My Vampire and I Vol 3: Blood Resurrection (11 page)

If only they knew, I thought again. If only they could see what lurked beneath that smooth and smiling façade. That monster that sat impatiently waiting within him, ready to unsheathe its claws and rend the hearts from those who dared opposed it. The monster that had created me from its own sperm…my Father.

Blood Resurrection
J.P Bowie

I sighed and tossed the magazine to one side. Nothing I did could help eliminate the feeling of despondency that swept over me each time I thought of Gustav. Every day, I longed to call him, to waylay him on some pretext or another.

I looked up as a shadow fell across the table.
“Gustav…” I gasped out my surprise at seeing him, standing there.
“Constantine.” He neither smiled nor inclined his head in greeting but stood stock still, his piercing blue-eyed stare making me tremble with longing. “Please sit,” I said. “How are you?”
He sat, but his expression remained cold. “If you really wanted to know the answer to that, you would have called me,” he said. “Gustav… I am so sorry—”

He held up his hand to silence me. “Please… It’s a little late for all that. And besides, I don’t believe for one moment that you’re sorry. You’re such a shallow fellow, after all. I recall you saying that just before I left.”


…” I gazed at him, trying to see some sliver of forgiveness in those ice-blue eyes. “I know you hate me. You have every right to, after what I did. But, believe me, it was for the best. I could not endanger your life along with my own.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” he rasped.
“I can’t tell you the details. Suffice to say that I am not what I appear to be.” His laughter was brittle. “No need to tell me that!”

“All I ask you to believe is that what I did, I did for you.” He sighed, but his eyes softened a little as he met my gaze. “Constantine, what are you talking about?”

I shook my head miserably. “I can’t tell you, Gustav.”
“Is this something to do with your position as Pope Pius’ bodyguard? I saw you on TV, he added. “You were standing next to him.” “It’s something like that, yes.”
“But I don’t understand why you had to break off our relationship. Surely there are other gay men in his service?”
“There are…but this is different.”
His eyes widened. “You’re his lover?”
Blood Resurrection
J.P Bowie
“No!” I shouted the denial so loudly several people turned their heads to stare at me.

“No,” I repeated, lowering my voice. “Believe me,
could be further from the truth. Oh Gustav, forgive me, but I still love you. It’s just that it is impossible, the way things are…” He was silent for a moment or two, then he said. “I have a new apartment a short distance from here. Come with me, just this once…please.” Every part of my brain screamed ‘No!’ but my heart whispered, ‘Yes’, and as I rose from the table and followed him out onto the street, I could hear only what my heart longed for.

His apartment was tiny, but clean and neat, and smelled of fresh herbs. His lips were soft and moist, his skin as fragrant as I remembered, and I felt myself falling helplessly in love with him all over again. We clutched at each other, hands groping, stroking, mouths joining, tongues meshing, caressing… Oh, but the touch and feel of him was glorious. I wanted to shout with joy and weep from happiness.

“Gustav,” I murmured, my lips at his ear. “I love you so…”

“Then come back to me,” he whispered. “Come back so that I can love you each and every day. I miss you terribly, Constantine. You’re all I think of, all I want, night and day.” His tears were wet against my cheek, and I tried to kiss them away. I lifted him into my arms and carried him to the bed. His hands caressed my face, his eyes locked on mine, pleading, imploring… I opened his shirt and kissed each nipple, teasing them gently with my lips and tongue, causing him to gasp with pleasure.
That’s right,
I thought.
Bring him the ecstasy he needs from you now. Why refuse him what we both desire?

I slipped his shirt from his shoulders and unfastened his pants belt. I pulled down his zipper so that I could take his hard cock in my hand and feel it throb in my grasp. He groaned as I put my lips to the head then very slowly brought all of him into my mouth.

“Aaah…” A long groaning sigh escaped him as he raised his hips to meet the downward thrust of my mouth. His hands raked my hair, pulling me closer, making me take him deeper into my mouth. We paused momentarily to tear the clothes from one another, then I fell upon him, devouring every inch of his sweet body, while he writhed under me, whispering words of love and longing. My heart filled with happiness while my blood boiled with desire.

Yes…this was what I needed, wanted, above all else Blood Resurrection
J.P Bowie
“Constantine…” His eyes were filled love for me…for
What would my life be without him?
“I love you, Gustav,” I whispered, gathering him in my arms and taking his lips in a kiss that seared itself into my demon soul.

“I love you, too,” he gasped when at last I freed him from that kiss. “Fuck me, Constantine. Make me yours again,
. I want to feel all of you inside me. Over and over again…”

The passion that overwhelmed us both had us trembling in each other’s arms. His hands shook as he reached behind him to retrieve and tear open a condom packet. Oh, how I longed at that moment to tell him we had no need for that kind of protection, that my blood was immune to all human disease. He must have seen a trace of that yearning in my eyes for he reached up to stroke my face gently.

“It’s best until we get tested,” he murmured. I nodded and slipped the condom over my throbbing flesh. “Here…” He squeezed a generous amount of lubricant onto my fingers. “Put it in me.”


I leaned over him as he lifted his legs over my shoulders. I let the lube warm on my fingers before inserting one, then two, into his tight anus. He squirmed down on my fingers, his hands clutching at my arms, his eyes filled with lust and the anticipation of our joining.

He gasped as the head of my cock entered him, his grip tightened about my arms, his teeth worrying at his lower lip. I went slow, stretching him gently, letting him draw me in at his own speed. He released my arms, his hands sliding down the sides of my torso to cup my buttocks. He pulled me in deeper. All the while, his eyes remained locked on mine, a small wanton smile playing on his soft lips. I bent down to capture them in a kiss that had him moaning into my mouth. His hands tugged at my hips and I slid even deeper inside his moist slick heat.

“Constantine…” He said my name over and over as I fucked him with long smooth strokes. His arms now wrapped around my neck, he clung to me as our rhythm intensified, carrying us to heights of carnal ecstasy I know I had never experienced before. Never in my long existence had I felt so completely enthralled by any other, so totally and utterly in love as I was with this sweet and extraordinary man.

Blood Resurrection
J.P Bowie

“Gustav!” His name was forced from my lips as I felt every muscle in my body stiffen with the onset of my orgasm. Tingling jolts of exquisite ecstasy coursed through me, and a long wrenching cry of sheer rapture was torn from me as I exploded inside him. Behind my closed eyelids the world became a dizzying blaze of colour. Gustav’s body shuddered under me as his climax took control of him. His arms tightened around my neck, his mouth sought mine, and he held me as our bodies were racked by spasm upon spasm until every vestige of our seed was drained from us, the warmth of his semen coating both our torsos. I collapsed on top of him, holding him pressed to me as if I would never let him go.

His tender murmurs of pleasure, the soft kisses he laid on my lips and neck as we lay in blissful contentment within the haven of each other’s arms, made me realise what a fool I had been to ever consider leaving him and giving up the only true happiness I had ever known. And after he had fallen asleep in my arms, his gentle breath warming my chest, I resolved, although I yet had no idea how it could be done, that against all my better judgment, I would leave the Master’s service and make a life with Gustav.


* * * *


My absence from my father’s company had been noticed. When I returned, he cast a look of suspicion my way, and I was quick to notice that the other guards were wary of me.

“Constantine,” he purred from his position at the dining table. “Come sit with me, and tell me about your day.”
I did as he bid but held a question in my expression. “My day, Master?”

“You must address me as Your Holiness, Constantine.” The hardness in his eyes reproved me though his words were said mildly enough. “Master sounds…wrong, now.”


“Yet, you are still my Master.”


“I am your Father, Constantine, first and foremost. You are my son and heir.” I laughed bitterly. “Heir to what, Your Holiness? When your reign is ended, there will be nothing to inherit.”


He glared at me, his eyes flashing with derision. “Surely, you do not believe all that is written? There will be no Day of Judgment, Constantine. At least, not as the theologians Blood Resurrection

J.P Bowie

understand it. You know as well as I do that the destiny of mankind is ruled by whoever is the strongest. I have not schemed and planned for this to have it end because of prophecy.”


“Even though a part of the prophecy foretells your ascendancy?”

“I have made that part become a reality. The words uttered by prattling fools centuries ago have served their purpose. My powers brought me to this place, and I intend to stay here for all time. Now…” He fixed me with a baleful look. “You have disobeyed me. This mortal youth you have been seeing again…” He smiled cruelly at my gasp of surprise. “Don’t look so shocked, Constantine. Your eyes give you away, and you know I can see into your mind—

see it filled with your love, or should I say lust, for him.”
“He means nothing to me,” I said. “He is a passing diversion, that is all.”
“Don’t lie to me!” His face grew flushed with anger. “That is a very foolish tactic, as well you know.”
“I broke off the relationship when you became Pontiff…”

“Another lie… You went back to his apartment today.” I knew there was no point in denying his accusation, yet I had to protect Gustav somehow. “He begged me to. Father, please don’t harm him. He knows nothing of what I am. He thinks I’m one of your bodyguards, that’s all. He is an innocent—” He roared with laughter. “Oh Constantine, are you really so foolish? No one is innocent. The boy knows you are close to me and is using you for his own ambitions.”

“His ambitions?”


“Ambitions he has to move in the highest of circles. To be invited to wine and dine with the echelon of Rome. He sees you as a free pass to realms that before he met you, he could only dream of.”

“Gustav is not like that,” I snapped. “I daresay he would be bored out of his mind in the company of the elite of Rome. He is a scholar and extremely intelligent. He would have nothing in common with those who move in the highest of society’s circles.” He smirked at my indignation. “Hmm…he sounds like someone I would like to meet.” I gasped at the implication. “Please, Father… Don’t harm him. I promise to never see him again, if you will just let him be.”

“He means that much to you?”
Blood Resurrection
J.P Bowie

I grew wary. If I admitted I still loved Gustav, I might expose him to danger. I had gleaned over the years the power to close my mind to others like me. My father had been able to penetrate my mind when my guard was down, but now, knowing that he was probing my thoughts for answers, I willed into place the mental barrier I had refined long ago.

“I told you, he is a pleasant diversion,” I said, evenly. “An extremely pleasant diversion, but that is all. He is sweet, unspoiled—an innocent, as I said before. But I know there is no future in it. He would die of shock if he knew what I really am.” He chuckled, a sinister sound without humour. “Then why are your thoughts closed to me now? If, as you say, you have ended the relationship, why can’t I feel your sadness over the fact you will not see him again?” He shook his head slowly. “You are still lying to me, Constantine, and if I cannot trust you, my own son, then what must I do with you?” I shrugged. “Do with me what you will, Father, Master, Your Holiness—whichever you prefer.” My tone grew sharp, indifferent. “You are the allpowerful one, after all. I am merely your servant, even if I am your son.”

“You are also insolent.” His face filled with anger again. “Do you know what I can do to you, should you betray me?”

“Only too well…” I shuddered as I remembered the horrors of the past. When those who had tried to usurp his power had suffered endless torture, screaming for death as they watched their own bodies being torn apart, inch by excruciating inch. “You have the power of life and death over all of us.”

“And you are mindful of the fact that right here in the Vatican remain the instruments of torture used on traitors in years past?” “Yes.” I had seen those terrible dungeons. Those evil places where men and women had been subjected to the vilest abuse. Relics of times past, yes, but still there and still a viable threat from one who would not hesitate to use them.

“Do you think your little scholar would be interested in seeing those relics of the past, Constantine?” He smiled as he watched the blood drain from my face. “Very well, I think I just had my answer. Banish all thoughts of leaving my service, my son, or your lover will perish in the most fiendish way. Do you understand?” I bowed my head in defeat and nodded my understanding.

Blood Resurrection
J.P Bowie

That night, as I lay awake in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, for the first time in my life, I contemplated murdering my Father. He had shown me his true worth, and now, it amounted to very little in my eyes. He didn’t know it yet, but he had made a grave mistake by threatening Gustav. My Father might be more powerful than me, but he was not invincible. I knew his weaknesses, and if he dared to hurt the man I loved, I would not hesitate to make use of my knowledge. He had admitted earlier that he could not penetrate my mind when it was closed to him. From now on he would be allowed to read my thoughts only when I wanted him to and only when my thoughts were of inconsequential things.

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