Read Marriage & the Mermaid (Hapless Heroes) Online

Authors: Louise Cusack

Tags: #novel, #love, #street kid, #romantic comedy, #love story, #Fiction, #Romance, #mermaid, #scam, #hapless, #Contemporary Romance, #romcom

Marriage & the Mermaid (Hapless Heroes) (26 page)

But this had to be done methodically, so Rand walked around the partition and grabbed the towels he’d seen under the basin. While he was there he propped his briefcase against the door, so if someone came in the case would fall and he’d hear it. Then he came back to the shower cubicle and put the towels onto the small seat inside.

“Here,” he said and gestured for her to enter.

Venus skipped past him, and despite the importance of his mission Rand couldn’t help smiling at her enthusiasm. He stepped in after her and closed the cubicle door. “Strip off,” he said, “and hang your clothes on the taps.”

She managed to tear her bikini top, then she threw the pieces at the taps and missed. They fell onto the wet floor and stayed there as she watched Rand carefully remove his coat, tie and shirt. He folded them and placed them on the shelf above the seat, beside a very convenient sealed pack of toiletries. Then he took off his shoes and slid down his trousers, intent on keeping them clean and dry as well. If anything happened to the
George would be spitting.

His dick sprang out of his jocks and she gasped, then she laughed in delight and clapped her hands. Rand smiled as he shook his head, folding his underwear and putting them up on the shelf as well. This was
the usual
for him — fucking in return for something — but he had to admit her excitement was contagious.

“You are younger than Balthazar,” she said admiringly. “Your shoulders aren’t as wide but I like the way your muscles are defined.” She ran a hand over his chest and he felt the nipples spring to life under her fingers. “So how will you… fuck me?” she asked, the obscenity sounding as sexy as hell when she said it with her eyes all wide and innocent.

“Up against the wall there,” he said, pointing to the tiles that the water wasn’t striking. They were white with little blue dolphins.

She backed up against them and opened her legs, somehow managing to look awkward and endearing, despite the fact that she was probably the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen naked. She blinked those big blue eyes at him and said, “Like this?”

“No, with your back to me,” he said, and turned her to face the tiles, then he saw a row of faint thin scars running parallel with her ribcage — three on each side. “What’s this?” he asked, touching them, wondering if she’d fallen on something sharp when she was young. The scars were such an even distance apart, between each rib.

“What does it look like?” she asked, her voice strained as though she knew exactly what he was talking about and wished he hadn’t seen it.

Rand suddenly suspected that she’d been cut by someone, and that meant she’d be psychologically damaged as well. He didn’t want to go there. It wasn’t his business, so he said, “You’re probably an angel and this is where your wings fell off.”

She nodded, but he saw her swallow thickly so he decided to stop wasting time. He was hard enough to get this started, so he went back to arranging her position, pressing her shoulders and cheek gently against the tiles while holding her hips back a little. “Arms up. Like this,” he told her, lifting her hands to put them on the wall beside her face. Her glittering fingernail polish, almost a match to the color of her eyes, caught the light next to her nose.

“But how can I —” she started, then she gasped when he slid his fingers slid from her waist down to her clit. She bucked at the jolt of sensation it must have caused her and he smiled. She really did seem to be a virgin. “You are seriously slick,” he said.

“I’ve been waiting four days,” she said over her shoulder.

He guided his dick past the tight opening and into her then…


“How does that feel?” he asked, still stroking her clit with one hand while the other came up to caress her breast.

“Disorienting. Full. Hard.” She was panting and he hadn’t even started yet.

“Is it good?” He pulled his hips back and pushed in again.

“Oh …

good?” he said, and smiled, then the sensations took over and he stopped talking because this was one he could enjoy, despite the fact that there was a ticking clock in the back of his mind. Carlos was coming back, but Rand was going to give Venus ten minutes of undivided attention. Surely a virgin deserved that much.

And she really seemed to be into it. Her panting quickly developed into quiet moaning, deep in her throat, then the moaning turned into soft cries that accompanied each of his thrusts, “Ohhh, ohhh,

It was like a song, but the vibration of it resonated deep in Rand’s chest, like some sort of harmonics. Her eyelids began to flicker and Rand felt her rib cage expand and contract, as if her lungs were squeezing. Her hands scrabbled on the tiles in agitation and then he felt a squeezing sensation on his dick that was mind–blowing.

“Fuck! Angels are
“ he groaned, trying to hold back so she’d come first but a tsunami of pleasure was sucking him down.

Then Venus’s eyes went wide and she swallowed the sound, only to gasp in a lungful of air a second later. The intense squeezing stopped, but the pleasure didn’t and then she started to shudder and cry out,

Rand, with his face pressed into her hair, couldn’t hold back, and two thrusts later he slamming into her with the most intense orgasm of his life. It felt as if every fiber of his body was draining out through his dick, but somehow he managed to keep them upright against the shower wall as they both shuddered and then went deliciously limp In the aftermath he could only pant harshly against her shoulder, his head dropped, his mind empty of everything except the realization that that was the single best fuck he’d ever had. In his life.

“Oh … I …
… that,” she breathed, and he looked up to see her eyelashes blinking against the tiles. Warm water ran down one of his legs, and his mind clicked back into telling him he was mid–scam and that he needed to keep moving. But it was difficult. More than anything Rand wanted to fuck her again. In fact, if it hadn’t been for Possum relying on him he’d probably be stupid enough to sneak her into his car, drive away and forget Theodore Wilson even existed. Such was the power of a satisfied dick.

But Possum
relying on him, so he gently removed his fingers from her pubes and pulled back, feeling cool air sweep up his body.

She stayed where she was.

“Can you move, or are you stuck there?” he asked, smiling.

She turned on wobbling legs and smiled back a shaky smile. “You do that very well,” she told him, her huge eyes looking dazed, her skin flushed.

“Back at you,” he said. “For a virgin, you certainly know how to work those pelvic floor muscles.”

She frowned at that, as though she wasn’t sure what he meant, so he decided to just keep things moving and led her to the seat where he’d put the towels and sat her down on one of them. Then he handed her the bikini and decided to have a quick shower. He didn’t want Ted to smell sex on him.

She watched his every move as he soaped and rinsed his lower body, the bikini still in her hands. When he turned off the taps she said, “Can we do that again?”

Rand had been thinking the same thing, but he said, “Pass me a towel.”

“Please?” she persisted, handing over one off the seat beside her.

He dried himself then straightened and smile at her.

She grinned back. “That was so much more satisfying than touching myself.”

He laughed. “Yeah, well, me too.” Rand had fucked a handful of virgins, breaking them in for Georgie before they started turning tricks, showing them what to do. But none of them had turned him on. In fact, he struggled to remember any fuck that had turned him on the way this girl did. “What’s your name again?” he asked.

“Venus,” she said absently, then she reached out to touch his dick as he came forward to throw his wet towel over the cubicle door. “When can we do that again?” she repeated.

Rand stood still, letting her explore, weighing his balls with one purple hand, then stroking the softness of the tip of his dick with the other. It began to grow and she grinned up at him. “See, it wants to.”

is a little sensitive right now,” he said, removing her hands. But she was cute, and he liked the way she continued to stare at his dick while he reached above her head for some clothes. “It needs time to recuperate.”

“How long?”

“Five hours,” he said, and pulled the crisp white business shirt on.

“Then I shall meet you again in five hours,” she told him.

He stopped what he was doing to smile at her. She was really cute. “I was joking,” he said. “You are a babe in the woods, aren’t you?”

She frowned again, clearly confused. “I want
“ she said in what was almost a wail.

“All right.” He held up a hand to quieten her, wondering if she was going to go psycho on him. “If the son stays away from the house all day, I will fuck you again tonight.” His dick definitely wanted to do that, but his brain might decide she was trouble, and if that was the case he’d bail on her. Neither of which he needed to consider now. He just had to get dressed, and get her out of here.

But she was so excited she bounded to her feet and threw her arms around his neck. He let her. Then she pulled back and said, “Where will we do it? Here?” She looked around the small cubicle. “Or you could come to my room. There’s a shower in there as well, and a great big bed!”

She was so over–excited it was starting to get freaky. “I’m not sure if I’ll have access to rooms inside the house by then,” he said as he moved her to stand in the shower cubicle so she wasn’t in the way while he got dressed. “It’s unlikely I’ll be invited to stay over. So here is probably the best place.” He glanced at her over his shoulder. “Do you want to have a shower? Or get dressed?” he asked pointedly.

“What time shall I come?” she asked, as though she hadn’t heard the shower comment.

“After dark,” he replied, tucking his dick into his black briefs. Then he reached for his pants. “If Baz stays away from the house until it’s dark, I’ll met you here some time after that.”

“I’ll be here at sunset,” she promised, squeezing her breasts in excitement. Then her hand strayed between her legs and she jerked. “I think I am too sensitive as well,” she told him. “Must I wait five hours before I touch myself again?”

“Absolutely,” he said, buckling his belt, trying not to smile. “No sexual stimulation until tonight.”

“Tonight! But, sunset is … nine hours away!”

“And I may be later than that,” Randolph replied.

“But, I’ve only just discovered –”

“I want all that sexual tension banked up and ready to explode,” he told her. “No dabbling.”

She caught herself in mid wail, and her completely transparent expression shifted from upset to speculation and then excitement. “You will come?”

“Yes I will
“ he said. “And so will you.” Then he stepped forward and kissed her hard, tasting her, and before he knew what was happening, he’d backed her up against the wet tiles where he’d fucked her and was plastered against the length of her body, exploring the inside of her mouth. By the time he realised his dick was hard again and he had her nipple inside his mouth it was almost too difficult to stop.

But he did stop, and straightened up, his breathing harsh.

Venus simply stood against the tiles, panting, staring up at him.

He forced himself to turn away and grab the tie. “You’re really hot for it, aren’t you?” he said casually, pretending he wasn’t rock hard again himself.

“I have such a short time left and I want more of the pleasure.”

He looked up. “What do you mean, a short time?”

“I —” She caught herself, then shook her head. “I talk too much,” but rather than shutting up she asked, “Aren’t you interested in sex?”

“Not as much as you.”

“But you said I got you excited.”

He nodded and went back to twisting the tie . “It’s been a long time since I’ve been with someone who simply wanted a good fuck and had no other agenda. It turned me on. But that isn’t my main goal in life.”

“What are you interested in?”

He looked at her silently, seeing nothing but innocent interest in her eyes. Again, his intuition prompted him to tell her the truth. She felt like an ally. “Money,” he admitted.

“Balthazar has money,” she offered.

“Actually, it’s his father who has the money,” Rand replied.

“Is that what you’re seeing him about?”

Randolph felt a chill come over him then, and he wondered why he’d gotten into this conversation. If the innocent virgin thing was all an act, he might just have talked his way into a trap. “Why do you ask?” he said.

“If your business is transacted quickly, you might be back to fuck me before sunset,” she said, gazing at him with those wide expectant eyes.

“And that’s all you’re interested in?”

“Sex. Yes.”

The lurch of fear faded and he leant down to pick up a shoe. “You’re certainly uncomplicated,” he told her.

“Balthazar has said that as well,” she replied.

“And he hasn’t fucked you yet?”

She frowned, as though disappointed. “He won’t now. He has Wynne Malone.”

Rand paused in mid–lace, cursing himself that he hadn’t asked Carlos about other visitors. “Is that his girlfriend? Is she here? Now?”

Venus looked up into Rand’s eyes and her expression morphed into something he didn’t recognize. “Wynne belongs to Baz,” she said forcefully. “He’s the only one who can have her. I can’t, so you certainly won’t be able to.”

Rand suddenly understood her anxiety. He straightened and put his hands on her shoulders. “I don’t want to fuck her,” he said slowly and clearly. “I thought you were the ‘lady friend’ of Baz’s that Theodore told me about. If this other woman is in the house, I’d like her gone for the day too.”

Venus’s tensed shoulders relaxed and she smiled again. “If he’s going on a picnic, they’ll be going together.”

“Good.” Rand let her go and took his suit coat off the shelf. “The sooner Balthazar is gone, the sooner I can meet with his father.”

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