Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (18 page)

“Now, about having a boy in your room,’’ she says making me groan.

“We didn’t do anything. We just talked then went to sleep.’’

“Oh I know, I’m the one that woke him up this morning.’’

“Huh?’’ I asked confused.

“I’d come in to check in on you and you were both dressed this morning. When I walked in Malik had woken up, I scared the bejesus out of him,’’ she cackles. “Should have seen his face, it was like he freaked out over the thought of spending the night with me.’’

Not able to help it I laugh with her, loving her easy banter and personality. My parents would have gone ballistic had this happened under their roof. Then again, I’d never do it with them, but for some reason Gram’s puts a lot of trust in me and I’ll never betray her trust like that.

“Gram’s? What if we weren’t dressed? I mean, wouldn’t you have been embarrassed seeing him... us... you know?’’ I blush, feeling my cheeks heat.

“Oh no honey, in fact I was hoping I’d get to see a bit of Malik’s body, but he pulled the blanket over him too quickly that I didn’t even get a nipple,’’ she tells me sounding really disappointed. “He did assure me he had boxers on though.’’

“Gram’s,’’ I scold, smacking her arm lightly, not believing what I’m hearing.

“Oh shush, I may be old, but then they do say life begins at fifty,’’ she winks.

“Gram’s, you’re sixty five,’’ I remind her rolling my eyes.

“Exactly,’’ she says confusing me as she makes her way around me to the sink, pouring her cold tea down the drain.

“Now go get dressed, the policeman should be here soon.’’

“Okay,’’ I groan, rushing off up the stairs to get changed. I contemplate on running around to Malik’s to curse him out for telling Gram’s about Davis, but I know how manipulative she can be when she wants something. I knew she never believed me when she asked the other night. Her eyes were calculating and she asked far too many questions.


*** *** *** *** ***

Denny is still asleep by the time I’m showered, dressed and back downstairs. Malik waits for me in the living room watching something on the television.

“Hey Rambo,’’ he greets teasing me.

“Yeah yeah, he had it coming,’’ knowing he’s talking about his brother.

“Yeah he did,’’ he says, a dark look crossing his face.

“How are you feeling now, baby?’’ I giggle looking at the slight bruise on his jaw.

“Laugh it up,’’ he says, pulling me down on his lap.

When he starts nuzzling my neck, I start squealing, making him chuckle. As soon as he stops, I give him a stern look, slapping him on his arm. Damn he looks hot. He’s now wearing a black t-shirt with worn out denim jeans with his trainers and he looks really fucking hot, especially with the cap he’s wearing. It’s the second time I’ve seen him wear one and I have to say it’s my favourite item for him to wear.

“What?’’ he asks smirking and I realise I’ve been staring at him for far too long.

“Sorry. You look really good in a hat,’’ I grin.

“I do huh? Maybe I’ll start wearing them more,’’ he grins.

“Kids, the officer is here.’’

“Kids?’’ Malik scoffs before he raises his eyebrows at me. “Police?’’ he questions right as my Gram’s answers the door.

“Yeah,’’ I say rolling my eyes, moving off his lap to sit next to him. “You shouldn’t have said anything. You should have known she would go right to the police.’’

“Hey kids, this is PC Denmark, he’s come to take a statement from you Harlow,’’ my Gram’s says in a business like voice.

Standing up, my legs start to shake when my eyes meet the officers. Ever since my parents died they’ve shaken me up. It could be a passing police car, the mention of them or even seeing a community officer, it doesn’t matter; I become a nervous wreck. I’m pretty sure a few of them wanted to stop me with how shifty I looked.

“Hello,’’ I whisper, my voice shaky.

“Hello Harlow. I’m PC Denmark. Your Grandma said you’ve been having trouble with a Craig Davis from school.’’

“Yeah, you could say that,’’ I mumble feeling uncomfortable.

“Just talk me through what’s been happening then I’ll let you know what we can do to help,’’ he says softly.

“I don’t want to press charges though. I know how all this works and I don’t want to make it worse.’’

“We’re here to protect you Harlow. If you don’t want to press charges then that’s your choice, but I do advise against it. If anything else happens though, you’ll at least have this on file.’’

“Okay,’’ I agree, chanting ‘I can do this’ over and over in my head.

“Start from the beginning. When did you first meet Craig?’’ He asks waiting with his pen and pad.

“On my first day of school in our registration class, I’d gone to sit down next to him, but he smelt funny. Like beer, alcohol and smoke, so I got up and moved, which he didn’t like. Then things went from there I guess. First he tripped me up in the school dinner hall and stepped on my hand...’’

“In school?’’ PC Denmark interrupts.

Didn’t I just say school dinner hall? Idiot.
That’s what I want to say, but instead, I just nod my head, “Yes.’’

“Didn’t the teachers see this? Dinner ladies? Cooks?’’

“I’m not too sure. No one said anything or came out,’’ I tell him, my eyes looking to Malik who just shrugs.

“Okay. Have you spoken to the school principal, or another teacher about what’s been going on with Davis?’’

“No,’’ I say slumping down in my seat. I never wanted to make matters worse, but I guess I should have told someone sooner.

“Well, if it’s okay, I’d like to go in and have a word with the principal. See if there’s anything they can do on their side.’’

“Like what?’’ Malik speaks up.

“They could try keeping an eye out for her. Separate them from each other during their shared classes. Every little bit helps Malik.’’

“The teacher watched while they chucked something in her hair Friday, and she was the one that ended up in trouble.’’

“He’s right there,’’ my Gram’s says heatedly.

“I’ll have a word. We can only try right? Now, have there been any more incidents?’’

“Yes. When I was sitting outside of school he threatened me. I can’t exactly remember what was said now. It feels like it was ages ago when it happened. He hurt me though. The worst of it was the other day. Friday morning he came up to me before the bell had rung. He grabbed my arm and smacked my head against the locker,’’ I tell him.

“Can I see?’’

“Yeah,’’ I tell him lifting my hair from my bruised eye. It’s faded loads, but it’s still visible. Then I lift up my jumper showing him the faint bruises on my arms.

“Did none of the teachers see this?’’

“One teacher did and pressed me to tell him, but I didn’t want to. I was scared I guess and like I said, I don’t want to make things worse.’’

“Look, I’ll be straight, I know you said you didn’t want to make a report against him, but I do think the next time you should. I’m going to give him a warning to stay away. It’s not a restraining order, but it has the same effect. If he keeps harassing you after, then we can take things further. I’ll also talk to the school principal. I know they have a strong policy against bullying, so they should cooperate with us.’’

“Okay,’’ I agree hoping this is going to be the last of it. I hate that I’ve not been here long and I’m already causing my Gram’s problems. Would she want me to leave? I gasp inwardly hoping... no, praying she doesn’t want me gone. My life here is good. That’s something I never thought would happen after my parents died.

“I’ll leave you to the rest of your Sunday, but if you have any more problems, then please call us. We’re here to help Harlow. We can’t do our jobs unless you help us.’’

“I will I promise,’’ I tell him truthfully.

Before, when Gram’s said she had called the police, I didn’t feel right doing it, but if it gets Davis off my back then I’ll do anything. I’m starting to finally enjoy life again, but he’s hell-bent on making it a living hell.

I’ve just moved away from one hell, I don’t want to live here, and endure it again. This place was meant to be my safe haven, away from the life I lost, to start over, but with Davis and Hannah causing trouble I’m constantly looking over my shoulder. I don’t want that, I don’t want to have to look over my shoulder at every noise just because two people don’t know the meaning of ‘back off’ and ‘peace’. I just want it to stop and I’m praying that PC Denmark and his scare tactic works.

Chapter Twelve


It’s been exactly two weeks since Gram’s had called the police about Davis and so far everything has been quiet on that front. Unless you count the Monday I went back to school to find a note telling me it wasn’t over and calling me a rat, but yeah, apart from that, it’s been quiet.

I’ve gone to school every day without any problems. I’ve even managed to ignore all the comments from other students, not letting their words get to me. They seemed to have died down a little, but only time will tell. We don’t have much longer left at school so I’m hoping the rest of my time here goes the way it has been for the past two weeks.

Don’t get me wrong Davis hasn’t completely backed off. I’ll notice him every now and again stating at me, watching me like a hawk. I try to not let it affect me, but it still sends a cold shiver down my spine. I could even feel the hatred pouring off him whenever he was nearby. It made my skin crawl.

Malik and I have grown closer in the time we’ve been together. He hasn’t spoken any more about his past, which is fine. What he’s already told me so far was already hard enough for him. I know there’s more to the story, but whatever it is still haunts him. But no matter what that is, I’ll always be here for him to talk to when he’s ready.

I can’t even complain about him not talking to me either really, because he never pushes me to tell him anything.

Everything between us has been going great. When he thinks I’m not looking I’ll catch him watching me with a sparkle in his eye. He tries to play it off by saying he was looking past me, but that smirk always gives him away. It means so much to me to know that he’s thinking about me as much as I am about him.


Tonight is another race night down at the field. I’d opted to stay at home because of what happened the last time I went. Malik assured me no one would touch me, but I told him he’d be better off without me there. He needed to concentrate on the race after all, and not wonder about where I am or what I’m doing. Motocross is a dangerous sport as it is, he doesn’t need that kind of distraction.

Denny volunteered to stay with me. She hasn’t been the same since her night with Mason. I don’t blame her though, what he did was uncalled for. I haven’t even seen him since the morning I stomped round there and gave him a piece of my mind. According to Malik he’s been staying above the club a lot. There’s a flat above it that they use when they work late apparently. He believes he’s doing it to avoid seeing me or Denny. Which I don’t blame him, he’s still on my shit list.

“What time are we going to the party?’’ Denny asks from my bed looking away from her phone.

“He said to meet him there around nine.’’

With it coming up to summer the days stay lighter longer. It’s the only reason Gram’s has given me a later curfew for tonight. That and I think she trusts me enough not to take advantage. Which I wouldn’t do anyway.

Since the day the police had come around to question me about Davis I’d been worried she’d have had enough of me and would want me to leave. I’ve managed to do everything I can to help around the house, but then she started giving me money, which defeated the purpose. When I refused she just shrugged, then later on I found it in my money jar in my bedroom. I never fought her on it, instead, I’d say thank you and let her have her way.

“Okay. That’s good. You sure you don’t mind me sleeping here?’’ she asks sounding elsewhere.

Like I said, she hasn’t been herself. She’s been acting distant a lot more lately though.

“Of course not. Why would you ask that?’’

“Malik stays over doesn’t he, on the weekends?’’ she asks, and I blush. Malik does sleep over on the weekends. He’s never pushed our relationship to go any further intimately since the night he gave me my first orgasm, but every time he gets into bed with me my skin heats and my body burns for him. He always stops just as things are about to get scorching.

“Yeah about that, I want to ask for advice on something?’’ I ask blushing.

“Ooooh this sounds good,’’ she giggles, turning to her side on the bed to face me.

“Don’t laugh or make fun of me please,’’ I warn her, wanting her to know how hard this is for me to talk about. I guess if my mom was here I would go to her for this kind of talk, but she’s not. I know my Gram’s is downstairs and always there if I ever need her, but sometimes a girl just needs her girl friend to talk about this stuff with.

“I promise,’’ Denny says looking at me seriously.

“Well you know Malik stays here on weekends?’’ I ask and she nods. “Well, we do a lot of kissing and stuff, but every time things start to get heated he pulls away from me. Do you think he doesn’t want me... you know... like that?’’

She looks at me stunned for a minute, her mouth hanging wide open before she bursts out laughing, I scowl at her, reaching for the brush I left on my chest of drawers to throw at her. She laughs when I miss.

“Hey, you promised you wouldn’t laugh,’’ I tell her feeling upset she’d laugh at something like this.

“I’m sorry,’’ she says calming down. “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard coming from anyone, Harlow. The boy has a constant boner for you.’’

“How would you even know that?’’ I blurt out rolling my eyes.

“Not that I’ve looked at his donkey kong, but have you not noticed how uncomfortable he looks when he’s around you?’’ she laughs, but I don’t know why, isn’t that a bad thing? “Now you’re taking this the wrong way,’’ obviously reading my facial expression. “He has a boner whenever you’re around him. He has to take a few minutes after lunch before he can stand up at the table because of you being next to him. Or how about that time at the cinema when he asked us to give him a minute that he needed to talk to someone on the phone? That was really because you bent over to pick up the tickets you dropped. He has it bad for you girl.’’

“So why won’t he sleep with me?’’ I blurt out loud not meaning to. I’m shocked to find my voice sounds whiney, like one of the girls from my old school that I disliked. Oh no! I’m becoming one of them.

“Have you tried?’’

“I don’t know what to do,’’ I mumble feeling my face flame hotter. God this is embarrassing. No one knows I’m a virgin, or if they do they’ve kept it quiet. At my old school all the girls would tease me constantly and make fun of me while all the lads would embarrass me in public asking if I wanted them to break the seal. The best remark I’d heard was from a lad called Jeremy, when he said he’d break me in so I could become a real woman. Idiot was a moron. I also think he just wanted to lose his own V card and thought I’d be the easiest person to have sex with.

“What do you mean? Are you a virgin Harlow?’’ she asks shocked. I don’t understand why she’s so shocked; look at me for Christ sake. I’m plain Jane, and she’s beautiful. With her blonde short hair, dark green eyes and stunning figure all the boys in school want to be with her. She just never takes notice. I was actually shocked when she told me she was a virgin before she lost it with Mason. I always presumed she’d already had experience. Whereas you only have to look at me to see how inexperienced I am.


“Wow. I never saw that one coming,’’ she says sitting up, crossing her legs.

“What do you mean?’’

“Just that I never thought you’d be a virgin.’’ She shrugs like it’s not a big deal, but for me it is. Do I really look like someone who has experienced sex? I blushed furiously at the
Fifty Shades
trailer. As it stands, I’m unsure whether to take her comment as a compliment or an insult.

“Why not?’’

“Harlow you’re freaking gorgeous. All the girls at school would kill to look like you. Hell, even I’m jealous of your looks, but you’re even more beautiful on the inside. It’s what drew me to you in the first place.’’

“But you’re gorgeous Denny and I’m pretty sure the girls just want to kill me for me, not for my looks,’’ I deadpan. I’m confused as to why she would be jealous of me. I have mousy brown hair, I’m chubby in places, and I’m the biggest nerd you could ever meet. Well not entirely true, I think I’m pretty awesome in my own geeky way.

“My whole life people have told me I’m gorgeous, Harlow. My mother would enter me in beauty competitions just to show me off to all her friends, but I hated it. I see people differently I guess. Yeah someone can be beautiful on the outside, but it’s what’s on the inside that really counts and you, Harlow Evans, are the whole package,’’ she grins shrugging her shoulders.

“Okay, back to Malik,’’ I say feeling uncomfortable with the conversation. “What can I do?’’ I groan.

“For starters you need to know when you’re going to do

“I was planning on tomorrow night. Gram’s is staying over at Edna’s as she’s coming out of the hospital. Gram’s is going to stay with her until Monday night,’’ I tell her.

“That’s perfect then. Okay, tomorrow morning we’ll go into town and get you some sexy lingerie,’’ she says clapping her hands excitedly.

She jumps up off the bed and walks over to my wardrobe looking through all my clothes. Or lack of.

“What are you doing?’’ I croak feeling nervous.

“We need to start tonight. We need him to want you so badly that tomorrow he
say no.’’

“But what if he’s saying no because he doesn’t want me?’’ I ask feeling my insecurities seeping in again.

“Trust me Harlow, he does. I bet he knows you’re inexperienced and just wants to take things slow. Wish his asshole of a brother was the same,’’ she says strongly, but then her face morphs into pain when she mumbles the last part.

Standing up I walk over to her giving her a hug, “He’s a fool for pushing you away Denny Smith. He’d be lucky to have someone like you.’’

Pulling away to look at her, she has tears in her eyes. I feel bad now that I’ve upset her. Maybe bringing up sex wasn’t the best way to go, but I can’t talk to my Gram’s about this. Even if my mom was here I think I’d be too embarrassed to talk to her about this too, but then if she was I wouldn’t know Malik. The thought hits me like a ton of bricks nearly knocking me backwards.

Before a turn of horrific thoughts can enter my mind, I tell myself that everything happens for a reason, just like my Gram’s says it does. I need to believe they were taken for a reason. After all, God does need angels in the sky and my parents really were angels to me.

“Come on, let’s not think about him.’’

“Yeah, we need to get ready for the party. How long do we have?’’ she asks me, and I look at my clock and see we have half an hour before we need to leave.

We would have gotten dressed up earlier, but we decided not to bother, but now we were on a mission to get Malik to sleep with me and dressing up is the first step.

“Half an hour until we need to leave. Come on, we need to show Mason what he’s missing too.’’

“He better not be there,’’ she whispers as tears fill her eyes.

“Hey, you said to prepare for anything a few weeks ago, so that’s what we’re doing. Don’t let him see you down. Show him you can move on and that he’s the one missing out. Because Denny, he really is.’’

“Yeah, you’re right, he doesn’t get to see me down. Tonight we’re going to have fun,’’ she grins before grabbing the bag of clothes she brought over.


*** *** *** *** ***


The party is in full swing by the time we make it there. It’s at Chris Gunners main house again, but Denny assured me not to get used to it, that the old Gunners farm house is where the party usually is. I take her word for it as I’ve never been to a party before. I don’t count my friends eighteenth birthday party as it was a special occasion. All the after school parties my year at school had been on weekends and I never got an invitation to them, so this is really my first time.

I’m nervous as hell as we make our way through the throngs of kids. Some look way older than we are which makes me nervous. I hardly recognize anyone here. Not that I expected to.

A few lads look me up and down making me wish I had chosen a different outfit, but Denny wouldn’t let me change once she saw me in my current outfit. I’m wearing my short denim skirt with my white off the shoulder jumper. Denny wouldn’t let me wear my black tights with it; instead she exchanged them for the nude pair she brought with her to show off more skin, more than I usually liked. We had a disagreement when it came to the shoes. She wanted me to wear the high-heels she had brought with her, but I refused, opting to wear my white ballet shoes that matched my jumper. Not that they were white anymore. Denny had forgotten to mention that Chris’s house didn’t have a stone path and we’d be walking along a dirt path instead. Thankfully the weather had been dry the past few weeks.

“Where is he?’’ I shout over the blasting music.

“They’re usually hanging out downstairs in the basement. Chris has a pool room and stuff down there,’’ she shouts back. “Let’s grab a drink then we can head down there.’’

I nod my head agreeing, nervous as hell about drinking for the first time. She told me before I left the same things my dad pretty much warned me about a few weeks before he died, which nearly brought me to tears. I’m glad she cared enough to warn me. I can see why now with the amount of people here, most of them not even in our school.

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