Material Girl 3: Secrets & Betrayals (14 page)

Read Material Girl 3: Secrets & Betrayals Online

Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

With the success of her show on the Food Network, her New York Times Best-Selling dessert book, business was at an all time high. It was now time for Dylan to open another Edible Couture. This time she was going to open a bakery in New York. Dylan was over the moon about her expansion plans. It was a huge undertaking with being a wife, raising Mason, doing the show, running the first Edible Couture and writing another dessert book but it was all worth it.

She’d finally found her calling. Dylan still had a lot to prove to herself and to the world. While the bakery buzzed with customers buying scrumptious treats Dylan, her manager and her team of contractors sat in the back of the bakery discussing the new location’s floor plan. Life was great for Dylan. She and Angel were on good terms. His fight was soon approaching and he was in the best shape of his life. They were making plans to build their dream home. Mason was growing by the day. Her business was thriving and Kyrese was home and doing well.

She missed Billie terribly but the anger and pain from her betrayal kept Dylan at bay. She didn’t have time for drama in her life. After what Billie had done, Dylan couldn’t trust her again. There was no way their friendship could be mended. Dylan was determined to move forward with her life without Billie. But drama was always lurking around Dylan. It was never too far away. As she and her contractors were wrapping up their meeting, State came walking into the bakery.

Dylan looked up at him and immediately the smile that was on her face vanished. Just as much as she despised Billie she hated State even more. After years of being in a relationship with him where he treated her like crap, she’d found space in her heart for forgiveness. Never did she imagine that the things he’d put her through in the past could be trumped. She’d thought he’d done it all to her. He and Billie were slick to keep such a huge secret from her. It was as if they enjoyed making a fool out of her.

“Excuse me.” Dylan smiled to the group of men as she rose from her seat. “I have an unexpected guest.”

Dylan walked gracefully over to State with a warm smile on her face. Through a clenched jaw, she spoke in a low tone and said, “Outside now.”

State followed Dylan out doors. Dylan walked a few doors down from her bakery then spun around on her heels.

 “Let’s get this straight. You and I are done. I have nothing else in life to say to you. You disgust me.”

“I know you’re upset but just let me explain how everything went down,” State reasoned.

“Nigga you are twelve years too late for a fuckin’ explanation. You can save it. I don’t wanna hear that shit.” Dylan put her hand up in his face to shut him up.

“By the time I found out that Billie was your homegirl, I had already caught feelings for you.” State still tried to explain.

“If you cared for me so much then you should’ve told me the truth when you found out. I’ve known you for almost six years now and I’m just not finding out the truth. That to me is some bullshit.”

“You’re right. I completely agree. I should’ve told you and for that I’m sorry,” State sincerely apologized.

“Nigga fuck you and your lousy ass, I’m sorry!” Dylan spat sarcastically. “Don’t reach out to me and don’t ever come to my place of business again.” She shot storming off.

“Dylan! On some real shit, I’m sorry!” State yelled after her.

Instead of answering verbally, Dylan hit him with the middle finger and switched her way back into the bakery.









Underneath the pretty face is something complicated.

-Beyoncé, “No Angel”















Chapter 15


After another week of resting and gathering his strength, it was time for Kyrese to return to school. Billie was ecstatic that her baby was back to his normal self. She no longer had to help him around the house. His bruises were almost healed and he seemed to be coping with the news of State being his father somewhat well. State called him everyday but Billie wasn’t ready for them to start having in-home visits yet. She honestly didn’t think Kyrese was ready for it either.

She couldn’t quite read where he was at, mentally. Kyrese was always recluse when it came to his feelings. He never liked talking about his thoughts, hopes, dreams or fears. Billie tried her best to get information out of him but no amount of ass kissing or sweet talk worked. Dressed in her silk robe, she walked sleepily down the hall to Kyrese’s room to wake him for school. On her way to his room she stopped by Knox room to see if he was still asleep. It was so weird to have her husband sleeping in the guest room.

Billie crept towards the door and poked her head inside only to find the bed still made up from the day before. Completely thrown off by his absence, she stepped inside the bedroom and looked around. There was no sign of Knox anywhere.

“Knox!” She called out to get no answer.

So this muthafucka didn’t come home last night,
she thought as her heart raced. She couldn’t fathom that Knox would disrespect her by not coming home. Sure they were experiencing a rough patch but had things really gotten that bad? Billie swallowed the hurt she was feeling and bottled it up for later. She had to concentrate on her son. He was the most important issue in her life. Gathering her emotions she left the room and tried to forget that her husband was somewhere else than home.

“Kyrese,” Billie said, softly knocking on his door. “It’s time to get up, baby.”

She unlocked the door and walked in. To her surprise, Kyrese was already up and getting dressed.

“Well, look who’s up and ready,” she smiled.

“I couldn’t sleep.” Kyrese slipped on a pair of crisp white socks.

“You weren’t hurting or anything, were you?” Billie asked, grabbing his shoes for him.

“No, I just had a lot on my mind.” Kyrese put on his right shoe.

“Oh.” Billie stood quietly.

She knew exactly what plagued his mind. It was all the drama she’d caused.

“I’m sorry.”

“Mom … you don’t have to keep saying you’re sorry. It is what it is. I don’t care.” Kyrese, snapped with an attitude.

The mother in Billie wanted to check him for snapping at her but the guilt she carried day in and day out wouldn’t allow it.

“You want French toast and fruit for breakfast?” She asked, changing the subject.

“I don’t care.” Kyrese put his books inside his book bag.

Billie wanted to reach out and hug her son ‘cause she knew that he needed all of the love the world had to offer but Kyrese wouldn’t let her in. Every time she tried to talk to him he was cold. Everyone in her life was shutting her out. She never felt more alone. Every night she cried herself to sleep. She needed the love of her family. Billie pulled her self together and pretended as if she was okay. The bruise on her heart said otherwise though as she headed to the kitchen.

It only took her a half hour to make breakfast. It felt weird to only be cooking for two instead five. On a normal Monday morning the kitchen would be filled with children, laughter and the sound of forks scrapping plates. Kyrese came into the kitchen dressed in his school uniform ready for school.

“You want orange or apple juice?” Billie smiled, placing his plate down on the kitchen island.

“A bottle of water please.” Kyrese stood instead of sitting down.

“You can sit down and eat.” Billie handed him the bottle water.

“I’m not hungry.” Kyrese said, stoned face. “I’ma just head to the bus stop.” He turned around to leave.

“Hold up!” Billie quickly ran after him. “You need to eat something before you go, Kyrese!”

“I’ll grab something at school, ma.”

            “You have a whole breakfast in the kitchen you can eat,” Billie rebutted.

“I don’t want that anymore,” Kyrese replied, thoroughly annoyed.

Beyond ready to get away from his mother he unlocked the front door and stepped outside. Billie knew he was testing her.  She was trying her damnedest not to explode but he was really taking her there. Right when she was about to go off she saw State get out of his car. Shocked to see him, Billie swiftly closed her robe so he wouldn’t see her silk negligee underneath.

It didn’t matter if Billie closed her robe or not. State could still see her hardened nipples poke through the fabric. Whenever she was in State’s presence Billie was overcome with lust. His height and sexy chocolate skin turned her on to the fullest and when he spoke time stood still. It wasn’t even 8:00a.m and he looked like he’d stepped clean out of GQ magazine.

Like always State’s hair was freshly cut. He rocked a low cut like no other. His salt and pepper goatee and pearly white teeth complimented the white and black striped cashmere sweater, gold Rolex watch, black fitted jeans and Giuseppe Zanotti sneakers well. Billie couldn’t figure out how she would survive a lifetime of raising their son together without bending over and letting him have his way with her.

“What are you doing here?” She furrowed her brows.

“I came to see Kyrese off to school. It is your first day back, right?” State asked Kyrese.

            “Yes.” Kyrese responded, surprised to see his father as well.

“Here, I brought you a caramel macchiato.” State handed Kyrese the drink.

“He’s twelve State. He doesn’t drink that kind of stuff,” Billie mocked.

“Thanks State.” Kyrese defied his mother and took a sip.

Billie’s nostrils flared like a bull, she was so mad.

“Your bus is going to get here in a minute, ain’t it?” State asked, Kyrese. 


“Is it alright if I walk with you?”

“I guess,” Kyrese shrugged.

“Umm hello?” Billie waved her hands in the air. “Have you asked me how I feel about you walking him to the bus stop?”

“No,” State screwed up his face. “I don’t have to and instead of worrying about me you need to fall back and go put some clothes on.”

Kyrese hung his head and snickered.

“Really?” Billie scoffed, appalled.

“Really,” State mocked her. “You out here looking quite THOTish.” He and Kyrese laughed as Knox pulled up the driveway.

All eyes went to him. Knox put the car in park and got out.

“Morning everybody.” he spoke.

“I thought you were in the house sleep,” Kyrese said.

“Nah, man.” Knox stared at Billie.

He could see the anger and hurt in her eyes. He wasn’t trying to hurt her on purpose but Knox had to put his feelings first this time.

“I see you found your way home,” Billie spat.

“Good morning to you too Billie.” Knox bypassed her and went inside.

Billie stood frozen in time. She wanted desperately to lash out at him for disrespecting her and their marriage but she had to remember that she was the one who brought them to this dark place.

“Trouble in paradise?” State arched his brow.

“Mind your business, please,” Billie grimaced.

A few minutes later Kyrese’s bus pulled up. State and Billie both told him goodbye and to have a good day. Both parents watched in silence as his bus pulled off down the street. Once it was out of eye sight, Billie turned to State and said, “I understand that you’re Kyrese’s father but you can’t just be popping up all willy nilly when you want to. We have to have some kind of order.”

“It cracks me up that after all of these years; you still haven’t learned to loosen up. I mean you already out her on the bus stop in full THOT wear,” State joked.

“Does it look like I’m laughing?” Billie replied, with a straight face.

“A’ight you’re right. I should’ve called first but I knew if I did you were going to say no.”

“You damn right I would’ve said no,” Billie agreed. “I don’t even know how I feel about all of this yet.”

“What you mean?”

“I can’t risk you doing to Kyrese, what you did to me. My baby has gone through enough and I am going to shield him from any and all pain that I can prevent.”

“What I did to you was fucked up but I wouldn’t intentionally hurt Kyrese. He’s my s…” State choked on his words. “He’s my so…”

“Look at you! You can’t even say the word,” Billie screeched.

“Son! He’s my son!” State shouted. “Kyrese… What’s his middle name?” He asked, Billie.

“Demetrius.” Billie rolled her eyes to the sky.

“Kyrese Demetrius Adanu is my son! I have a freakin’ son!” State shouted to the heavens. “How cool is that?”

 “First of all his last name is Townsend and second of all stop all that goddamn shouting! I have neighbors,” Billie shrieked, stomping off.

“Umm Kyrese will be taking my last.” State shot catching up with her.

“Over my dead body.”

“Well you better get to dying then,” State quipped. “What is your problem? You mad ‘cause your dude ain’t come home last night?”

“I swear to god you are nosey as fuck. Do you know how to mind your own business?”

“Not really,” State grinned.

“Please do us both a favor and stay out of mine.”

“I gotta admit though.” State glanced back at her ass that bounced with every step she took. “You lookin’ kind of right in that robe.”

Billie stopped in her tracks and folded her arms across her chest.

“Like seriously, what is wrong with you? Do you get off on tormenting me?” She questioned about to flip.

“A little bit,” State chuckled. “You’re so cute when you’re mad.”

“I don’t have time for your shit right now,” Billie said, sternly.

State noticed the anxiety that was building by the minute inside of her. She couldn’t even look at him directly in his eyes. She was on the verge of tears. Billie wasn’t the type of broad who cried. She was way too prideful for that but the tears were sitting right at the brim of her eyes begging to fall.

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