McKenzie, Cooper - Taming Blaze [Club Esoteria 8] (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

He did not release her until they were both panting, and only then partway. Setting her back on her feet, he kept one arm securely wrapped around her shoulders as he guided her to a nearby pickup truck that she recognized through the dim light as his. He did not release her until they stood next to the back where she noticed the gate was down.

“It’s a warm night, isn’t it?” he asked, sounding intense and yet too casual for her comfort.

A shiver of excitement raced through her. They were alone, and it was late enough for no one to be around, and she knew, just knew with absolute certainty that he had something devilish up his sleeve.

“Yes, it is warm,” she responded carefully.

“Too warm for that heavy coat you’re wearing. Take it off.”

She hesitated a moment, and then reached down and began to slip the buttons through their holes. Not sure what to expect, she had only buttoned it to midthigh. As she worked the buttons free, he knelt before her, and she felt him secure fur-lined cuffs around her ankles before he straightened again.

When she reached the top button between her breasts, she hesitated, but a look into his face had her slip the last one before shrugging it off. He caught it before it dropped to the ground and tossed it over one side of the truck bed.

“Wrists,” he said, holding out one palm.

With only a heartbeat’s hesitation, Blaze laid both wrists across his palm. She watched as he quickly wrapped cuffs around them as well. Then he stepped back.

“Damn, that is a beautiful sight, kitten,” he said with a grin as he traced a finger along the top of her thong. “Now, get that sexy ass in the truck, on your back, with your knees to your chest.”

Hearing a car drive by on the road a couple hundred yards away, Blaze scrambled into the dictated position, half-afraid someone might see them, though they were well shielded from the roads that ran along two sides of the fire station property.

“Arms down by your side,” Master Z ordered as he climbed up and knelt just inches from her ass.

The air touching her wet, overflowing pussy sent a shiver through her as she waited for what he would do next. She fought the urge to pull away when he took her left wrist and clipped it to the cuff on her left ankle. She sucked in a breath when he repeated the action on her right side then picked up a chain and, after measuring it, connected it to the hook as well.

In seconds, he had her immobilized and spread wide for anything he might like to do. At least he’d left the thong on so she wasn’t completely naked. As she lay waiting, she sent a silent prayer Heavenward that the bells, whistles, and sirens that called him to duty would remain silent for the night or however long it took for him to finish whatever it was he was about to do to her.

“Oh, kitten, you are a sight,” he said as he moved until he knelt between her widespread legs. “And you’re all wet.”

As he spoke, he ran a finger up her centerline beside the thong string, from taint past the opening to her pussy to her clit that was pulsing with each beat of her heart. She bit her lip as she moaned, and the heat of his finger contrasted with the cooling juices that coated her skin.

“Like that, do you?” he said. He bent forward and licked the same trail that he had just traced with his finger. He shifted the thong out of his way, baring her completely to his touch.

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, fear keeping her from speaking any louder.

She tried to rock her hips up as he continued lapping at her, but found that this position kept her securely in place and still. When he reached up and covered her breasts with warm hands, she began to moan softly as the arousal that had clung to her like kudzu on a pine tree grew and expanded further. Her eyes closed, and her head began to rock back and forth with the rhythm of his hands and lips on her body.

She rose quickly, too quickly for comfort, to the point of shattering into a million pieces, but a half a second before she peaked, he pulled away.

“Master, please,” she whined, forcing her eyes to open and look down between her knees at him.

Chapter 9

Andy’s heart clenched at the new title she used. “I know, sweet kitten. I’m in the same state,” he said, unzipping his pants. He hissed as the cooler night air wrapped around his cock that been half-hard since their conversation last night.

She pulled at her bonds, trying to break free even though they both knew she could not. A moment later, he shifted closer to her wide-open pussy. Close enough to rub the head of his cock from clit to asshole and back again. He moved slow and easy to gauge her response. Her eyes grew wide, and she gasped each time his tip stroked over her back hole.

“Hold it, kitten. There’s one more thing I want to do before we both go up in flames.”

He grabbed the smaller of the two butt plugs laying nearby. He dragged the tip up and down between the lips of her pussy, coating it with her own juices before dragging it down once more and gently pressing it through her puckered star. She gasped as he continued to slowly and firmly press the plug past the widest part until the narrow part just before the wide circular base pressed against her skin.

“This is to prepare you for our playing Saturday night at the club,” he promised. He dragged one finger up to flick at her clit before taking his cock back into his hand and starting the up-and-down stroking again.

She frowned at his words, but did not ask for an in-depth explanation.

After the second pass, he changed the up-and-down strokes of his cock to a figure eight. His touch circled around her puffy clit and then down and around to the entrance to her pussy. He followed that path twice before his control shredded.

He needed to feel her hot wetness around him.

She gasped silently as he slowly and firmly pressed the head of his cock through the muscles at the entrance to her pussy. The heat and wetness felt so good he had to be in her, all the way, right now. Leaning forward between her bent and shackled legs, he planted a hand on either side of her chest.

His eyes locked on hers, and he shoved his hips forward until the small hairs around the base of his cock brushed the wet lips surrounding her opening. Then he pushed a little more. As he filled her completely, she let out a high-pitched whine that sent him so close enough to the edge he had to take several deep breaths before he could move.

When her pussy clenched around the length of his cock, he lost it. Leaning down until they were nose to nose, he smiled. “This is going to be fast and hard, kitten.”

Blaze’s eyes widened, and she nodded as little noises escaped. Her pussy clenched even tighter around him, and her entire body wiggled in an obvious attempt to get him to move.

Andy pulled his hips back slowly, fighting with every fiber to maintain control. But it was no use. Pushing up until he was once again kneeling with her ass cheeks cradled between his thighs, he pulled his cock nearly out of her hot, wet, grasping pussy.

She made a mewling sound when he hesitated a second with only the head inside her. That small sound ripped the last of his control from his grasp. He began to piston in and out, as hard and fast as his hips would move.

* * * *

Blaze needed something, anything to hang onto to keep from flying away from this truck, this man, and this incredible encounter that she still had a hard time believing was real.

“Master, please,” she whimpered, her hands fisting and unclenching as she fought the cuffs that held her tight.

“What, kitten?” he growled, his hips never pausing in their

“My hands. I need to touch you. Please,” Blaze begged, hoping he could make sense of her words.

He must have, because in the next instant he slowed his thrusting as he unhooked first her right and then her left wrists from their cuffs.

As soon as they were free, she reached up and took his hands. As soon as their skin touched, a warm sense of peace flowed through her, comforting her while at the same time shooting her over the edge. Her grip tightened as her muscles convulsed with the orgasm that flowed through her from pussy and clit outward.

Several heartbeats later, he slammed home one last time, his body jerking as the warmth of his juices filled her pussy. She fought to keep her eyes open as she watched him fight to remain upright. For a moment, his expression looked as if he were in serious pain, and the next it blanked as if he were trying to process what just happened.

“Please, Master,” she whispered, pulling on his hands, hoping to pull him down so she could hold him. “Please hold me.”

He blinked, smiled, and leaned down, covering her torso with his cock remaining inside her. His clothes felt cool against her skin, but she did not and could not push him away. He did not speak, just slid his arms under her back and cuddled her for a few minutes as they both caught their breath. Then, long before she was ready, he reached down and released her ankles from their cuffs as well.

She squeaked in pain when she straightened her legs, and the joints of hips and knees protested the movement. When he tried to pull away and look at her, she wrapped arms and legs around him, wishing she had the right to hold him all night long. But he was on duty, and that came before whatever pleasure she could offer.

He lifted his head and kissed her long and slow, gently easing away as the now-cold air began to make its presence known. When he lifted his head, he pushed off her body and pulled his cock from her pussy.

“Up, kitten. It’s getting cold,” he said.

He pulled her to a sitting position in his truck before he jumped out. He pulled a handkerchief from a pocket and cleaned himself then her before straightening his clothes. In less than a minute, he looked as put together and polished as if what had happened between them never had.

Blaze’s muscles felt weak, and she wondered if she would be able to stand as she slowly crawled from the truck bed. The plug felt strange as it shifted in her when she moved. By the time she stood and wobbled on her high heels, he had her coat ready for her to slip into. Once it covered her, she leaned her lower back against the truck as he buttoned the coat closed from her chin to her knees.

When he finished, he wrapped an arm around her and led her back to her waiting car. Once there, he pulled her close for one last hug.

“Lock your doors when you get home. Leave the plug in until morning. Sleep well,” he said, kissing her temple before releasing her.

“Be safe,” she said once she was in the driver’s seat with her safety belt wrapped securely around her.

He smiled and nodded then closed the door and stepped back. As she started the car and pulled out, he went to his truck and shut the gate before heading back to the station.

She drove home slowly, shivering with aftereffect of their hot, intense, and oh-so-public coupling, as well as the feel of the plug still intruding in her ass. She could not keep from smiling as she thought about Andy and how she was growing to love him. If only she knew how to tell him. But how would she tell this Dom who had been forced upon her that she was falling in love with him?

After all, though they spoke several times a day, neither had mentioned future commitment past Saturday night when they would next be visiting Club Esoteria.

* * * *

“Melinda, now that you have custody of your sister’s children, you can’t continue living here,” Blaze said on Friday afternoon, trying not to let the young woman hear her frustration.

“But I can’t afford anything bigger,” Melinda repeated for what had to be the twelfth time. “We’re doing okay here.”

Blaze looked around the one-bedroom apartment that was hardly big enough for one person, much less four. “And I told you that I found you an apartment with three bedrooms for the same rent you’re paying here. I can call in a few favors and get some friends to help you move and everything.”

Blaze rubbed at the sharp pain that had begun stabbing at the center of her forehead as soon as she had stepped into the overcrowded two-room apartment. Dealing with the woman who did not seem to understand was only part of her problem. The other part was that she had not heard from Andy since she had driven away from the station Wednesday night. A day and a half without contact and Blaze found herself vacillating between being anger with him for not calling, worry that he would never call again, and disgust with herself for waiting and praying for the phone to ring. She checked the phone a dozen times an hour, disappointed tears starting to prick her eyes when she saw no messages, no texts, no nothing from Andy.

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