My Once and Future Love (58 page)

Read My Once and Future Love Online

Authors: Carla Krae

Tags: #my once and future love, #contemporary romance, #jacob and beth

“Hey, baby.” Jacob kissed my throat, then
lifted his head to smile at me.

“Hey, yourself. Did you want to dance with

“You look beautiful tonight…and God, you
smell amazing…”

I titled my head to give him more access to
nibbling on my ear. One of my hands played with the soft curls at
the nape of his neck. His mouth reached mine, having kissed along
my jaw to get there, and our tongues dueled and danced. I forgot
anyone else was around.

We only parted to breathe. He led me to one
of the pathways and behind a tree to make-out some more.

“Glad you found me,” I whispered, then

“Come on, it’s too noisy here.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me willingly in
the direction of our bungalow. We ran, then stopped and kissed
against the railing, hands skirting on the inappropriate. He tried
twice to unlock our door. I batted his hands out of the way and did
it for him.

We were inside in a flash, the door slammed
shut with me pinned up against it.

“Want you…” he growled.

“Bed,” I gasped between kisses. We made it to
his room and fell on the bed, giggling. “You’re drunk,” I

“Nuh-uh,” he said, tugging his shirt over his
head. He tossed it to the floor, then tackled me.

“Yes-huh. I can s-smell it. Ooo, you’re

He nibbled on my ear again, his breath hot
against my throat. “You’re ssslurring your S’s, so you’re one to

I turned my head and shut him up with a


No hurry. I could practically get off from
him sucking on my tongue and we had all night. He trailed kisses
along my jaw, down my neck, across my collarbone…brushed the straps
of my dress off my shoulders. I felt every place he touched me
after he moved on, my skin on fire. He reached the edge of my bra


“Jacob?” I wiggled. No response.

I managed to shift and roll him onto his
back. He snorted and started to snore.

“Oh, my God…

He passed out. I was offering myself to him
of celibacy and he…
passed out

“You’re lucky I love you, you big jerk.”

I sighed, then re-adjusted my dress, walked
around the bed to take off his shoes, and got a glass of water to
leave on his nightstand. I was horny and a little tipsy, and it
would definitely be a while before I could sleep.

“Bath time, it is, then!”

The big tub had yet to be used…either big
tub, and why should I walk all the way across the suite when his
was right there? Bubbles, bubbles…ah-ha! I poured the stuff in and
played with the taps, then started undressing, still hearing him
snore in the bedroom.

“And people s-say I can’t hold
liquor. Who’s the lightweight now?”

The bubbles soon threatened to spill over the
edge and I frantically turned the knobs to shut off the water.
Stepping in, then sinking into the bath, I sighed. Bliss. The
bubbles smelled like flowers and the beach.

Three minutes later, I was bored. “Jacob…I’m
naked and wet!”


“Jacob, there’s a gecko on your pillow!”

Still nothin’.

“Jacob! Aaron broke your favorite

“Hmm? Wha’?”

So predictable. “Jacob, are you awake?”

“Where’d you go?”

“In the bathroom.” Please walk in, please
walk in—

“You made bubbles.” His cute little drunk
forehead furrowed in the middle.

“I did. Come find what’s under them.”

Understanding slowly dawned on his face. “Are
you naked in my tub?”

“Yep,” I drawled, popping the “p”. “Whatcha
gonna do about it?”

“Excuse me.” And ralphed in the toilet. Ah,

“And this is no longer sexy.”

With him praying to the porcelain god, I
reached for a robe, wrapped it around my wet body, and left. No
sense in both of us hurling tonight.


Jacob cringed at the sun shining through his
window. His mouth felt padded with cotton and his whole head ached.
Shielding his eyes from the light, he noticed he still wore his
pants. Memories came back of the night before, of a party, and

Beth! Oh, God…

She came in, then, wrapped in a robe and
carrying a mug of coffee. “Hey, how’s your head?”

He took the aspirin she offered, then the
coffee. “What happened? Did we…?”

She smiled and shook her head. “No. You
barely passed first base. Drink up. Breakfast will be here

“Oh, my God… I’m so sorry.”

She shrugged. “What did you drink last

He struggled to remember. “I had a beer, and
rounds were being bought at the bar… Last thing I remember was… I
think they called it a Mind Eraser.”

She chuckled. “Guess it did its job. Just as
well. I didn’t bring any, um, stuff with me.” A beat, then, “Did

There might be a condom in his wallet still,
but… “No. I thought it might be presumptuous.”

She took his hand and squeezed it. “I think
that might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

He met her eyes, and they laughed. Just like
that, the awkwardness dissipated. She got up to let him get

“I promise next time, you’ll be impressed,”
he vowed.

She grinned. “I’m sure I will be.”

Jacob thought he had the best girlfriend in
the world. She’d ordered the perfect hangover breakfast and didn’t
mention his embarrassing performance again. He wouldn’t have blamed
her for teasing him about it, either. Must have lost his tolerance.
Months ago, it would’ve taken more than three or four drinks to
make him pass out, let alone be really drunk. Not that he wanted to
get drunk anymore.

Beth’s bags were outside her room by the time
he showered and dressed. She double-checked his room while he ate
and put everything on the bed. Could have packed it up for him, but
he realized she was letting him do it like he wanted to, instead of
mothering him.

It was a subtle shift in thought. Months ago,
she would have taken care of all of it.

They took the boat to the Bora Bora airport
for the short shuttle flight, spent a little time in Tahiti, then
flew in the jet to Los Angeles. As they waited to take off, he
pulled a small jewelry box out of his pocket, opened it, and
presented it to her.

“A memento of our trip.”

“When did you…? Jacob, you didn’t have

“I know, I don’t
to do anything,
but I wanted to.”

She took the box and examined the dainty
white pearl studs.

“Do you like them? I know they’re small, but
you never wear anything large or fancy, so I thought--”

“They’re perfect. Thank you.” She took the
insert out of the box so she could put the earrings in her

He brushed her hair back once the earrings
were in place. “Pretty.”

She sweetly kissed him, mindful of the staff
around them. “Thank you for this trip. I had a really good

“I’m glad. I love you.”

“I know.”


CNZ has exclusive photos of Jake Lindsey
on vacation. Looking good soaking up the sun, Jake. Question of the
day: was he there alone?”


“I just thought--how are we getting home?” I
asked, as we walked off the plane.

Jacob laughed. “All arranged, pet. Maria has
my car.”

Airport security helped us get to the parking
garage the car was in without running into paparazzi. We got lucky,
though, really, and tossed the bags in the trunk so we could say
hello to Maria inside. Our time together would end at my house.

“Dinner?” he asked.

“Sure, if my dad’s not home.”

home, so that meant a
rain-check. We had a family tradition of reconnecting when one of
us came home from a trip. Jacob didn’t argue rescheduling. People
were clamoring to talk to him and messages had piled up.

I went to see Celeste at the office the next
morning, wanting to know if I still had a job.

“You want the bad news first, or the good
news…” she offered.

“You have both? Uh, the good news.”

“The client you worked with last month in New
York called me for you. The bad news is you won’t be working
through here. They consolidated to one staff photographer, paid
less than the couple of you on freelance.”

“Oh. I guess we won’t be working together

“Yeah, it sucks. But that guy wants to make
you some kind of offer, so yay for money!” She handed me an index
card with the info. “So,
how was your trip?

I rolled my eyes. “Not like that. And it was
great. Gorgeous, relaxing, fun… We spent a couple days with his
mom, then the rest in Bora Bora. You have to go down there
sometime! It really is paradise.”

“Did the two of you get closer?”

“Emotionally, yes.”

“I have to say, you look the happiest I’ve
ever seen you, Beth.”

I smiled. “I feel like that, too. More so
than in a really long time. I did miss you, a little.”

“When you weren’t wrapped in the arms of your
dreamboat?” Celeste teased.

“Like I said,
a little

She took her lunch break and we hung around
the office, sharing Chinese takeout. She tapped the card she’d
written the contact number on.

“Call that guy; see what he has to

“I just got home yesterday.”

“Hey, you don’t want it to go to someone
else, do you? He called almost a week ago.”

“Alright…” I dialed from the office

“Talk to me.” Nathan picked up after two

“Nathan? This is Beth Lawson. I’m sorry for
the delay. I was out of town.”

I put the call on speakerphone.

“Well, I hope you’re free now, as I have an
offer. I need someone that can help me put my vision out to the
world. You’re too talented to hide away at some obscure
publication, Beth.”

“Maybe, but that isn’t a job description,” I

Celeste gave me a thumbs-up.

“The proofs I got back from our shoot were
fresh, innovative. I want your work to represent my company. Look,
I’ll fax over a sample contract, but I’m going to be in L.A. on
business this weekend. Have lunch with me and I’ll explain what I

Celeste was nodding “yes” repeatedly. I
glared at her.

“Fine, tomorrow at noon.”

“Look forward to doing business with you,
Beth.” He hung up.

The fax machine hummed a minute later.

“He was prepared,” Celeste said. “Don’t you
dare turn this down. This guy is one of New York’s fastest rising
stars. Mega bucks.”

“I’m not accepting
until I
read the fine print. If he wants me to change coasts, for instance,
I’m not doing that. And I’m not hurting for money, you know. I have
time to shop for the right offer.”

“Okay, okay… Shifting topics, I can’t wait to
see your pics. I almost grabbed my bikini and a plane ticket when I
looked at the two you sent me.”

“I started going through them last night, but
I haven’t printed any out, yet. I’m thinking of having another
showing, though… I don’t know. I want to spend time with Jacob
while he’s still on vacation.”

“Yeah, that tour coming up puts a crimp in
things, that’s for sure. Bob told me about it. We’ve been…hanging
out, still. I think I kinda like him.”

“You’re still seeing him, huh? Glad I didn’t
bet on that.”

She laughed. “You and me both! I don’t
know…it’s just…easy. Fun. And the sex is

I zoned out while she shared her story of the
past two weeks.


Beth was coming over for dinner.

“Mr. Lindsey, you’re going to wear a hole in
the floor,” Maria teased.

He paused pacing, grabbed a chair, turned it
backwards, and sat down. “Sorry.”

She smiled, stirring the sauce on the stove.
“Miss Beth is coming over.”


“Well, I’m done with this, so I’ll get out of
your hair. Serve when she gets here.”

“Thank you, pet.”

He was going to dig up a cigarette if he
didn’t give his hands something to do, so he set the table for two.
There was a knock on the front door as he put out the glasses, then
it creaked open.


He ran into the entry, sliding to a stop on
the tile. “Hey. Missed you.”

Beth smiled. “Thanks. My dad says hello, and
thanks you for being a gentleman while we were away.”

“You told him…?”

“What…no! No, just the innocent details.” She
shuddered. “Eww, no, my father can think I’m a virgin until my
dying day, far as I’m concerned.”

He grinned, relieved. “Storks deliver babies,

“Absolutely. What smells good?”

He took her hand and walked into the kitchen.
“Just something simple. Made by Maria, don’t worry.”

“Good. I was wondering if I should prepare
for food poisoning, for a minute there,” she teased. “You burn
microwave popcorn.”

Sit, please.” He pulled out a
chair for her, then started dishing things up.

“So… I saw Celeste today.”

“Oh? How is she?”

“Same as always. Still seeing Bob, if you can
believe it. She had a job contact name for me.”

“That’s good…that you’ll have work still, I
mean.” He set the plates at their places and sat down. “If you’re
looking for more to do, obviously.”

“Yeah. We caught up for an hour or so. She
wants to see the vacation photos,” she said.

“You wouldn’t believe how many messages were
left for me. You’d think they’d never heard of time off. I have
about a week before I have to get back to work.”

“So much for ‘all of October’, huh? I’m not
surprised. I’m expecting the day when they make musicians out of
robots so they never have to deal with human issues again. How busy
will they have you?”

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