Meri (6 page)

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Authors: Reog

Meri searched his face. “How can you be so sure he’s the one for me, so sure that I love him? How do you know it’s not just infatuation?”

Pulling Meri into his arms, Nylyn lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her long and hard, his tongue sliding around hers in a sensual dance. Rubbing his hard cock between her thighs, he kneaded her ass. Then he lifted his head and smiled down at her. “Because my kiss and my body no longer ignite a fire in you. Last time I was here, you wrapped your legs around my waist as we fell into the sea. Now you simply stand listlessly in my arms and your kiss is merely perfunctory.”

She smiled weakly. “I’m sorry.”

He smiled back. “Do not be. Ours was only a casual affair, Meri. We were never meant to be. Both of us have always known there are others who exist for us.”

She stuck out her chin. “How am I supposed to know if he loves me?”

Nylyn grinned. “If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be sprinting across the sand toward us with murder in his eyes. Goodbye, Princess Merilinlalissa. May you always swim with the dols and the orcs.” With one last smile, he turned and dove into the waves. As his lithe, dark green body disappeared into deeper water, Meri turned to face the angry Drakian striding toward her.

“Who was that and what were you doing with him?” Ademis snarled.

Momentarily surprised at the fierce demand in his voice, Meri stepped back. No one other than her mother or father had ever used that tone of voice with her. Drawing herself up to her full six-foot height, she flared her nostrils and spat, “Who are you to question me, Drakian? I do what I want when I want and with whom I want!”


Ademis stumbled to a stop and stared at her. She was angry? She was angry with him? She was the one fooling around with another man before the bed they’d shared was even cold! Was she that promiscuous?

As the warm ocean water swirled around his calves, his mental accusations registered. If he weren’t so angry, he’d have to laugh at himself. He, a Drakian, worried about someone being promiscuous? Drakians were the most promiscuous race in the galaxy, probably the entire universe! Meeting someone from another race who enjoyed sexual intercourse as much as he did should be something he embraced. Hells, he never cared if any woman he was with before had sex with other men—or women. More than once, he’d enjoyed watching and, at times, joining in. Ademis raked his fingers through his hair. Why, then, was he angry about the possibility that Meri might even kiss another man? Why did the thought of her in another man’s arms evoke such rage in him?

Wiping his face with his hand, he sighed and concentrated on her. Anger swam across her face, anger and—what? Confusion? Fear? Hope?

“Look, Princess…”

“I told you not to call me Princess,” she snapped.

The tide surged against his knees and Ademis sighed again. “Meri. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. It’s just that when I saw you kissing that other man, I…”

Her voice was less steely. “You what?”

Ademis shook his head. “I don’t know.” He concentrated on her face again. “I don’t understand what’s going on. I shouldn’t care if you kiss other men, but—I do. I don’t want you kissing anybody but me.” Wincing, Ademis turned his head away. He sounded like a petulant schoolboy.

A surge of water against her behind pushed her closer. “He was an old friend.”

Ademis couldn’t keep the jealousy from his voice. “He kissed you like an old lover.”

A slow smile meandered across her mouth. “Does it matter?”


The water level had risen to his hips.

Reaching up, she cupped his face in her hands and smiled. “I wouldn’t want to see you kissing another woman, either.”

Warmth surged in Ademis’ chest as joy filled his entire body. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close. “I think I don’t want anyone else but you.”

Her chuckle was low and provocative. “Until you have another almost-naked woman in your arms.”

He nuzzled her neck. “I don’t think I want another almost or
naked woman in my arms. I want you.”

She reached down and freed his erect cock from the loose pants he wore. “That’s obvious.”

He slid a hand down her hip beneath her thong and ripped it off. As he had done the night before, he cupped her ass cheeks, lifted her and dropped her down onto his cock. Just like last night, her cunt was wet and slick, and his entire cock slid deep into her. Stretching her arms over her head, she locked her legs around his hips and fell back into the water eddying around his waist.

At first, Ademis tried to lift her back up out of the water, but her laugh stopped him.

“I have gills, remember?” She squeezed her thighs which pulled his cock deeper into her body where her hot, wet internal muscles sucked it. Throwing her head back, she arched her back and wiggled her ass and hips.

As her long hair floated like a dark green cloud around her body, Ademis grabbed on to her hips and began to pump his. Water swirled over and around her smooth body as it rose and then submerged. Her nipples were dark green pebbles and her breasts appeared and disappeared. When she cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples, Ademis shuddered. Water sex had never been like this. Looking down, he watched as he slid his erection into her welcoming body, his cock pale ivory beneath the dark green curls of her pubis. The cool water surrounding his balls contrasted sharply with the fire burning inside them. The contrast of the cool water around his cock to be followed by the slippery heat inside her cunt was wreaking havoc with his control. He thrust harder and watched as Meri undulated sensuously, the soft skin over her gills fluttering as her entire body disappeared under the clear water.

Then her flat stomach broke the surface of the water as she arched her back once more. Drops of water slid off both nipples.

“Fuck!” Ademis muttered. He had to taste those nipples. Warm water cascaded over him as he pulled her up and locked his mouth on her breast. Hands still cupping her ass, he manipulated her hips first one way then the other over his throbbing cock. Shifting his feet, he twisted his tail from one side to the other to help maintain his balance in the incoming tide.


Meri sucked in a deep breath then licked a drop of water from the point of his ear. “Don’t stop, Ademis. Your cock is so hard, so hot. Deeper. I want it deeper.”

Swells of water splashed over their shoulders when he surged upward as he pushed her down onto his cock.

“Yes, like that, oh, yes!”

Keeping her legs locked around Ademis’ hips, Meri screwed herself down onto his cock as far as she could. As always, her natural buoyancy in the water heightened her sexual pleasure. If only she could get Ademis out into deep water where they could both submerge! If only he could breathe underwater like she could! The pleasure they could share! Shuddering and moaning, she reveled in the moisture surrounding her, both inside and outside her body. Ademis’ hot mouth remained locked on her breast as he sucked and nibbled her tingling nipple while his rock-hard cock entered her body, cool from the water surrounding them only to be heated by the fiery passion in her cunt then to be cooled all over again by the water. The contrast was both satisfying and dizzying at the same time.

“Harder, Ademis, faster,” she panted into his ear.

He grunted acknowledgment and increased his thrusting.

The fire burning low in Meri’s belly began to expand. Prickles of energy spread throughout her body and the water surrounding her no longer felt cool. She was hot, so very, very hot.

Ademis pressed a finger against her anus.


“Give me your mouth!” he demanded.

Meri obeyed and their mouths locked together. Their teeth clashed. Their tongues stabbed and parried. Pressure built in Meri’s body, pressure and heat.

Then her soul exploded.

Throwing back her head, she screamed.

Ademis buried his face between her breasts and groaned long and low.

The encroaching tide sucked them both under.

Surrounded by the cool water, Meri floated weightlessly while millions of sparkling diamonds swirled around her, oblivious to everything until a thrashing hand slapped her hip.

Gathering her scattered senses, she pushed her head above the surface of the water in time to see Ademis stumble onto the sand at the water’s edge and, coughing and gasping for breath, fall to his hands and knees.

Gliding out of the water, she soon knelt at his side. “Are you all right?”

After another cough, he smiled weakly and nodded.

“What happened?”

A rueful look appeared on his face. “I can’t swim.”

For a moment Meri stared open-mouthed. Then, “But everybody can swim. All Medirian princes, certainly, can swim.”

He coughed a final time. “Well, I’m not a Medirian prince and I can’t.”

Meri grinned. He was so perfect for her. “You will be a prince when you marry me.”


For a moment, Ademis forgot to breathe. Then he burst into a new fit of coughing. When he finally had his breath again, he gasped, “Mar— Marry?”

Her chuckle was rich, provocative and entirely too exciting. Here he was coughing his lungs out after practically drowning and he wanted to lay her down on the sand and make love to her all over again.

Covering his frown by shaking his wet hair out of his eyes, Ademis struggled with his confused thoughts.

Make love?

He’d always thought of sex as fucking. But that’s not what he’d done with Meri. Oh, it’s what he’d set out to do when he first saw her, but sometime last night, his way of thinking had changed. She deserved so much more than a casual liaison that would end when he left Mediria—and
wanted more. Just the thought of leaving her had his stomach churning.

Was this love? What else could it be?

Marry Meri? And have her in his bed and arms every night?

Ademis smiled. He couldn’t imagine her not being there.

Sucking in a deep breath, Ademis exhaled and pushed himself up to his knees. Grabbing Meri’s hands, he pulled her into his arms and looked down into her face. “Princess Merilinlalissa, I will be honored to marry you.”




Alalakan don al’ Chardadon grinned as his chief engineer led his new wife into the shuttle that would take them back to Drakan. But it wasn’t her presence that amused him. No, it was the two Aradabs following her that had Char biting the inside of his mouth to keep from laughing.

Taking a deep breath, he conquered his urge to laugh. “Only two Aradabs, Meri?”

Meri grinned at him. “Two are enough, and the only way you get your chief engineer off Mediria is if they accompany him.”

Char cocked an eyebrow. “You mean they aren’t here to guard you?”

Merry laughter rolled around the shuttle. “There are two more royal daughters at home, Char, but there’s only one ‘Path to the Dols and Orcs’.” Still chuckling, she made her way forward and settled into a seat.

Lips twitching at the humorousness of the situation, Char directed his gaze at his scowling chief engineer, who was obviously not happy with his entourage. “Quite an escort you have there, Ademis.”

“Shut the fuck up, Char.” Pushing past his captain, he flopped in the seat next to Meri.

Char turned to face the Aradabs.

Both bowed.

“My sister and I are honored to accompany you, Alalakan don al’ Chardadon. I am Kahn. She is Beti.” He directed a stern gaze at his princess. “We guard her, also.”

Char nodded. No matter what Meri said, he knew her father loved her too much to allow her to leave his protection without some kind of guard. The Aradabs pledging themselves to protecting the royal family since Ademis showed up with that dol tattooed on his shoulder had been a boon for Findal. They would be far better protection than even Medirian assassins. The Aradabs, after all, were the ones who taught the assassins their fighting skills.

Pulling the door shut, Char made his way forward to the command section of the shuttle and settled into the captain’s chair. He had a feeling that life was going to get much more interesting very, very quickly.


About the Author



Living in a small town in Central Pennsylvania, Judy Mays spends the time she isn’t teaching English to tenth graders as a wife and mother. Family is very important to Judy, and she spends a lot of time with her husband and children. Judy’s pets are a very important part of her life, and she’s had many over the years. Currently, Zoe the cat and Boomer the Lab mix help keep things hopping around the house. 

 Judy loves reading—especially romance, the spicier the better. After reading for more years than she cares to admit, Judy decided to try her hand at writing Romantica®—and her wonderful husband of seventeen years provides plenty of motivation and ideas.

The tales by Judy Mays contain werewolves, vampires, witches, and aliens from five planets on the other side of the galaxy. All of the heroes or heroines fall madly in love and demonstrate their love in so very, very many ways. 

 Enjoy Judy’s books, and after you’ve read one, she would love to hear what you think. Either stop by her website at and sign her guest book or contact her directly at [email protected].  She can’t wait to hear from you.


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Also by Judy Mays


Celestial Passions: Brianna

Celestial Passions: Sheala

Fires of Solstice

Heat: A Midsummer Night’s Heat

Heat: In the Heat of the Night

Heat: Perfumed Heat

Heat: Solstice Heat

Nibbles ‘n’ Bits

Rednecks ‘n’ Rock Candy


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