Read Nameless Online

Authors: Claire Kent

Tags: #Contemporary

Nameless (10 page)

“I think you’d
be getting a few perks yourself.”

“Of course. I
assumed that was a given.”

They exchanged
an amused smile, and Erin ridiculously wanted to laugh. She’d never met anyone like
Seth before. Had never met anyone who could match her no-nonsense approach to
the world. Something about their ability to understand each other in this way—see
the humor and irony in such a bizarre situation—made her feel closer to him
than she ever had before.

“Well?” she
prompted, when he didn’t do anything but stand there.

“Well, what?”

She huffed. “You
said you’d be willing to provide sex.”


She actually
flushed a little, but she was way beyond normal embarrassment with him. “I’m
horny now. Or was this all just talk, and you’re not really man enough to fuck
the pregnant woman?”

He smiled a
slow, predatory smile. “Was that a challenge?”

She smiled
back. Figured that, since she was already on the bed, she wouldn’t even have to
move. “Are you...
to it?”

It wasn’t her
best attempt at wordplay but—since she was already getting excited—it was the
cleverest thing she could come up with at the moment.

He walked over,
although his stride seemed more like stalking. When he’d reached the bed, he
knelt in front of her in one graceful move and then slid his hands from her
ankles to her knees. Fortunately, she’d shaved before she’d gone out this
evening, so her skin was smooth and supple.

“No question
about that,” he murmured.

Erin gasped at
the feel of his hands on her bare skin. She was already jittery and overly
warm, and Seth’s strong body and hot blue eyes were the sexiest things she
could imagine.

enough, the fact that this was just sex—nothing else—made it so simple, so
visceral, that anticipation shuddered through her body.

His gaze
crawled up from her thighs to her hips to her belly to her breasts. When he
finally reached her face, she saw that his expression was oddly hungry. The
wild primitive glint she’d caught earlier in the hall had returned, and it both
exhilarated her and made her a little anxious.

“Are you sure
it can be this simple?” she asked. “This whole thing is complicated enough
without making it any worse.”

His hands slid
up to comb her hair back from her face. “It’s just sex. We’ve had it before. You
aren’t secretly in love with me, are you?”

“God, no. You?”

“Not even close.”

Erin realized
that she had to be a strange kind of woman, to be so relieved to hear that a
man she wanted desperately to fuck wasn’t remotely in love with her.

“So let’s just
enjoy this,” he said, his voice like another caress.

And that was
all the convincing Erin needed, since her body was already making a pretty good
case of its own. She squirmed slightly as she sat on the edge of the bed—not
because Seth was touching her but because he was

“Okay.” Then
she leaned down into a kiss.

She traced the
line of his lips with her tongue, breathing in the light, warm scent of him as her
hand drifted up to curl around the curve of his skull and tangle in his hair. He
moved slightly, until his body was between her thighs. He took her face between
his hands, holding her mouth against his.

After a moment,
the light friction of tongue against tongue, lip against lip, became
torturously erotic. So Erin clutched at his shoulders, trying to pull him up to
her level so she could get access to more of his body.

He rose up,
never pulling out of the kiss. He pushed her back slightly and then sideways,
until he was halfway sitting on the edge of the bed beside her and halfway
draped on top of her.

Caught in a
tingling haze, she got her hands in between their bodies so she could grab the
lapels to his suit jacket. Then she clumsily pushed it off over his shoulders. His
kiss became more demanding, and she was both breathless and enthusiastic in
response. He nibbled on her lower lip as he loosened his arms enough for her to
pull off his jacket completely.

They’d shifted
positions in their embrace until she was draped over him now. She leaned
against his chest and sprawled one leg across his lap. Arousal built quickly,
and, as they kissed, she tried to generate a little friction by rubbing up
against him.

She only ended
up frustrating herself at the limitations of their awkward position.

She felt more
urgent than she normally did with so little foreplay, but she figured it was
just the hormones and going three months without an orgasm.

Seth’s hands
were busy and skillful, and he had pushed her skirt down over her hips before
she realized what was happening. When it fell to her ankles, she kicked it off
all the way, relieved she’d worn pretty panties, even though they were a larger
size than she’d worn a few months ago.

They didn’t
speak at all—just breathed heavily and moved against each other. Soon, the rest
of Erin’s clothes were on the floor next to her skirt, and she would have felt
self-conscious if she weren’t so hot and restless.

Deciding that
it was time to catch up, she pulled off Seth’s tie and started fumbling with
the buttons on his shirt, until she gave up and let him take it off all the

She was vastly
relieved to both see and feel the hard bulge at the front of his trousers when
she slid her hand down to his lap. At least she wasn’t the only one who was
already fully aroused, even after just a few minutes of groping.

Seth was still
trying to get his shirt off when she freed his erection. Brushing her fingers
over the hard length of it, she heard him hiss in response.

She began to
massage his cock purposefully. He writhed briefly, and his mouth fell open—a
low groan escaping his lips. It was the sexiest noise Erin could ever remember
hearing, and the gravelly sound of it went right to her pussy.

She continued to
stroke him and watched with thrilled curiosity as his face twisted in pleasure
at her ministrations. She’d expected her touch to compel him into action—and
she was definitely ready for some action herself—but he didn’t make a move. Just
sat on the side of the bed as she rubbed his hard, hot cock.

The power of it
was intoxicating, and she could hardly believe he was letting her control the
dynamic between them so completely. Until he finally gasped, in an attempt at
dry irony, “Better stop soon or I’m going to lose it.” His head gave a little
twitch as she rubbed her palm over the tip of his shaft. “By the way, I’m
trapped. My hands are stuck in my shirt.”

For the first
time, Erin realized that his hands were indeed still behind his back, and his
shirt was bunched up at his wrists.

she started to giggle at the sight of him imprisoned by his own shirt.

In doing so,
she stopped touching him, and he swallowed with what looked like relief. Wondering
how close he’d actually been to losing it, she reached behind him to straighten
out his shirt. Then he undid his cuffs and was able to get his hands out of the
shirt at last.

interruption helped him regain his control because his breathing slowed down
and his eyes were no longer quite so wild. As he stood up and started shucking
his trousers, he asked, “Do you have a condom? I don’t have one with me.”

She got off the
bed and hurried into her bathroom, hoping Seth wasn’t peering at her butt as
she went. They should have thought about this before they’d taken off their

After a little
rooting around under the sink, she found a pack of condoms, and she returned to
find Seth standing next to the bed with his eyes closed.

He was
completely naked and fully erect, and for some reason the sight of him with
closed eyes was almost more than Erin could handle.

She gulped as
she approached him, noticing as his eyes opened and then scanned the length of
her body.

Suddenly, she hoped
that her rounded belly and fuller hips and breasts weren’t too fleshy for him
to find attractive. She knew he was used to dating drop-dead gorgeous women,
and—though she’d gotten to the point where she liked her body—it wasn’t at its
best at the moment.

And it was only
going to get worse.

He didn’t appear
to find any flaws with her body this evening. In fact, he made a throaty sound
of appreciation. The sound loosened the anxious clench in her gut, and she
immediately regained both her confidence and her urgency.

Giving him the
condom, she got into the bed, watching as he laid the packet on the nightstand.

Then he lowered
himself onto the bed too. Stared down at her breasts as he stroked them slowly.
Not only were they fuller, but the coloring of her nipples had altered. He
didn’t seem to have any complaints, making her wonder if he’d even noticed.

He lowered his
face toward her chest, but just before his mouth closed over one breast, he
glanced up at her face.

She had no idea
why he was hesitating, so she decided to make a joke out of it. “I think you
should be safe. It’s too early for there to be any accidental leakage.”

Seth made a
hoarse sound of amusement and—following through on her implied challenge—he
closed his mouth over the nipple and fluttered his tongue.

Erin moaned
softly and arched up as the sensations rippled through her. As he sucked, she
started rocking her hips and soon was whimpering in frustration when she
couldn’t get any satisfying friction where she needed it.

“Seth,” she
gasped at last. “Seth, enough. Get going.”

He pulled up
and reached for the condom, and Erin watched as he tore the packet open and
rolled it on.

She was
breathing heavily and shamelessly sprawled out on the bedcovers, waiting to see
what he would do.

With the condom
in place, Seth shifted his position until he was kneeling in between her legs. Sitting
on his heels, he hooked his hands around her thighs, pulling her open even
further and levering her up until his cock was lined up at her hot, wet entrance.

“This all
right?” he asked briefly, his eyes still roving over her naked body.

She nodded. “Good,”
she breathed, trying not to squirm in eager anticipation. “Good.”

“Tell me if I
go too deep or if it’s not comfortable.”

“Yeah,” she
agreed, pushing her hair out of her face with an impatient hand. “But no danger
of that if you never actually get in.”

With another
amused huff, he propelled his pelvis forward, and the tip of his erection
entered her, tantalizing the nerve endings. She let out a raspy breath and pumped
her hips a little, needing to feel even more of him.

At her urging, Seth
entered even more, angling precisely to give her the most pleasure. Her body
bent backward in an arc as he made his first full thrust, and her arms flew out
to grab at anything stable she could reach.

“Yeah,” she
gasped. “Like that.”

Only their
pelvises were touching, except where her thighs were rubbing against his. But Erin
could feel how hot and tense his body was—something about the coiled intensity infinitely

He was still holding
onto his control. His motion was slow, even as he started to stroke in and out.
“This good?”

He must have
just been affirming what he already knew—since she’d immediately begun to
whimper in pleasure and fist one hand in the comforter—but she moaned out
another, “Good” in response.

The part of her
that could process these things was a little touched that he was taking his
duty of pleasing her so seriously. She never would have expected that from Seth.

She assumed he
would be more like Marcus—who’d always been pleased when she came but hadn’t
gone out of his way to make sure she did.

She was already
so aroused that it wouldn’t take her long now to come, and Seth’s motion pushed
her closer and closer to the edge. One of her arms was bent above her head, her
fist clutching hard at the pillow, and the other one had moved to grab her
knee, pulling her leg up off the bed to alter the angle of penetration.

Seth’s thrusts
were slow, steady, and precise, although she could see now that the strong arms
that supported her hips shook slightly.

“Seth,” she
panted, tossing her head against the pillow and causing her hair to fly all
over her face. “More. Faster, faster.”

He sped up at
her urging, the faster rhythm making her moan in relief. She could hear the wet
sounds from where they were joined, could hear the squeaking of her bed as it
was jostled with their motion, could hear the matching urgency of their

As the pressure
at her center deepened even more, she cried out in low, broken gasps and started
pumping her hips into this thrusts. She couldn’t get much leverage in this
position, but she jerked against him as much as she could, trying to reach the
orgasm that was so tantalizingly close.

Finally, she
couldn’t stand it anymore. She let go of her knee and slid her hand down to her
clit, fingering herself easily in this position.

It only took a
moment for the tension to finally release in hard pulses of pleasure.

She’d been
making choked little sounds as she built up to climax, but as she came at last,
she bit her lip hard.

Then she released
a hoarse moan of pleasure as she relaxed and let her head fall back onto the
pillow. She had a piece of hair in her mouth but couldn’t focus enough to
remove it yet.

Seth had frozen
inside her. His whole body was clenched like a fist, and his eyes were tightly

Momentarily too
pleased from her climax to complain about his lack of movement, she just looked
at him curiously. After a few seconds, his face changed back into the look of
tight concentration, and he turned to meet her eyes again.

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