest things,
childhood fads, worst first dates, to most embarrassing moments. I
told him how I crashed my mother’s brand new BMW into the mailbox
at fifteen trying to learn how to drive. He told me about how he
fell off his grandfather’s boat into a pond and was attacked by
giant cat fish which was why now he has a phobia of all things

We felt so in sync and
comfortable like we had known each other for years. However, as
much I was enjoying Derricks company I couldn’t help but get a
twinge of worry in my chest as we seemed to be driving for hours. I
tried not to appear cautious but the further we got away from the
city the more nervous I got. I shifted in my chair uneasy; Derrick
picked up on my unsettling actions and smiled. “Everything ok over
there?” He asked with a wink. I looked at his eyes so calm and
collected while mine were full of nervousness and nodded. “Yes…its
ok…alright no it’s not. Where on earth are we going?” I finally
blurted out. He burst into full out laughter while still keeping
his eyes on the road.

Well damn do you think I’m
gonna kill you or something?”

Uh…maybe. Just because
you’re cute doesn’t mean you’re not a serial killer.” I said to him

Derrick turned his head to
me and grinned. “Oh…so you think I’m cute.” I rolled my eyes,
Derrick obviously knew he was an attractive man he didn’t need
another ego boost from me. “Derrick where are going?” I asked again
with less patience. He sighed getting irritated by my constant
questions. “Somewhere I know you will enjoy.” “Is it somewhere near
Timbuktu cause that’s how far we have been driving?” I was somewhat
annoyed and still waiting for an answer. Derrick glanced at me and
shook his head. “Not patient are we?” I chuckled to myself and
relaxed back against the seat. “I guess not…no” He nodded.
“Understandable…just chill we are going to a good place…a safe
place…with many witnesses…so I won’t be able to throw your lifeless
body in the woods and get away with it.” I laughed and hid my face,
maybe I was overreacting. “Is it that obvious?” I asked knowing he
could tell I was nervous and not used to letting someone else be in
control. Derrick just shook his head and continued to

After ten minutes he turned
left on what I thought was an abandoned road until I saw the club
lights flashing as we got closer. “What is this place?” I asked him
curiously. “You will see.” Derrick said has he found a parking
spot. They were many cars outside all leading to this one building.
Derrick came around and helped me out of the truck and we began to
go in. The place was dim lighted; many people were gathered around,
either getting drinks or seated at a table. The DJ played very soft
neo soul music; I believe I heard some Jill Scott soothing my ears.
Derrick guided me to a table not too close to the front and not too
far in the back. He helped me remove my coat as we sat. “So how you
liking this baby?” He said whispering in my ear. I turned and
smiled at him. “I like it. I have never been to a place like this.”
He sat across from me and we faced the stage. “Well let’s sit back
and enjoy.”


The Scorpion was a place I
liked to come to around the way, it showcased a lot of talented
singers, rappers, and poets throughout the five Burroughs. I
figured this place would peak Destiny’s interest since she was in
to creative expression and all that shit. With a hook up from De
and Ray I managed to grab a few dollars since my pockets had been
hurting…bad. So besides hooking myself up with some new fly gear, I
decided to take the pretty lady out for a night on the town. We sat
back and chilled while many different up in coming artist sung for
us. During intermissions we took the opportunity to get to know
each other a little better. I liked how comfortable I felt with
Destiny, the way she looked at me when I spoke, the way her almond
shaped grey eyes brightened when I said something funny.

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