Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (19 page)

We head into the kitchen where people are milling around a breakfast bar where different bottles and cans of drink are scattered. Denny told me before to drink a blue drink called WKD. She said it’s a girly drink that doesn’t taste much like alcohol, but warned me not to drink too much of it.

Watching Denny shuffle her way through the crowds of people that are hovering around the drinks table I nearly burst out laughing. Especially when a giant lad that has to be twice the size of me in height and twenty in weight picks her up by the waist and diverts her to the drinks she wants before he places her back down giving her a wink.

“That’s Marcus. He works as a doorman at Mavericks club,’’ she shouts letting me know he wasn’t a complete stranger groping her. I also laugh at the fact she never said Mason’s club. After I found out Mavericks VIP club is in fact a strip club, I also found out that Mason ran the club upstairs. Apparently Maverick couldn’t trust Mason around the strippers, which I can totally believe. He’d probably lose staff like he changed underwear if Mason ran the strip club.

“Come on, let’s go find Malik. Oh and don’t forget to put your thumb over the bottle like this,’’ she shows me, placing her thumb inside the tip of her drink. I mimic her actions inserting my thumb into the top of the bottle. I give her a reassuring smile then follow her over to the door on the other side of the kitchen.

It gets chillier when we hit the stairs of the basement and I wish I’d brought a jacket with me. Denny had also argued about that too, saying we’d only lose it or it would get pinched. She did mention before that the house would get hot with all the people crowded inside; most of the girls strip off throughout the night. But then at the end of the night they’d be too drunk to find their coat or jacket that they’d end up taking other peoples clothes back with them instead.

I notice Malik straight away once we hit the bottom step. He’s bent over the pool table ready to take his shot. His back is to me so I’m getting a pretty good view of his tight ass. I must have been drooling over him because it isn’t until I hear Denny mutter something that I do tear my eyes away from his backside.

“What?’’ I ask, feeling bad I never heard her and also embarrassed she caught me ogling my boyfriend.

“I said look at them. They’re leaches I swear. You’d think they’d move on, but each party they stand on the outskirts hoping he’ll take one home,’’ she sighs shaking her head.

“Who?’’ I ask confused and a little amused. That is until I inspect the rest of the room and find a group of girls staring at my man.

My man.

Really? Could they get any more desperate? I laugh when one of the girl’s walks over to Malik only to be completely ignored by him. I’m about to jump in when I notice her lowering her top to show even more of her cleavage and I swear I just got a glimpse of a nipple. Fucking slut bag!

The anger I feel inside is new to me, so is the roaring jealously. I’ve never had to defend myself before, but before I know it, my feet are dragging me over to where Malik is waiting for his opponent to finish his shot.

“Hey babe,’’ I coo, hoping I sound sexy. My arms wrap around him from behind, and all the while my brain is praying he doesn’t push me away. Malik isn’t one for public displays of affection, so I don’t know how he’s going to react to me acting like this. But seeing this bitches face turn into a scowl makes it worth my while. I can feel the anger sizzling off of her and I really want to laugh.

I’m pleased when he doesn’t make me move away and I feel him turn, taking me in his arms and looking down at me adoringly. Awe, I love it when he looks at me like that. With his eyes all soft and his lips forming into one of his sexy as sin smirks. He could melt the butter off anyone’s bread he’s that hot.

“Hey you,’’ he whispers huskily taking in my appearance. Once he finishes his inspection his eyes darken and he brings me flush against his body in one quick fluid move. “Fuck! Are you trying to kill me? You look so fucking hot right now,’’ he growls sending shivers down my spine.

Grinning up at him I give him a wink which makes him chuckle. It soon slips though when I notice the girl still standing there next to him.

“So Malik, want to come back to mine later?’’ she purrs.

I feel sick as soon as the words leave her mouth and try to pull away from Malik feeling uncomfortable. He tenses next to me, tightening his hold and I can feel the easy going tension he had a minute ago leave the room. So I do the only thing a girl can do when someone comes onto her man, I fight back.

“No he doesn’t want to fucking go back to yours, you little slut. You can see he has a girlfriend, one standing right next to him in fact. Do you seriously think that highly of yourself that you think he’d say yes to you in front of me?’’ I laugh.

“Malik doesn’t
girlfriends,’’ she sneers at me.

“No, he never wanted skanks as his girlfriends, doesn’t mean he didn’t want one. That’s the difference,’’ I point out.

“Whatever bitch. It won’t be long until he’s in my bed. Again,’’ she says before walking off.

The anger raging through my body is ready to explode as I watch her sway her hips walking away. She’s wearing what can only be described as a belt, it’s that fucking small, and as soon as she gets over to her friends she turns back around smirking over at me before her eyes turn to Malik and winks.

Fucking winks!

Boiling mad I want to charge over there and wipe that fucking smug smile from off her face, but instead I turn around facing Malik with a serious expression.

“Please tell me you did not touch that?’’

He laughs which only fuels my anger. He must see that I’m deadly serious because he loses his grin and abruptly stops laughing.

“No, I’ve never touched her. She’s the town bike, every fuckers had a ride on that, but not me,’’ he shivers.

“Promise?’’ I ask wanting to make sure.

“Babe? Seriously? I’d tell you the truth I promise. None of the other girls meant shit to me, but you do. You know that. So never question whether I’m being truthful or not because I promise you, I’ll be telling the truth every. Single. Time.’’

“I’m taking that as a no?’’ I question making him chuckle.

Grabbing my hips he brings my body flush against his again, his rock hard body pressed against mine. The bottle of WKD dangles from my hand which I’ve wrapped around his neck, so I’m being careful not to spill it, but when he kisses me the bottle nearly drops from my fingers.

“Hmmm,’’ I moan loving the taste of him. He’s had a drink tonight; I can taste beer on his tongue as I massage mine against his.

“Fuck, I could kiss you all day,’’ he tells me huskily against my lips.

“Likewise, but I hope that day includes night because I’m hoping for a lot more,’’ I flirt.

His eyes open wide before he gives me his signature smirk.

“Is that so?’’ he asks to which I nod yes. “Better get my game on then,’’ he says before bringing his lips down to mine making me giggle.

As the kiss heats up, the more desperate Malik becomes. I can feel his erection against my stomach making me want him desperately. I don’t know about driving him crazy, but it’s driving me insane and that wasn’t a part of the plan.

We pull away when Denny interrupts us, “Come on, I didn’t come here to watch a porno,’’ she teases making me and the lad that Malik was playing pool with chuckle.

“Sorry,’’ I say feeling my cheeks heat.

“No you’re not,’’ she winks.

Taking the first swig of my drink I’m pleased to find it doesn’t taste like alcohol. Not that I’d know what that tastes like, but my other friends at my old school always coughed after they had a sip of a drink.

“Harlow this is Rob, he races with us at the field,’’ he says introducing me to the lad he was playing pool with.

“Hey,’’ I greet smiling at him.

He returns the smile with a nod and a grin before looking back to Malik, “You playing or what? I’ve got twenty quid with my name on it.’’

“You’ve twenty quid to lose you mean?’’ Malik laughs grabbing his pool cue.


*** *** *** *** ***


The night progresses pretty much the same. I’m on my fourth drink of the night and feeling pretty tipsy. I’ve stopped myself from accepting any more drinks as I don’t want to suffer a hangover tomorrow. I’ve seen what they can do to people, I’m not completely sheltered. I have big plans tomorrow night and I don’t want them ruined because I drank too much.

It’s getting late and nearly curfew time when Mason shows up with his arm around some blonde bimbo with fake boobs. Denny had started to relax about an hour ago when we thought he wasn’t going to show up. Malik said he had to go sort something out at the bar so we presumed he would be held up there all night. I did ask Malik why Mason came to these parties when he was old enough to go out clubbing. He just said Mason isn’t in to the whole clubbing scene and he only pops in on occasions to see some old mates that still hang about.

It seems Chris’s parties are legendary. Before Chris it had been his older brother Matt that threw them. I guess it became a tradition because their eldest brother John also threw parties.

I’m secretly hoping Denny doesn’t notice him, but then all bets are off the moment she sees him. Her eyes water immediately, and then turn to stone once she lays her eyes on the girl rubbing herself up against him. Not wanting her to cause a scene I walk over to her quickly.

“Are you okay?’’ I whisper, not wanting the people around us to hear.

“Yeah, but if it’s okay with you can we go? I don’t think I can stay here and watch him all over another girl,’’ she says softly, pain evident in her voice.

I turn back to Mason to see him tongue deep with the same girl. A part of me really wants to walk over there and bang their heads together. I may even knock a few of his teeth out. I giggle inwardly at the thought.

“Jesus, she’s going to eat him,’’ I murmur out loud.

I relax as soon as Denny giggles beside me, “She does look like she’s about to swallow him,’’ she laughs again gaining Mason’s attention.

Something like pain crosses his eyes when they lock on Denny’s before he shakes himself out of it looking indifferent to the situation. He scowls over at us, and then does something so childish I want to go over and tip his beer all over him. He leans down to the girl kissing her deeply before grabbing her ass and shoving her up the wall. Denny’s intake of breath has me snapping my head to her. She’s not even trying to hide the hurt on her face anymore. Her face contorts in a painful way as the tears begin to pour.

“Come on; let’s get out of here,’’ I whisper, putting my arm around her.

She leans into me, a sob catching at the back of her throat. As soon as I hear her cry I have the urge to go over there and kick him in the balls. He’s a fucking twat for doing this to her. He knew it would hurt her seeing him with another girl, so it makes me wonder if he did it on purpose.

We get to the basement steps when he calls out to us, not letting us go in peace.

“What do you want Mason?’’ I ask shooting both him and the bimbo a glare.

“What’s wrong?’’ he smirks looking at me. His eyes flicker to Denny, and for a minute I actually think he’s sorry, but then he looks back to me wearing the same arrogant smirk as before.

“What do you think asshole?’’

“At least she’s going home with you tonight. I honestly thought I’d have to get a restraining order,’’ he laughs making me drop my arm around Denny and move towards him.

Denny’s arm shoots out stopping me. I turn to her confused but then I see her wiping away her tears and glaring over at Mason.

“You won’t need a restraining order Mason. But talk to me again and I’ll make you wish you never met me.’’

“Already do sweetheart,’’ he winks acting so out of character. Or maybe this is how he always acted around girls, I don’t know.

My eyes go wide when I watch Denny walk over to Mason, a sweet smile playing on her face.

“Oh baby, you know nothing,’’ she says sweetly before bringing her knee up and slamming it into his balls.

Mason falls down to the floor with a pained noise, rolling over to his side holding his junk through his jeans.

“You bitch,’’ He wheezes, his eyes clamped shut.

“Next time I’ll make sure you cough your balls up,’’ she says before turning and leaving. I give one more look to Mason on the floor crying out in pain before running up the stairs after her with a grin on my face. I’m so glad she stood up to him. I know it doesn’t mean she’s not hurting, but it’s a step closer towards moving on and it probably made her feel better for that split second. It did me and he never hurt me.

“You okay?’’ I ask once I catch up to her.

“Yeah. Did I really just do that?’’ she asks shocked.

“Yeah and it fucking rocked,’’ I hoot.

She laughs loudly before her laughs turn into muffled sobs and I bring her in for a hug.

“Hey, it’s going to be okay. We’re leaving now, so we won’t have to see him.’’

“Why is he being so mean to me, Harlow? It’s one thing for him to kick me out of his bed, but to act like I’m the one who had stolen his virtue, it’s killing me inside. It hurts so goddamn much.’’

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