Mother of Darkwaters: Book one of the Vessel series (94 page)

Read Mother of Darkwaters: Book one of the Vessel series Online

Authors: Tony C. Skye

Tags: #scary and funny, #teen, #young adult, #YA, #drama and adventure, #Horror, #Fiction, #Drama, #supernatural, #adventure, #suspense, #Thriller

   “What is your freakin’ problem? Get the…”


   “What?!”, Rebecca yells out while spinning around on her bff.

let you go until you calm down. You know too much.”

   Rebecca pauses as she scrutinizes Caroline’s body language. Her bff begs with her eyes.


   “Wait. You mean that stuff you just said about Mandie?”

   “Afraid so,” Caroline nods with her answer.

   Rebecca shakes her head, “I didn’t even know that crap was real. How does she know that she is...?”

   “It’s real,” Caroline says, “And she is. You’ll find out later for yourself.”

   “What’s that mean?”

   “When Mandie wants to talk to you about it. You’ll know for sure when she’s done, trust me.”

   “Trust seems to be in shorty supply, Caroline. And Mandie is barely above a Tamara’s Submissive. How could she be…?”



   “Never mind,” Caroline continues, “I know. I’m sorry for lying to you, but I had to. Think about it. Think about what I just said to you. Think about it
being true.”

   Rebecca pauses again while contemplating Caroline’s last few statements. A few moments later, she points to the guy behind her, “So what’s this meathead got to do with it?”

   “You don’t want to know.”

   “Don’t tell me that.”

   “If he sees you as a threat to Mandie’s secret, he will kill you.”

   Rebecca’s blue eyes widen.

   Caroline nods.

, Rebecca questions with silent lip-synching.

   Caroline nods again.


   Rebecca looks at the curb by the sidewalk where she stands. She walks forward and sits down. Caroline takes a seat next to her on the curb.

   “Like murder?”, Rebecca quietly speaks to the girl on her right, “For real murder?”

   Caroline nods – her eyes plea Rebecca to see the truth within them.

   Rebecca turns her head and stares blankly at one of the empty semi-trucks.


   “Yeah,” Caroline agrees somberly.



Chapter 20

   Date Night



   “I’m outta here,” Jennifer announces when stepping out of Tamara’s metallic-blue Corvette. She looks at the line of vehicles being directed to park by Network security. Jennifer walks towards Rebecca’s house.

   She puts her right hand up and waves, “Good luck with that.”

   Tamara looks in her rearview mirror. She makes eye contact with Julianna, “She’s excited.”

   Julianna smiles, “You are, too.”

   “You know it. It’s Amy Lee.”

   Julianna’s amusement is short-lived as her green eyes shift to the boy sitting in the front passenger’s seat. David Snow has a strange vibe coming from him, but Julianna isn’t sure what it is. She reasons it is nerves because of Tamara. She understands that. Of all people, she understands.

   “Hey Tam, can you let me out here? I need to find Becca. I’ll catch up with you later.”

   Tamara pulls her car forward and stops again. The traffic is slow moving.

   “Um - sure. You don’t have to.”

   Julianna looks from David Snow back to Tamara, “Oh I think I do.” She winks at the woman in the mirror and gives her a silent air kiss.

   Tamara looks over at David, “Okay, I’ll find ya. Can you let her out?”

   David nods as his moist right palm finds the car door’s handle. He opens the door, steps out, and moves the seat forward. When Julianna makes her way out of the vehicle, David moves the seat back, and returns to his position inside of the Corvette. He closes the door.

   Julianna smiles at the boy with short brown hair; “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She glances at Tamara who grins knowingly. Julianna walks around the front of the vehicle. She heads for Rebecca’s house. A man wearing a business suit is stationed at the front door. Julianna makes immediate eye contact with him and nods. The man puts his hand to his right ear and begins talking, but Julianna is too far to hear his words.


   “You okay?”

   David nervously looks at Tamara with his brown eyes, “This is really nice of you, thanks.”

   “No prob,” Tamara replies, “I have no idea why this was a senior’s only.” The bleach blond cheerleader hands her guest an invite, “Don’t lose this. If we get separated, it’s your proof that you’re my plus one.”

   David takes the invite from his date. It doesn’t matter that she gave him a speech about being just friends. Tamara Stilliard could have taken anybody in the whole world. But she didn’t. She chose
. It’s been a long time coming. He’s waited for this moment his entire life – ever since he recognized her when she was an adolescent fighter.

   David was in the sixth grade whenever he made the discovery. His love for computers and infatuation with female fighters, led him to a web site called
Do you know this one
? A site dedicated to his passion for female fighter athletes, David meticulously went through each profile of every girl. Everything from the area in which they fought, to the opponents which had been beaten – David knew everything about all of them. Unfortunately, however, because these girls were underage, their information was misleading. No real names, no identifying data, no nothing – just pictures and video action sequences.

   Then it happened. David passed one of those beautiful pieces of artwork in the hallway of his very own school. Her name was Tamara Hillary Stilliard. In that moment, he knew he had found the girl of his dreams. But then there was another problem. She was popular and high upon the social ladder. David was invisible, antisocial, and a computer geek. Two different worlds divided by a large void.

   David is not an idiot. He knew he would never a chance with her. But as fate would have it, Tamara’s bff Jennifer needed his help with gaining access – a specialty of his. In return, he has been blessed with this gift of a lifetime. He will never forget this night. Not because of the surprising concert disguised as a party, but because of the beauty that sits next to him. If he were only able to receive a simple peck on his cheek at the end of the evening, he would consider all other nights empty in comparison.




   “Where is she?”

   The man wearing the business suit looks at Julianna, “She’s in the foyer.”

   “Good,” Julianna says while reaching for the door handle.


   Julianna pauses, “What is it?”

   “She is a little hard to control without physical force, ma’am.”

   Julianna’s brows narrow, “You didn’t touch her, did you?”

   “No ma’am. You ordered us not to.”

   Julianna smiles, “Oh - okay. Good job. Yes, she can be a handful alright.”

   “Yes ma’am, she can.”

   Julianna turns the handle and pushes open the door. She steps inside and looks – closing the door behind her. Further down the hall, Julianna’s cousin sits on a bench by the wall on the right side of the greeting foyer. Beside her, an angry-looking Rebecca has her arms crossed. She is glaring at a painting hung on the opposite wall.

   Two men wearing business suits stand emotionless. When they see Julianna, they stiffen in posture. Caroline glances over and elbows Rebecca Hindsworth.

   “Can we get up now, you stupid buffoons?”

   Caroline gives Julianna an apologetic look for Rebecca’s behavior.

   “It’s alright,” Julianna addresses the two security personnel, “You both can leave now.”

   “Finally!”, Rebecca replies angrily. She stands up and marches towards Julianna. The two men begin following with Caroline in tow. Julianna holds up her left hand. Everyone stops in their tracks.

   “I told you two to leave,” Julianna makes another order. She looks at Rebecca, “And
need to calm down so they will.”

   Rebecca turns and bats her eyelashes at the two large men. She makes prayer hands, “I will play nice.” She lowers her hands and points to the front door with her left index finger, “Now get the hell out of my house!”  

   The two men – torn between their order and their duty – look at Julianna once again. Whenever the Mother of Darkwaters gives an approving nod, they reluctantly obey. On the way out, they inform her that they will be right outside if she needs them. When the door closes, Rebecca has her right pointer finger inches from Julianna’s face.

   “I don’t give a rat’s ass
you are!”, Rebecca yells loud enough for the men outside to hear, “You ever pull this again and I’ll call the police!”

   “Are you finished?”, Julianna questions calmly.

   Rebecca lowers her hand, “I want to beat your ass sooo badly right now. You can’t even imagine.”

   “That’s a road you don’t want to tread, Becca,” Caroline says, “Trust me.” She looks knowingly at her cousin, but Julianna seems to be more focused in on Rebecca.

   Rebecca holds up her right palm towards Caroline while staring at Julianna, “Shut it.”

   “The sooner we’re done here,” Julianna speaks, “The faster we can get to the party.”

   Rebecca grits her teeth. She yells out in frustration while lowering her arm.

   Julianna stands patiently – her green eyes are calm within their intent. Rebecca walks away about ten feet, runs her right hand through her wavy blond hair, turns, and lowers her hand. She crosses her arms.

   “Explain before I throw you out on your ass,” Rebecca threatens calmly.

   “I know this is a lot to process,” Julianna says, “But if I didn’t think you could handle it, you’d still be in the dark about everything. The price of telling my secret…”

   “It’s death. I get it. Now explain why you barged into our lives.”

   Julianna grins. Not because she finds Rebecca’s words full of humor; but rather, she finds Rebecca’s attitude enjoyable.

   “I came here for Caroline,” Julianna admits, “She didn’t know I existed and I wanted to give her the opportunity to know her family.”

   Rebecca glares at her bff standing to the right of her. She moves her gaze back to the uninvited guest of her house, “Why are you telling

   “Because,” Julianna answers, “In the process of meeting my cousin, I met three other extraordinary women.”

   Rebecca’s glare relaxes.

   “Normally, I would not reveal myself to those outside of Network,” Julianna motions her head towards the front door.

   “Those guys need to have their asses kicked, too,” Rebecca answers. But her words are not as venomous as they once were.

   “They can be a little rigid.”

   “A little?”

   “They are just trying to protect me.”

   Rebecca’s head retreats, “Where were they when Tamara beat the crap out of you?”

   “They had no idea about some of it, until it was already over. The parking lot took a bit of convincing. They weren’t too keen on the idea of you humiliating me like you did.”

   “You were being a bitch,” Rebecca defends her actions.

   Julianna looks at the marble flooring beneath her feet, “I had to.”

   “You make no sense. None of this makes any sense. I can’t wrap my mind around any of it.”

   Julianna looks back up and lands her gaze upon Rebecca’s blue eyes. She is still angry, but her intentions are leaning more on the inquisitive side.

   “Would you rather be left in the dark, or confused?”

   Rebecca shakes her head, “That’s a stupid question.”

you, Becca,” Julianna says, “You tell it how it is, you are faithful to your friends, and you protect those you love. You do it without effort, without second guessing yourself, and your ability to plan is like no other I have ever met. This is why you now know what you know. You don’t need me. I know that. But I need you.”

   “Friends don’t lie to each other.”

   “We weren’t friends, Becca,” Julianna continues, “But I want to be. If you don’t want to be my friend, no one is going to make you. No one is going to harm you. Just keep my secret and live your life as you see fit. I am only here to give you an offer.”

   “I’m not worshipping the devil.”

   “Ha-ha-ha,” Julianna laughs, “I don’t either. I’m just a girl trying to live my life. And I know an extraordinary person when I meet them. You

   “I know that,” Rebecca counters.

   Julianna grins, “Yes, you do. And that’s another one of your qualities that I find so wonderful. You have many of them, and I would be honored to call you a friend. But the choice is yours. I am not here to give you an ultimatum. It is an offer.”

   “You keep saying that,” Rebecca answers, “What
are you talking about?”

   Julianna looks curiously, “Why did you perform that blood ritual that got Caroline possessed by demons?”

   Rebecca glances at her silent bff, “You were possessed?”

   “Secret – sorry.”

   Rebecca rolls her eyes. She looks back at Julianna, “I don’t even care that you know all of this anymore.”

   “Why did you perform the ritual?”, Julianna questions.

   “It doesn’t matter.”

   “Sure it does,” Julianna counters, “It was important to you. So it does matter. No one is judging you. Just speak it out like you always do. Who cares?”

   “If you make fun of me,” Rebecca warns, “We’ll
be friends.”

   Julianna nods.

   “I did it to tie us all together – to make us closer. And because we would be able to know things.”

   “Know things?”


   “Like what?”

   Rebecca looks at Caroline, “You tell her. You haven’t said anything.”

   “I want
to tell me,” Julianna pushes the issue, “I’ve already heard her thoughts.”

   Rebecca stares at her bff, “Apparently she has a big mouth to everyone except me.”

   “Why, Becca,” Julianna ignores the cheerleader’s sarcasm, “What things?”

   “You know,” Rebecca says while turning her stare towards Julianna, “Mental stuff. What do you think it means to know something?”

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