Read Mountain Moonlight Online

Authors: Jaci Burton

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Mountain Moonlight (25 page)

Like love.

He knew right then that he wasn’t complete, that there was something lacking in

his life.

Sonofabitch! He didn’t  want to have these kinds of feelings. Not now, not ever.

Determined to avoid any further thought about relationships and women, he palmed his cock and stroked it, stepping toward Katya. She turned to him and smiled, and when she licked her lips in anticipation he nearly lost it.

Oh yeah. He wanted that mouth on his cock.

He reached for the back of her head and drew  her closer to the throbbing tip of his shaft. Drops of pre-cum teetered on the edge, and her tongue snaked out to capture the fluid before  it fell to the forest floor.

“God, baby, what a sweet mouth you have. Suck it, Katya.”

Her lips covered him and he closed his eyes, determined to block out anything and

everything but the erotic pleasure he received from Katya’s mouth.

Katya licked the head of Noah’s cock, taking  the thick shaft in deeply, then moving back to watch her saliva cover the mushroomed head. She looked up and watched him.  Lord, the  man was magnificent standing there with one hand wrapped around the back of her head, the other massaging his balls  as she sucked his magnificent rod.

His tangy taste and the velvet smoothness of the head of his cock made her pussyclench around Conner’s shaft. She rocked forward and back, her clit hitting the base ofhis cock and splintering sparks of need deep inside her.

In response  to her movements, Conner lifted his hips, thrusting harder and faster inside her aching cunt until she thought she’d die from the pleasure.

She moved Noah’s hand away and cupped the twin sacs underneath his shaft, squeezing and tugging them gently. He groaned and pushed her head closer, forcing


Mountain Moonlight

more of his delicious cock into her mouth.  Deeper, harder, until she swallowed his cock


For an alpha female, this was supreme delight. To have both these powerful menunder her control was more satisfying than  she realized. She was in charge of their pleasure, she directed each sensation  with either her mouth or her pussy.

And she loved it.

Even better, they loved it.

The scent of their arousal filled the air around her. Conner reached for her breasts,

plucking her erect nipples and sending spiraling sensation  to her cunt. She could do  nothing but groan against Noah’s cock, which caused him to pump faster and harder against her  mouth.

Pleasure built, higher and higher like  a coiling snake threatening to strike.

“Come for me, baby,” Conner urged, his voice a hot whisper in the night. “Let me  feel that pussy squeeze the juice right out of me.”

Conner helped that suggestion by reaching  between her legs and  stroking her clit  with his thumb. Fire burst within  her  and she whimpered, sucking harder at Noah’s  cock.

“Aww, Christ, Katya,” Noah responded, wrapping his  fist in her hair and pumping  hard, jettisoning a hot spurt of fluid into  her throat. She swallowed greedily as the sensations in her lower belly spread out like a wildfire.

Noah withdrew and she turned her attention to Conner, lifting her hips and

slamming them down over his shaft. He  thrummed her clit faster and  faster, the sensations tightening inside her. When he  groaned and dug his fingers into her hips, she erupted, her orgasm shooting fiery lightning in front of her eyes and pouring out  her creamy cum all over Conner’s cock and balls.

She came, and then came again, her gaze  focused on Conner. The way his eyes lit up with the feral light of the animal within him, his claws unsheathing to scrape her skin, his teeth and jaw elongating as his  orgasm forced the change within him.

And the animal in her surfaced  as she continued to  ride out her  climax, growling

and dropping her head to his chest to take a sharp bite  of his sweet flesh. Time  suspended and she was lost in  the  spiraling emotions of completion, more satisfied than  she’d ever been before.

This was perfection and she never wanted the moment to end.

She couldn’t move. Conner’s heart raced  against her cheek. He wrapped his arms around her, seemingly in no hurry to move from their spot on the forest floor. Barely able to open her eyes, she lifted her lids partway to survey the area around them.

Everyone else had gone.

The ritual was over.

Conner and Noah had given her a magic that she never knew, had never thought



Jaci Burton

But now that it was finished, she only  wanted to wrap her body around her husband and never let him go.

The conflicts within her surfaced  as she  opened her mouth to let the words of her heart spill free. But still, that familiar hesitancy reared its head—that need  to keep her protective wall up so that she couldn’t be hurt again.

Conner kissed the top of her head. “You ready to go inside now?”

She leaned up and searched his  face. “Let’s shift and run.”

His gaze gleamed dark. “You just want to fuck me as a wolf.”

“Well, yes, that, too.”

She climbed off and he stood, reaching out his hand to her.

“Come on, wild woman. Let’s see if your wolf ass is as hot looking as the humanone.”

She shifted and took off at a run, knowing the game of chase they played up the mountain would end with passionate lovemaking under the full moon.

Her newly married life was starting out very, very well. And if she couldn’t let herself feel the love that she knew she had for Conner, then this would just have to be good enough.


Mountain Moonlight

Chapter Fourteen

Conner inhaled the sharp pine scent of the forest around them. Lying naked with  Katya in his arms, they didn’t feel the cold  at such a high elevation despite  the early morning chill.

Not even dawn yet, the moon still hung over  the horizon, calling to him.

Not a chance this time. He was exhausted. With the wedding yesterday and then the ritual followed by the run in the woods with Katya, they’d had a damn full day. Heand Katya had run up the mountain, stopping  when they reached a small cliff near the top.

There, they’d made love in wolf form, both  of them howling into the night for what seemed like hours. When they were spent,  they made the climb to the  top of the mountain and fell asleep.

Katya turned and nestled against his side, one leg thrown over his hips. Her thigh brushed his cock and it twitched to life again.

He shook  his head. Damn thing was out of control. His body was exhausted. His cock thought it was some kind of superhero.

Down boy. I’m too damn  tired.

The low howls of a wolf pack echoed through the forest below.

His pack. His family now. Curling an arm  possessively  around Katya, he  leaned in and breathed the sweet scent of her hair.

He hadn’t even told  her he loved  her yet, but he’d rectify that as soon as she woke.

Now he was content to have her in his arms and listen to the sounds of—

Gunfire! The echo of  gunshots was followed by the howls of the wolf pack. He didn’t have  to wake Katya. She bolted upright, her eyes widening.

“Hunters!” she cried, scurrying to her feet and taking off down the mountain.

He didn’t bother to argue with her, just caught up to her and ran like hell.

Both of them  shifted along the way, Conner  taking the lead as they leapt over limbs, rocks and various roots, more sure-footed as  wolves and ten times faster than if they were in human form.

His senses keen in this form, he inhaled, scenting the area around them.

Would he be able to communicate with  Katya this way? The psychic connection didn’t always work.

Several different human scents
, he thought.

Yes. I know very well the smell of the hunters.


Jaci Burton

He nodded, pleased that he and Katya were  able  to  communicate  so  well  in  thisform. He wondered where Noah was, and if he  was with the pack or inside the castle.  He could sure use his brother’s tracking skills right now.

Tread light. I don’t want them spotting us until we can get a feel for how many and where.

She lifted her snout and nodded, staying right behind his left hindquarter.


They entered the flatlands of the forest  and crept along slowly, following thesounds and scents of both the packs and the hunters.

Sounds like about twenty hunters
, Katya communicated.
That’s a big hunt

So much for the cooperation of the ministry. Conner wondered if the man had been blowing smoke up his ass with promises of protection, all the while knowing that someobscure head count of wolves would lead to  the hunters’ right to take down  a certain number.

Well, that “certain number” was his pack now, and by God they  weren’t going to beallowed to just cull the pack whenever  they thought the numbers were too big.

Let me go around the left and you take the right
, Katya suggested.

No. I want you with me

I can protect you better if I can come at them from behind.

He didn’t care. He didn’t want to take  any chances on Katya being injured. If she stood next to him the entire time, he could  get in between her and a hunter’s bullet. Ifshe circled around to the other side, she could be ambushed or hit straight on. No way was he going to lose her.

I don’t need you to protect me, Conner. I’ve done  this  before.  I can take care of myself.  We’remuch smarter than they are, you know.

I know that. Just stay here, Katya.


He growled a warning to her and she snarled  back, but took her place at his flank.  Satisfied that she was where he could keep an  eye on her, he circled the outskirts of the hunters’ positions, counting them one by one.

There were about a dozen of them, stalking  his pack as if they were nothing but a pelt or a trophy. They disgusted him. Didn’t they realize that the wolves were endangered, regardless of the bogus numbers  they put up about the surplus of wolves in the Carpathians? Not that  the hunters cared. They weren’t managing the numbers. They were hunting for  the thrill of  the kill.

Not this time. Not anymore. He wasn’t going to give  the ministry any reason to want to launch a hunt of the wolves, so no way would he injure them.

But he could sure scare  the shit out of them.

As two of the hunters stalked a young wolf trying to hide, he stepped calmly

behind them, then let out a howl  that would curl any human’s hair.


Mountain Moonlight

The hunters screamed  like little girls, turned  around and ran like  their asses were

on fire.

Katya growled appreciatively.
I hope they pissed their pants

He smiled, baring his teeth, lusting to take  a bite out of those asses. But he’d have tocontent himself with merely moving them away from the pack.

They did the same thing with another pair  of hunters,  sneaking  up behind them and then growling and scaring them  away.

That part was fun.

The other wolves had spread out, forcing the hunters to split up in pairs.

I told we’ve handled this  before
, Katya informed him.

Your people do well. We should be able to—

He stilled when he scented lupine on the air first, but not full wolf. One of the pack in human form? That couldn’t be. But when he turned, he realized why.

Peter, in hunting gear, stalking the wolves.

Katya spotted him too, her growl low but  loud enough for Peter’s keen lupine senses to hear. He spun around, his face twisted in a sick smile, and took aim at Katya.  Conner’s reaction was swift as he  leapt in the air and came down on top of Peter. Peter dropped the gun and fought, screaming as Conner bit into his shoulder.

Peter shifted, his strength increasing as  he made a rapid change to wolf. But  Conner’s rage was stronger than Peter’s desperate attempts and he quickly had himpinned, his teeth clamping down on Peter’s  throat. The smell  of fear filled the air around them. Conner growled, his canines digging into the fur of his adversary’s neck.

But Peter went still, lying limp. And just  as suddenly, shifted back to human.

“Got you just where I want you,” he choked, his eyes feral, his sanity gone.

Conner heard Katya’s raging snarl just as  the sound of rifle shot reverberated through the forest. A fiery hot pain seared Conner’s chest, followed by a numbing warmth.

Shit. That shot had hit him.

Thank God it hadn’t hit Katya. He heard her in his mind, felt her presence as shedrew closer. He heard a hunter’s scream and  knew Katya had attacked.

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