Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha (53 page)

  Weight selection: pick a weight you could lift 8–12 times.


Alternate A1 and A2 for 5 minutes. The goal is to get as many reps as possible. After this circuit, rest 3–5 minutes. Then increase weights by 5 to 10 percent and repeat the circuit for another 5 minutes. After the second time through, rest another 3–5 minutes and proceed to workout set B.

Reverse Lunge
6–8 reps

Face Pull
6–8 reps

Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press
6–8 reps

  Weight selection: pick a weight you could lift 12–15 times.


Cycle through B1, B2, and B3 for 6 minutes. The goal is to get as many reps as possible. After this circuit, rest 3–5 minutes. Then increase weights by 3 to 5 percent and repeat the circuit for another 6 minutes. After the second time through, rest another 3–5 minutes and proceed to workout set C.

Rear Delt Fly
6–8 reps

Reverse Curl
6–8 reps

  Grab a pair of dumbbells with an overhand, shoulder-width grip so that your palms are angled slightly inward.

  The dumbbells should hang at arm's length in front of your waist. Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as close to your shoulders as you can.

  Pause, then lower the weight back to the starting position.

  Weight selection: pick a weight you could lift 8–12 times.


Alternate C1 and C2 for 4 minutes. The goal is to get as many reps as possible. After this circuit, rest 2 minutes. Then repeat the circuit for another 5 minutes with the same weight.



Barbell Front Squat
5 reps

  Hold a barbell across your upper chest with a clean grip and your feet shoulder-width apart.

  Keeping your lower back arched, lower your body as deep as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees.

  Pause, then reverse the movement back to the starting position.


Weighted Chin-Up
5 reps

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