Material Girl 3: Secrets & Betrayals (18 page)

Read Material Girl 3: Secrets & Betrayals Online

Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

St. Louis own Laudie’s
Stripper Bop
was playing. Kaylee and Kenzie bent over and shook their little butts then stood up and bopped like Beyoncé in the Drunk in Love video. Billie couldn’t believe her eyes. Her girls were dancing like they were grown ass women on the pole.

“That is enough!” She quickly turned off the stereo. “Where did you all learn that shit from?”

“Mama Boots taught us.” Kenzie said out of breath.”Ooh I need some water.” She fanned herself.

“I’ma kick her ass!” Billie grabbed her car keys.

“You ain’t trying to go jail.” State took the keys from her hand.

“What kind of woman teaches two eight year olds how to twerk?”

“Mama Boots.” Kaylee gave her a mock-glare and grinned.

“You shut up!” Billie advised, pissed.

“Chill out shorty.” State wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him. “We not gon’ let nothing negative ruin tonight. You only got two days with your girls. Make it count.”

Billie massaged her temples with her index fingers. If State wasn’t there to calm her down she would’ve been to Cain’s house by now whooping Puss-n-Boots silicone inflated ass. State was the only person to make her think twice before reacting. His strong presence tamed her and she secretly liked it. Besides, he was right. Spending time with her kids was all that mattered.

Billie hadn’t felt this much joy in her heart in forever. Whenever her girls were home she felt whole. Her home was meant to be filled with giggles and fun. She wished that everyday could be like that. Life would be so much easier. Once the pizzas were done and out of the wood burning oven, they all sat around the dining table and ate.

“How was school this week?” Billie asked, the girls before taking a bite of her pizza.

“It was a’ight,” Kenzie frowned.

“I frankly wasn’t there for it.” Kaylee smacked her food.

“Why?” Billie questioned, perturbed.

“Cause Mama Boots tried it wit’ this hair.” Kaylee picked at her hair. “And I got in trouble for talking during class and had to miss recess for two days straight.”

“Well, you need to learn how to hush. You can talk during lunch and free time. Not while your teacher is trying to teach class.” Billie shot her a death glare.

“Mama you know I’m trying to be the next Wendy Williams or Keisha Ervin. Talking ish is my life!”

“You keep on talking in class and I’ma end yo’ life,” Billie retorted.

“Mama Billie are you ever gon’ stop being a thug?” Kenzie asked, curious.

“Yo’ mama been a thug on the low since forever.” State laughed at Kenzie’s silliness.

“Excuse you, there is nothing thuggish about me,” Billie sneered.

“Kyrese you like your pizza?” State asked, noticing that he was being very quiet.

“It’s cool, I guess.” Kyrese shrugged his shoulders.

State looked at his son with sorrow in his eyes. He wanted so badly to make his son happy but nothing that he tried worked. He came by everyday to see him. He helped him every night with his homework, ate dinner with him, tried to spark up conversations with him but Kyrese wasn’t willing to open up to him.

“You wanna play NBA 2k13 when we finish eating?” State got his attention.

“I don’t care,” Kyrese responded, dryly.

Kyrese just wanted to disappear. He didn’t want to be there pretending to be one big happy family. All he wanted was to be alone. When he was alone, he had time to day dream about the times when they really were a happy family. When Kyrese was alone in his room he could reminisce on when he and Cain used to play touch football together.

 It didn’t happen as often as he would’ve liked but when it did he cherished the moment. Before he learned that Cain wasn’t his father he always felt like the odd man out but now it really was his reality. The man he’d known as his father didn’t love him. Kyrese had to figure out a way to cope with his new reality but seeing his father with his sisters only magnified his pain.

“Okay girls,” Billie wiped her hands on a napkin. “It’s bath time.”
            “Aww man we wanted to kick it wit’ Kyrese new daddy some more.” Kenzie whined, poking out her bottom lip.

“Maybe if you be a good girl for your mother, she’ll let you and sister stay up a little while longer so we all can play Monopoly.” State patted Kenzie on the top of her head.

“Okay Kyrese daddy,” Kaylee interjected. “We are not five and this ain’t the Disney network. Speak hood to us ‘cause all that other stuff is killing my vibe.”

“Where did these lil’ girls come from?” State glanced at Billie shocked.

“I’ve been asking myself that question since the day they were born.” Billie shook her head, slightly embarrassed.

“Mama Billie?” Kaylee tugged on her mother’s shirt.

“Yes, Kaylee.” Billie prepared herself for some more nonsense.

“Hold onto this one. You got you a winner on your hands. He a cutie.” Kaylee winked her eye.

“I have had it!” Billie threw down her napkin. “Get yo’ little ass up them damn steps!” Billie pointed towards the staircase.

“Look at what you did.” Kenzie pushed her sister. “You always getting us in trouble.”

“Shut up lil’ ugly girl.” Kaylee pushed her back.

“I look just like you!” Kenzie countered.

“Enough!” Billie shrieked. “And no more pushing each other!” She followed them up to their room.

“C’mon Kyrese.” State got up from the table. “Let’s load the dishwasher.”

“Nah, I’m good.” Kyrese pushed his plate away from him.

“C’mon man. It’ll only take a minute.”

“Why?” Kyrese ice grilled him. “Zoila’s here. She can do it. It is her job”

“You’re right. It is her job but it’s nice to help out around the house from time to time.”

“Since when you care about helping other people? Your entire career has been built on you being a douche bag.” Kyrese stated blunted.

“Ya’ll must not get whoopings around here?” State said more as a fact and not a question. “Yo’ me and you need to wrap with one another.” State sat back down.

“Yeah, I’ve been known to be a dick. I’ve made some terrible choices in my life, a lot of which I regret. What you need to know about me is that I don’t have a lot of family. The family that I do have, I barely speak to or see. For years all I’ve had was me and being a loner caused me to think selfishly and behave recklessly. I’m not proud of the things that I have done but now I have you. I want to be a better man for you. I want you to be proud to call me your dad.”

“I know you’re technically,” Kyrese put up air quotes. “suppose to be my father but I don’t know you like that nor do I want to.”

“Why though?” State died to know.

“Do we have to talk about this? Look, I’ll load the damn dishes.” Kyrese said becoming upset.

“Yeah ‘cause I’m trying to figure out why you won’t open to me. I mean, I’m here. I’m trying.”

“So! That don’t mean nothing!” Kyrese barked. “My daddy … I mean Cain was there for me too and he left so you being here don’t mean shit!” Kyrese smacked his plate off the table causing it to break.

Hot tears streamed down his face at lightening speed.

“What was that?” Billie yelled from the top of the steps.

“Nothing!” State shouted back. “I dropped a plate!”

Billie knew when State was lying so instead of heading back to the girls she crept down the steps and listened in on his and Kyrese’s conversation.

“Kyrese,” State scooted his chair closer to him. “I’m not going nowhere.”

“You’re lying! You left my mother so what makes you think I don’t believe you won’t leave me too?” Kyrese’s chest heaved up and down.

“I did leave your mom when we were younger and it’s a decision that I have regretted every single day of my life. But now I have been given a second chance to make things right with your mother and be a great father to you. We don’t know each other like that and I know you may not trust me right now but I swear to you that I’m going to die trying to make you see that I’m here. You’re my son and I love you. I’m not Cain. I will never leave you,” State said sincerely and truthfully.

“I got you man.” State took his son into his arms and hugged him.

In his father’s arms Kyrese allowed himself to cry freely. Billie watched from afar and her heart broke and screamed tears of joy for her son. He was finally opening his self up to State and it was good to see them bond on a deeper level.

“I love you, okay?” State kissed Kyrese on the top of his head as he shed a tear.

“Didn’t Kaylee tell you this ain’t no damn Disney show. You can stop with the dramatics,” Kyrese joked, laughing.

“Watch your damn mouth,” State said with a laugh.






Darling, you give but can not take love.

-Drake feat Jhene Aiko, “From Time”
















Chapter 18


After having a fun filled weekend with all of the kids, the girls returned home to Cain’s house. Each time they left it reminded Billie that it would be a full two weeks before she could see them again. The appeal hearing couldn’t come soon enough. She had to get her girls back. Until then she would cope with the unfortunate situation the best way she could. On that Monday morning Billie was up and alone with no one to talk to.

Kyrese was at school, Tee-Tee was at work, Zoila was busy cleaning the house and Dylan was still giving her the silent treatment. Billie’s entire schedule was clear for the day. She didn’t have to be at the art gallery. With nothing to do she decided she’d surprise State with lunch. All weekend he’d been so fantastic with her and the kids. The girls loved him and by the time Sunday rolled around he and Kyrese were buddied up like old friends. He deserved to be treated with a nice meal after all he’d done.

Excited that she had a legit reason to see his face, Billie dialed Wasabi restaurant and placed an order for an array of sushi. The order would be ready in little under an hour so that gave Billie enough time to slip into something fabulous. Billie quickly ransacked her closet and found a sickening outfit. Her hair was up in a bun so she chose an upper eastside of Manhattan inspired ensemble.

Billie wore an orange waist length pea coat, Roland Mouret blue and white striped skater girl dress, Alice + Olivia orange sling back pumps with a single bow off to the side of the back and Proenza Schouler satchel leather bag. Thankfully she had naturally beautiful even skin. All she had to do was throw on a little mascara and some bright red RiRi Woo M.A.C. lipstick and she was ready to go. It took her no time to pick up the food and head over to State’s office.

When she reached his floor the receptionist desk was empty so Billie didn’t waste anytime bypassing it and walking into State’s office unannounced. She had no time to waste. After sitting out for a period of time, sushi would start to fall apart and Billie was too hungry for that to happen. The takeout bag was already too heavy and plus she couldn’t wait to see the surprised look on State’s face when she entered his office.

Instead of State being surprised, she was the one stunned. As soon as she walked through the threshold of his door she witnessed State standing in the middle of his office hugging a woman. This wasn’t any ordinary hug though. It wasn’t a cordial, end of a business meeting hug. This was the kind of hug where their bodies were pressed up against one another. His hands were wrapped fully around her waist as they embraced and his eyes were closed like he was savoring the moment.

The chick was bad too. She reminded Billie of the popular makeup artist Amrezy. She was petite with round hips and a fat ass. Billie felt like she had the wind knocked out of her. How could life be repeating itself? No, they weren’t an item but he sure had led her to believe that they were building towards something close to it. State opened his eyes and immediately spotted Billie standing there like a deer caught in head lights.

“Billie.” He swiftly ended the embrace and stepped away from the woman.

“I’m sorry to have interrupted you.” Her face burned from embarrassment. “I was just bringing you some lunch but I guess I caught you at a bad time.” Billie placed the food down on the coffee table.

“Nah, you good.” State tried to stop her from leaving.

“No,” Billie snapped. “I think its best I leave.” Her nostrils flared she was so upset.

“Is this
Billie?” The woman asked.

“Yes it is,” State smiled.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you.” The woman extended her hand for a shake. “I’m State’s receptionist, Essence.”

“Nice to meet you.” Billie shot her stank look and opted out of her shaking her hand.

,” Essence eyes widened. “On that note I’ll be heading back to my desk. State call my desk if you need anything.” Essence left the room and closed the door behind her.

“What brings you here?” State sat on the edge of his desk.

“I don’t have time for this shit,” Billie turned to leave with an attitude.

“Where you going?  You just got here.” State ran behind her and blocked her from leaving.

“I’m so fuckin’ stupid,” Billie scoffed.

“What are you talking about?”

“Move State,” Billie’s voice cracked.

“Not until you tell me what your fuckin’ problem is.”

“I’m not going to ask you again. Move!”

“No,” State responded calmly.

“Yo’ ass ain’t changed,” Billie griped. “You’re still on the same bullshit you were on in 2002.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” State said thoroughly confused.

“Move! I don’t have time for a bunch of back and forth bullshit with you!” Billie tried pushing him out of the way to no avail.

State was ten times bigger and stronger than her. She couldn’t move him if she used all of her strength.  Instead, State exchanged positions with her and pressed her back up against the door.

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