Lyfe Changing (4 page)

Read Lyfe Changing Online

Authors: Desirae Williams

Tags: #romance, #crime, #suspense, #relationships

“Hey…where my babies at?” I
said arms extended it. I easily spotted my kids as they ran towards
me. “Daddy!” they yelled. I grabbed all of them in my arms, hugging
and kissing them like we haven’t seen each other in months. You
could easily tell they all were mine, with their light orange
tinted skin and jet black curly hair. I couldn’t even deny it
brought me great joy to see each of my kids together. “Well it’s
about damn time.”

I heard Kim’s nagging ass
voice coming closer. I glanced up from the crew and watched as she
made her presence known. “Shit Derrick… I thought we were going to
have to put out an APB on your ass if it got here any later.” Kim
stood about 5’4, honey brown skin and had a serious coke bottle
figure. She was pretty as hell, I just wished her beautiful face
and body matched her attitude. Never one for nonsense I stood up
towering over my kids commanding attention. “Well I’m here now.” I
said looking down at my babies smiling then back to Kim. “But if
you keep up with your foul ass attitude, you’re the only one that’s
going to come up missing.” I looked at Kim sternly making sure she
caught my drift. I had got onto her ass enough about talking crazy
in front of the children; they didn’t need to be hearing any old
thing flying out of her damn mouth. Kim flipped back her wavy
blonde hair and walked her round ass back into the

I shook my head…I swear if I
could erase that night in the back seat of my car from my history I
would, but then I wouldn’t have my baby boy Dante. I looked down at
my children and smiled. “Well… how are my kids doing huh?” They
grinned looking up at me. “Fine.” “I missed you daddy.” Delilah
said as I picked her up. “And I missed you to baby girl… I came all
the way out her to see you and your brothers… especially this one.”
I patted Danton on the head as we walked into his mother’s house.
He was only twelve and was damn near as tall as me. “Alright boy…”
I said playfully slapping him on the chest. “Just cause you
catching my height don’t mean you won’t still catch these hands.”
He laughed at me. “Ok old man.” “Old…” I said pretending to put in
the head lock.” Who you calling old?” “Daddy you gon play ball with
us?” Dean asked clutching his football.

“Don’t I always lil man?”
“Not last time daddy.” Dante tugged on my shirt and eyed me
accusingly. “We’ll let’s go inside and say hi to everybody and then
we will play right now.” “Yeah!” They screamed. I looked at Danton,
he was more quiet than usual. “What’s wrong with you huh? Cat got
your tongue?” He smiled at me shyly putting his head down. “Naw dad
just glad you here.” “Real talk… come here boy.” I said kissing the
top of his curly head. I tried to see my kids as much as possible
but with my profession and there gold digging ass mamas it was
hard, but I made sure they were all financially taken care of. We
stepped inside and played meet and greet with all the adults and I
made my way into the kitchen to see Amari. She was turned around
making potato salad and didn’t notice me come up. “You missed me
baby?” I said wrapping my hands around her small waist. She turned
around and scoffed. “Derrick get off me.” She said releasing my
grip on her. I stood back and admired how beautiful she was. Amari
had light bronze skin, pretty bambi like eyes and shoulder length
black hair. She was a real beauty and had a lovely figure that
showed perfectly in her tangerine summer dress, which was doing
nothing really but enhancing what was already there. “Derrick where
have you been?”

I rolled my eyes; I was in
no mood to listen to her nagging…not today. “I woke up late…
chill.” Amari went back to fixing up the potato salad and huffed.
“You know it really works my nerves when you tell me you’re going
to be here and you don’t show up.” I gave her a sly smile trying to
ease her attitude. “You used to like when I worked your nerves.”
She stopped what she was doing and scowled at me.

“Derrick please…”

“What do you want from me
Amari…” I sighed. “I’m here.”

“I don’t want anything from
you but your son, the child we have together would like to see more
of your tired ass.”

I stared out through the
window at Danton and the others playing outside, all my kids were
good children, I would do anything for them…I didn’t like being
accused of being a bad father. “I do what I can.” Amari saw the
annoyed look on my face and sighed. “Look Derrick I gave up on you
being there for me a long time ago, but Danton is still your son
and he needs you more than ever now and I’m not just talking about
your money. He’s going to be a teenager soon.” I stared into her
eyes that were pleading with me to get it together and I smiled.
“Ok…ok I’ll do better.” She nodded, hoping she had finally gotten
through to me.

“Good… now let’s take this
food to the main room before everybody starves to death.” I grabbed
her arm before she left, taking her off guard. “Can I get a hug?” I
asked innocently. Amari eyed me suspiciously and reluctantly
agreed. I wrapped her small body against mine and gently kissed her
neck causing her to shiver. “Derrick don’t…” She said trying to
pull away from me but I held her in place. I placed my lips on hers
and bit on them a little causing her to moan. “Derrick…” We were
getting pretty into it until she pushed me away. “What have I told
you about doing that?” Amari yelled. I just leaned back and
laughed. “C’mon girl you were feeling me.” She just shook her head
and sighed. “Derrick we are not together anymore ok. I don’t need
you coming at me like that.” Reluctantly I admitted defeat and
nodded. “Ok…I’m sorry.”

Amari took a breath and
nodded taking one more glance at me before she exited the kitchen
into the main room. “Ouch… shot down again.” I heard the sounds of
venom spewing to the right of me. I turned around to see Kim with a
wicked grin on her pretty face. Amari made it a point to invite all
the kids’ mothers over whenever she had a function since they all
were brothers and sisters. She was just mature like that, too bad I
couldn’t speak for the others. “What the hell do you want

She walked toward me with
curious eyes. “All I want is for you to stop wasting your time with
Ms. Holier than thou over there and come get what you have been
missing.” I shook my head, as tempting as Kim was there was no way
in hell I was going to be fucking with her again…hell I learned my
lesson. I attempted to walk past her. “Girl… you wasting your
time.” She grabbed my hand softly and sighed. “C’mon Derrick you
know you miss me.” I looked her dead in the eyes giving her my fool
attention. “Oh I miss you.” I said running my finger down her sheer
pink blouse. “But one thing I don’t miss is that funky ass attitude
of yours.” She pouted at me, not liking my tone. “I’m sorry baby. I
don’t mean to be a bitch.” Kim said as she undid the zipper to my
pants and slipped her hands in the slot. “So let me apologize.” I
try to ignore how good her fingers felt but couldn’t…she was
touching me just right. “Kim my kids are here.” I barely got out.
She ignored my please and continued to work her magic fingers. “So
let’s go to the bathroom.” I shook my head. “No we can’t do this …”
Kim placed her soft mouth on mine and swirled her tongue around
until I groaned. When she saw that I wasn’t resisting she guided me
to the bathroom down the hall. “C’mon baby… let me take care of


Something don’t seem


I squirmed around in bed
getting lost and consumed in the same continuous dream that I had
been having for months now. It always started off slow and dark as
if I were in a haze. I lay in bed consumed with lustful thoughts as
this strange and handsome man lay right beside me. I watch as he
leans over and with one hand unbuttons the nightshirt that I always
wear as if he has every right to do so. Soft moans escape my lips
as I feel his fingers fondle me trailing down from my breast, to my
hips, and softly brushing over my damp panties. I do not fight nor
do I resist him, enjoying the feel of his rough hands touching me.
Wanting to feel the warmth of his mouth I turned to the side and
kissed his soft lips. I let his tongue swirl around mine not
wanting to break our rhythm even when I feel those curious fingers
continue to search my body. “Ooooh…” I moaned slightly.

He continues to kiss me
while his hands show no mercy to my already soft and tenderness
spots. By the time I woke up from this dark fantasy, I was sweating
and panting heavy. As soon as I calmed down I thought about the man
in my dream. I had never seen him before nor did I think I ever
would, but he consistently disturbed my sleep. I finally was able
to get up and make it to the kitchen to soothe this aching heat in
body with some water. I leaned over the counter top and pushed my
damp hair back from my face. My date with James had gone smoothly
tonight, he was very nice and charming. He had a great family back
home in Michigan and was driven to be successful.

I enjoyed looking at him and
listening to him talk but I couldn’t feel anything between us, no
real connection, and no sparks. The date went…oh hell it just went.
I looked back toward my bedroom wondering if I went back to sleep
could I finally finish that good dream I had been having.
, I thought to
I am so desperate to get some I
have to dream about it.
I shook my head not
wanting to think of my dream lover anymore. I needed more than
dreams of a hot and sexy man I needed the real thing.
Damn Destiny what is wrong you?
I thought to myself.
James his gorgeous, successful and he wants you.

You would be a fool to give
that up.
I took another long sip of water
and returned to bed. I forced out any thoughts of my mystery man
and attempted to sleep peacefully and alone.
As I rested my eyes and drifted off I began to fell a large
strong hand wrap around my hips and I knew he was back again. He
rested his lips to my ear and curled my body closer to his. I
rubbed his smooth hand seeing his cinnamon skin glow in the
What am I going to do about
, I wondered.


“Alright y’all, here is what
we are going to do…” De, Ray and I met up in the basement of my
house formatting our plans. The big weekend was coming up and it
was time to refine our plan of attack on Julio. We all sat around
the roundtable and discussed business while sipping on some much
needed liquor. De took a sip of rum and coke and continued speaking
on our individual roles. “Me and Ray are rolling with Julio to the
docks to pick up shipments by the harbor. We will be with another
dude name Junebug but he is just protection for Julio. By himself
that muthafucka is dumb as a rock… don’t know left from

Ray chuckled at his
brother’s joke but I was still in game mode. No matter how much we
plotted to rob these cats blind one slip up, one wrong move, could
take out everything and somebody like Julio would have our ass sunk
to the bottom of the bay if he even thought we were foul. “So after
things go according to plan down at the docks with the shipment,
were gonna take the money bags and switch them with these
counterfeits right here.” Ray pulled out a couple of stacks that
looked to me like the real thing.

“Damn boy this shit look
legit to me… how you get a hold of these?” I asked while running my
hand through the Benjamin’s. Ray chuckled. “One of my boys I know
from the pen….he be printing these things by the dozens. He decided
to hook me up.” “And you think Julio won’t be able to spot some
fake ass money?” I asked curiously not believing we could really
pull this shit off. De shrugged. “By the time he does he will be
dead ass broke and we will be long gone…talk about a come up.” I
nodded thinking that everything was sounding good but wasn’t
registering in my gut…I still wasn’t sure about going up against a
big name drug dealer like Julio. There was no guarantee this plan
was going to work…but then again neither were all the others.
“Where are all the alarm codes you got for me?” I asked ready to
get to business.

De pulled a white slip of
paper out of his pocket and flipped it on the table. From what I
saw there had to be three to five different codes there. “Well damn
how many security systems he got?” I said in shock looking at the
paper. “Enough to make the white house security look like shit.” De
said shaking his head. “And you mean to tell me he gave you fools
all these codes having only worked for him for a couple of

I said looking at them both
like they were crazy.
I know I aint got
dummy written on my forehead.
They both
roared laughing at me…I didn’t find anything amusing, my life could
be on the line fucking with these two knuckle heads. “His ass
didn’t give us shit…we just some ducking and dodging type of
muthafuckas.” Ray continued to chuckle. “It was nothing for us to
hack into his system and find all his codes… it was like checking
out a book at the library.” I nodded my head knowing he spoke the
truth….the CIA aint got nothing on these criminally minded
muthafuckas right here. De leaned in on the table. “Look the first
code is through the main gate, I am going to disable the security
cameras before we leave for the docks. Second code, it’s to get you
into the house, go directly up the stairs to the last bedroom at
the end of the hall. In the center of the floor under his bed is
where the safe is located. Lift it up and the hugest safe you have
ever seen will be right there willing and ready. Saying Derrick
come get me.”

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