My Sweet Degradation (17 page)

Read My Sweet Degradation Online

Authors: J Phillips

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

‘Okay, Libby, but please would you lock the door and draw the blind?' She gladly did as I asked before grabbing the wash bowl and heading on through to the bathroom, swinging her hips as she went.

I lay back against the pillows and smiled, actually looking forward to discovering what tease Nurse Simmons had in store for me this time, and she soon returned and set the bowl down in its usual place.

‘Let's get you undressed, shall we?' she said brightly. I didn't have a pyjama top on, so she chatted away about her holiday as she untied the string of my pyjama bottoms and eased them down over my thighs.

Smirking to myself I watched her eye my lazy cock, lolling all soft against a thigh. I wondered if she was disappointed that I was not yet hard for her, and what she planned to do to resolve the issue. I didn't have to wait long to find out.

‘So what do you think of my tan then, Mr Pearce?' I didn't bother to answer, as there was no real need. ‘I don't suppose you can see much of it. Here, I'll show you a little more.' One by one Nurse Libby Simmons popped the press studs of her pristine white tunic from top to bottom, before allowing it to slip from her shoulders. She was braless and stood before me in nothing more than a tiny lace thong.

‘I told you I needn't have bought the bikini top,' she said, nibbling her lower lip and playing it all cute and coy.

‘So I see.' She did look incredible, I must confess, but I was not yet aroused and I actually caught her take an uncertain glance at my flaccid prick. But of course Nurse Simmons had other tricks up her sleeve.

‘To be honest, for the last week I didn't even need the bikini bottoms either,' she went on.

‘Oh?' I questioned, happily playing along with her little game.

She shook her head. ‘No. One day me and whatsisname went off exploring around the island and we found a really secluded little cove. It was so beautiful and there was no one around, and so we just stripped off completely. Of course it made me incredibly horny as he rubbed me all over with sun cream, and I insisted on him making love to me in so many different ways beneath the sun. We ended up going back there almost every day. I did...' Libby bowed her head and actually managed to bring a blush to her cheeks as she stared at me with big doe-eyes, ‘...I did imagine it was you and not him I was
it with, Mr Pearce.'

‘Ah, that
nice of you, Libby,' I offered casually, and once again I caught her eyeing my cock, and although the idea of fucking Libby's stunning body on a beach was really starting to get me going, I was clearly not responding well enough for her liking.

‘Look, I'll prove it!' she suddenly announced, playing her final hand and pulling down her panties to expose her shaved slit to me. ‘No tan-lines at all!'

‘Hey, you're right,' I replied. ‘But turn around,' and she did exactly as I said. ‘Hmm, I'm still not quite sure though. Bend over please.'

Why bending over would prove that she had been sunbathing naked was anyone's guess, but she complied unquestioningly all the same to offer me the view of her lovely cunt from behind. Once a flirty exhibitionist always a flirty exhibitionist, I guess.

‘Okay, I believe you now,' I said, and she stood upright once more and spun around to beam at me.

‘See, I told you so.' Again she glanced at my groin, and this time she found satisfaction. ‘Oh my, Mr Pearce!' she admonished theatrically, gazing at my fully erect cock with a calculating smile. ‘But don't worry—'

This time, and with more than a hint of sarcasm, I finished the sentence for her. ‘It's nothing you haven't seen before, right?'

Nurse Libby Simmons looked into my eyes and furrowed her brow. ‘Hey, there's something different about you, Mr Pearce.' The penny seemingly still hadn't quite dropped.

‘Well yes, there is, Nurse Simmons,' I announced, pulling up my pyjama bottoms and sitting upright to swing my legs over the side of the bed.

‘You... you can talk!' she announced, that fact only just registering with her, and she stared with wide eyes as though witnessing some kind of a miracle. ‘And... and you can walk!'

I stepped down onto the floor. ‘That's right, Libby, and I can use my arms too. Look...' I reached out and slid her thong down her thighs until it fell to the floor in a tiny soft heap. ‘Come,' I said, and she instinctively took my proffered hands.

‘Where? What?'

‘It's all fine, Libby. It's just that things are going to be a little different tonight. I'll be leaving hospital tomorrow morning, so for our final evening together, and as you've looked after me so well, I thought I'd repay your kindness.'

‘But...' she blurted as I quickly lifted her by the waist and set her down on the edge of the bed.

‘Don't you worry your pretty little head about it,' I soothed. ‘I'm completely in control now,' and she allowed me to guide her onto her back with absolutely no resistance whatsoever.

I suppose she must have been too surprised to protest when I lifted back an arm and fastened the first leather restraint around the wrist. And by the time she could utter a quick ‘Hey' the second strap was fixed in place too, both her arms now held securely.

My strength still had some way to go before I was fully recovered, but Nurse Simmons was such a neat little package that it was no problem for me to take her ankle against her steadily awakening resistance and fasten it to the foot of the bed. Then I grabbed her other leg, and she was really beginning to pull back now, but that too was quickly restrained and Libby lay naked and utterly at my mercy, four shapely limbs each secured to a corner of the ingenious hospital bed.

‘Um, what...' she muttered uncertainly, testing her bonds a little and staring up at me with genuine concern in her eyes, ‘what are you doing?'

I quickly moved to the head of the bed and stroked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. ‘Hush now, silly,' I soothed. ‘I just thought it might be a useful lesson – for your nursing, I mean – if you were to experience how it felt to be me. You have nothing to worry about; I'm simply going to treat
to a little bed bath tonight instead. Oh, but before I do there's just one last thing I need to do.'

Stepping back from the bed I walked over to where my towelling bathrobe lay draped across a chair, and slowly slid the belt through its loops until it came free. I had absolutely no intension of causing Libby any physical pain, and had already tested everything out on myself to discover its relative comfort.

Moving back to where she lay bound to the bed, I stretched out the belt with both hands and held it above her delicious, tanned, supine form.

‘What the hell...?' she cried, but in doing so she only made things easier for me as quickly I slipped the improvised gag between her teeth, tying it tightly at the back of her head as she instinctively bit down on it. Of course she tried to resist, of course she struggled, but the whole manoeuvre took just a matter of seconds and then I was quick to soothe her once again.

‘Relax, Libby, everything's fine,' I whispered. ‘I promise I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, I'm only going to treat you to nice things, just like you did for me.'

Just like she did for me.
Her big glossy eyes stared up and I could tell that she wanted to believe me, and for an instant I actually felt sorry for the poor girl and even considered untying her, but she really was a very naughty nurse and was in dire need of a good hard lesson.

Stepping back I dipped my hands into the bowl of clear warm water, before applying a generous squirt of soap onto a palm. ‘I think you were right, Libby; those latex gloves are awful, so I'm going to use my bare hands on you too.'

Slowly massaging my palms together until thick suds began to squelch between my fingers, I finally pressed each one down against her tummy. Libby arched her back and released a muffled cry, her body stiffening at the contact, but as I slowly began to sweep them higher I felt her relax a little beneath me.

Staring down at her naked body I so wanted to ravage her completely, to run my hands across her exquisite curves, but that was not a part of my plan and I took my time, soaping ever upwards and teasing her with the gentlest caress.

Upon reaching her breasts I trailed my fingertips against their lower contours only, resisting the temptation to tease her more fully. Nurse Simmons shuddered and released a soft, muffled cry as I stroked her with the lightest of touches. I could see that her nipples had already swollen into two tight buds, yet I forced myself to ignore them and to continue sliding my hands higher still.

‘You see, Libby, I knew you'd like it,' I said calmly as I gently soaped beneath her arms. ‘This is just how you treated me, and it feels wonderful, doesn't it?'

Taking a clean flannel from the trolley I rinsed her upper body clean, once more ignoring all but the outer curves of her breasts, and Libby squirmed and whimpered her frustration.

‘Right,' I exclaimed breezily, as though what I was doing to her was entirely normal, ‘let's bathe your lower half now, shall we?' and immediately Libby's legs pulled futilely against her bonds.

I soaped each sun-bronzed leg, from her feet all the way up to her hips, allowing my fingers to splay and to trace along her inner thighs with each stroke. Over and over again my hands swept upward, moving that little bit higher every time, but never quite touching where I intuitively knew she wanted them to touch.

Just because I'd turned the tables, just because it was now my turn to tease her, it didn't mean I wasn't suffering too. I couldn't stop myself from staring at the swell of Libby's naked pussy and the neat line of her slit as it rose and fell with every involuntary lift of her hips. My cock stood hard and proud beneath my loose-fitting pyjama bottoms, and pulsated with an angry anticipation for what was to come.

In the end I took the flannel again and set about rinsing her off completely. At the last moment, once there was no trace of soap upon her naked body, and her newly tanned flesh glistened like honey, I lifted the damp cloth above her belly and slowly wrung it out until a fine trickle of warm water splashed down to snake its way between her thighs. Poor Libby moaned against the soft restriction of the gag and tensed the muscles of her backside hard, no doubt desperate to feel the water caress her body more intimately, but that was a satisfaction she was to be denied.

Carefully and tenderly I patted the gorgeous, captive nurse dry with a clean towel before smiling down at her. ‘There you go, my dear,' I said, ‘all done. It really does feel nice, doesn't it?' She stared up at me with a confused look in her eyes, but of course I ignored her silent plea completely.

‘Oh my goodness!' I suddenly gasped, dramatically slapping a palm against my forehead. ‘I've forgotten somewhere, haven't I?' Just as she had done with me I continued as though talking only to myself. ‘But now the water's not warm enough and I would just hate you to catch a chill.' I furrowed my brow as though concentrating hard.

‘I know,' I exclaimed. ‘I remember what you did once to clean me up when we had no water, and well, I suppose I could do just the same for you.'

And before she had a chance to work out what the hell I was talking about I quickly leant down and sank my lips upon a rosy nipple, sucking deeply and bringing the swollen tip against my tongue. Once again Libby tensed her body and cried out as best she could, and despite the restriction of the gag it was plain to hear that her moans were born of pleasure and not from any form of discomfort.

I lifted my head away and circled my lips around her other neglected nipple, this time flicking my tongue and coating her dimpled flesh with my warm saliva.

Libby twisted against her bonds and I watched with personal satisfaction as she tossed her head with a frustrated passion.

‘Oh dear, I am silly, there's somewhere else I've forgotten,' I said casually, before taking a nipple between my teeth and slowly stroking my hand across the gentle hollow of her tummy, feeling her muscles tensed beneath my fingers. I curved my hand over the swell of her waxed mound, pressing the heel of my palm just above her clit, and immediately the heat of her body betrayed her desire.

Carefully I allowed my middle finger to work its way between Libby's wet, swollen lips, and her resolve gave in all too easily. I gently rubbed my fingertip along the length of her slit, up and then down again, smearing her silky juices as I went, and my naughty nurse tensed her buttocks hard, willing me to play with her still deeper.

My lips again circled around a nipple and I teased it very lightly with the tip of my tongue, and at the same moment I suddenly plunged my finger deep within her hot, wet cunt.

Libby uttered a muffled cry and arched her back as I slid my finger back and forth against her inner-wall, over and over again, but before I could allow her to enjoy her pleasure completely, I quickly and rather cruelly lifted myself upright, staring down at her with affected shock.

‘Well, Nurse Simmons!' I admonished. ‘You
a naughty girl, aren't you? Just look at how wet you've become.'

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