Make Me (23 page)

Read Make Me Online

Authors: Alyssa Turner

Tags: #erotic romance, #menage

Manny rolled his eyes, determined not to be charmed. “You’re dancing around it. Just say what you want to say.”

“I think I could fall in love with her.” Kyle’s gaze ran a marathon around Manny’s face as if searching for a reaction.

Manny kept his face neutral even as he was singed by Kyle’s words, as if the edges of his confidence bore some kind of physical damage. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that before.”

“I said it to you.”

“About anyone else, I mean.”

“I made love to her right here on this deck lounger, and it was like I wanted to be inside her forever.” He sat up and leaned forward. Kyle’s lips almost touched Manny’s as he spoke. “I want that to be OK with you. I want you to feel like I feel when I watch you with her.”

“How is that?”

Kyle leaned into him. “Happy for you, because I know how you feel about her.” Manny felt Kyle’s tongue slide across the seam of his lips. “Horny as hell when I watch you fuck her.” His words now burned like a fuse down Manny’s spine.

The whole thing was confusing as hell. He couldn’t deny that what Kyle described sounded amazing. “I felt like a selfish prick because I wanted both of you.” Manny leaned closer still. “I didn’t want to make either of you feel like you had to compete for my attention.”

“I don’t feel that way.”

Manny pressed his lips together and shrugged. “It’s only been a week. Give it a while. It’s easy for someone to feel left out.”

“Is that how you feel right now?”

Manny didn’t answer him. He shook his head more out of a dismissal of Kyle’s question, hoping that he might even fool himself. Next to those ominous shadows of doubt glowed an ember of hope for the three of them. He took a deep breath. “Except if it’s like you said. We all dig each other so much that it’s cool just to know you’re with her and making her happy when I can’t be there.”

Kyle nodded. “Yeah. I want it to be like that.”

Manny knew he did too.

“If I’m honest I’ll admit I was hard the whole freaking trip out here, thinking about what you two were doing, even though it drove me crazy.”

“Poor baby.” Kyle pulled at the button on Manny’s pants.

“I really can’t wait to see you make love to her,” Manny said, letting out a hot breath as Kyle’s warm hand wrapped around his cock.

“She’s asleep right now,” Kyle said, sliding down his own basketball shorts and tossing them to the stone patio. Manny watched him take hold of himself with long strokes as he straddled the lounger and sat again. Then Kyle tucked his legs to his chest and raised his eyebrow at him.

It was a rare sight, to see Kyle on his back. Mostly Manny was on the receiving end of the one and only cock he ever dreamed about. But there were times, like this, when a need, rich and heavy, weighed in Manny’s groin for Kyle’s practically virginal ass. And there were times, like this, when Kyle shed all that cocky swagger and gave himself over to Manny. He cherished those times. Leave it to Kyle to know when he needed to top him, to claim him. Evidence of his desperation pointed due north from behind his zipper.

Manny pulled his shirt over his head and crouched down next to him, spreading Kyle’s cheeks and twirling his tongue against that sweet puckered hole. “You’re waxing now?”

“I’ll have you know that Manhattan’s bachelor of the month doesn’t have a hairy asshole.”

Manny flattened his tongue and swiped it over his silky skin, ending up lapping at both of Kyle’s balls. “I like it.”

“Good, you’re next. I’ll introduce you to Inga,” Kyle said through a hiss. He dug his fingers into Manny’s shoulder. “She’ll even put a leather strap in your mouth so you don’t bite your tongue off.”

Manny chuckled. “What would you do if I didn’t have my tongue?” He pressed it against Kyle’s asshole and savored the way it quivered for him. Tiny circles. Just the thing to drive Kyle crazy.

“I did it for you,” Kyle whispered, hitching his hips up.

“I know,” Manny answered and pushed his tongue into his best friend, hoping to hear him moan. When the moan came, Manny wet a finger, hoping it to make it louder.

“Ahhh…fuck yes.”

Manny wet another finger and pushed it into Kyle along with the first. He watched Kyle squirm and wrap his fist around his cock. Kyle stroked himself with slow, steady strokes and licked his full lips. He couldn’t look more perfect, more
, if he had had Manny’s name tattooed on his chest.

Manny picked up one of the condoms and shoved his shorts over his hips. He tore it open with his teeth, hurried it onto his granite erection, and lubed it generously. “I’ve been dreaming about this.”

“Fuck me good, Tescadero.”

Manny sunk into him a centimeter at a time at first, but then he wrapped his fingers around the back of Kyle’s neck and pulled him into what felt like the longest thrust ever known. He watched Kyle’s eyes widen and then his mouth open as Manny pushed deeper into a grip of pleasure unlike anything else. He rolled back, slowly, with the knowledge that soon Kyle would accommodate him fully and open up in a way that was reserved for only him.

It was a powerful feeling, to be seated inside the man who he had trusted with his life. That six-month hurt was fading inside. Manny could sense it slipping away, almost as if nothing bad had ever happened between them. It was easy to forget it all when the need to pour everything he felt for Kyle into his depths had full control of his entire being. Kyle opened for him and called him deeper with both hands on Manny’s hips.

“Oh…goddamn. That’s it.”

“You want it?” Manny said through gritted teeth. His balls were tight like walnuts in a vice. He whipped his hips faster, harder.

Kyle’s gaze locked tightly with his own. His eyes flamed for Manny, bright blue like the most dangerous of fires.

The orgasm flooded through Manny and rushed out of him with both joy and remorse. An eternity would have been too fast. He pulled out, taking care with the condom. Rebecca was at the patio door when he looked up. Or maybe she’d been there all along.

“I’m sorry…I wasn’t spying.”

“Come here. You’re too far away,” Manny said, knotting the condom. Kyle sat up and tossed him his shorts.

“You came,” she said.

Manny laughed. “I did.”

“How was your flight?” she asked, walking closer to them.


“It’s only two hours.”

“I couldn’t wait to get here.” He pulled her into his arms and suddenly felt that he needed to know something. “Glad to see me?”

He couldn’t stop smiling as she showered him with kisses. Then she pressed her lips together and peered over his shoulder at Kyle. “Did you tell him?”

Kyle stood up and slipped his arms around her from behind. His fingers stroked at Manny’s biceps. “Did I tell him how I couldn’t keep my hands off you? Yeah, I told him.” Kyle kissed her shoulder and then the space right at the beginning of her long neck.

Manny winked at her and tugged softly on one of those springy curls framing her pretty face. “I could use a little play-by-play reenactment maybe.”

Rebecca blew out a long breath. “I thought you might be upset.”

“If we’re going to do this, we’ve got to be equals and honest with each other at all times. I think that’s the only rule we need.” Manny hoped she understood his lack of jealousy didn’t mean he cared about her any less. Anybody other than Kyle would have gotten a fist sandwich for his efforts. “I had some time to think about it, and yes, it’s cool that you two got busy here in paradise while I spent the afternoon with blue balls.”

“Looks like Kyle started to make it up to you already.”

Kyle raised an eyebrow at her. “You were watching.”

She nodded.

“Gonna have fun watching you two tonight.” Manny grinned. “After dinner, that is. I’m starving.”

“In the restaurant?” she asked.


Rebecca’s face lit up. “This might be our first real date together.”

Manny swatted Kyle with the back of his hand. “Dude, she’s right. We are the most ass-backward boyfriends on the planet.”

“Boyfriends?” Rebecca asked, her voice strained and high-pitched.

Manny’s grin faltered. “Too soon?”

Rebecca cast her eyes downward for a moment, and when she lifted them again they had an odd glint to them—excitement or fear, Manny couldn’t tell.

“No. Too plain.” She batted her lashes at them. “I think I prefer loverboys.”

Manny frowned. “Seriously?” He shook his head. “That’s how you’ll introduce us?”

She snickered lightly. “It has an air of mystery.” She twirled her finger in the air above her head and flipped her hair dramatically, giggling all the while. “Give me twenty minutes. I’m going to change.” And she bounced back into the house.

Kyle turned to Manny. “She does that when she’s scared.”



“We’ll just have to be there when she stops.”

Manny nodded, knowing that he would and hoping that Kyle could.


* * *



Kyle swiped a bit of whipped cream from Rebecca’s mouth and let her lick it from his finger. Manny laughed at the funny face she made and then turned a few heads when he pulled her mouth to his for a taste. They’d had plenty of attention all evening from the other guests and waitstaff who seemed to be placing bets on who Rebecca was with. By dessert, they were barely bothering to conceal their looks of amused curiosity.

Dim lights washed the room in romance. The Palms was a famous destination for honeymoons and anniversaries. This was neither for the three of them, but Kyle found himself imagining that one day it could be. Up on a small stage nestled near the bar, a butter-smooth voice accompanied the live band and wooed complacent-looking couples to slow dance. Vacations are a magical antidote to inhibition, and Kyle felt that magic. He’d felt it the moment they had landed.

A crisply dressed waiter offered more from their second bottle of sauvignon blanc. With a spirited wink, Kyle raised his glass to the British couple sitting next to them. The middle-aged woman chastised her husband for staring, and Kyle laughed softly to himself. They hadn’t experienced this phenomenon in the states, all the gawking and tight-lipped smiles, because they hadn’t yet been out together as a trio. They hadn’t had the opportunity, with everyone’s work schedules. That’s what this trip was about—a chance to be together for two straight days, uninterrupted. If he’d selected a discreet resort in another country, it was just because his tastes tended to run on the extravagant side when it came to the people he cared for, right?


Manny leaned in to whisper. “It seems like we’re the entertainment for the night.”

Kyle met him at the middle of their table and drew him closer with his palm on Manny’s cheek. “Then this will really blow their minds.” He kissed Manny tenderly at the corner of his mouth, and something took flight in Kyle’s heart.

Manny dipped his eyes, and though his caramel skin didn’t reveal a blush the goose bumps on his neck told Kyle everything he needed to know. It was the first time he’d kissed him in public. Kyle had never given it much thought before that moment. Clearly, Manny had.

A familiar melody came from the piano, drawing all of their attentions. “
I waited 'til I saw the sun…I don't know why I didn't come.”

Rebecca pulled her hands to her lips. “Oh my God, Manny, did you ask them to play that song?”

Kyle watched Manny flash her his most humble smile. “I might have asked if they knew it on the way back from the men’s room.”

“Dance with me?” she asked, already out of her seat with her fingers wiggling at him.

Kyle shook his head. “This guy? He doesn’t dance.” Manny was that dude who hugged the wall with a Solo cup, nodding his head to the music all night. You couldn’t get him out there with a cattle prod.

“First time for everything,” Manny said and reached for her hand. Kyle watched in amazement as Manny took her to the center of the small dance floor.

For the first time, Kyle felt left on the sidelines. He took another sip of wine and watched them sway in each other’s arms. Manny swept his hands over her bare back. She rested her head on his chest.

Kyle knew this was
song. He drained his glass and stood up, thinking that he could do with some air, but Rebecca waved him over to join them.

“What happened, Rebecca? Did he ruin your pedicure already?”

Manny pinched Kyle’s collar between his fingers and tugged him close. “Be quiet and dance with us, you baby.”

Kyle smiled despite himself and took his place behind Rebecca. She spun between them and draped her arms on his shoulders. He listened to her hum along to the melody with a blissful smile in her face, her eyes closed and her head resting on Manny’s chest behind her. They easily towered over her petite five-foot-four frame as she all but floated between them.

Kyle stared directly into Manny’s twinkling brown eyes and mouthed the words, “I love you.”

Manny mouthed them back in return.


* * *



Morning in Bermuda came with the sun, like it did almost everywhere else on the planet. Yet that morning, eating breakfast in a tropical paradise bed between the two real-life poster boys for dreaminess, morning felt like morning had never come before. Rebecca stretched her toes out in front of her and wiggled them, chuckling to herself. Kyle’s and Manny’s feet rested on either side as they ate eggs and pancakes from their respective trays. They had gotten their thirty-toe fiesta after all.

Lined up in that bed like pigs in a blanket, Rebecca wanted nothing but to stay there in paradise, where three people could dance without caring about the sideways glances they got from people they’d never see again. The breeze blew in off the ocean and carried with it perfume from the hibiscus bushes that lined their private patio.

Just one more day before they returned to the concrete jungle and the exhibit and her job and her apartment search. Maybe the apartment search could wait a few more days. For the moment, her biggest problem on the apartment front was remembering where she’d left her toothbrush.

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