Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (25 page)

“Who is that?’’ I ask Denny once everyone gets back to what they’re doing. Malik gives me a grin then sends me a wink before grabbing a book from his bag.

“That’s Charlie,’’ she offers and for once Denny doesn’t comment any further.

“That’s it? Usually you have a whole Wikipedia on them.’’

“Huh? Oh. She was actually another friend to Kayla once. But Kayla pushed her away too. They lived next door to each other.’’

Denny looks distracted, looking mindlessly at the textbook in front of her. I go to make another comment, but end up turning around to look at Charlie once again. Her back is to me, but she’s talking to the girl sitting next to her, so I only get to see her side profile.

She’s got green eyes, pale skin and wears bright red glasses. She looks nerdy but in a cool kind of way. I actually feel kind of envious of her. She reminds me of Lilly a little, a girl who doesn’t care what others think and will dress for herself and not because of what the latest fashion magazine tells her to wear.

“What did she mean by being ill?’’

“I’m not ill,’’ Denny snaps at me. My heads whips to her, shocked at her outburst. She’s been in a bloody foul mood since Tuesday and I’m kind of sick of it.

“What is your problem Denny? Are we okay? Have I done something to upset you?’’ genuinely concerned for our friendship.

“Fuck! No you haven’t, I’m sorry Harlow. My mom’s been on my ass the past week about exams and stuff. It’s been really getting to me. I don’t mean to take it out on you. I’m sorry.’’

“It’s okay, but are you really okay? You don’t talk about your parents much.’’

She snorts grabbing the attention of the two lads sitting in front of us. Denny sends them a glare before turning back to me, “I’m fine. I’m just tired. I’ve been worried about exams, and with mom making it worse it’s just too much, ya know?’’ she says and I nod agreeing even though I don’t know. My mom and dad were nothing but supportive of me.

“So why don’t you talk about them?’’

“There’s nothing to talk about Harlow. I feel selfish saying it because of you losing your parents the way you did, but sometimes I wish they weren’t my parents. I really hate them and wish I could move out. I wonder sometimes why she even bothered having kids. My brother was right in moving out as soon as he could. She’s overbearing and controlling Harlow and I am the centre of all that. It’s worse for me because I’m a girl. My brother didn’t have to worry about half the stuff I do to keep her off my back.’’

Not knowing how to comfort my friend, I just end up giving her a reassuring hug before letting her have time to herself. I can tell there’s more to that story and that she’s not ready to share, which I completely understand.


*** *** *** *** *** ***


Surprisingly, lunch time wasn’t so bad. Not many students actually said anything to me about the picture. A few lads made passing comments and a few girls, especially Hannah and her friends made some pretty nasty comments, but other than them, the day went fine.

My last lesson of the day is geography and the only thing I’m happy for is that Davis got sent home for the day after his comment to me this morning. The only thing I’m not too happy about is seeing Hannah in there. At least in Art I have Malik with me and she tends to keep quiet whenever he’s around.

I ignore the glare she’s sending me when I walk into the classroom and take a seat at my usual table. The rest of the class starts filing in and I’m taken by surprise when a pink My Little Pony bag slams down on the table beside me.

“Shit,’’ I yelp, jumping from my seat when I see the girl, Charlie from this morning.

“Hey Harlow.’’

“Hey, Charlie. It is Charlie right?’’

“Yeah,’’ she grins happily, getting out a frilly pink notebook with pink frilly pens and shit. This girl seriously loves pink. I’ve seriously never known anyone as unique as her.

“Ha, look, don’t they make a cute couple,’’ Hannah teases from behind us making my back go rigid.

Not fazed by Hannah and her group of friends, Charlie turns around grinning at her, “Oh Hannah, the school is wrong about you being a bitch. That has to be one of the loveliest comments anyone has ever said to me. I mean, you did see her body right? Right?’’ she says, saying the last part louder. My eyes bug out of my head wondering where the hell this girl has come from. She’s freaking feisty.

“Shut up geek,’’ Hannah sneers back.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t look. She has a smoking hot body. That is why you said we make a cute couple wasn’t it?’’

“Fuck off Charlie. Wouldn’t want a repeat performance of year nine now would we?’’

“Puh-lease... Like I would let you bunch of Muppets bully me again. I’m not the naive little girl I was back then anymore. I bite back. Literally. Just ask the last girl who pissed me off.’’

“No wonder you’ve been off. You’ve been in a loony bin.’’

“Oh honey you should know, your mother was my roommate,’’ Charlie sings before turning back around and ignoring her.

The teacher walks in and I inwardly groan. I really dislike him and not just because he doesn’t stand up for people being bullied, but because of the way he looks at me. It really creep’s me out.

“Charlie, what a pleasant surprise,’’ he says cheerfully and I start to wonder if Mr. Haynes has a personality disorder.

“Yeah, of course it is,’’ she bites out with a wide smile.

He gives her a warm smile before sending me a sneer, sending chills down my spine and not the chills I get from Malik.

He starts the class by talking about volcanic rock and the earth’s plates. I’m listening intently, fascinated by the subject when I feel a kick to my chair. It sends my chair forward a little, and I’m hoping now I’ve moved forward it keeps from reaching me, but then another kick comes to the back of the chair and it pisses me off.

“Pack it in,’’ I growl turning around.

“Will you quiet down Miss. Evans,’’ the teacher growls. I give him a tight lipped smile before looking back down at my work.

I feel pens and other shit being thrown at my head. A few times Charlie has turned around and said something. If that was me then Mr. Haynes would have said something by now. Just proves he really does have it out for me.

It isn’t until I feel something much harder hit me in the head that I lose my shit. The pain of it hitting me has my eyes watering.

“What is your problem Hannah?’’ I burst out getting in her face over the table. Okay, not totally in her face, but closer to her table so she knows I mean business.


“Why though? You don’t even know me and I don’t know you, so why?’’

“Miss. Evans, I’m not going to warn you again, turn around and get on with your work.’’

“Yes sir, was just telling Hannah to stop kicking my chair.’’

He doesn’t say anything, which doesn’t surprise me either. My back straightens when I hear the distinct sound of someone spitting. Wondering who would be that gross to spit in class, I’m horrified when I feel something hit my hair. I don’t even have to touch it to know someone just spat on me.

Standing up I turn glaring at Hannah. A few students gasp, some ready with their phones, most likely to get ready to record the show down.

“What the fuck Hannah? Did you seriously just spit in my hair? You’re fucking disgusting, do you know that?’’ I shout, faintly hearing the teacher telling me to sit back down. Yeah, like that’s going to fucking happen.

“Are you kidding me?’’ Charlie laughs. “This school hasn’t changed a bit. First... you know what, never mind. Harlow isn’t the first person you’ve sat by and watched being bullied sir. This school is a joke.’’

“One more word Charlie and you’ll be in detention every day after school this week.’’

“Why, because she stood up for me? I’ve just had someone spit in my hair and you’re acting like we’re in the wrong. Why haven’t you told Hannah to go to the principal’s office or said something to her? Not as if I haven’t got proof dripping from my fucking hair,’’ I shout, finally feeling the past week building up. I’ve had it with this school and most of the people in it.

Hannah and her group of friends laugh behind me and I whirl around getting straight into her face. The smirk leaves her face for a split second and she shows some kind of fear in her eyes, but it’s gone in an instant and a cold mask covers her eyes instead.

“One day Hannah you’ll get what’s coming to you. Do you really think your friends will help you once that happens? No, you know why? Because they’ll finally be free of you. It’s people like you who don’t have true friends. Instead you have people too scared not to be your friend. You’re a bully and always will be. And I don’t care if you have it bad at home or if your parents don’t love you, there are no excuses for you to be a fucking bully. I’ve been through hell, but you know what? You don’t see me taking it out on every single person, and trust me, I have a lot to be angry at.’’

Her face would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact I’m fuming mad right now. I can hear Mr. Haynes shouting at me to get out, that he won’t have me disrupting his lessons anymore.

“I’m going; I need to wash this out before my hair starts to sizzles leaving me bald. She is toxic after all,’’ I snarl at Hannah, feeling my face heat, a mixture from anger and embarrassment. I mean, I have got someone else’s spit in my hair.

I slam the classroom door open, not caring that it hits the wall with a loud bang. The class erupts in cheers, whether they’re taking the piss or cheering me on, I have no idea.

My footsteps clink loudly down the hall as I make my way out of the school. I send Malik a text while I wait outside in our normal meeting space. At least it gives me time to try getting this out of my hair with the tissue from my bag.

I almost hurt Charlie when she sneaks upon me.

“Holy hell, you scared the shit out of me,’’ I squeak jumping up from the bench.

“Sorry. I need to talk to you.’’

“About?’’ unsure of what she would need to talk to me about. We met officially half an hour ago, if that.

“Craig Davis.’’

“What about him?’’ I ask, feeling sick. I know it had to be him who took that photo, well, him or Hannah, take your pick.

She laughs, but there’s nothing humorous about it, “You need to stay away from him. Hell, you should never have looked at him. I heard about the first day of school. My friend said you sat down next to him, pulled a face then moved to the other side of the room. He’s bad news and my guess is that those pictures got pinned around the school because of him.’’

“I already know all of this Charlie. He’s making my life a living hell,’’ I tell her letting out a bitter laugh. “He has made it pretty clear I’m in for some shit. There isn’t anything anyone can do. And what do you know about those pictures?’’

“Oh, I know fuck all about those pictures. Although, you do have a smoking hot body,’’ she winks taking me back. I shake my head wondering where the hell she gets all this bubbly energy from, especially when she’s talking about something so serious. “But, I had a friend who had the same thing done to her in a way. I guess he didn’t feel the need to post hers around school and that is saying something about you. He’s obviously intimidated by you. He is going to be looking for more ways to break you.’’

“Hold up a minute,’’ I say waving my hand around to stop her. “You’re telling me he has done this to another girl, but never posted the picture anywhere? You think he posted mine because he’s trying to break me, to make me weak? Have I got this right so far?’’ I ask and wait for her to nod. When she does I continue. “I’m going out on a limb here, that and a friend told me some of it, but you’re talking about Kayla right? Denny said she was quiet, a nerd, pretty, and was bullied and... Well I guess if you were her friend you would know the rest of that sentence,’’ I mumble, feeling a lump form in the back of my throat.

“We still talk from time to time. He broke her in more ways than one. He destroyed her. He can’t keep getting away with doing this. You’re lucky he’s in Mr. Rogers’s registration because apart from a few other teachers, he’s the only one that will stand by you. The rest are scared of him or of his family so they keep quiet. Mr. Haynes is just one of those teachers and he isn’t even subtle about it. I think he’s the worst one,’’ she pouts, seeming to think about it. “Actually, I’m pretty sure there isn’t a teacher worse than him. God I hate him.’’

“Me too,’’ I smile, actually starting to relax. “I just don’t get what you want me to do. We’ve gone to the police, we’ve reported him and the school was supposed to be looking out for me, but you can see how well that’s been going for me.’’

“I’m not telling you to do anything chick, I’m literally telling you you’re already doing it,’’ she looks at me before she sighs, her shoulders slumping. “He keeps getting away with hurting people, but this time, I believe I know someone who can put an end to him.’’

“Who?’’ I ask wondering why she never started off the conversation with this tid bit of information.

“You,’’ she states boldly taking me completely by surprise. It takes a few seconds for her words to register. It’s then I realise she must be joking. She is joking right? She can’t really believe me, out of all the people in this school could put a stop to him. He’d bring me down with him.

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