Read Meant To Be Online

Authors: Jennifer Labelle

Meant To Be (11 page)

Alex’s smile faltered with her short lived victory. As Jenna slid by Tyler to grab her purse, he held her in place. “Jenna, wait a minute, I’m not ready for you to leave just yet.” He brushed his lips against hers and then looked at Alex. “My wife is visiting, and I don’t appreciate your disrespectful tone. A family emergency has come up, so I’m taking a week off to get things resolved. I’ll do as much as I can from home, and I trust you can handle the rest without me for a few days. And another thing, just so that we are clear in the future, when Jenna decides to visit, I’ll expect a little more respect from my co-workers as they address her. She is my wife, and she deserves that.”

What was that about? It was Jenna’s turn to stand there with her jaw slack, and Alex was priceless, fighting back tears before storming off.

A family emergency?”

“I’m listening to my wife,” Tyler smiled. “And it’s about time that I get my priorities straightened out. The holidays are here, and I’ve missed out on too much already.”

“Well, that has to be a first. Since when do you ever listen to what I tell you to do?”

* * * *

Having Tyler home was just like old times or rather like when she’d just gotten out of the hospital. He was attentive and caring and absorbed as much family time as possible. They skipped his Christmas party, the date she’d seen circled on the calendar and to her knowledge, he actually avoided anything work related. Making up for lost time in the last few days together, she decided to enjoy it while she still had him.

Christmas Eve the gifts were stuffed under the tree, Santa had a feast of homemade cookies left out for him, and the bird was greased and stuffed for the oven in the morning. Their parents were due to arrive early the next morning and, of course, Jayden would probably be up shortly after dawn with excitement. Jenna crawled into to bed tired to the bone, just thinking about the busy day to come.

Jenna.” Tyler cuddled closer. “Are you sleeping?”

“No.” She giggled, as he unintentionally tickled her from behind.

I miss you.”

“Do you? Even though you won’t admit to it, I just can’t get the image of you and her out of my head.”

He groaned and lay on his back in frustration. “Just tell me how I can make this right? You wanted more time, and I’m trying to give you that. Alex is nothing to me.”

“I need the truth. We’ve been together for years. Hell, we’ve spent part of our childhood together. I know when you’re hiding something from me. Why won’t you just come clean and tell me the truth?”

“The truth,” he repeated. “The truth is that I love my wife, Jenna. I love Jayden.” He smiled and tenderly kissed her stomach. “I miss you, and I’m sorry for not being around like I should. The truth is that I want you right now.” He continued to kiss her body seductively. “Forgive me, let me make it up to you. Let me show you.”

Her breath hitched, and she’d started to breathe heavier, making him smirk. Hating that she could never stay mad at him for long, she gave in to her growing need for him. She still had no concrete proof of his infidelity, nothing other than her instinct and a few eerily coincidental dreams. Her mind had been working overtime, and in order to prevent her from thinking about Tyler with Alex, she thought about a safe haven. Something that would always be precious to her, she thought about Sam’s cousin Brady and her fantasies with him.

This had to have been the hottest sight imaginable. Pure and simple, she was in a fantasy…two gorgeous men wrapped in nothing but white cotton sheets, ready and waiting—for her.

Tyler looked at Brady; they both smiled. “It’s about damn time,” Tyler said.

Yes, love, join us.” Brady beckoned.

she was naked and eagerly crawling toward them. Sandwiched between two gorgeous men, her chest rubbed against Brady’s while Tyler’s erection nudged her from behind.

Turning her face towards him, Tyler licked and then sucked at Jenna’s bottom lip while Brady lowered his head to taste her erect nipples. She was wild with need, thrusting her tongue to meet Tyler’s. In and out, they made love to each other’s mouths, eagerly.

She moaned, rocking her hips as she palmed both erections and stroked them. “Please,” she begged, a wanton woman now with a need to come. Tyler chuckled while Brady worked her harder with his tongue. They eyed each other, smiling like they were able to communicate without words.

All right, Jenna, I want you to ride me backward. I want to see your sweet ass bounce while you fuck me.”

She was slick with anticipation, leaning over to get into position just like Tyler had asked. She reached for Brady.

Don’t worry, love. I’m right here with ye.”

Tweaking her nipples as she started to roll her hips, Brady’s hand moved down her slender body. Fingers finding her nub, they spread her open as he leaned down to replace them with his tongue.

Damn, this was so fucking good. Impaled on Tyler, she watched as Brady’s mouth brought her into ecstasy. She rode out the final wave, taking Tyler over the edge with her. His possessive roar echoed as he pumped himself inside of her.

Pulling out, Tyler sat up so that she was upright against his chest. Brady watched Tyler tweaking her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, stimulating them to stay erect for him.

Moaning, she was breathless. “Brady.” She reached out for him to join them again. His cock throbbed in her hand. With the smell of sex in the air and her breathless pleas for him to join her, Brady grasped her hips. He pulled her forward a little, spreading her wide while the head of his cock sat at her opening. She lifted her hips impatiently and plunged herself upon him. It was his turn to moan. Watching as he stroked himself in and out, covered in her warm, delicious juices, Jenna took matters into her own hands. Feet braced down on the bed, hips lifting and moving to match Brady’s thrusts, one hand slid down to her sensitive nub. Tyler chuckled as Brady’s grip on Jenna’s hips got tighter. Circling the sensitive area, she cried out another release, seeing stars as her two men brought her a little piece of Heaven.

Christ, love,” Brady swore, increasing his thrusts around her pulsing pussy. With a roar of his own and a scream of her name, Brady’s cum then mixed with Tyler’s, soaking her.

She woke up breathless, stirring Tyler out of his blissful slumber. She was supposed to relax and be careful, but man, with hot dreams like that who wouldn’t wake up wet, wanting, and worked up.

Is everything all right?” Groggily Tyler stretched and smiled, looking at the time. “And here I expected Jayden to be the first one up.”

“I’m fine,” she smiled. It was still early and after that dream well…maybe they had some time.

Her hormones were in an uproar for some loving. She moved closer placing her leg over his hips so that the wetness of her sex was in the direct line of his semi-hard erection. “Merry Christmas,” she whispered, nipping his bottom lip.

Growling appreciatively, she squealed as Tyler flipped her over so that she was pinned beneath him. “A man can get used to an awakening like this, anytime, Jenna, anytime.” And then he took an eager possession of her mouth.

* * * *

“Happy holidays, so it’s time for our annual after Christmas shopping spree to catch all the good sales. Are you feeling up to it?”

“You know it,” Jenna chuckled. There was no way she was missing some shopping with Sam. “I feel great actually, and it might be nice to have some girl time again.”

“Good, I think some quality girl time would be nice too. I missed you. We don’t get to hang out like we used to and bring the rugrat. I’ve missed him too.”

After no more than a few hours into it, Jenna had to sit down. The mall was crazy, busy, filled to the max with people, and she began to get hot. Knowing she was cutting their day short, she asked, “Are you ready for some lunch?”

Once they were seated with food in front of them, Sam asked, “So how are you feeling?”

Jenna barely touched anything. Jayden sat quietly devouring his cheese burger and fries. She shrugged knowing that Sam was too perceptive for her own good sometimes. “My dreams are continuing, even though Tyler is still denying anything related to Alex.” She sighed, “Things have gotten better the last few days that Tyler’s been home but I’m just afraid it’ll soon go back to the way it was. I’m still stressed out and filled with anxiety over not knowing what’s going to happen next. I love Tyler, Sam, but I have a feeling that big changes are about to come my way. I can’t explain it properly.” She’d been stressed out over so many things lately. Mainly Tyler, but the dreams had her worried as well. They’d felt so real, but at the same time she felt stronger than she had before. It was hard to explain.

So the dreams with Tyler and Alex are getting worse, huh? Are you having them more often? Or, is it the same dream recurring over and over?”

A little of both.”

Sam chuckled, surprising Jenna. “First of all let me say that Tyler is the biggest dumbass I know if he’d actually risk losing you for a lay with some office floozy. Second, I’d love to tell you that your suspicions are unwarranted, but unfortunately the evidence warrants suspicion.”

Jenna hushed her, looking over at Jayden. “Please lower your voice, Sam.” She felt annoyed, but relieved when Jayden seemed to be pre-occupied with his new toy truck she’d bought him, making loud engine noises and tuning them out.

Sorry,” Sam lowered her voice. “Have you ever considered that maybe this is a possible future. Maybe you keep having these dreams as a warning of what lies ahead, like a premonition, a second sight.”

A premonition?”

Ya, Jenna, like a forewarning that something’s about to happen before it actually does without having any concrete evidence to back it up.”

I know what it is, Sam.” She laughed, “You can’t be serious?”

Hey don’t knock it. You mean to tell me you’ve never had a dream that’s come true before.”

Well of course I have, but it was probably by co-incidence. Look, I’ve also been having fantasies about your good looking Irish cousin. How would you explain that?”

Sam chuckled, “I’d tell you again that you have great taste. Hey you never know, maybe he’s a part of it.”

A part of what?” Jenna wasn’t following.

A part of what’s meant to be. Maybe, Tyler isn’t who you’re supposed to end up with, or maybe he is. I know things are rocky right now. Look, maybe it’s not a premonition, who knows. Time will tell, right? You’re my best friend, Jenna I just want to see you happy.”

Thanks, Sam, you know I love you like a sister, right?”

Love you too, Jenna.” They laughed, hugging each other.

* * * *

She secured Jayden in his booster seat, and gave him a wink and a smile before joining Sam in the front seat. It felt good not to have to drive for once, and she spent the quiet ride home admiring the scenery from her passenger side window.

Jenna had another one of her strange feelings at the pit of her stomach. She was nervous suddenly and didn’t like it. “I can’t explain it right now but could you take Jayden to your house. I feel the need to see Tyler alone for some reason.”

“S-sure, Jenna.”

An awkward silence followed for the rest of their trip home. Jenna had this strange feeling and it wasn’t pleasant.

At Sam’s, Jayden barely stirred as Jenna laid him on top of the couch. He’d fallen asleep on the way there. “I won’t be long.”

“Hey, wait a minute.” Sam pulled her back. “Tell me what’s got you so freaked out first. Do you want me to go with you?”

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