Lyndley (17 page)

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Authors: K. Renee

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By K. Renee


It's been ten years since the girl of my dreams walked away from me without so much as a glance back. Part of me doesn't blame her for leaving, but the other part of me hates her for doing it. We were supposed to grow old together and have the perfect family, but all that changed the night I told her I wasn't going to New York with her. Little did she know, things would get worse for me after she left.

Not only did I lose the love of my life, I lost my father not long afterwards.

When I needed her the most, she wasn't there. I thought it would change the way I felt about her, but I only missed her more. Over the next few years, I drowned myself in alcohol and every girl I could find. I know it wasn't the right thing to do, but it was the only way I was able to keep thoughts of her out of my mind.

I dated a few women here and there, but I always ended up comparing them to Lyndley. Deep down, I knew she was the only woman for me. Pretty soon, I stopped trying to move on. Sure, I slept with countless women, but there was never anything more between us than sex.

No one would ever own my heart like she did. If only she would come home so I could prove it to her.

Chapter One

I never thought Lyndley Adams would come back home. Ever since she left, I have been spending time with her parents. They were like a second family to me and I hated the thought of not being close with them anymore.

Even after I broke their daughter’s heart, they still welcomed me with open arms. Part of me liked being there because I knew I would feel like she was still here instead of New York City. I never really understood why she wanted to go there, but I would have done anything for that girl.

She was my life, and I ruined it in one night.

The day my dad asked me to take over the farm was supposed to be the best day of my life, but it turned into the worst. This was what I waited for my whole life. I loved the farm and thought Lyndley did, too. I guess I was wrong.

Getting into my black Chevy, I take one last look at the house before throwing it in reverse. Before I pull away, I see her in the window. Damn, she still looks beautiful. I’m just surprised she isn’t married and has a bunch of kids by now.

Her dark brown hair is even longer than before. Her fancy clothes aren’t something I am interested in, but her body? My god. Her tits look bigger than before, and her long legs are fucking killing me. I want nothing more than to bend her over and fuck her until she screams my name. Judging by the look on her face, I know I have to take my time with her. She’s still hurt. Will I be able to fix what I broke?

Spending the whole drive home thinking about her makes me fucking horny as hell, but if I want to win her heart again, I’ll have to be on my best behavior. Most girls around here aren’t worth the effort, but Lyndley is.

Pulling up to my house, I put the truck and park and think about our past.

Talking with my buddies after football practice, I see Lyndley walking towards me. We are juniors in high school and have been dating since our sophomore year. The day I met her, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Everyone told me I was crazy, but I knew it was true. She will be my wife one day.

When we finally reach each other, she throws her arms around my neck and kisses me like it is her last. When we break apart, she gets a big grin on her face.

“What, darlin’?” I ask. She’s always up to something.

Her smile widens and she runs a finger down my chest. “Well, I was thinking we should make it official.”

I look at her in confusion for a second, finally understanding. “You want to get married?”

She nods her head and I spin her around. “Hell yeah, baby! I’m all for making you mine for the rest of my life.” I kiss her as she wraps her legs around my waist.

We make plans to do it while on spring break. Once all the planning is done, we decide to go to the pond on my family’s farm to celebrate.

Before I even put my old truck in park, Lynnie is jumping out and stripping down. Our first time was out here, so this spot will always hold a special place in my heart.

Jumping out of the truck, I watch her for a few minutes as she shimmies those cutoff jeans off her hips. I have to bite my cheek to keep from groaning. Her body is amazing. All the guys are jealous because none of the other girls look like her. She’s got a flat stomach, her hips having just the right curve to them. I watch her throw her shirt to the ground as I make my way over to her, stripping off my shirt, my boots, and my jeans as I go. When I finally get to the edge of the pond, I see her panties and bra sitting there.

Not wasting any more time, I strip my boxer briefs off and dive into the cool water.

Lynnie is floating in the water watching me as I make my way towards her. When I wrap my arm around her and pull her to me, she breaks out in a fit of giggles. The way her naked body feels against mine should be a sin, but I crave it.

She wraps her legs around me, making my cock spring to attention. With one arm around me, she uses her other hand to stroke me. Kissing down her neck, I moan at the attention she’s showing me. All I want to do is sink inside her. Before I can say anything, she takes the initiative on that.

“Shit, Lynnie,” I groan. She feels amazing. I could get lost in this feeling forever. Slowly, I lift her up and down my shaft. Sucking one of her nipples into my mouth, I hum in appreciation. Her moans tell me I’m hitting all the right places and I do everything I can to keep from coming too soon. I always make sure she comes first.

Her fingernails dig into my back as she increases our tempo. As she yells out my name, I come inside her

A knock on my window brings me back to the present. Shit. Now I’m hard as a fucking rock. Looking up, I see my best friend staring at me. As soon as I open the door, he starts in on me. “Holy shit, man! What the fuck were you just thinking about?” he asks with a smirk.

I push him out of the way and get out of the truck. Adjusting myself the best as I can, I hear his laughter coming from behind me. “Must have been one hell of a daydream.”

“Fuck you, Tate.” I walk to the front door of my house and he’s right behind me.

“We going out tonight? I heard Kelsey has a few friends over from out of town.” He grins, wiggling his eyebrows.

“No, man. I don’t think so. I’m beat and I am probably gonna turn in early.”

He looks at me, shocked. “Are you fucking kidding me? Kelsey is bringing hot friends out tonight and they want to get laid.
want to get laid. What the fuck is the matter with you?”

“Tate, not tonight. Maybe another time,” I say, plopping down on my couch. Max comes running into the room and jumps on the couch, licking my face. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to fuck another woman without picturing Lyndley now.

“You’re a fucking pussy,” he states, making his way to the door. “Don’t worry. I’ll send you some pictures.”

I flip him off and watch him walk out the door, laughing. As much as I need to get laid, I can’t do it while Lynnie is around.

At a half-past ten, I get my first text from Tate.

You didn’t fucking tell me Lynnie was home. What the fuck, man?

I only found out when I was at her folks’ place. I ran into her there.

Hot damn! Who knew she would be such a looker?

If you want to fucking live, stay the fuck away from her.

Damn, bud, you still hooked on her?

Shut up, Tate. Just make sure no one touches her.

Too late, man. Looks like Keegan is laying his mack down pretty hard.

Fuck. As much as I rather not go out, I need to make sure she gets home safely. I pull on some jeans and my boots. I don’t remember the last time I went chasing after a girl.

After finding a shirt to wear, I throw it on and make my way to my truck. Driving the ten minutes it takes to get to the only bar in town, I slam the truck into park and jump out. Walking inside, I get stopped at least a dozen times by a few women and a couple of my buddies. When I finally find Tate, I ask him where Lyndley is. He points over to the corner of the bar where I see the back of Keegan’s head.

Making my way over there, I see that Lyndley is drunk. Shit. I need to get her out of here. I walk over to her pushing Keegan out of the way and pulling her to me. At first she tries to pull away, but I don’t let her.

“Stop it, Lynd,” I growl.

When she stops fighting me, Keegan decides to run his mouth.

“What the fuck, Jax? I was talking to this sexy woman and we were just about to leave,” Keegan spits out, smirking. I want to punch him in the mouth so fucking bad.

“Stay the fuck away from her,” I grate out. I hear her gasp and she grips onto my shirt.

“What are you? Her fucking father?” He yells.

As bad as I want to say something, I hold my tongue. I don’t want to add fuel to the fire. Instead, I whisper in her ear. “Lynnie, I’m gonna take you home, okay?” She nods and I focus on her. Her hair is slightly curled, and her makeup is starting to smear.

I look back at Keegan. "Fuck you, Keegan. Stay the hell away from her. You so much as touch her, I'll fucking kill you."

With one arm around her back and the other supporting her legs, I pick her up. She wraps her arms around my head and buries her face in my neck like she used to. Looking up, I see Keegan coming at me, but Tate blocks him.

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