Nefarious MC #1 - Nobody's Ol Lady (22 page)


illie heard the phone ring but Dee answered it. Shortly after Dee knocked on her door. “Willie, there is a Father Paul on the phone who says it is urgent he speak to you.”

“I’ll be right there Dee, tell him that.” Willie tossed on a robe and went out to answer the phone.

“Father Paul, how nice of you to call, what can I help you with?” Willie’s face paled and she sat down heavily. “Yes, I will get dressed and be right over. Thank you for calling.”

Dee looked at her and wondered what in hell was wrong now. Black Dog and Mad Jack had made her promise they wouldn’t go out until they came back. She grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee, sugar and cream for Willie.

“Willie, drink this, you look awful, what did the priest say to you? Was it about Hunter’s death?” Dee was concerned because it looked like Willie’s life had fallen to pieces.

Willie took a sip of coffee and sputtered because it was hot. “Roberta happened! She’s been taking pictures of me dancing and with Black Dog and I don’t know what else she has. Father Paul advised me I should go right over and resign because she wants me fired.

“If I resign, she can’t do a thing to get me fired and I can apply to another school. That bitch, I hate her Dee, I truly hate her. She could be on fire in the middle of the road and I wouldn’t piss on her to put it out. I’ve got to go right now because of her threats; Father Paul doesn’t know how many pictures she has or who she will go to next, damn it!” Willie put the coffee mug down and rushed to get dressed.

She tossed on jeans and a support your local Nefarious MC chapter shirt on. If she was going to be forced into doing this then she’d be the new Willie, and go out with a bang.

Dee also was getting dressed and she tucked a handgun into her purse. Willie wouldn’t wait for Black Dog and she wasn’t letting her go out alone. She scribbled a note for Mad Jack and together the girls left. Deidra insisted she drive her mustang because it was faster than Willie’s car but more so because she was worried the Filthy Fiends knew Willie’s car. Willie was clearly in no shape to drive either.

Willie asked Dee to come inside with her and the housekeeper brought them directly into Father Paul’s study. He sat there with a sad look on his face.

“Father Paul, this is my friend Deidra and I’d like her to be my witness. I will not lie to you but we both know that my sister is an evil person.” Willie tried to stay as calm as she could.

“Willie, Roberta showed me these pictures. I told her I wasn’t sure they were you or Althea. I have heard Althea is running with a motorcycle gang and if you tell me they’re not you, I will fight for you to retain your position at the high school.” Father Paul spoke sincerely, and said a silent prayer it really wasn’t Willie in the photos.

He handed them to her and watched as she looked at them and handed them to her friend to see. Deidra looked at them quickly and handed them back with a blank look on her face.

Willie set the pictures on the desk. “I’ve never told you a lie in all the years I’ve known you. Those are pictures of me, Father. I do have a job dancing. I’m sorry, but I don’t have an income in the summer and I couldn’t work with Roberta any longer. I love that man you see me with. One day I hope you’ll marry us if he is willing.

“Now, you said you would type up a letter for me to resign before my sister gets me fired? I’d like to read it before I sign it. I would also like to get all of the art supplies; I paid for out of my own money for the art classes. I am not sure if you are aware that the art class is not properly stocked and I’ve been trying to use my money to teach the girls. Each time I asked for funds I was turned down. I have the receipts to prove it.

“Unfortunately my sister dated Mr. Stevens who makes the decisions to approve my requests so of course they were denied. I am sure the parents’ who pay for their daughters’ to be taught art would be very unhappy if they were aware Mr. Stevens maybe ripping the school off.

“So, I suggest you check into where my art supply money went. I’d take a wild guess and say it was spent on my sister, Roberta. I am sorry Father Paul, but if we’re going to come clean here, you need to know everything. I never said a word because I didn’t want it to come out that my sister is a whore but we both know she is. Now show me the letter please.” Willie held out her hand and took the letter to read.

Once she was done she reached for the pen on the desk and wrote her full name on the letter.

She looked at Father Paul and smiled. “I know you have another copy for me to sign and references for me, which I am extremely thankful for, so let’s get this done. She signed her name again and kept that letter and the letter of reference.

Father Paul asked to see the receipts Willie had over the last year. He frowned as he saw the amount of money she had spent.

He opened a drawer, took out a checkbook and wrote out a check that more then covered the costs. “May I have those Willie, and would you write me a statement please informing me of the affair Roberta and Mr. Stevens had and why you didn’t receive your funds. I would also like you to allow me to retype the letters of resignation, and state you are resigning because of the affair which makes it uncomfortable for you to work here any longer at Saint Rose’s. I am very sorry and wish you had come to me before about this affair. I hope we can replace you with someone as highly talented as you are. It is a true loss to the school and I will miss seeing your smile each day.”

The letters were rewritten, signed again, a statement written by Willie, and the receipts handed over to Father Paul. Willie agreed to take the check and letter of reference as they both walked out of the rectory.

Dee spoke up, “I’ve never been that close to a Holy man. I think it would have been hard working there, Willie. You know you’ll make more money dancing don’t you? Of course you can sell your paintings and all the other beautiful things you make. You’ll be just fine, I know it.”


Willie tried to smile but there was nothing left in her for a smile. “I’ve always wanted to teach art. I got my dream for a short time; some people never get their dreams. It will be fine, you’re right. I was lucky to get that check too. I really would have felt bad taking those art supplies back.”

Dee wisely told her to cash the check and put the money in the bank. Dee was crossing her fingers they made it back before Mad Jack and Black Dog read the note she had left.



lack Dog was furious as he paced around the property with Mad Dog. They were worried about Willie and Deidra’s safety. Neither understood the note Dee had left them.

They heard the Mustang coming down the driveway, and Mad Jack laid his hand on Black Dog’s arm. “Bro, hear Willie out before you go off on her. I have the feeling that things are fucked up. Why Father Paul would demand a meeting right away with Willie sure doesn’t sound like good news to me.”

“Willie will say I didn’t tell her not to go out. She’s cunning like that. Damn it, I hate worrying about her. I’ll try to listen but I’m not promising I can.” His voice was harsh and his frown, deeply embedded into his face.

When the car stopped Willie got up and ran up the stairs into the apartment. Dee got out and walked toward the two angry bikers.

“Before you say a word, I took a gun. We had to leave so Willie could resign from her job before she was fired. Seems her sister has been following you and Willie around, BD. Roberta even took pictures of her dancing in Dirty Deeds.”

She turned to Mad Jack, “I told you that some blonde was talking pictures didn’t I? Now we know why and Willie has no job teaching school and I doubt she will get one in this area. Try to be nice to her; we had to rush to see the priest so that Willie was able to get a letter of reference. Maybe she can find a new job, if that is what she wants… Roberta was hell bent on her being fired and Father Paul did Willie a huge favor.” Dee looked at the two angry bikers before turning on her heel and walking away.

She yelled back at them, “I’m making drinks and damn strong ones so when you’ve figured out only an emergency would make us leave, come inside.”

Black Dog had nothing to punch, which was usually what he did when he was angry, and looked at Mad Jack who put up his hands. “Nope, Black Dog, I’m not fighting with you. Dee did the right thing taking Willie, so control your temper. I’m going inside to see how Willie is doing. She must feel like shit.” Jack was sincerely concerned about how Willie was feeling.

“I need to take a ride and cool off, tell Willie I’ll be back in a half hour or so and to stay put. Don’t let her leave bro. I want a clean line to call Darko on and I need to think.” Black Dog headed for his bike and took off across the grass avoiding the crushed shell driveway.

Mad Jack decided he was going inside and call a paving company to come out to pave the driveway and in front of the garage. He would send the bill to his father. He took the stairs two steps at a time; he wanted that strong drink Dee promised.



lack Dog’s temper was at the boiling point.

He blamed himself for Willie losing her job. He never should have corrupted a teacher. His actions in the past all came to mind and he felt a bit sorry for all of the women who had thought they’d be his ol lady. He had just laughed and pushed them to his brothers.

Willie though, she was different. He cared a lot about her but didn’t want to rush things too fast. Willie, who’d been treated like shit all her life by that cunt sister, Roberta and didn’t deserve it. He pulled into the nearest payphone and it just happened to be in front of Sea Jewels. He looked into the window and saw a girl hold up a belly chain. She was showing a woman how different charms could be added to it. Willie needed that he decided and strolled into the store.

He walked directly up to the girl showing the chain and stated, “I want it, and every charm you’ve got.”

He pulled out his wallet and another employee hurried over.  “Sir, we only have that one in stock but I can place an order for you.”

Black Dog glared at the woman looking at the belly chain. She looked somewhat familiar, too. “Lady, you’re far too old for that chain and unless it is a present for somebody else, you’ll look like a fool.”

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