Mountain Moonlight (14 page)

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Authors: Jaci Burton

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She looked up at him, her eyes dark with arousal, then  bent to  the  other nipple and

did the same.

He’d have to turn the  tables on her sometime very soon and torture her the same


“Lie down on the bed,” she commanded.

He lay on his back and locked his hands  behind his head, hoping like hell he  could  resist the urge to take her. His cock jutted  straight up, a drop of  pre-cum appearing at the tip.

He sent her mental signals to lick him, but  he wasn’t going to force her to take his

cock into her mouth.

Not yet, anyway. Later, when she was experienced and he  had control and

dominance, then he’d tell her to suck him.  Until then, he’d just have to settle for—

“Holy shit,  Katya!” He nearly bolted off the bed when she answered his silent pleas and licked the drop of  fluid off the tip of his cock.

Damn, she was surprising.

She smiled, licking her lips. “Salty. I like the flavor.”

He was wrong. Experience be damned, she was already killing him.

She bent over him again, her hair  brushing his thighs. She kept her gaze focused on  his face as she covered her lips over the tip of his  shaft, then  slowly slid down, engulfing him with her hot mouth.

With a low  groan he lifted his hips, driving his cock into the deepest recesses of  her  throat. She  took him greedily, wrapping her fingers around the base and stroking him

as she sucked.

When she pulled away, she said,  “Interesting texture. Hard,  but soft as velvet at thesame time. Especially here.” She circled the tip with her finger, then wrapped both hands around him and stroked upward, bending down to lave the slit of his cock with her tongue.

“Lord, woman. Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” He tangled his fingersin her hair and thrust forward, matching the  rhythm of her strokes.

She sucked him deep, her hands moving over  his shaft in a twisting motion, pulling him deeper and deeper into her hot mouth until his balls tightened  and throbbed.


Mountain Moonlight

“Let go, Katya, I’m going to come,” he managed, his chest heaving with the force of

his labored breaths.

But she held on, squeezing him tighter, releasing one hand to search for his balls.

When she cupped and massaged them, he exploded into her mouth, pumping hiscream down her throat. Just like the first time,  his orgasm rocked him from head to toe, making him shudder and lose control.

She swallowed and continued to suck until his cock began to soften, then sat on her heels and licked her lips, a satisfied grin on her face.

“I had no idea that sucking a man could be so arousing.”

going to be the death of him.

Katya felt like she’d died and gone to  heaven. Having  access to Conner’s body, hiswillingness to let her  do whatever she wanted, was like waking up on  Christmasmorning with the gift of her dreams under the tree.

She’d always wanted to touch a hard cock,  taste it, feel  the shaft in  her mouth while she pleasured a man. She’d read books. Hot,  erotic stories of lust and passion, her mind awash in visuals of what a man and woman could do together.

But her youthful fantasies had been squelched by the death of her parents. Once she’d taken over the pack, she knew she couldn’t experiment, couldn’t play, couldn’t learn about sex.

When one was an alpha, sex also  carried the burden of responsibility. So she kept

her distance.

Besides, none of the  men she knew intrigued her enough to  even think about mating. She’d always felt like she was waiting for “the one”. The one alpha who would take her, dominate her and fuck her, whether she liked it or not.

Her fantasy had become a reality in a way she’d never expected.

And now the dominant male of her dreams had exposed his underbelly to her,lying immobile while she explored his  body with her hands and her mouth.

She shuddered, so aroused she could hardly  sit still. There was so much she had tolearn, so much she wanted to explore. .

“Come here,” Conner said, his voice low.

She braced her hands on either side of  his face, leaned down and kissed him.

He devoured her lips with his mouth, sliding his tongue inside, mimicking the same long strokes he’d used when his cock was inside her earlier.

She reached for his shaft but he grabbed  her wrist and pulled her hand away. Whenshe leaned back to look at him, he said, “Straddle my face and let me lick you.”

Her body heated, juices seeping from the swollen lips of her pussy. Her clit achedfor his mouth, desperate for Conner to take her over the edge again. But like this? Her face burned with the knowledge  that  she could be so intimate with him.


Jaci Burton

“Come on,” he urged, squeezing the flesh of  her hip. “Climb on my face and ride my tongue, baby.”

Unable to resist the lure of release, she  straddled his face, aligning her pussy over  his mouth. His tongue snaked out and licked  her slit. She cried out and leaned forward,  reaching for the headboard, needing something to hold onto.

Carefully braced, she began to rock slowly against Conner’s tongue, finding the  movements that placed her clit within reach  of his magic. He grabbed onto her  buttocks  and slid her pussy back and forth over his tongue. Exquisite sensations sparked deep in  her womb at the visual before her. Conner’s mouth buried over her clit,  his tongue

swirling along her sensitive nerve endings.

What a picture this must make. She couldn’t  believe she acted so wanton, so out of

control. Was this really her, or did Conner draw this wild response from her?

As she drew closer and closer to completion, her primal urges took over. Sheshuddered, the changes coming upon her without warning. Shocked, she looked downat Conner. His eyes were closed but he growled against her sex as if he knew exactly what she felt.

Her blood burned, her skin on fire with the need to shift. She  fought it back. Now

was not the  time to run wild.

But it was so damn hard, especially when  his fingers dug into her buttocks and hequickened his pace, sliding her back and forth over his mouth, capturing her clit andsucking it between his lips.

She cried out when her orgasm  washed  over her,  digging  her nails  into theheadboard, the lupine  part of her drawing  her claws to rake against the wooden bed frame. Conner held tight to her hips and slid  his tongue inside her cunt, lapping up the cream that spilled from her.

Exhausted, she crawled off him and collapsed onto the bed, letting him draw her against his chest.

She settled in, looked down and noticed  his cock was rock-hard  again. When shelooked at him, he smiled, his face wet with her juices.

“You turn me on, Katya. I can’t help that I want you.”

She moved to touch him but he gently pushed her arm away, grabbing her handand tucking it inside his.

“Sleep,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “We have forever to get to know eachother.”

Forever. Both a comforting and frightening  word. She lay there silently, listening to the night sounds outside the castle and focusing on the rhythmic rise and fall of Conner’s chest.

He was right. It had already been  an eventful day and night. Yet there was so much she wanted to experience and a part of her wondered if she and Conner were, in fact, bound for “forever”.


Mountain Moonlight

Stop thinking, Katya. Stop worrying  about the future. Things  will unfold as they should.

She knew her inner voice was right and she should stop worrying about it.

Change wasn’t always a bad thing. Maybe she and Conner could  work things out after all. They’d certainly made a good start. They were compatible sexually, that much was certain. Whether they could come to terms in other areas remained to be seen.

She closed her eyes and let the sound of  his heartbeat against her ear lull her to sleep.

* * * * *

Katya woke to sunlight streaming in the windows.

She sat up and looked around. Okay, she  was alone in the bed. Where was Conner?

The clock on the wall stated it was ten in  the morning. She’d slept way too long.

Tossing off the covers, she took a shower  and dressed in jeans and a sweater, feeling more relaxed than she had in a very long time.

Last night she’d slept the entire night instead of waking several times to stare out the window and wonder what crises would arrive on her doorstep by morning.

Conner had exhausted her completely and she’d slept soundly, without thenightmares  that typically disturbed her.

Perhaps having sex was going to be therapeutic as well as enjoyable.

She entered the kitchen but he wasn’t there. Coffee was, though, and she poured herself a cup, taking it with her as  she  wandered the rooms in search of her mate.

Voices came from her office down the hall, and she followed  the sounds, opening

the door to a full room.

No one ever entered her private office without her being there. Until now. Conner

was seated at her desk, Noah standing next  to him on one side, Elena on the other.

Elena leaned toward Conner as he whispered in her ear. When he finished speaking, Elena stood and began giving orders to the men assembled in the room, who nodded and left.

Conner looked up as one of the men said her name as he passed by.

“Morning,” he said, seemingly right at home with her papers on her desk, giving orders to her people. “Elena is translating for me. We’ve gotten a good start.”

Her mellow mood vanished in an instant. Anger filled her to the point ofthreatening to topple the cup of coffee in  her trembling hand. She forced herself tomaintain control. “What exactly do you think you’re doing in  here?”

“I’m working.”


Jaci Burton

She didn’t like the smug look he gave her. Was this the same  man who’d bathed her and pleasured her last night? Placing her cup on a nearby table, she entered the roomand stopped in front of her desk. “Working on what?”

“I’ve made  arrangements for a crew to bring supplies and manpower to start erecting sturdier fencing around the castle  property.” He grinned and laced his fingers behind his head, leaning back in her  chair. “Trust me, it’ll be wolf-proof.”

She had no idea what he was talking about. “We haven’t discussed that.”

“No, we haven’t. We have to protect the population here from both the inside and  the outside. Keep the wolves contained and keep the hunters out.”

“I see.” So nice of him to completely take  over. She should have thought of mating  sooner. It could have done wonders for her beauty sleep.

“He has some very good ideas, Katya,” Elena said. “I am very impressed with how quickly he  has made arrangements for our protection. You should see all that he’s accomplished this morning.”

She glared her cousin into silence.  Yes, she could well imagine what he’d done. The  evidence of it sat at
desk, in
chair, in
office. Conner had already taken over  the pack, the castle, the land…everything that she claimed as hers.

“Leave,” she commanded Elena. “And take everyone with you.”

Elena had the gall to look down at Conner, who nodded.

She turned to  Noah and  said, “You  can  get out, too.  I need to  speak to Conner  alone.”

Noah smirked and crossed his arms, clearly not about to go anywhere on herorders. Elena shuffled  the rest of them out of  the room quickly,  her eyes downcast as she hurried past Katya.

Conner looked up at Noah. “Go ahead and  get started on the  things we  talkedabout. We’ll meet in about an hour and go over the details.”

Noah nodded and left  the room, inclining his head in a  bow as  he walked past her and closed the door behind him.

The latch had no sooner clicked in place than she turned to Conner and said, “Get out of my chair.”

Conner smiled. “Why?”

“Get out of my chair,” she said again, barely able to contain the fury rolling through her blood. Her claws shot from her nails, her  vision clouded by the change coming overher. She fought it back, but not before a low growl poured from her chest.

He stood and grasped her arms. “This is  what you wanted, wasn’t it? When youallowed me to fuck a virgin princess and be forced to become your mate, this  was what you had in mind, right?”

She jerked away from his hold and stepped  to her desk, sitting down  and looking at him. “This,” she said, sweeping her hand over her desk, “is mine.”


Mountain Moonlight

“Not anymore. I’m the alpha male. I’m also  the one with all the money. You wanted the Devlins, baby, you got ‘em. The whole package. Including one very in charge alpha  here.”

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