Master of My Mind BN (19 page)

Read Master of My Mind BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

“One more curse word and I’ll wash your mouth out with
soap,” Tony threatened in a low controlled tone. Stepping closer, he leaned in,
hovering over me. “Tell me,
, what exactly is it
you want from me besides an orgasm? Do you even know?”

I swallowed tightly.
I want
you to love me. Protect me. Own and train me to be the kind of submissive you
want. But most of all, I don’t want you to shut me out or fucking die on me!
The truth sizzled on the tip of my tongue.

Pinching my lips together in a tight angry line, I had no
desire to eat a bar of soap or gamble on Tony’s rejection when he discovered
the weak, scared woman inside.

“I asked you a question. What do you want from me, deep down
, besides an orgasm? You were quite
clear that you needed relief.
But what about trust?
The things that go deeper than a
few minutes of mindless pleasure?”

Tony gripped the erection straining beneath his jeans.
“Every inch of my body screams for you, from my throbbing dick all the way to
my greedy soul. I have no intention of simply scratching your itch. When I
decide to make love to you, I’m going to sear myself into every cell of your
body… thoroughly and completely. When I slide into your hot little cunt, it’s
going to be for all the
The ones that leave no doubt how absolute and unconditionally I own you!”

His fervent pledge and the ferocity blazing in his chocolate
eyes slammed through me…all the way to my toes. Yes, I wanted an orgasm—not
simply for the sake of relief—but to strengthen our connection. How could he
not see that? Every hour I spent with him, I longed for a hundred more.

“But before I begin to possess you, you’re going to show me
every damn skeleton you’ve got locked inside your well-guarded closet.”

Even when peeling back my layers with his emotional scalpel,
as he did now, Tony had the uncanny ability to free the chains inside me. The
dream of opening up to him both thrilled and terrified me. I had two choices. I
could sit suffocating on my own stubborn pride or I could start being honest
with him. Was I ready—would I ever be—to rip open the scabs of my past and make
them bleed?

“Why do you have such a hard-on to dig up my dirt? It’s over
and done with,” I snapped, trying to stall for time and come up with a way to
wriggle out of responding.

“My hard-on has nothing to do with your past and everything
to do with the sweet taste of your lips… your sinful soft breasts, and
candy-hard nipples. Now start talking.”

He backed me into a corner, and even though my body
responded to his erotic words, my mind rebelled at his demand. I raised my chin

“I don’t want to. But if and when I change my mind, you’ll
be the first to know. Go work the dungeon. I’m done.”

A sarcastic smirk played on his lips. “There you go again,
topping from the bottom. George may have let you get away with that shit, but I
won’t! And just so you know, this conversation is far from over, little one.”

“Not if I refuse to play your little power game. What are
you going to do about it, Tony…Spank my ass?” I hissed. Hating that I sounded
like a spoiled child. It pissed me off even more that Tony knew how to push my
buttons so damn easily. “Go ahead. Spank me. I’ll just fly into subspace. Oh,
but that’s not what you want is it? No, you want to slice and dice me open, so
you can read the puddles of blood like some

Rorschach test. Let me tell you something, Mister. That’s not going to happen.”

“I don’t put much stock in a Rorschach. However, you might
as well get real comfortable in that chair, sweetheart. I have a feeling this
could take all night.”

“Oh that’s right. You’re the big bad Dom, and I’m just a
meek little sub. Go right ahead. Ask all the questions you want. It doesn’t
mean I’ll answer a single one of them.”

Tony threw back his head and laughed. My anger surged, and
my blood pressure spiked. I clenched my fist into a ball wanting nothing more
than to punch him in the jaw.

, you’re not equipped to
play these kinds of games with me.” His smile vanished, and his eyes narrowed.
“Let me warn you now before you get in over your head. Reverse psychology won’t
work on me. I’ll chew you up one side, and spit you out the other. You’re way
the fuck out of your league, angel.”

I bristled. His condescending tone scraped up my spine.
Anger and sass weren’t going to deflect Tony’s mission. He had the upper hand
when it came to mind fucks, and we both knew it. The tenacious bastard wasn’t
going to stop until he clawed me open. A fat tear slid down my cheek as Tony
continued to hold me in his unyielding gaze.

“You’re some piece of work, you know that?” he chided. “I’m
sure this little trick of yours worked on George, but it won’t on me,

“What trick?” I spat, angrily wiping my cheeks.

“Turning on the water works and trying to gain his sympathy
with those big
’ crocodile tears. They’re not going
to work on me, sweetheart.” Tony flashed a mock smile.

“You bastard.
I hate you!” I
screamed as I raised my right knee aiming to launch my foot into his balls.

Tony side-stepped to the left and my foot glanced off his
thigh. “I wouldn’t be here if I thought you hated me,
Oh, and trying to kick me in the nuts is going to cost you… big.”

Before I could toss back a verbal barb, Tony swooped in and
wrapped his hands around my waist. He plucked me out of the chair like a
ragdoll. I yelped and tried to smack him upside the head with my cast.

“You hit me, and so help me god, I’ll haul you to the
dungeon, chain you to the cross, and fire up your sexy ass with my whip.”

Incongruent to the fury roiling off him, he gently eased me
onto the bed. Yanking my cotton pants off, he tossed them to the floor.

“Spread your legs for me, angel,” Tony instructed in a husky
voice. His sleepy, seductive stare raked over my legs, zeroing in on the scant
peach thong covering my sweltering mound.

“In your wildest, wettest dreams,” I spat, squeezing my
knees together. Pushing off from the mattress, I sat up. “Give me back my
pants, and get the hell out of my room.”

Tony sucked in a deep breath before he turned and walked
toward the door.

Thank god. Finally he’s going
to leave me in peace!
My inner voice cheered.

Pausing near the dresser, Tony bent and lifted his black toy
bag off the floor before returning to the side of the bed.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I demanded.

“Reminding you that I’m the Dom and you’re the sub,” he
replied with an evil grin.

Tossing the over-sized duffle onto the bed, he plucked his
cell phone from his pocket, fired off a text to someone, and pocketed the
device. Slowly, Tony pulled back the heavy zipper. Reaching in, Tony pulled out
a bundle of white cotton rope

“You are
tying me
up. You can’t.”

“I am. And I can. It might take a little creativity with
your casts and all, but I’ll manage.”

“I don’t doubt your abilities, Tony, but I didn’t give you
permission to touch me.”

I haven’t heard you use
, sweetheart. You’re not going to be
stubborn and refuse to say it again, are you?”

I wanted to slap the cocky smirk off his lips.
Oh, you son of a bitch. You haven’t seen stubborn,

“I will
to you.” Not while my pride was at stake.

“Is that so?” A sparkle of challenge danced in Tony’s dark
eyes. “We’ll just have to see about that won’t we? In case you change your
mind, your word is still

As he peeled off my shirt and bra, I gritted my teeth. The
lesson Tony intended to teach was nothing more than a test of wills. Did he
honestly have such little faith in mine? Things were about to get ugly…real

Peeking out from beneath my lashes, the lethal calmness of
his stare terrified me beyond words. Still, I wasn’t about to clue him in on
how thoroughly he unnerved me. When his attention settled on my lips, I flashed
a condescending smirk to which he replied with a surly snarl. A part of me
wanted to laugh. For a man who made his living helping others unravel their
inner feelings, Tony was woven tighter than an Oriental rug.

I’d never seen him so out of sorts. He was always calm and
in control, until now. He obviously had no trouble doling out his tender
aftercare to the throng of pain sluts that fell at his feet, but when it came
to me, he hitched up his bad-ass Dom boots. It chaffed but, at the same time,
fed some twisted, impatient part of me that ached to yield to his command.
Emotions swirled inside me like a springtime cyclone as Tony unleashed his
, binding me to the bed. In short
order, he had my legs spread wide and one wrist tethered to my casted arm,
strung up nice and tight to the headboard.

“Okay. You’ve tied me up. Are you happy now?”

“Sweetheart, the only happy bone in my body is my hard dick.
Trust me. It’d be a whole lot happier if it was balls deep in your sweltering
cunt. But I’m content having you all splayed out nice and pretty for me.”

Desire slammed down my spine, exploding into the fray of
anger and wounded pride. Come hell or high water, there was no way I was going
to let my frustrated libido win.

“You obviously aren’t going to spank me, or fuck me, so give
me a hint here, Tony. Just what do you have in mind?”

He stroked a broad finger along my cheek. “I hope your
tongue’s as wicked, wrapped around my cock as it is testing my patience,

I laughed to hide the shiver of arousal that skittered
through me. “You’ve made it quite clear that option’s off the table. Guess
you’re never going to find out, are you? And since you won’t fuck me, do you
mind telling me why I’m naked?”

“Stripping away your barriers, sweetheart.” A satisfied grin
crawled across his face as Tony pulled a set of clover clamps from his bag.
“The real question you need to ask is whether or not you’re going to leave claw
marks all over that stubborn pride you’re clinging to or are you going to do
what you really want to and submit?”

“Why ask? It’s obvious what I want doesn’t matter. You’re
going to take it whether I give it or not,” I snapped.

“It definitely matters,” Tony declared. “I’m not forcing you
to do anything. You’re the one who holds the power, angel. I’m not the enemy.
That tenacious pride of yours is.”

Reaching down, he circled one taut nipple with the pad of
his finger then the other. I sucked in a quivering breath as the outer muscles
of my stomach rippled. Inside they swirled, wild with nerves.

“Relax, angel. I haven’t even started yet.”

That’s what worried me the most.
Tied to
the bed with my nipples hard as cherry pits, cream spilling from my folds, and
his dark hypnotic eyes piercing all the way to my soul.
Tony was on
crack if he thought I held an ounce of control. He
my control, and he damn well knew it.

“Okay, Tony. You’ve proven your point. You can untie me
now,” I replied, holding tight to the threads of anxiety unraveling inside me.

“What point is that, pet?” Tony asked, sitting down on the
mattress, still toying with my nipples.

Unable to stop the tremors that shook me, I issued a heavy
sigh of resignation. “That you’re the alpha Dom and I’m nothing but a helpless,
hopeless brat. There. I said it. Now let me out of these stupid ropes.”

Solemnly, he stared at me. Dominance oozed from his pores.
And damn, if every cell in my body didn’t shriek to give in and allow him full
reign over me—all except my head.

“You misunderstand my intentions, sweetheart,” he murmured,
plucking and pinching my sensitized nipples.

As he rolled the tightly drawn tips between his fingers and
thumbs, pulses of electricity multiplied beneath my clit. Damn my betraying

“This lesson slash punishment isn’t about humiliation. And
it certainly isn’t about crushing you beneath my boot. I have no desire to
break your spirit, sweetheart. This is about boundaries, trust, honesty, and
communication, the foundations of a healthy relationship.”

It sounded as though he sought a role far deeper than that
of my protector. The idea both excited and frightened me. I didn’t know if I
could I give him the level of trust he demanded. Hell, I wasn’t even sure I
could share the details of my fucked up life with him. Yes, I’d confessed my
past to George, not because he expected me to but because his protective mien
gave me hope that he’d keep me safe. But after learning about dominance and
submission, if I truly wanted Tony to guide me I had to reveal every disgusting
scar that scored my heart. This “lesson/punishment” he aimed to hand down
served to reinforce how truly vulnerable I’d become beneath his hands.

“And control,” I replied on a nervous whisper.

“Yes, I ache for your control, sweetheart,” Tony bent low,
hovering a hairsbreadth from my lips. “And you want to know a little secret?
Deep down, you ache to give it to me, but you’re holding back. You’re dying to
tear down those walls and open up to me, but you’re afraid. Trust me,
, there’s nothing you can say that will change how I
feel about you. Whatever you’re trying to hide isn’t hurting anyone but you.
Don’t give it the power to hold you back from living. I’ll never be able to
reach you, not the way I want to… not the way I burn to, until you knock down
those walls and let me in. Trust me, angel, once I crawl inside your head and
your body, you’ll know what it means to be whole.”

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