Read Material Girl 3: Secrets & Betrayals Online

Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

Material Girl 3: Secrets & Betrayals (13 page)

“Are you hungry? Do you need any of your pain medication right now?” Billie sat on the edge of the bed next to Kyrese.

“I’m a little hungry,” Kyrese yawned.

“I’ll fix you a nice sandwich and a bowl of potato soup. Does that sound good?” Billie smiled, cheerfully, praying her smile would make Kyrese smile too.

But it didn’t. Kyrese was still somber. Billie glanced over her shoulder back at Knox. He stood in the doorway looking on at them. She needed some sort of support from him but like her, Knox was unsure of how to handle Kyrese at such a delicate time.

“When are Kenzie and Kaylee coming home?” Kyrese looked at his mother. “And why didn’t dad bring me home with you? Doesn’t he miss me? I haven’t seen him in over a week.”

And there it was. The question that had been hanging over their heads had finally been asked. Billie took a gigantic deep breath. For days she’d been avoiding having this conversation with Kyrese. It had been too painful for her to accept on her own. She still hadn’t come to terms that the girls were now living with Cain on a permanent basis.

She’d cried herself to sleep over it every night. Not having her girls at home with her each and every day was like being sent to the electric chair over and over again. But until her appeal hearing in court she’d have to get use to seeing them every other weekend.

“Umm…” Billie cleared her throat. “Your sisters aren’t coming home until next weekend.” Billie’s eyes started to water.

“Why? Is it because of me?” Kyrese questioned worried.

“No, of course not, dear!” Billie lie next to him and held him gently in her arms.

“Then why will they be gone for so long?” Kyrese probed.

“Your sisters will be staying with daddy now majority of the time and will come home to see us every other weekend.”

“C’mon ma, just tell me what’s going on?” Kyrese said, becoming frustrated. “I know something is wrong. Why am I here and the twins are at daddy’s house?”

“Because…” Billie glanced over at Knox.

Just a few weeks ago he would’ve came to her aid but now he just sat back and watched as she sank. There was no more saving her.


“While you were in the hospital your dad took me to court to gain full custody of your sisters.”

“Why just Kenzie and Kaylee? What about me?” Kyrese looked back and forth between Billie and Knox.

Billie could feel herself becoming sick to her stomach but she was determined to remain strong. The words had to be said. Kyrese had to know the truth. There would be no more lies.

“The reason why you’re here with me and your sisters are with your dad is because while you were in the hospital a lot of things were revealed.”

“What things?”

“Remember before the accident, you asked me if State was your dad?” Billie looked down at him.

“Yes.” Kyrese held his breath.

“Well … he is.”

Kyrese lie still and let the words sink in before reacting. He had an inkling that State was really his father but he never thought his hunch would be true.

“So dad isn’t my dad, State is?” Kyrese stared at his mother, searching for answers.

“Right, your father.” Billie caught herself. “I mean Cain knows this and has decided that he would rather just be your sisters father so you and your real dad can build a relationship.”

Billie tried to make the truth sound better.

“So basically, you’re telling me that dad doesn’t want me anymore.” Kyrese’s voice trailed off.

“Your dad will always love you, Kyrese.” Billie took his face in her hands and gazed deep into his eyes.

“Things are just a lil’ different now. Prayerfully you and State will get to know each other and everything will workout fine.” Billie tried to convince Kyrese and herself.

“It’s not going to be fine mom,” Kyrese said, becoming upset. “My father doesn’t love me anymore and it’s because of you! If you wouldn’t have lied none of this would be happening, right now!” Kyrese cried.

“I know honey. It’s all my fault and I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.”

“I want my dad! Can you please call my dad!” Kyrese begged.

“I can’t sweetie.” Billie cried along with him.

“I want to talk to my dad! Knox will you call my dad please!” Kyrese looked at him with tear filled eyes.

“I wish I could buddy.” Knox could barely get the words out his heart hurt so bad for Kyrese.

“Noooooo, I want my dad!” Kyrese wailed like a baby.

“I know you do.” Billie rocked him in her arms for the next few hours until Kyrese cried his self to sleep.









Are we even gonna make it?

-Beyoncé feat Drake, “Mine”







Chapter 14



By the time Billie was able to leave Kyrese’s room her shirt was soaked with tears. She felt like she’d been on the battlefield of war and lost. She thought that finally admitting that she’d lied about Cain being Kyrese’s father was hard but telling Kyrese the news was by far the worst moment of her life. As a mother Billie had vowed to keep her children away from harm. She’d vowed to never intentionally hurt them and here she’d done both.

She wasn’t sure what to expect from Kyrese from that day moving forward. Learning that Cain wasn’t his dad seemed to have killed something inside of him. Billie prayed that she’d be able to fix the broken pieces she’d shattered. After what seemed like a three hour bath, Billie lathered lotion all over her body, placed on a fresh pair of pajamas and climbed into bed. She wasn’t going to go to bed until she called the girls and told them goodnight. Five rings later, Cain picked up the phone.

“Yeah,” he answered, dryly.

“I just wanted to let you know that I told Kyrese the truth tonight.” She shot into the phone. “I hope you’re happy.”

“You act like you’re doing me a favor,” Cain scoffed. “He deserved to know the truth.”
            “He was devastated, Cain. He kept begging me to call you.”

“That’s on you,” Cain replied.

“How can you be so cold hearted? He’s your son Cain. No stupid paternity test will change that. Kyrese loves you. You’re the only father he knows. How can you disown him like that? He needs you now more than ever.”

“You can save the sob story for Maury.” Cain yawned in her ear. “Kyrese is yours and City Streets problem now. Ya’ll gotta deal with the fall out of this mess, not me. All I’m worried about is Kenzie and Kaylee. Hell, while I’m talking, I sure as hell hope they’re mine.”

“The twins are your daughters! They look just like you!” Billie shouted, flabbergasted.

“Exactly, and that’s the only thing saving yo’ ass from me getting a paternity test done on them too.”

“Whatever Cain.” Billie rolled her eyes. “Can you put the girls on the phone?”

“Gladly,” Cain spat. “Kaylee! Your mother is on the phone!”

Seconds later Kaylee picked up the phone.

“What it do mama?” Kaylee asked, out of breath from running.

“Hi, baby girl. How are you today? How was school?” Billie tried to play it cool.

“It was a’ight.” Kaylee popped her lips.

“Mama Boots forgot to make our lunch so I had to ask my friend Caitlyn for some lunch money for me and Kenzie but other than that it was straight.”

“Oh my god.” Billie held her forehead. “I knew that dumb blonde wasn’t going to be able to handle this.”

“Yeah, homegirl been working my nerves, ma. I mean everyday it’s
hi, how you doing, you wanna go outside and play, ya’ll hungry?
I just can’t,” Kaylee sighed.

“I know baby but it will only be for a while. Mama’s gonna get you and your sister back in a matter of no time,” Billie assured.

“I’m ready to come home now. I hate it here!” Kaylee shouted so her father could here. “I wanna go home!”

“You are home!” Cain shouted back.

“Lies you tell! The devil is a liar!” Kaylee snapped. “I wanna go home wit’ my mama! Ya’ll ain’t even got Nick Jr. over here! What kind of mess is that?!”

“Kaylee watch your mouth,” Billie warned. “That is your father you’re talking to.”

“Well, with your track record that’s debatable,” Kaylee scoffed.

“You know what? Get yo’ ass off this damn phone,” Billie barked. “Put Kenzie on the phone!”

“You mad or nah?” Kaylee chuckled, handing her sister the phone.

“What it do Mama Billie?” Kenzie said, playfully.

“Hey mama’s baby,” Billie spoke sweetly.

“Mama Billie,” Kenzie said.

“Yes, Kenzie.”

“Is Kyrese still sleeping with the fishes?”

“No!” Billie giggled. “Your brother is alive and well. You will see him next weekend when you come home.”

“That’s what up. Mama Billie—”

“Kenzie?” Billie stopped her.


“Why do you and your sister keep calling me Mama Billie?”

            “Cause Mama Boots said we need to call you Mama Billie and her Mama.”

“What?!” Billie screeched. “That heffa said what?”

“Mmm hmm, she sure did chile.” Kenzie clicked her tongue. “She said that since she’s our new full time mommy we need to start calling her Mama. But me and Kaylee weren’t down with that so we compromised and said we’d call her Mama Boots.”

“I’ma kill her,” Billie fumed.

“Calm down. You ain’t gotta go all Mama Pope on her. We good. By the time we through wit’ Mama Boots she gon’ be wishing we were back at home with you.”

“Just don’t poison her, beat her or burn down the house,” Billie laughed.

“Huuuuuh okay.” Kenzie giggled along with her mother.

“I love you. Be a good girl for mommy and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Love you too Mama Billie. I mean mommy.” Kenzie corrected herself.

“Bye Kenzie.” Billie ended the call.

She wished like hell that she was the one putting her girls to bed. That day would prayerfully come soon. Billie situated herself underneath the covers and watched adoringly as Knox exited his private master bathroom. It had been weeks since she’d paid attention to his handsome face and succulent body. Both were on full display. All he wore after his shower was a white cotton towel wrapped securely around his waist. His pecks were nice and firm.

The six pack of muscles in his stomach rippled down his pelvis. Everything about Knox was enticing. He was the first white man that she’d ever been physically attracted to. She missed the intimacy they use to share. She missed how they use to long for one another. All of that seemed like a distant memory now. Even when they were in the same room it felt like they were ocean apart. Billie wanted that old thing back but because of her deceit it appeared that this would be their fate.

“You talk to the girls?” Knox removed his towel and slipped on a pair of plaid pajama bottoms.

The sight of his long, thick dick dangling inside his pants sent chills throughout Billie’s body. It had been ages since she felt the pulsating, rhythm of his instrument inside of her warm, wet walls. She needed her husband. She wanted him but the question remained did he feel the same way?

“Yeah, apparently Puss-n-Boots has them calling her Mama now.”
            “Wow.” Knox shook his head. “The crazy train just doesn’t stop, does it?” He chuckled.

“But you know Kenzie and Kaylee bad asses wasn’t having it so they’re calling her Mama Boots,” Billie snickered. “This appeal hearing can’t come fast enough. I can’t have my babies over there with them idiots on a full time basis. Their stupidity might rub off on them.”

“We don’t want that to happen.” Knox, replied, applying lotion to his chest and arms.

“You need any help?” Billie asked, trying to maintain her composure.

“Naw, I’m good.” Knox put the lotion up.

            “Oh… okay,” Billie responded, sadly.

            “I’m tired as fuck,” Knox yawned, stretching his arms. “Today has been a long ass day.”

            “Yes, it has.” Billie pulled back the covers for him.

Knox walked around the bed to his side. Billie naturally assumed that he was about to get into bed with her. Instead Knox grabbed his pillow and pulled the covers back up.

“Where are you going?” Billie asked, confused.

“In the guest room.” Knox tucked the pillow under his arm.


“C’mon Billie we gotta stop pretending like shit between us is good. I’ma keep it one hundred wit’ you. I don’t’ really vibe wit’ you like that no more. And to be all the way honest, I don’t trust you. I just look at it like if you can keep such a huge secret like that from me, what else can you be hiding?”

“I’m not hiding anything else, though.” Billie explained as she felt him inch further and further away from her.

“Yeah, that’s what your mouth say but we both know your word ain’t shit,” Knox stated, bluntly.

“That’s a bit much, Knox.” Billie willed herself not cry.

“It hurts doesn’t it?” He ignored her tears.

“Is that your intention, to hurt me? Cause if so, you’re succeeding.” Billie blinked away the tears.

“No it’s not actually. I’m just trying to make sense of all of this. You and I were already struggling. This shit just made it ten times worse. I just need a minute to process all of this so I’ma take my ass in the other room and go to bed.” Knox walked towards her.

“Goodnight.” He kissed her gently on the forehead.

“Goodnight.” Billie whispered as he turned his back to leave.

She wanted to shout after him to not leave, that she loved him and that she was sorry but the look in his eyes proved that no words would change his mind about her. Their marriage was doomed and Billie wasn’t sure if there was anyway to fix it.



The holiday season was in full swing. It was the end of September and Edible Couture was filled with customers gathering up sinful treats for Halloween. Dylan loved this time of year. Not only was it the busiest time of the year at her bakery but she loved any excuse to shop. She’d already bought Mason several Halloween costumes, numerous decorations for the house and more candy than any woman, man or child could consume. She was also super excited about expanding her business.

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