Read Michaela Online

Authors: Tracy St. John

Michaela (31 page)

“Govi, order our dinner,” Korkla said. “We’ll see to her care and the next phase.”

The Imdiko nodded and left the room. Meanwhile, Raxstad had finished cleaning the fake cock and went to the cooler. He brought back a protein drink and a bottle of water as Korkla wrapped Michaela in a warm blanket.

“How are you doing, my Matara?” the Dramok asked. “Are you willing to continue after you’ve had some recovery time?”

“Yes, my Dramok,” Michaela said. Raxstad put the protein pouch to her lips. She sucked down the chocolate-tasting substance greedily. Her body was a tumbling mass of unfulfilled desire and throbbing, but her arms and legs were as weak as an infant’s. She trembled all over.

“We’ll resume after you’ve gotten some strength back,” Korkla said. He gave her a smile. “You’re doing very well, my love. I’m proud of you for facing this with so much bravery.”

Raxstad also had an encouraging smile for Michaela. “You’re as beautiful as the first morning of spring and as tough as a Nobek. No one is as perfect as my Matara.”

She managed to return the smiles. All she wanted was for this day to be over. However, this moment with the men taking care of her made even the heavy cage holding her dick and the still attached and randomly running clit stimulator seem endurable.

“When we’re done, I’ll be forgiven?” she asked after drinking half the bottle of water Raxstad tipped to her lips.

“You’re already forgiven, little one,” Raxstad assured her. “We told you that. This is what you asked for, to put your account in balance.”

“You’re talking about karma,” she told the Nobek.

“I am? I’m not familiar with the term.”

“Jessica’s Buddhist belief talks a lot about it. For every act of evil a person commits, they will receive that evil in turn. The same goes for good deeds.” Michaela smiled wearily and shifted in the chair, trying to find some way of being comfortable. The mix of arousal and frustration only seemed to increase with motion. Michaela made herself be still. “Karma is a natural force that brings everything in the spiritual world back into balance.”

Raxstad nodded. “This is what I believe as well, though what you’ve done is not evil. Not even close. Your actions were simply not thought out, which has led to serious consequences.” He considered for a moment. “I’d like to be an instrument of this karma, especially when it comes to my work. Every act, kind or cruel, must be repaid. Justice must prevail.”

Michaela looked to Korkla. “Is that what you believe too?”

Korkla considered a few seconds before answering. “I agree that good should be rewarded and evil punished. However, I do not know that it always happens that way. Sometimes it seems that wrongdoers are never brought to judgment and good people suffer more than they should.” He chuckled. “I focus on being as good a Dramok for my clan as I can be, along with helping Clajak in my capacity as his assistant and friend. I don’t feel qualified to do more than that.”

“What do you believe, Michaela?” Govi said.

She hadn’t heard him return to the room. Seeing the beautiful Imdiko walking across the floor to join them made her cock fill uncomfortably against its cage. She stifled a groan and distracted herself from the dull irritation by considering the question.

After turning it over in her head for several moments, Michaela told them, “It depends on my mood. If I’m angry about what someone’s done to me, I feel like the official religion’s rule of, ‘an eye for an eye’. But sometimes when I see how it hurts people to hold grudges, I think of another passage from our bible that says, ‘turn the other cheek’.”

Raxstad’s brows drew together. “Earth’s belief structure says do both? But they are in opposition to each other.”

“No wonder Earthers are so confused,” Korkla grinned.

Michaela grinned back. “It is confusing. People pick and choose what works for them.”

“I’ll stick to this idea of karma,” Raxstad said. “It’s easy. I like my understanding of such matters to be black and white, thank you.”

“Simple beliefs for a simple man,” Govi laughed. “That’s what I love about you, my Nobek. I don’t have to work hard to figure you out.”

Michaela teased, “I must be the difficult one to make up for the easy-to-understand clanmate. What about you, Govi? Where do you fall into this mix?” 

He shrugged. “I suppose I’m as uncomplicated as Raxstad, in my own way. I just want everyone to be nice to each other. I think we should all work on that. The rest will fix itself.”

“Beautiful simplicity,” Michaela sighed. “If only it happened that way. But then wouldn’t you be out of a job? What would you do if you didn’t have all those traumas to fix?”

“I could be a singer,” Govi said with an earnest expression on his face.

The other three laughed at the joke. Govi had a terrible singing voice, but it didn’t keep him from belting out songs when he was performing some menial task.

Korkla took the empty bottle from Michaela and tossed it towards the wall. The recycling intake slid open just in time to catch it, then shut once more, leaving the wall seamless. When his gaze returned to her, it was somber once more.

“Do you feel adequately recovered, my Matara?” he asked.

Michaela felt dread take up residence once more in her belly. The clit stimulator chose that moment to shiver back to life. Her pussy clenched, wanting a cock to fill it. Meanwhile, her dick fought the heavy cage surrounding it.

“What do I have to do now?” she asked.

The Dramok stepped up to the chair she still lay upon, reclining it lower so that her face was on level with his crotch. He opened the fly seam of his pants. “While we wait for dinner to arrive, you may pleasure me with your mouth. Do not touch yourself. You are not allowed climax.”

Michaela grimaced as she gripped his penises in her fists. It wasn’t that she minded servicing Korkla. She had to turn onto her side to do so, and that shifted her imprisoned cock. The metal cage was heavier this way, making her maleness more uncomfortable than before. Yet the stimulator continued to excite her clit, making for a confusing swirl of sensation. Michaela ached to pull both items off so she could masturbate herself to release.

She had to put up with the trials her clan had set for her, however. She would fix things between her and them.

Michaela started by mouthing Korkla’s smaller cock while she stroked the primary one with her hand. She did so enthusiastically, as if she could somehow hope to transmit his pleasure and climax to herself.

She wondered at the softness of her Dramok’s skin though it pulled taut over the rigidity of passion. It made her think of luxurious 1000-thread count sheets. Soon Korkla was slick as well, his natural lubrication exuding from his pores. Michaela inhaled the sharp tang of cinnamon-like spice. The flavor danced upon her tongue as she licked and kissed the thick length.

She continued to pump the larger cock, holding it up and out of the way while she greedily sucked the other deep into her mouth. Korkla’s pulse thudded hard against her tongue. Passion speared her loins as he plucked at her teats, making them hard with excitement. Darts of sensation fired from her chest to her already avid crotch.

The scent, taste, and feel of Korkla in her mouth and hands made Michaela’s arousal even worse. His hands played with her breasts as she fellated him, increasing the need. Knowing there would be no outlet for the pressure that continued to build, she moaned a sad sound even as she worked to please her Dramok. The stimulator continued to cycle on and off as she sucked her clanmate, bringing orgasm close without allowing it to happen.

It’s not about me. It’s about letting my clan know I do trust them. It’s about reassuring them that I believe they will always do the right thing on my behalf.

Michaela kept telling herself that with each denied climax. Even so, tears of frustration escaped the corners of her eyes. Her stomach hurt from not coming.

“Now the primary one, my love,” Korkla whispered, his voice strained. “Suck me until I spill.”

A drop of seed wept from his larger cock. Michaela licked it off before swallowing all of his cock. It made her gag and Korkla groan.

“By the ancestors,” the Dramok sighed. “I love it when my prick disappears into your pretty little mouth.”

Through her growing misery, Michaela felt a mote a joy to hear she made him happy. She bobbed her head back and forth, fellating Korkla with enthusiasm.

“That’s it. Do it, my Matara. Take that cock deep.” The Dramok’s breaths were coming faster now. “I’m going to fill your mouth with cum. I’m going to shoot it down your throat. Do you know why, my love? Do you know why I’m going to have you swallow my cum? Because you are mine, Michaela. You are mine and I will make myself a part of you whenever possible, in every way possible.”

Michaela worked even faster, rubbing her tongue all over his cock as she did so. His prick spit frequently now, a prelude to the sweet flood that would soon erupt from his body.

“Oh yes,” Korkla moaned. “My beauty. My love. My Michaela. Stop now. Stop and open your mouth wide so I can watch it happen.”

Michaela obeyed, her lips parted as Korkla pulled hard on his cock. He was on the brink. She could see it in the way his jaw clenched. The muscles of his arms, left bare by the sleeveless formsuit he wore, were tense and bulging with veins.

Michaela cupped her tongue beneath the tip of his prick so she would not lose a single drop of his precious juices. She waited, as eager for Korkla’s release as she was for her own.

“Here it comes. Here it is. Oh. Oh.”

Korkla’s hips jerked. With a drawn-out groan, he erupted. Hot, sweet-spicy-salty fluid spurted in great gouts. Korkla yelled out as he watched it happen, his semen surging into his mate’s accepting mouth. It seemed his seed would never stop.

Michaela kept her jaw open for him throughout, her throat working to swallow what she was given. Even as the clitoral stimulator and cock cage continued to torment her, she was filled with love for Korkla. Watching him climax, knowing she was the reason for his cries and the ecstatic expression on his face was worth the ache of her sexes.

When he was finally emptied, gasping from such a hard orgasm, Michaela continued to lick and kiss his cocks. She knew she would do anything for him ... for all three of them. She felt she could give them everything and still feel it was not sufficient. They deserved a universe of happiness.

But they got me. Can I possibly be enough? I don’t think so, but here we are. I must do my best for them.

“Dinner has arrived,” Govi said. He moved behind Korkla and carefully tucked the shuddering Dramok’s pricks back into his trousers. “Raxstad, you can take care of Michaela. I’ll help our fearless leader.”

“I’m fine,” Korkla said, though he let the Imdiko seal his crotch seam for him.

“I’m still more than happy to get this one moving,” Raxstad chuckled. “On your feet, little love.”

Michaela had hoped to be carried. Her legs were trembling from the punishment she’d endured so far. However, Raxstad set her on her feet and motioned for her to follow Govi and Korkla out of the playroom.

At least the Nobek allowed her to lean on him as she walked awkwardly, the cock cage bobbing a little with each step. On her feet, the weight of the thing seemed to double. Plus she still had the plug up her ass and the stimulator had kicked on yet again. Raxstad did not hurry her along. He let her make her uncertain, uncomfortable way down the hall to the dining room.

Michaela tried not to think of the long evening still ahead. The usual time the clan headed for the sleeping room was still five hours away. She had to get through the evening meal and no doubt service Govi and Raxstad as she had Korkla.

Heaven help me, they might each want more than one round, and I’m not allowed to orgasm during any of it. How am I supposed to get through this?

Michaela clenched her jaw, thinking of the long hours ahead. She hoped everyone would want to go to bed early.



Chapter 15


“Have you tried tiramisu before? Here, take a bite.”

Govi watched Michaela spoon a taste of her dessert into Korkla’s mouth. The Dramok’s hesitation disappeared as soon as he moved the sweet over his tongue. His smile and nod confirmed he liked it.

The Imdiko psychologist was amazed by what he saw. There was no doubt Michaela was in carnal agony. Throughout the meal, the vibrating clit cover had antagonized her, the random cycles making her torment all the more exquisite. Tears overflowed her eyes when climax came close to being realized and then was denied. And yet she had not complained once. In fact, the more miserable she became, the more his Matara was determined to serve her men’s needs.

It was their job as her clanmates to feed her. Yet Michaela insisted on doing the same, pressing the Earther food Govi had ordered for her meal to the men’s lips. She went out of her way to please them in every way possible. She saw to it their cups remained filled with kloq. She ordered music to play in the background. She asked Govi and Raxstad about their workdays, keeping conversation moving along neutral and undemanding paths.

Govi wanted to hate the discipline Michaela endured. He should despise seeing her suffer. Yet she was naked, her softly scented skin on display for his pleasure. Her young, firm breasts were right there, available for him to stroke. Her dark, tight nipples invited him to pluck, which he did throughout the meal, making her gasp in reaction. Though it increased her torment, Michaela held still for Govi when he reached over to play with her silky-skinned mounds.

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