Mountain Moonlight (21 page)

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Authors: Jaci Burton

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“Find them  yet?” She pulled her knees to  her chest and wrapped her arms around  them. If he  said no, she’d be mortified. But then she’d  know that Chantal was wrong. That he didn’t care for her at all.

He turned and wrapped his palm around the back of her neck, pulling her mouth tohis. Before their lips touched, he said, “I want you, Katya. So  much  that it hurts. I’ll always want you.”

She sighed  her relief into his open  mouth, wrapping her arms around his back and pressing her breasts against his chest.

They both moved to their knees, their bodies  aligned breasts to chest, belly to belly and sex to sex. His chest hairs tickled her breasts, teasing her nipples to sharp points.  She shifted from side to side, creating her own pleasure  by rubbing the aroused buds against the hard muscles of his chest.

He groaned and she felt the vibration against her breasts. His cock jutted upbetween them and she rocked against  it, its heat burning her lower belly.

She needed his cock inside  her. Right now. Thoughts of  making love with him hadpermeated her every thought the past couple  days. Despite her anger and frustration with him, her desire for him hadn’t diminished. In fact, it had grown stronger.

Was it possible to love  and want someone desperately while still angry as hell at



Jaci Burton

“Fuck me, Conner. And hurry,” she urged, moving  back  to  lie on the grass. She  spread her legs while he kneeled there and  watched, stroking his shaft. Never had she felt so wanton, so free. Maybe it was being outside, their natural element, but she  wanted him to see how much she desired him.

Opening her legs, she showed him her need,  sliding her hand over her belly to pet

her sex.

His gaze flamed hot, burning her, spurring  her on to be even more adventurous.  She slipped two fingers into her wet pussy, thrusting in and out slowly, then withdrewthem and brought her fingers to her mouth to taste her own desire.

“Fuck, Katya. That’s so goddamn  erotic.”  His movements increased as he stroked his shaft hard and fast from base to tip. Creamy drops spilled from the tip of his penis, and he swirled his thumb over the liquid.

Her nostrils  flared, taking in the musky scent of him, desperate to feel the jetting of that hot seed deep inside her with a need  that was borne of primal urges and a frantic sense of urgency.

His scent made her crazy, drove her to dig  deep inside herself and find the wild part of her that she’d suppressed for so many years.

“I can smell you,” he  said. “Hot, musky.  You bring out the beast in me, Katya. Make yourself come for me.”

At this point it was highly unlikely she  could hold back anyway. One or two more strokes and she’d—

A scream tore from her throat, her hips bucking off the soft grass as her climax rushed over her in a tidal wave so powerful it made her lightheaded. She kept her gazeon Conner’s face as she sailed into oblivion, somehow finding the eye contact more stimulating than she ever thought possible.  She was coming, and he was watching her.

“Oh yeah,” Conner growled, moving toward her and dropping down between her legs to bury his head at her sex. The spasms of her orgasm had not yet  subsided whenhe licked her cream in slow, soft laps of his tongue, taking in the juices that poured from her and driving her near mad in the process.

Despite her first rip-roaring orgasm, she  was recharged by his  devouring mouth, unable to even catch her breath between her  self-induced orgasm and the next one that  Conner brought her to.

She tangled her fingers in his hair and soared over the edge again, thrusting her sex against his  greedy mouth. He held onto her hips and devoured her juices until shecollapsed, exhausted and unable to even speak.

“Oh, we haven’t even begun, Katya,” Conner  rumbled, lifting and turning her over to position her on her hands and knees.

“I love taking you like this,” he said, his voice tight with need as he probed between her legs and thrust hard and deep inside her cunt.


Mountain Moonlight

She whimpered, feeling that now-familiar  fullness and shocked to  discover that she did, indeed, still have  more desire to slake. With Conner it only took seconds for her drive to begin anew, seconds for him to take her the point that  she lost her sanity andwanted only to rush over  that blissful edge again.

“Fuck me, Katya. Back  that sweet ass against me and fuck me hard.”

Unable to help the wolf’s emergence, she embraced the wildness  within her and growled at her mate, thrusting her ass back against his pelvis and squeezing his cock with the muscles of her cunt.

His claws emerged, the stinging sharp pain  of them digging into the flesh of her hips. But Katya did  not object. She welcomed  the savage thrust against her, the beast within him roaring to life. He  moved with the wildness that lived  within her,  his ballsslapping her clit and bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

The heat of the day bore down on their  skin, sweat pouring from their bodies and mixing with the wetness of their lust.

Their coupling was primal, urgent, like the wolves that lived inside them. Her skin prickled as the hair thickened on her arms and back, her jaw feeling as if it were splitting open as her face began to change.

That was all she would allow, feeling more  vulnerable in her animal state than sheever did as a human.  She shouldn’t feel  that way, since as a wolf she was muchstronger, but maintaining her humanity, even  in something as raw and primal as sex, was important.

Conner followed her lead and only partially  transformed, enough so she could feel his blood boiling with the change from human to lupine. His cock grew hotter, thicker, filling her walls and scraping the sensitive tissues inside her until she cried out from the pleasure.

The fever of the moment added to Katya’s  excitement, notching up  her desire  until she whimpered like an animal in heat.

like an animal in heat and reveled in her power over lesser beasts.

“Harder,” she urged, bucking against Conner’s cock, needing him deeper insideher. He obliged by pistoning so deeply she felt his thrusts in her womb.

And then she splintered apart, tilting her head up and howling as her climax tore through her.

Conner went with  her, his wolf cry echoing through the empty forest, his hot cum jetting into her cunt. Their feral growls mixed in a song as sweet as any she’d ever heard. They collapsed  onto the  grassy bank, their bodies returning to human formwhile they found normal breathing again.

She lay there and stared at him, mesmerized by the beauty and rugged angles of his face. Dark stubble lined his jaw and she reached out to feel its scrape against her palm, not at all surprised to feel the tingle of excitement spark within her.


Jaci Burton

They were completely untamed together. But as wild as  their lovemaking had been, it didn’t begin to solve  their other  problems. Problems that seemed  insurmountable.

He had sought her out  to talk. It  was time  to find out what he had come to say.

“You wanted to talk to me?”

He smiled. “I’d rather have sex again.”

“But we’re not going to. Now talk  to  me. That is why you came here.”

“Yeah, I did come here to talk. That is,  until I found this mirage in the clearing. A wild thing with her legs spread as if she was waiting for me.”

Katya’s lips curled upward. “I was waiting  for you. In a way. But I never expectedyou to show up just as  I slid my hand between my legs.”

He inhaled  deeply and caressed the tip of  one nipple. “Just thinking about the way I found you spread-eagled on the grass  has my cock getting hard again.”

Katya looked at it and shook her head.

“Talk first. Sex later.”

He sat up  and ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ve always taken charge in business. I’m a leader. An alpha. It’s my way or nothing.”

She leaned up on her elbows. “So I noticed.”

“But I’ve realized that I’m beating my head against a stone wall trying to do this myself. And I’ve got enough of my family  ganging  up  on  me  to  open  my  eyes  andrealize how much I need help.”

Why couldn’t he have figured that out without his brother and sister pointing it out to him? Then again, she was rather fond  of this hard-headed alpha. Perhaps hisstubbornness could be beneficial. He certainly would never back down under  a challenge, that much was certain.

“I can help you, Conner, if you’d only let me. Keep in mind that I have run thisterritory since my parents died. I know what works and what doesn’t.”

One corner of his mouth lifted. “So what  you’re saying is I’m probably already doing things you’ve already done.”

“I didn’t say it.”

“You don’t have to. This is never going to  be easy for me, Katya. But I’m willing to give it a try. I need your help. I can’t, and frankly, I don’t want to do this alone.”

His admission was all she needed to hear. She sat up, reached for his face and kissed him tenderly, pouring her heart out to  him. “You don’t have  to do it alone.”

“I’ve missed you,” he mumbled against  her mouth, licking her bottom lip andtugging at it  with his teeth.

She laughed at the same time her body flamed to life once again. “I’ve missed you, too.”

He drew circles around her nipples, plucking the buds when they drew into

hardened points and making her forget what they were talking about.


Mountain Moonlight

“We should get started on business,” he  suggested, but one look told  her that business as the last  thing on his mind.

“Later. I need your cock in me again. We’ll talk business when we get back to the castle.”

* * * * *

True to his word, Conner had asked for her help. And she’d given it, realizing that the two of them together were a powerful force. They’d stormed into the ministry and bullied them  into placing a temporary halt to  all hunting of wolves until the Devlins could set up the foundation.

“We need to get married, and fast,” Conner said, glancing over at her while they sat at the huge dining table with Noah, Chantal, Elena and a handful of the Carpathian shifters.

“I know. The ministry  will never recognize you until we are married. You and I  must be married for three years before  you can attain Romanian citizenship.”

“But once we’re married they  will at least recognize me  as having a  stake in what  happens here.”

Katya nodded. “True. You can placate them  with money and promises of tourism  and good public relations for a  short period  of  time, but eventually the hunter  coalitions and the farmers will have their way again,  and wolves will be hunted as they always have. Besides, even if our country’s ministry defends the rights  of the wolves, as soon as  the lupines cross the borders into Slovakia or  Ukraine they are no longer protected by  Romanian law.”

“Open hunting season,” Elena said, wrinkling her  nose. “And we’re nearing that time of year. Those of us who are shifters can watch where we roam, but we cannot  keep the pure wolves from crossing borders. Even when we change, we operate on  primal instinct rather than human sense. If  we roam over the borders, we will be subject  to being shot by hunters, too.”

Conner nodded. “That’s what we have to  change. The refuge will help.  Crews  should be arriving any day to erect the walls  keeping the wolves within the  Romanian  borders.”

“But that will only do  so much good,” Katya  said. “A wolf that does not want to be  contained will not be. And the wild ones, even  the ancient shifters, believe that all the  land of  the  Carpathian mountain range is  theirs to  wander. They  don’t recognize the borders of countries.”

“Then we have to work harder to convince the bordering nations to limit their

hunting and protect the wolves.”


Jaci Burton

Conner knew this wasn’t going to happen overnight.  Change of this magnitudecould take years, especially when dealing with something as delicate as foreign policy.

But marrying Katya and merging the Devlins with the  Braslieus would bring about more power. And frankly, no matter what  the nation’s politics, money talked.

But would they be able to offer enough to thwart the hunting lobbies?

“We have a lot to do. Let’s get married tomorrow.”

Katya’s eyes widened, then she nodded.  “Okay. I will make arrangements for themayor to come to the castle and say the vows.”

His mother was going to kill him for getting  married without her being present, but  Conner figured after they had things under control he’d drag Katya to Boston and do the big family wedding his mother had always wanted.

“I am sorry we have to rush through this  and your parents cannot be here with us,” she said after most of the people had left.

“Me, too. Mom’s going to kick my ass  for doing this without her. You wouldn’t want to call her and break the news to her for me, would you?” he asked, looking to  Chantal.

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