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ghastly shade. Nearly white. He despised it. The werewolf had the  hair color of lightly tinted gold, and when he looked closely into it, he  could see all sorts of shades, from dark brown to yellow blond.

Vlad watched his neck as the other man breathed, the way the  pulse pumped with life, and he wanted nothing better than to drink  from that vein. Blood after sex held an especially spicy-sweet taste.

“I’m Andrew,” said the werewolf. “Andrew James.”

Vlad caught himself before he could make the proper introductory reply, and he frowned at his own foolishness. “I did not ask for your name.”

Andrew raised a dark brow at him. “You must be royalty or something with that kind of attitude.”

This wolf hadn’t seen the attitude of true royals. Vlad was so far down the line he almost didn’t count.

Still, he had to admit to himself, the response didn’t sit well with him. “My name is Prince Vladimir Belekoff. You have my permission to call me Vlad,” he added.

Andrew showed no signs of shock or awe to have been in the presence, never mind having fucked, a prince of vampires, and not just some lowly noble. “Nice to meet you, Vlad. Don’t ever call me  Andy.”

Vlad looked over his lover, curious as to how he was expected to reply. This town was quite small. Perhaps such a reaction was to be expected?

Andrew eventually shifted and sat up. Vlad quickly did the same.

“So about my leaving,” Andrew said.

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“Do not leave just yet,” Vlad said quickly. “You came faster than  I would have preferred, and I am not yet satisfied. I will insist on your  performance at least one more time prior to your release.”

There was no argument and no fight. Vlad would never have  thought the description of wolfish would be appropriate, but here it  most certainly was as Andrew grinned at him.

“Good. I wasn’t going to leave anyway,” he said, right before  pouncing on him.

The Werewolf Love Slave and the Vampire Prince

Chapter Three

Andrew had felt a mild shock when he first entered Vlad and

realized that, despite his strange way of speaking, that this was not his  first time having another man’s cock in his ass. He was not a virgin.  He was tight, but there had been no stunned fear out of the man and  no hesitation. This was definitely not his first time.

He’d been especially shocked at the feeling of possessiveness that  had rushed through him, and even the bit of anger, and he’d growled  as he’d fucked the other man, staking his claim.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

It had been alarming, but he’d been too busy enjoying the sex to notice right away that Vlad was no longer staring into his eyes with those ruby orbs of his. Vlad had not been charming him when those thoughts were running through his head.

The initial suspicions turned into a confirmation he couldn’t deny when he came inside the other man, and then felt the connecting solidify between their bodies.

Jesus Christ, this vampire, this prince, was his mate.

Holy Hell.

Andrew couldn’t leave. He’d just found his mate. In the strangest place in the world, and with a species Andrew never expected to have to look to, but there it was.

A vampire and a werewolf. How many times in history had that happened?

It made him glad when Vlad ordered him to stay, trying to sound like he just didn’t want Andrew to leave him because he’d come too fast or whatever stupid excuse he’d given.

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No, Andrew knew better. The vampire felt it, too. He was likely blaming his feelings on the sexual high he’d just gotten, but he felt it, and he wanted Andrew to stay, so he did, and now he had Vlad pressed up against the floral wallpaper and was slowly screwing the vamp’s brains out.

“Oh yes. Just like that,” Vlad spread his legs wider, allowing  Andrew better access to what he was doing, but he didn’t thrust into him harder, no matter how much he just wanted to pound into the other man. No, he was going to make Vlad see that this was the only way Andrew knew how.

Vlad released a particularly pleased moan. “Oh! Fuck me harder!  Now!”

“No,” Andrew said. He’d never been very good with words.

“I command you!”

“I don’t care.”

Andrew swivelled his hips. He bit his lips together to keep from making too much noise as the building pleasure started to get to his head, too. He didn’t want Vlad to know how much Andrew just wanted to fuck him into the wall. He had to keep control here. He had to if he was going to stay.

It was hard. So hard.

When Vlad jerked beneath him and then tried to reach down to stroke his cock again, Andrew grabbed him by the wrists and yanked them above his head.

“What are you doing?” Vlad sounded slightly panicked.

“You don’t get to touch that until I say so,” Andrew snarled into

his ear.

Vlad moaned and turned his head toward the sound of Andrew’s

mouth, a clear invitation if Andrew ever saw one, and he took it. He

kissed the other man, enjoying the sloppy motions of their bodies, the  way Andrew’s balls slapped against the back of Vlad’s thighs, the


A loud banging knock sounded on the door. They both jerked a bit

The Werewolf Love Slave and the Vampire Prince

in surprise, but Andrew refused to release him.

“Yes?” Vlad called.

Fucking vampires for having no scent, but at the least the answering voice told Andrew that it was just another one of those guards again. “Sir, your brother is on the phone.”

Wanting a bit of fun, Andrew kept right on thrusting into Vlad, fucking him lazily while his lover answered the guard.

“What…what does he want?”

“To know when we will be returning home,” said the guard.  “Your betrothed, His Excellency Lord Boris, is asking for you.”

Did that guard out there just say betrothed?

Andrew growled again and pressed himself harder against Vlad,  pushing his body up against the wall, feeling his erratic heartbeat  through their chests. He didn’t stop fucking him. The need to claim  was stronger than ever now that Andrew knew he had some  competition here. Christ, maybe that was the reason why Vlad was  not a virgin, and it just made him thrust into the smaller man all the  harder.

Now he really was making the claiming obvious to him.

Vlad had to put his hand over his mouth for a second to keep the sounds of his pleasure inside.

The door handle rattled as the guard tested the lock. “My lord?  Are you all right in there?”

“Yes! Yes!” Whether he was answering the guard or calling out his pleasure, Andrew couldn’t tell for sure. “Tell him I shall return tomorrow, after my holiday ends.”

There was a hesitation on the other side of the door.

Andrew’s breathing became so hard, the need to fuck and claim so overpowering, that he almost didn’t hear the reply from the guard.

“Yes, sir,” he said softly, and then he must have walked away because Andrew heard nothing else.

He didn’t need to as he thrust into Andrew with all the power the other man had demanded of him earlier. Vlad pushed back against

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him, moaning as he was finally able to give into the pleasure that he  been building for so long.

Andrew pressed the other man’s hands together to free one of his  own hands, and he brought it down on Vlad’s chest, stroking his  pebbled nipples and the soft ridges of small muscle.

“Who. The fuck. Is. Boris?” Andrew demanded, punctuating his  words with each thrust.

“Not your concern,” Vlad snapped back.

Andrew grabbed his cock, and Vlad bucked as he came, his  forehead banging into the wall as he shouted out his release.

Andrew kept right on fucking him, using him, even when he heard  the pleasured sounds become pained, until the end finally came upon  him and he pulled out. He stroked himself, pumping his thick cock  until he came, letting his juices flow over Vlad’s back.

The vampire prince squawked at that, but Andrew didn’t care. He  could wash it off himself later, but there was no way Andrew was  letting someone with a stupid name like Boris claim his mate.

Vlad pushed Andrew off when they separated, and they glared at  each other. “That was disgusting.”

“Who is Boris?”

“He is of no concern of yours,” Vlad said, pushing past Andrew  and walking into the adjacent bathroom. Andrew would not allow him  to go alone, and he stood in the doorway while Vlad grabbed one of  the fluffiest washcloths Andrew had ever seen, wet it, and then started

swiping the cum from off of his back.

Vlad finally looked up and noticed that Andrew was still there. He  bit his lips and turned away. “You’re free to go. I am no longer in  need of your services.”

The hell with that. “I don’t want to leave.”

Vlad’s head whipped up, his eyes wide before he frowned stubbornly. “I thank you for the kindness you have done for me, but it’s best that you take your leave. The charm effect my guards placed on you will wear off shortly, and then you will find that you aren’t so

The Werewolf Love Slave and the Vampire Prince

enamoured with me.”

“They charmed me with lust, but you didn’t. Let me stay on as  your servant,” Andrew stepped into the room, allowing his size and  scent to overpower the vampire. “I can have you ten times over in one  night if that’s what you want.”

He watched the vampire’s throat work in a hard swallow. He was  thinking about it. Andrew could tell. “That is impossible, and as  you’ve seen, I don’t enslave werewolves.”

Right, his guards were of his own kind. Some vampires were like  that. “Why? Are you afraid of us?”

Vlad stiffened. “I fear nothing!”

Andrew didn’t want to fight with him. Did vampires take mates?  Would he believe him if Andrew told him that they were connected in  the most sacred and ancient of ways?

All he knew was that Boris, whoever the hell he was, was going to  be a problem. “All right, you’re not afraid of werewolves, but I still  want to stay. I want to pledge myself to you.”


He didn’t understand, or maybe he did. When a vampire pledged loyalty to a noble, the details weren’t much different from when a werewolf pledged loyalty to another pack alpha.

He just hoped James DeWitt, Andrew’s alpha, would forgive him for turning his back on him like this.

Andrew got down on his knees and stared straight up at his mate.  “I pledge my loyalty to none other than you. Where you go, I shall follow. Your commands shall be obeyed, and my life from here on will belong to you.”

Andrew had been pledged to the DeWitt pack for his entire life.  Would speaking those words, on his knees with his neck bared, be enough to sever the connection between him and his alpha? He certainly didn’t feel any different. Maybe there was nothing magical about the promise at all, and it was just meant to be a spoken declaration. Andrew certainly wasn’t planning on leaving if Vlad

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decided to command him to do it. Promise or no promise.

Hopefully it would be enough to keep Vlad from tossing him out

onto his ass.

Vlad shook his head and took a step back. “I do not ask for your pledge.”

“You have it anyway,” Andrew said, quickly getting to his feet.  He had no doubt in his mind that if Vlad really wanted to, he could throw Andrew around the room, beat him into submission with the

help of those guards he had, and toss him in a ditch somewhere until  his pack could sniff him out. As it was, Vlad allowed Andrew to grip  his arms and stare him in the face. He needed the other man to see just  how serious he was about this.

“I will be yours. I know you want me. I can smell it.”

Vampires might have no natural scent, but the musk of arousal  was something that could perfume even the most undead of vampires.

Vlad tensed at his words, and Andrew tilted his neck, allowing the  other man the access he so clearly wanted.

“Take it. Take it and use me however you want to. I’ll be your  harem boy.”

Vlad’s red eyes flashed as he glared briefly at Andrew, and then  went back to staring at his throat.

“You would bind yourself to me as such?”

Andrew nodded.

“I will have to keep you secret. None other can know of you, save  for myself and my guards. We will be killed if we are discovered.”

No, they wouldn’t. Andrew had plans of seducing Vlad out of  here long before anything like that happened.

“You’re a prince. I’m sure I’m the only one who will get killed if  that happens. It’ll be worth it.”

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