Mile High Love (14 page)

Read Mile High Love Online

Authors: Tracy Cottingham



Cassie stepped into the plane and silently thanked God for John’s talent. 
It was everything she’d asked for and more.  There was a cozy nook for two
with a Teal green bench seat that ran the length of the interior with throw
pillows that created a perfect place to sit and relax, and a cherry wood table
that could be lowered from the front wall for eating, or raised and clipped up
to allow for the maximum amount of room.  There was a liquor cabinet that
could be locked, and a small fridge filled with champagne.  In a cooler
above the fridge was a cake plate with chocolate covered strawberries.

The interior walls were covered with a chocolate brown leather surface that was
soft and smooth, and complimented the other color beautifully.  It
achieved the one thing Cassie really wanted.  It didn’t look cheesy or
crass.  Everything came together as a romantic getaway that was going to
be full of elegance and class for two people to explore.  Just about the
only thing that gave her pause was the fact that the bench seat was definitely
wide enough to be used as a bed if someone wanted to remove the pillows. 
She debated endlessly over whether or not to leave it that size, but eventually
decided to be true to the lover’s she was supposed to be catering to, and give
them the option to make their own decision leaving the cabin as luxurious and
comfortable as possible.  She knew that was the number one reason the
newspaper had been interested in the first place.  After all, not everyone
was going to see her idea in the same light as she did.  Not everyone
would be comfortable with the idea of couples having any kind of romantic
interlude in the skies above, let alone ones that were encouraged by such
provocative surroundings.

“Who knew the inside of a plane could be so enticing,” Gunnar entered the
plane, and closed the hatch behind him. 

“I know,” Cassie turned to acknowledge him.  “John did an incredible job
with my design.”

“Oh yeah, the inside of the plane’s really nice, but I was referring to its
occupant” His eyes nearly devoured her with their intensity.

Cassie grew warm, almost flushed by his sudden compliment.  She was still
a little confused over their earlier encounter, and she really didn’t know what
to think anymore.  She definitely didn’t like it when he was distant and
cold, but when he turned on the charm it made her just as uncomfortable. 
“I was a little worried my vision wouldn’t look quite as good in reality as it
did in my head,” she decided it was safer to ignore his comment.  “But it
actually came out better.”

“I don’t know.  I think it’s too early to tell if it’s going to be a
complete success or not.”

“I’m sorry?”  He wasn’t making any sense.

“I said, there’s no way to tell how couples are going to feel about it, until
it’s been properly tested.

“Oh, right,” she thought she
understood.  “I fully intend to do some more test scenarios before the
first flight.”

“Brilliant idea,” he reached into the large leather satchel Cassie thought he
used to carry his flight gear in.  “Put this on,” he handed her a bright
red, silk negligee.

“Oh, um, I don’t think so.”  Cassie turned away but he came up behind

“Cassandra,” he whispered in her ear and reached around her to hold the
luxurious fabric up against her frame.  “Don’t be shy,” he nibbled behind
her ear, then kissed the side of her neck.  “Put this on for me, and we’ll
properly test out this idea you have for lovers.”

“But,” she tried to think of a million reasons why they shouldn’t make love
together again.  “There’s nowhere to change,” was the lame excuse that
made its way passed her lips. 

That’s okay,” the soft feel of his fingers stroking her hair made her
shiver.  “I want to watch you.”  He moved away, closing the window
shades, turning the special lights Cassie had installed to dim, and getting the
champagne and strawberries from the fridge.  He moved quickly, not giving
her enough time to protest, let alone change her mind.

“Are you sure we should do this?”

He didn’t answer her.  Instead he moved to the built in couch, clipped the
table back up to the dividing wall and sat down.  He laid the strawberries
delicately in his lap, and struggled slightly with the top of the Champagne
bottle before it finally gave way, and popped off.  When he was settled,
he offered up a sudden, arresting smile that made Cassie squirm.

Tentatively at first, she removed her white t-shirt and baggy jeans, and then
tackled the smaller,

More intimate articles, until she stood completely naked
before him. 

“On second thought,” he voice was low, hoarse.  “Why mess with
perfection.”  He gestured for her to forget the nighty all together and
join him on the seat.

“No, no,” Cassie waived her finger at him, enjoying his apparent discomfort
enough to revel in her newfound power.  She took the soft material and let
it slide down the contours of her body.  “Mmm,” she purred, lifting her
arms high above her head before slowly letting the fabric drop down over head
and meld itself to her figure.  It clung to her breasts and her hips, yet
dangled freely around her legs, almost hitting the floor at her feet. 
“What do you think?”  She batted her lashes.

“I think if you don’t play nice, I’m going to have to speed things up and have
my wicked way with you right now, instead of fully discovering all of the
things your love ride has to offer.

“Am I bad?”  She walked over to him and bent forward, providing him with
just the type of view meant to inspire and entice.

“She heard his intake of breath.  “God I hope so,” he wound his hand
around the back of her neck and locked his lips to hers, exploring gently at
first, and then increasing his pressure and tempo till Cassie’s knees nearly
buckled.  “Sit here,” he broke their kiss long enough to issue a command,
and urge her to join him.

Cassie’s senses were reeling, but she forced herself to back away. “Oh no,” she
whispered and shook her head, “It’s your turn now,” she dared him to
balk.  “Or rather, my turn to get to watch you.”

She watched confusion turn to clear understanding, and nearly forgot what she’d

for when he came forward and pressed his body against hers.

“Are you sure you can handle it,” he teased.

“I’m sure I’ll pull through, she lied, and scurried passed him to get to the

“The Hell you will, he growled,” smacking her behind as she fled, and
accelerating her more than swift retreat.

Unlike her hesitant and slightly awkward strip tease, Gunnar seemed to revel at
the chance to show off.  Cassie was instantly captivated, loving the way
his strong features held a bold sensuality that permeated even the smallest of
details.  Everything about him was meticulously well cared for, especially
little things that made him irresistible in her eyes.  He kept perfectly
cut, well-manicured nails, a smooth shaved face, and crisp and clean smelling
clothes, even when he was trying to be more or less laid back in style.
 He smiled as he worked the buttons on his shirt, flashing a startlingly
white set of teeth against a richly tanned face.  When they were younger
it had been Gunnar’s tender and caring manner that had drawn her to him. 
But now, as she watched him bump and grind in a mock dance before her, he
radiated a rugged power that reeked of a self-confidence he’d found after
they’d been separated.  Earlier, when he’d held her and rocked her she’d
seen a glimpse of the boy she’d once known, but now he was so deliciously
appealing there was no mistaking the devastatingly handsome man he’d

When Gunnar bent to remove his pants, he pulled them from his legs, much the
way a woman would discard a pair of pantyhose, then swung them around a couple
of times, and tossed them at her head.  Cassie started to laugh, but then
he turned around and began to play at removing his last item of clothing. 
She absolutely loved the look of his firm, rounded bottom, and the white cotton
briefs he’d chosen highlighted and accentuated all of her favorite parts. 
“Have you had enough?”  He raised his eyebrows and turned back around to
face her.

“Oh I don’t think so,” Cassie taunted.  “The socks have to go,” she
pointed to his feet.

“No socks?”  He picked up his feet one at a time and removed them. 
Then looked back to her for the final nod of approval.

“Are you forgetting something?”  Cassie gestured to the white briefs that
were still clinging to his body.

“These?”  He was suddenly embarrassed.

“It’s a blowout sale Gunnar,” she joked.  “Everything must go.”


“Yeah, definitely, now quit stalling and get to it.”  She laughed at his
obvious attempt to delay the inevitable, and waited.

Instead of taking her suggestion, he approached her, stopping on the way to pop
a cd into the sound system.  “Your choice my lady.  A dance first,
then I lose the rest of my outfit, or no dance, and I wipe that cute little
smirk off your face and satisfy all of your wildest fantasies right now.”

“Tough choice,” she pretended to think while he held out his hand to her. 
“Do I still get the

wildest fantasy thing later?”  She took his hand as he
pulled her into his arms as the music began to play.

“Oh, I love this song,” Cassie
relaxed against him, caught up in the slow rhythm and magical backgrounds of a
new Rod Stewart song.  She pressed herself closer to him, and rested her
head on his chest as he rocked her slowly, in time, with the soothing words and
music of a sweet love song. 

Cassie was shocked and pleasantly surprised as Gunnar began to sing to
her.  His chest vibrated and his heart beat along with the lovely melody
he’d chosen. 

“If we fall in love tonight, you’re gonna be all right, you’re love is in good
hands...” he mimicked the endearing words, stroking her hair, and turning her
around and around as he continued to sing.  “If we fall in love again, on
me ya can depend, and give your love again...”  He stopped moving and
lifted her face to meet his.  “Open your heart and let love, love
again...”  He finished, and touched noses, snuggling and rubbing before
bending to kiss her more thoroughly. 

“Cassandra,” He whispered into and between his kisses.  “I’m sorry about
earlier. Please just forget about all of that and make love to me.”

I plan on it
, her voice echoed in her mind as she reached for him to
draw his lips back to hers.  “Kiss me Gunnar,” She murmured, “and don’t
stop. Don’t. Ever. Stop.”

His mouth covered hers hungrily, urgently exploring and loving absolutely every
inch of her before moving his sensual assault down along the side of her
neck.  Cassie moaned in protest at the loss of his mouth on hers, and then
in sheer delight as he found the pulse beating at the hollow of her throat and
kissed it adoringly, then blowing to chill where he’d just touched, and finally
warming it up again with the feel of his sensational kisses.  This
delicious ritual continued till he finally moved lower, blew against the soft
fabric, and captured her breast in his mouth. He stayed that way hungrily
suckling at the end of her taut nipple. 

Cassie threw her head back and bit her lower lip to keep from crying out. 
She ran her fingers through his hair, clutching and grasping as he continued to
lick and tease, before finally pulling her straps from her shoulders and
exposing her bare flesh to his hungry gaze.  She couldn’t catch her breath
as he continued kissing each side gently, and then blew, watching her nipples
swell and surge before him. “You are exquisite,” he marveled.  “And you’re
finally all mine.”

Cassie smiled at the heart rendering warmth of his glance, and the tenderness
of his well-spoken words.  “Does that make you happy?” 

Without answering, he lifted her effortlessly into his arms and gently laid her
on to her back.  “Say it,” he whispered in her ear as he laid her down.

“Say what?”  She was too busy feeling to think properly. 

“Tell me that your mine.”  His hand slid down across her smooth, silken
belly, and back up again, raising her nightgown above her hips and revealing
the most intimate core of her body.  “Say it.”

His fingers found her instantly, sending pleasant jolts spiraling through her
body.  “I’m yours,” she whispered, writhing against his sensual

“Are you sure?”  He petted and
stroked, bringing her closer to a release, and then backing off. 

Cassie couldn’t take any more of his teasing.  She pulled him over her,
and bound her legs around him so he couldn’t, wouldn’t be able to break
free.  She pressed herself against him, rotating her hips
seductively.  “I’m sure,” she answered, and gasped in sweet agony when he
gave her what she wanted most. The pleasure of his entrance was raw and
explosive as he filled her completely, then left her nearly empty before
thrusting powerfully again.  His body shuddered and trembled, and Cassie
eagerly complied when he lifted her legs above his shoulders, pinning her
further, and making his entry all the more complete.  He groaned and
pumped, seeking out her lips and ravishing them with the same vigorous style he
was using to render her senseless. 

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