Marlborough (102 page)

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Authors: Richard Holmes

sources, 8

ends, 15

and War of
League of Augsburg, 172–3

origins, 192–3

conduct, 209

opening campaign in Low Countries, 224–7

and French demands, 322

Sparke, William, 120

(journal), 36

Spencer, Lady Anne (Marlborough’s daughter)
Sunderland, Countess of

Spencer, Charles (historian), 3

Spencer, Charles, Lord
Sunderland, 3rd Earl of

Spencer, Lady Diana, 473

Spencer, Major Giles, 20

Spencer-Churchill family, 476

Speyerbach, 305

battle of (1704), 251, 254

Stair, John Dalrymple, 1st Earl of, 181, 208

Stair, John Dalrymple, 2nd Earl of, 284, 347, 391, 403, 454, 467

Stanhope, Major General James, 1st Earl, 303, 356–7

Stanislas Lesczynski, King of Poland, 357

Steele, Sir Richard, 15, 18

Steenkirk, battle of (1692), 172, 181–2

Stepney, George, 212, 218, 220, 254, 368, 438

Stewart, Major-General William, 19

Stollhofen, Lines of, 240, 250–1, 256, 268, 278, 305, 331

Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of, 210

Strafford, Major General Thomas Wentworth, 3rd Earl of (
Baron Raby):

on Masham’s patronage, 23

on Portmore’s selling regiment to Kirke, 24

Cadogan meets, 210

told of Marlborough’s forces, 216

praises Cadogan, 217

Stepney seconds in Berlin, 254

and Cadogan’s staff work, 256

and Marlborough’s campaign against Vendôme, 361

and capture of Cadogan, 367

relations with Cadogan, 440

denied promotion, 446–7

Strasbourg, 90, 188, 249

Stretton, Lieutenant, 405

Strickland, Admiral Sir Roger, 145

Strong (Blenheim Palace mason), 301

Stuart, Frances, 62

Sturler, General, 388

Styrum, Hermann Otto Limburg-Styrum, Count zu, 248, 275, 287

Sunderland, Anne Spencer, Countess of (
Churchill; Marlborough’s daughter), 102, 108, 191, 448, 469, 471

Sunderland, Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl of:

first marriage (to Anne Churchill), 191

as extraordinary envoy to Vienna, 304

Sarah recommends for high office, 351

appointed secretary of state, 353

and Marlborough’s siege of Lille, 402

Anne dismisses, 442–3

remarries, 473

Sunderland, Judith, Countess of (
Tichborne), 473

Sunderland, Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of:

works with Godolphin, 100

and Anne’s marriage to Prince George, 106

and Anne’s circle, 108

persuades Sarah to reconciliation with William, 186

Whiggism, 191

and French peace overtures (1709), 215–16

opposes Prince George’s exemption from naturalisation clause in Act of Settlement, 234

Supremacy, Oath of, 77

Surville, Louis Charles de Hautefort, marquis de, 419


defeated in Great Northern War, 306

see also
Charles XII, King of Sweden

Sweet, Benjamin, 460

Swift, Jonathan, 5, 33

The Conduct of the Allies in the late War
, 458

Swift, Richard, 208


at battle of Oudenarde, 388

serve on both sides at Malplaquet, 424

Syon House, Middlesex, 177, 180

Talbot, Lieut.-Colonel Richard, 92, 110

Tallard, Marshal Camille de:

on Blenheim campaign, 8–9

in Lines of Stollhofen, 240

Prince William of
Baden resists, 251

threat in Bavaria, 255

and Marlborough’s march into Germany, 259–60

joins Elector of Bavaria, 277–8, 280–1, 283

defeated at battle of Blenheim, 282, 285, 287–9, 292–5

ignorance of Marlborough/Eugène’s strength, 282

praises Zurlauben, 292

as prisoner, 296–7

defeats Prince Louis at Speyerbach, 305

Tangerines (conspiratorial group), 136


Pepys in, 10

British troops in, 49, 51

as part of Catherine of Braganza’s dowry, 49, 51

Marlborough serves in, 59–60

Taunton, Somerset, 120, 126

Taviers, 334, 345–6

Teignmouth, 168

Temple, Sir Richard, 207

Tenison, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 137

Tessé, Marshal Mans Jean Baptiste René de Froullai, comte de, 259

Test Acts, 77–8, 131, 137

in Scotland, 95

Teviot, Andrew Rutherford, 1st Earl of, 59, 82

Thiery Wood, Flanders, 422–4

Thornhill, Sir James, 301

Thourout, 399

Thungen, General, 202

Tillotson, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 186

Tilly, Claude t’Serclaes, Count of, 386, 455

Tincey, John, 118, 128

Tirlemont, 315, 317, 333

Tollemache, Lieutenant General Thomas, 161, 172–3, 174, 183, 184

Tonbridge (Tunbridge), Michael de Burghe, Viscount, 294

Tongres, 229, 241, 247, 367


William lands at, 145

British invasion fleet returns to, 350

Torcy, Jean-Baptise Colbert, marquis de, 193, 216, 319, 410, 458


representation in Parliament, 33

following and views, 35–7

on war with France, 37

name adopted, 90

and Cockpit circle, 140

deny pension to Marlborough, 233

favour seapower, 233

Sarah’s hostility to, 238–9, 298

and Blenheim victory, 298

success of moderates in 1703 election, 304

removed from office under Anne, 353

and Webb, 413

hostility to Marlborough, 415

disparage Marlborough’s military achievements, 458

accept Treaty of Utrecht, 459

Torrington, Admiral Arthur Herbert, 1st Earl of, 137, 145, 168

Torrington, Viscount
Byng, Admiral Sir George

torture (judicial):

in France, 66

in Scotland, 94


Allied attack on, 357–61

Tournai, 367, 393, 418–21, 455

Tourville, Admiral Anne-Hilarion de Cotentin, 179

Townshend, Charles, Viscount, 447

Trained Bands (London), 49

Trarbach, 249, 251, 305

Treason Club, 136

Trelawney, Brigadier General Charles:

opposes Monmouth rebellion, 114, 125

conspires against James II, 136

deserts James II, 151

serves on commission for army reform, 159

Trelawney, Sir John, Bishop of Exeter, then of Winchester, 33, 136, 233, 355

Trento, 250

Trevelyan, George Macaulay:

on Marlborough, 4–5

on Whigs, 36

on success of William’s invasion, 147

on effect of battle of Ramillies, 348

on Malplaquet, 441

Trier, 249, 251, 305, 309, 311–12

Trogne, Jean Gérard, Baron van, 243

Tullibardine, Colonel John Murray the younger, styled Earl of, 433

Turckheim, 81

Turenne, Marshal Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, vicomte de, 79–82

Turin, siege of (1706), 350

Turkey (Ottoman Empire):

alliance with French, 146, 250

and Peace of Carlowitz, 250

Turnham Green, 187

Tyrconnell, Frances, Countess of (
Jennings; Sarah Marlborough’s sister):

serves at court, 83–4

marriage to Hamilton, 86

and Marlborough’s courtship of Sarah, 88

first husband killed, 89

marriage to Tyrconnell, 92–3

Marlborough buys share of Jennings home from, 100

Marlborough arranges pass to Aix for, 327

Tyrconnell, Richard Talbot, Earl (
Duke) of:

marriage to Frances, 92–3

and reform of army in Ireland, 133–4

secures Ireland for James, 166

and campaign in Ireland (1690), 169, 170–1

death, 171

Ulm, 74, 202, 240, 250, 305

Union, Act of (Scotland-England, 1707), 356

United Provinces (Dutch Republic):

commercial treaty with France (1697), 18

Louis XIV’s threat to and war with, 51, 65–8

England forms treaty of alliance with (1677), 52

government, 67, 198–9

British troops in, 78

peace with Britain (1674), 78

war with France ends (1678), 89

France resumes war with (1688), 146, 159

Marlborough appointed ambassador, 195–6

threatened by French, 196, 198

and Spanish occupation of Netherlands territory, 197–8

religious toleration, 198

in War of Spanish Succession, 198–9, 201, 224–5

conduct of war, 199–200

maritime interests, 199

support Marlborough as commander, 201

and French peace overtures (1709), 216

raise additional troops (1703), 240

suspend trade with France, 240

veto Marlborough’s plan to attack Lines of Brabant, 247

at Donauwörth, 275

French negotiate with (1705), 318–19

and supplies of saltpetre, 326

see also
Dutch, the

Upcott, Captain (of Oxford Blues), 122

Utrecht, Treaty of (1713), 15, 458–9, 462

Valencia, 350

Valenciennes, 420, 453

Vanbrugh, Sir John:

declines post of surveyor general, 22

designs Blenheim Palace, 300–1

disagrees with Sarah over continuing with Blenheim building, 472

Sarah dismisses from Blenheim Palace project, 477

Vauban, Marshal Sebastien le Prestre de, 70, 73–4, 76, 90, 130, 184, 392, 452

Vaudemont, Charles Thomas, Prince of, 174


De Re Militari
, 46–7

Vendôme, Louis-Joseph, Duke of:

replaces Villeroi after Ramillies, 349

opposes Marlborough on Brabant borders, 361–2

returns captured Cadogan in exchange for Pallavicini, 368

and 1708 campaign in Spanish Netherlands, 369, 371, 378–9, 393

Louis XIV sends instructions to, 369–70

relations with Burgundy, 370, 377–8, 390, 393

and battle of Oudenarde, 382–4, 386, 389–90

orders capture of Allied arms convoy, 399

and siege of Lille, 401

loses favour, 412

Venlo, siege of (1701), 227–8

Venner, Thomas, 49–50

Verona, 250

Versailles, 66

Victor Amadeus, Duke of Savoy:

makes separate peace with France (1696), 188

new treaty of alliance (1703), 239

defection from France, 252, 329–30

Eugène disparages, 252

payments to, 252–3

attack on Toulon, 357–61

campaign in Italy, 362

Palmes meets in Vienna, 416

dilatoriness, 417

territorial gains under Peace of Utrecht, 458


strategic position, 250

Vigo Bay:

Spanish treasure fleet captured, 233

Villars, Marshal Claude Louis Hector, duc de:

intervenes at Walcourt, 162

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