Read Master Class Online

Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Contemporary, #BDSM, #Erotic Romance

Master Class (12 page)

“I know I keep saying this”—she frowned when the words didn’t come out entirely clearly—“but wow.”

Ryan chuckled. “You okay?”

From somewhere to the side she heard Jack say, “Subspace. That’s why she sounds drunk. Let’s get the wax off and get the girls into the shower. Callie will go first and give you guys a few minutes to get her down. Deep subspace and water don’t mix.”

Ryan nodded and went about letting her out of her restraints as Jack did the same with his submissive. A few moments later Lisette saw Jack pick up Callie and carry her into the bathroom.


A grin of supreme male satisfaction stole onto Ryan’s face. “Rocked your world, girl?”

“Yeah.” As her head cleared, proper submissive protocol began to return. “Yes, sir.”

“As soon as Callie and Jack are done, we’ll get you cleaned up, okay?”

“Okay, sir.”

He leaned down and placed a tender kiss to her forehead. “What’s the wrinkly brow for?”

“Nothing specific, sir. Just a lot going on.”

The lie slid out easily. In truth, the combination of sexiness, dominance, and tenderness Ryan was showing her could very well be her undoing. She’d never done such hot scenes with anyone—at least, not time after time. And he dominated her so easily. Considering his experience versus hers, she’d expected to have to guide him more. Then there were the little kisses, the touches. Lisette stifled a groan. She had no defenses for this, especially right after a scene.

Lisette sighed, but Ryan didn’t seem to notice. He was occupied in checking out some of the other stuff in the room. She needed to get a grip. This was just the aftereffects of subspace.

Ryan held up an item. “Do you know what this is?”

She barked out a laugh. “It’s a harness for a strap-on.” He went stock-still, and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing at him.


Lisette pushed up onto her side and watched as Ryan turned the contraption from side to side as if it held the meaning of life.

“Bring it here.” She motioned him over before sitting up and taking the harness away from him. Shaking it out, she put everything in the correct place and then handed it back. “The dildo goes there.” She pointed out the hole in the front, and he nodded wordlessly.

“Learn something new every day,” he muttered as he returned the item to the large bureau in the corner.

“That’s kind of the point of all this, isn’t it? For you to learn new things?” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them, and she felt her face flame. Ducking her head, she stared at her own bare feet.

Ryan made it to her in a few long strides and pulled her chin up. “Is that all you think this is?”

She shrugged, not willing to admit to the turmoil currently dancing the cha-cha inside her gut. “I know you want to learn about the lifestyle, sir.”

“I could do that with any willing submissive,” he pointed out, and she made a face to herself. “I choose to experience things with you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Don’t thank me. That makes it seem like I’m taking pity on you or something, and nothing could be farther from the truth.”

He pulled her to the edge of the table and pushed his hips between her thighs, opening her once more. One hand went to the back of her neck and squeezed. Not enough to hurt but enough to command her attention and bring a few more endorphins out to play. Ryan’s other hand went around her waist, right above her ass. He fit his groin to hers and then kissed her.

There was nothing pity-like in the way he ate at her lips before pulling her tongue into his mouth. She tried to moan, but with him sucking on her tongue so hard, the sound came out garbled. It didn’t seem to faze him, though, as he pushed even closer and used the arm near her waist to position her leg around his torso. Ryan was grinding into her, and the rough denim of his jeans began to rub against her clit. Lisette moaned again. He had the ability, with a mere few touches, to completely undo her. The realization scared the hell out of her.

Luckily Jack and Callie exited the bathroom then. “Hey, man, get a room,” the other Dominant called out, and with a little forced laugh Lisette pulled away from Ryan enough to have a sliver of a chance of getting her brain synapses firing again. It wouldn’t do to get obsessed with Ryan or fall in love with him. Callie was right; he’d been through a lot, and she’d be damned if she put him back together just so some other sub could reap the benefits.

The men exchanged a few more words before Jack led Callie out of the room. Ryan turned to her.


“I can do it myself. Really. It’s just a little wax.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Are you refusing to let me do aftercare?”

“No no. Of course not,” she hurried to reassure him. “I just…” Glancing up, her breath caught at the look in his eye. It made her want to drop to her knees and fulfill his every desire. Dangerous, that.

Ryan helped her into the bathroom, and she showered as quickly as possible while he watched her. When she finished, he handed her a towel and kept up his vigilance while she dried herself off. Lisette was starting to feel more than a little self-conscious.



“I’m sorry.”

“What did I tell you about that?”

“Not to apologize all the time, but I should be allowed to for what I said.” He acknowledged her statement but didn’t speak, so she went on. “I was out of line. I’m the submissive,” Lisette almost choked on “the” rather than “your” but persevered. “It’s my duty to serve you in whatever manner you command and to allow you to do your part when the scene was done. I’m tired, and I was being a brat.”

“Apology accepted. Would you like me to punish you?”

Why does he keep doing that? He must know how much I hate having to make the decision myself.
His motive then became crystal clear.
Oh. Damn, he’s good
. Even Doms who were in the lifestyle for years didn’t always get that mind fuck right. The way Ryan seemed to just “get” so many things about BDSM and her needs within it made her practically pant for the man.

“Please use your girl as you see fit, sir.”

“We have the room for another couple of hours. Get back on the bondage table, on your stomach. Assuming you’re not in too much pain from the wax to lie on your belly?”

“I’m okay, sir.” Lisette hurried to do as he bade, feeling like the worst submissive on the planet. Without speaking, he used the controls on the table to separate the bottom half, pulling her legs apart.

Touching her ankle, he said, “I’m going to restrain you. Can I use a cuff on that ankle, or do you want it free?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Arms over your head.” Each instruction was terse, and she wondered what was going on inside his head. He wasn’t refusing to play with her or end the scene, but she had no clue where his head was at and felt at a distinct disadvantage. No doubt that’s exactly what Ryan wanted. She’d underestimated him, again. Clearly he’d done a lot of research and knew what his various roles were within a scene. Lisette figured she should’ve known he’d be adamant about aftercare.

He moved over to the bureau and soon returned with a blindfold and several other items, which he dumped on the side table next to them. The blindfold promptly took away her sight. He then ran his hand down each arm to her cuffed wrist to check them. With that task completed, he kept his fingertips on her and moved down to her ankles, repeating the safety measure. She had no clue what he was planning.

Soon she heard him pick up an item from the side table. He kept one hand on her and then used his fingers to open her swollen pussy lips. Ryan checked her for wetness and, apparently satisfied she was ready, pushed something small into her pussy. Then she heard the telltale snick of lube being opened and applied to something, and her ass clenched.

A dark chuckle reached her. “Very good, girl. Yes, your ass is about to be invaded.”

Even knowing that didn’t stop her from jerking in her bonds when a slick finger pushed into her ass and was soon joined by another and then a third.

“Relax, take a deep breath, and push out.”

Her brow furrowed as a hard object was inserted. As it got wider, she took in a fast breath but then forced herself to let it out and push against the foreign object as he’d instructed her to. It soon became apparent it was some kind of plug, and not a small one.


“Green, sir.”

“This is a punishment, but of course your safe word applies at all times.”

“Yes, sir.” Master Taz had never allowed her to use her safe word during punishments, and unbidden tears gathered behind the blindfold. Lisette had never thought she’d be so grateful for a strip of fabric. She didn’t want him to see her fall apart simply from the small gesture he’d just made. Stripped raw, she waited for him to do something.

He ran both hands up the insides of her thighs. “I’m going to eat you. This is for my pleasure, not yours, because I enjoy your taste. You do not have permission to come. If you’re a good girl and take your punishment well, I may allow it later. Is that understood, sub?”

Her pussy clenched. “Yes, sir.” She had a love-hate relationship with orgasm denial. It wasn’t one of the things she was good at, and Master Taz had punished her on many occasions when she’d come without permission. But on the other side of the coin, being unable to come without permission from Ryan called to something deep within her.

Lisette’s entire body froze when the object inside her pussy began to vibrate, and she swore to herself. Yeah, this was definitely a punishment. As she forced herself to unclench, one limb at a time, while Ryan remained silent and still between her legs, one hand splayed on her ass, she noticed how the large plug was beginning to make her tissues throb, and not in an entirely good way. The pleasure-pain from the combination of the toys in her pussy and buttocks was going to kill her. Then he leaned down and licked. A cry worked free from her, and Ryan uttered a tsk. “Am I going to have to gag you?”

“No, sir. I’ll be good.”

She sensed his body shifting and realized he must’ve gone to his knees, putting his face level with her spread-open pussy. Ryan used his fingers to play with her labia and clit as his tongue and mouth drove her to insanity.

Oh God, definitely a punishment. I can’t take this. I can’t do this.

But she had to. She didn’t want to disappoint him by failing.

Ryan was working her hard now, using lips, teeth, and tongue to drive her to the edge and then pulling back just a little before starting again. Lisette’s teeth were clenched so hard they clacked together violently when he started using short thrusts of the tip of his tongue on her distended, aching clit. It took every ounce of willpower she had not to beg him to let her come.

His mouth stopped its exquisite torture, and she panted, frantically processing the myriad sensations. He let her alone for a moment and then returned, starting the process all over again. Her mouth opened, and there was no inner strength in the world that could’ve stopped the scream. Ryan stopped again as soon as the sound left her mouth as she fought every cell in her body not to release.

Soon he was in front of the table, up by her head. “Color, girl?”

“Green, sir.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, sir. I’m just not…good at this kind of punishment.”

“Huh. And here I thought you’d been doing exceptionally well.”

She wasn’t sure what to make of the note of humor in his voice. Ryan moved again, and she felt dizzy from trying to follow him around the table while she was blindfolded. The thing in her pussy ratcheted up another notch.

“Come, sub.”

Ryan fastened his mouth to her pussy as she threw her head back as much as was possible given her restraints. The orgasm felt like it was ripped out of her, and she shook, rattling the cuffs, as the waves of pleasure went on and on. He worked her through it and then turned off the evil toy lodged deep within her. Soon the plug was also removed, along with the cuffs, and he was picking her up.

He settled them on the couch. “I’m going to remove the blindfold. Take your time opening your eyes.”

Lisette slowly blinked them open and found him looking down at her with a half grin.

“Not a really bad punishment, right?”

All she could do was groan, and his grin widened until it took over his face. He was tightly holding her naked body, and she reached one hand up to stroke the side of his face, hoping to hell he didn’t reject her. “Thank you, sir.”

“Let’s get a blanket around you. You must be cold.”

“Not a bit, sir, but if it would make you happy…”

“Ah, you’re learning.”

“I hope so, sir.”

“So am I. And I don’t want to learn with anyone but you, just like I don’t want to date anyone but you.” His gaze slid away before returning to hers. “I’m not ready for contracts and stuff, but I like the way this is going. Do you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. How are you feeling?”

Lisette snorted. “Oh, not bad, you know, no biggie.”


“Yes, sir.”

“Excellent thing for you I like cheeky. And both sets of your cheeks.”

“With all due respect, you totally are a goof, sir.” Lisette shifted, and it was then she noticed his hard-on. “Sir, allow me to take care of you? Of this?”

“I won’t argue.”

With a grin she slid off his lap and proceeded to do just that.

* * * *

On Saturday, as per usual on the day after they did a scene, Ryan called Lisette to check up on her.


“Lisette? You sound a million miles away.”

“Mmm. I guess I’m just not feeling well today.”

That got his attention. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t really know. Maybe I have a cold. I can’t get warm.”

She paused, and he waited her out.

“And I miss you. Was I good last night? I hope so.”

Her voice was small, and Ryan’s eyebrows furled. “Of course you were, baby.” It felt a little strange to call her by a pet name, but it seemed like the right thing to do in light of the current conversation. It was obvious Lisette needed some form of comforting or validation. Why, he had no idea. Ryan racked his brain, trying to figure out if there was any point last night where she might’ve thought he was truly unhappy or dissatisfied with her. Nothing came to mind.

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