Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady (21 page)

“I heard she was with a motorcycle club shortly after I started teaching. She is adopted and people always thought we were sisters and we both hated that. I think she hated it more because I was always the chubby, good girl while she was the skinny mean girl.” Willie snapped her fingers. “I’ll bet that is how Roberta got into drugs and hooked up with the Filthy Fiends. I bet she ran into Althea again. I still don’t understand that friendship; she’s always treated Althea like a little sister. I was always jealous she never treated me like that.”

Black Dog stored that information away as the waitress brought their meals, complete with the two orders of fries Willie loved so much.

“Eat up, Willie, and enjoy the food because you’re burning calories off like crazy dancing for twenty-five minutes a set.” He had to smile at how serious Willie could be. She might be the first truly good-hearted chick he’d ever been involved with.

That name Althea though, it sure did ring a bell in the back of his mind. As he was chewing it came to him, a brown haired girl who looked a bit like Willie, about five years or so ago he’d screwed her for a few months. However she got too clingy and she had gone back to college thankfully before the summer ended. He hadn’t seen her since thankfully. Nobody had liked it when he brought her around because she was a bitch. Althea was an odd name, and he hoped it wasn’t the same girl Willie was talking about.

The diner door opened and Moose walked in with a sad face. He walked over to the table and sat down. “Bad news, bro, Hunter is dead, went out on his boat and fell overboard. We heard Elena is losing it, poor chick.”

Black Dog put his fork down. “It was an accident?”

Moose nodded, “Yeah, he went out to check his lobster traps. A rope caught his leg, wrapped around it, and he went overboard. Guess it is a good thing Tramp is here. I’m gonna go break the news to the other bros. There is a meeting in the morning. Be there and make sure Mad Jack is there, too. Darko said Hunter was like a father to him, and he’s worried about him.” Moose got up and left their table.

Willie sat there crying quietly. Black Dog remembered she stabled her horse with Elena, and must have known Hunter too.

“We’re done here Babe? I think we need to get back home.” He brushed her tears away as she tried to compose herself.



ad Jack and Dee lay in each other’s arms, the phone kept ringing over and over and they tried to ignore it. Dee’s naked body was perfect and he’d been touching her all over and the phone was bugging the shit out of him. Finally he got up naked and went into the kitchen and answered it. “What?” he barked into the phone.

Kima spoke through tears, “Jack, there was an accident.” Her sobs were out of control and he thought of his parents as he held on to the phone with all his might.

“Hunter is gone, Jack! What am I going to do? I love Hunter!” His sister replied; her voice laced with heart-wrenching sadness and tears.

“Kima, I need you to give the phone to Veiko or anyone nearby.” Mad Jack’s heart pounded in his chest as he felt a keen loss.

Hunter couldn’t be dead.

He heard his adopted sister talking to Kima and she got on the phone. “Jack it’s me, Jo. There was an accident on Hunter’s boat, and they bought the body back a while ago. Kima has been calling you all night. We can’t get Kima calmed down, and Elena is not much better. I think you and Deidra better come over to the Lodge. Maybe you can get Kima to go home. Veiko can’t and I can’t stay on my feet anymore. Bring something to get her to calm down. I know you’ve got pills,” Jo explained, and sounded completely exhausted.

“We’re on our way, I don’t keep anything here, and I gotta stop home. Do ma and dad know?” Jack was thinking of Thorn and thinking of what he must be going through hit him like a ton of bricks. “Jo, Thorn, how is Thorn doing?” He wiped at the tears that gathered in his eyes.

“Thorn is in shock I think, but he’s holding it together I guess. He was there when they pulled Hunter up and saw the body. He is with Elena now. I think they’d like everyone to leave except for Tears. Please hurry up, I can see Veiko is upset and Nailz wants me in bed. Your parent’s know of course, they’ve been calling you too. Drive safely, please; we don’t need you racing over here.” Jo hung up the phone as Jack stood there thinking of all the summers spent at the Lodge and how Hunter had taught him so much.

Dee had wrapped a robe around her body and was watching him. “What happened?” she inquired softly.

Jack looked at her brokenly. “One of the best men I’ll ever know died out on his boat and we need to go over to the Lodge so I can get Kima calmed down. Get dressed Dee, I’m sorry our night was spoiled. I swear I’ll make it up to you.”

Dee wrapped her arms around him. “You know what? I think I’d like to wait until we get married. I love you, Mad Jack Regan, and I want to marry you. Ever since you took me out of the clubhouse, I’ve been falling in love with you. I’m impressed you didn’t force me to have sex with you when you could have. That showed me that you are a good man. A man I want to spend my life with. I always believe things happen for a reason and my mother told me to save myself for my wedding night. So if you’ll marry me soon that would be a good thing.” Dee looked directly into his eyes, praying that he’d agree with her.

Jack wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “I think that is a great idea, but we’ll hold off telling anyone but my parents. I know ma will be happy and maybe it will help Kima, if she’s helping to plan a wedding soon. I never figured I’d love as deeply as I love you, Deidra. Now let’s get to my parents’.

“Kima was so close to Hunter. I hate to see any of my sisters’ crying but Kima has been through so damn much. On the way over to my parent’s house, I’ll try to explain it all so you understand Kima better. Ma must have all of the babies; damn everyone must have been calling us all night.”

Jack still felt hollow inside but he also felt that a new life was starting for Deidra and him. They both tossed on their clothes and Jack took a moment to walk over to the water and say a quick prayer for Hunter. He looked up and saw the lighting dance across the sky and hoped Black Dog and Willie would get back home before it stormed.



Roberta smiled at her reflection in the mirror, liking what she saw. She was dressed very nicely and she was in a great mood. Today she was going to ruin Willie’s life and she had pictures to prove what a disgrace Wilhelmina Ann Reed was. After Willie was brought down, it would be Teddy’s turn.

She picked up her purse and smoothed the wrinkles out of her skirt. She walked through the house ignoring her mother’s questions. Getting into her car, she drove directly to the rectory of Saint Rose’s church. As she walked up the path to the door she looked around at the flowers. Willie had had the children plant them when she used to teach Sunday school.

Damn her for being such a goody two shoes.

She rang the bell and waited for the housekeeper to answer the door and when she did she asked to speak to Father Paul. She was shown into his study and she sat with her purse on her lap, her high heels tapping impatiently. She hated Father Paul and this church.  Even though Father Paul had helped her out with a problem she had once had. It was clear the church adored Willie and not her. Today that would change and the church would hate both of them.

Father Paul walked in quietly and watching Roberta, he had a feeling that she was up to no good as usual. He had been taught to not give up on anyone but he truly thought Roberta was an evil person. “Roberta, you asked to see me?”

Roberta was startled and quickly composed herself. “Yes I did Father, I have some pictures you need to see. I am sorry to tell you this and I knew you wouldn’t believe me; so I took pictures to prove to you that my sister is a disgrace. If you won’t make sure Willie is fired, then I’ll go to the school board.”

Father Paul sat behind his desk as he watched Roberta open her purse and take pictures out and place them on the desk. He didn’t move to pick them up instead he looked at Roberta with an inquiring look. “Do you ever wonder about that child you gave away, Roberta? I often do and think it may have been the most honorable thing you’ve ever done in your life. Willie never knew about that baby, did she? Your parents made sure she didn’t come home from college. I was shocked when your parents wanted to keep him and you didn’t want to even see the boy.”

Roberta glared at him and pushed the pictures in front of him. “I don’t need your preaching. I don’t think about that baby and you know Willie wasn’t told. It’s my business! She had to stay up at school. It was hard enough to deal with Theodora giving me dirty looks. You tell me if my sister should be influencing the young girls she teaches! Take a look at these pictures!”

Father Paul reached for the pictures and what he saw shocked him, but he didn’t show it in his face. Oh Willie, he thought as he saw pictures of her dancing, than pictures of her with a biker looking happier then he’d ever seen the girl. They were Polaroid pictures and he doubted Willie even knew these pictures existed. “I see. Well, Roberta, do you have anymore because this easily could be Althea. They look so much alike and to be honest I don’t trust you.”

Roberta’s face turned crimson as she went into her purse and grabbed all the pictures she had of Willie and threw them on the desk. “I’ll find Althea, and she can prove it wasn’t her! If Willie isn’t out of her job today I’ll make so much trouble you’ll wish you never doubted me.” She flounced out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

Father Paul looked at the pictures sighing. He had been a young priest when he had helped arrange Althea’s adoption to the Rayne family. It had been too close to home but they had begged him to help them adopt her. Althea had not looked like Roberta or Theodora but she did look quite a bit like Willie.

He thought of Robert Reed’s large donation to the church and winced. His affair with his secretary had produced a child and Robert had come to the church for help. He had followed orders though and now he regretted not making sure she had been placed in another parish.

How Robert thought his three daughters wouldn’t come into contact with his illegitimate daughter had been ridiculous.

Althea’s attitude clearly took after Roberta’s.

Regretfully, he picked up the phone and sadly placed a call to Willie. He wished he didn’t have to make this call but he had no choice. Roberta would easily get Willie fired but he could gently suggest she resign, it would be truly in her best interests. He’d type up a letter for her so they’d have a chance of beating Roberta at this twisted game she was playing.


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