Read Maria Callas: The Woman Behind the Legend Online
Authors: Arianna Huffington
Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Entertainment & Performing Arts
M’s settlement with
as M’s “Shadow”
M’s will contested by
M’s withdrawal from
as musically untalented
obsessive ambitions for M of
son’s death and
as strict parent
suicide attempted by
theatrical ambitions of
troubled marriage of
World War II and
Callas (Kalogeropoulos), George (father)
as ambivalent about wife’s move to Greece
Americanization of name
as critically ill
death of
divorce of
at Epidaurus with M
family moved to U.S. by
Meneghini liked by
in Mexico with M
M’s regard for
M’s reunion with
M’s twenty-first birthday and
opera as boring to
as pharmacist
remarriage of
son’s death and
troubled marriage to Evangelia of
as uninterested in M’s career
womanizing of
Callas, Jackie (sister)
engagement of
as favored by mother
Greek Civil War and
M’s childhood relations with
M’s death and
M’s envy of
M’s reunion with
M’s withdrawal from
in physical comparison with
World War II and
Callas, Maria:
admirers vs. detractors at performances of
allergies of
American citizenship renounced by
American Dream epitomized by
artistic philosophy of
on bel canto
birth date dispute of
bleak philosophy of
breaking friendships, as habit of
canceled performances of
in car accident, as child
childhood of
childhood dreams of
childhood interest in opera of
as childhood loner
childhood music training of
childhood singing appearances of
christening of
colleagues and
“comeback” of
as comic vs. tragic heroine
comic opera and
as “complete artist”
conservatory studies of
conventionality of
on creating new roles
death of
death of, reactions to
death feared by
declining performances of
de Hidalgo period of,
de Hidalgo, Elvira
dentistry as ambition of
di Stefano period of,
di Stefano, Giuseppe
as dramatic actress
early signs of talent of
education of
on fame
fashion tastes of
fiery temperament of
first professional adversity of
first social acceptance of
French people loved by
funeral of
genius of
Greek “blood” of
Greek Civil War and
homes of
illnesses of
jewels of
language of
last operatic appearance of
last will and testament of
legal entanglements of
as legend vs. real woman
life dominated by past
loneliness of
love and admiration craved by
as loyal to instincts
on marriage
marriage of,
Meneghini, Geovanni Battista
as mezzo
on modern music
money fears of
mother’s relationship with,
Callas, Evangelia Dimitriadis
on Mozart
myopia of
nightclubs hated by
as operatic director
operatic standards set by
on operettas
oratorio singing disliked by
perfectionism of
pet canaries of
pet dogs of
pregnancy of
press gossip about
professionalism of
professional stage debut of
public’s enthusiasm for
recordings of
regal dignity of
religious attitude of
reporters and
scholarship fund of
self-confidence lacking in
Serafin period of,
Serafin, Tullio
servants of
as shipowner
shopping habits of
singleness of purpose of
sinus troubles of
on Skorpios
sleeping pills needed by
social life important to
social singing disliked by
stage debut of, in student production
stage fright of
success of others as threat to
taped conversations with
as teacher
as transformed by love
Trivella period of,
Trivella, Maria
turning point in career of
as “ugly duckling”
verbal directness of
Visconti period of,
Visconti, Luchino
voice of, criticized
voice of, as deteriorating
voice of, emotional relationship with
voice of, praised
voice of, range of
weight problems and dieting of
Zeffirelli period of,
Zeffirelli, Franco
at zenith of career
see also specific individuals and topics
Calvé, Emma
Caraza-Campos, Antonio
Cardin, Pierre
Carus, Neville
Carnegie Hall (New York)
Caroli, Dr.
Carosio, Margherita
Caselotti, Louise
as jealous of M
Cassidy, Claudia
“Casta Diva” (
Castelbarco, Contessa
Catalani, Alfredo
Cavalleria Rusticana
M’s stage debut in
Celli, Teodoro
Cerquetti, Anita
Cetra Records
M’s first recording and
Chanel, Coco
Chapin, Schuyler
Chaplin, Charlie
Cherubini, Luigi
Chiarini, Francesco
Chicago American
Chicago Lyric Opera
Chicago Opera House
Chicago Tribune
Chopin, Frédéric
Christina (yacht)
Jackie Kennedy on board
M on board
Christoff, Boris
Christoff, Maria
Churchill, Lady Clementine
Churchill, Diana
Churchill, Randolph
Churchill, Sir Winston
Cleva, Fausto
Cohn, Roy
Colbran, Isabella
Collier, Marie
Consuelo (M’s cook)
Consul, The
Copley, John
Corelli, Franco
M as jealous of
Corriere della Sera
Cossotto, Fiorenza
Cournot, Yves
Coveney, John
Covent Garden (London)
centenary gala of
La Scala vs.
M’s debut at
Coward, Noel
Crespin, Régine
Curtis Institute (Philadelphia)
Cushing, Richard Cardinal
d’Adda, Brando
Daily Express
Daily Mail
d’Albert, Eugen
Dallas Civic Opera
Dallas Morning News
Dal Monte, Toti
d’Astainville, Kim
Davis, Ivan
de Almeida, Antonio
Dedichen, Ingse
de Hidalgo, Elvira
home of, as M’s refuge
as meticulous teacher
M’s departure for America and
M’s destiny perceived by
M’s devotion to
as M’s “fairy godmother”
M’s talents uncovered by
as teacher of romantic repertoire
World War II and
de Hidalgo, Luis
de Jong, Peter
Dellendas, Antonis
Del Monaco, Mario
de Los Angeles, Victoria
de Nobili, Lila
de Sabata, Victor
Dettmer, Roger
Devetzi, Vasso
Dialogues des Carmélites