Read Murder in Moscow Online

Authors: Jessica Fletcher

Murder in Moscow (25 page)

We reached the door and were in the process of putting on our coats when Tim Purdy entered. I knew immediately from the expression on his face that something was wrong. He came directly to Sheriff Metzger and said something to him Seth and I couldn’t hear. Mort’s face turned serious, too.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“There’s been an accident out at Rory’s place,” Purdy said.
“An accident? To Rory?” Seth asked.
“Afraid so,” said Purdy. “Rory is dead!”
“Rory is dead?” Seth and I said in unison.
Purdy nodded grimly.
“Means Santa’s dead, too,” Seth said.
He was right. My eyes filled as I said, “I’m suddenly not very hungry.”

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