Read Neon Yellow: Obsessive Adhesives Online

Authors: Andy EBOOK_AUTHOR Ali Slayde EBOOK_AUTHOR Wilde

Neon Yellow: Obsessive Adhesives (9 page)

Spencer's jaw dropped as he stared at the man sitting next to him. Herkimer, camping, star gazing... all that was missing was rock hounding. Jason
perfect. “I'd love to go. I have a tent and extra sleeping bags."

"No need. I have all that. Unless you want your own tent."

Did he want his own tent? Spencer wasn't sure; everything was moving so quickly. And if Jason was suggesting sharing a tent... What did it mean for
? The idea of waking next to Jason was very appealing. Spencer knew he should say no, that he'd bring his own tent and consequentially sleep on the couch. And that conclusion depressed him.

"I'll—” Spencer stopped and decided maybe it was time for a change. A time to break out of his routines and do something reckless. “We can share a tent.” His heart was racing with that small statement. The world hadn't ended and it felt good.

"Excellent.” Jason's grin was catching and Spencer found himself grinning back, totally at ease. “I don't want you going back to your place until you have to. Maybe Sunday afternoon and we can clean it up."

The bottom of Spencer's new found ease dropped. He'd actually not thought about the mess his house was in since they'd arrived at Jason's. He wasn't looking forward to going back there at all. “Thanks. I'm in no hurry to go back there."

A few minutes later, a small Chinese banquet arrived. Jason placed the meal of fried rice, dim-sums, spring rolls, lemon chicken, Mongolian beef, Szechuan chicken, stir fried vegetables, pork in plum sauce, and satay steak on his small dining table and gave Spencer a plate and a fork. “Dig in; it's the Good Luck Banquet for two."

"I wasn't aware The Golden Dragon had one of them.” Spencer placed a dim-sum and spring roll on his plate, grabbed a napkin and sat on one of the chairs at the table.

"Okay, I made it up,” Jason confessed. “But, let's face it, a little good luck wouldn't go astray."

Spencer nodded his agreement as he bit into his spring roll. “Who do you think is doing this to me?"

Jason shook his head. “No idea, love. Don't let it get to you.” Jason took two beers from the fridge and sat opposite Spencer. “Whatever dickheads the police employ, I'm sure they'll do their best."

"Thanks.” Spencer twisted the cap off the bottle and took a nice long pull. He knew it was none of his business, but... “So... What's with you and Trooper Howard anyway?"

"Exactly what I told you,” Jason answered. “He's a homophobic dickhead. You weren't the only one who was picked on and shoved around."

Spencer stopped mid bite. “You? Bullied? I can't picture it."

"Well, it happened. But that's in the past. Now, we're both hot men and we don't have to take crap from anyone."

"I'm not hot,” Spencer whispered, certain his cheeks were turning red with embarrassment. “You're the hot one.” Spencer wanted lightning to strike him down—how could he have said
? He was just proving what a dork he really was. Of course Jason knew he was hot.

Jason shook his head and laughed. “I've already told you that you have beautiful eyes. Stop fishing for compliments."

"Oh, I'm not.” Spencer couldn't look at Jason.

"I'll be glad to tell you about all your good points, but over a Chinese meal in my tiny kitchen isn't the way I imagined I'd be doing it."

Holy Hell, was he dreaming? Spencer wanted nothing more than to forego dinner and get right to it. But... there was a part—a fairly large part—of Spencer that wanted to prolong dinner for as long as possible. His inexperience would certainly show. However, he'd never gain experience unless he went for it. At twenty-two it was time to start living and enjoying whatever he could. “Um... you don't have to."

Jason had spooned Mongolian beef, pork in plum sauce and Szechuan chicken onto a bed of fried rice on his plate. “I know. But I want to. You need more confidence if we're going to be together."

"Okay,” Spencer replied, still unable to look at Jason. What exactly did ‘be together’ mean? For one night... the weekend? Or, did Jason want to date him? Butterflies were
forming in his stomach as he thought about what might happen later. Now they'd doubled
brought some friends. He swallowed against the lump forming in his throat.

* * * *

Spencer's eyelids were becoming heavier and heavier. He'd dozed off at least twice now. The way Jason was stroking his neck didn't help, either. But it was so nice. Spencer just stayed leaning against Jason, warm and safe with Jason's arm around him, and cuddled close enough to hear Jason's heart beat.
Thum-thum thum-thum thum-thum...
His eyes closed, all thoughts of stalkers forgotten, aware only of Jason.


"Maybe we should go to bed?"

"Don't wanna move,” Spencer mumbled, snuggling closer to Jason.

Jason laughed softly. “You don't want to spend the night on the couch."

"Wanna spend it with you.” Spencer felt so content on the couch with Jason. He didn't want it to end, but he was so sleepy, he could barely open his eyes.

"You will."

Jason shifted, and Spencer sat up, blinking.

Jason held his hand out. “C'mon, we can snuggle better in bed."

"'kay.” Spencer thought bed sounded like a wonderful idea. Eyes still closed, he stood and swayed on his feet. “Let's go."

Jason's arm went around him, catching Spencer before he fell face forward onto the coffee table. “So, this is what two beers does to you, huh?"

"Jus’ tired."

Spencer's feet moved by themselves, with absolutely no help from him, to get him to the bedroom. Okay, Jason's arm had been there around his waist, holding him up, but his feet knew where they wanted to go. He took one look at Jason's bed and very nearly made his traitorous feet take him back to the living room. Except, those feet were having none of that and were now having their socks removed. Spencer couldn't even remember sitting on Jason's large—big enough for two, at least, maybe more—bed.

"C'mon love, shirt off, then sweatpants.” Jason sounded as though he were talking to a child. He carefully placed Spencer's glasses on the nightstand.

"Where's my pajamas?"

"No idea.” Jason was now taking his own clothes off. He unbuttoned his jeans and winked at Spencer. “At the same time, then. I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

It seemed Spencer's hands were in league with his feet and not waiting for his mind to catch up. He pushed his sweatpants down but found that trying to pull them over his ass while he was sitting on it was just too hard. He fell back on the bed, gave up on his sweat pants—if he was lucky, they'd remove themselves magically just like his socks and shirt had—and closed his eyes. All this bright light wasn't conducive to sleeping.

Jason laughed and tugged Spencer's sweat pants. Spencer's hands moved to stop it. After all, nice boys didn't let people take their clothes off—not that anyone had ever wanted to remove Spencer's sweat pants for him, anyway.

"Lift your ass."

"No...” But Spencer's body was out to betray him. He hadn't known it was possible for body parts to do the opposite of what the brain told them. His ass lifted off the bed and he felt his sweat pants and boxers slide under it. Warm, soft cotton greeted his skin and Spencer was naked. But that was impossible, he never slept naked. What if the house caught fire? He was moved, rolled over one way, then back again, and a comforter was pulled over him seconds before Jason's warm
body slid against him.

Jason fitted one of his legs neatly between Spencer's. Spencer tensed. Jason couldn't want... Surely they'd talk first. Oh God, he could feel Jason's cock, hard against his hip. Spencer's eyes opened and he hoped he didn't look too panicked.

Jason just smiled. “Relax. No sex, it's much better when we're both awake.” He kissed Spencer, their tongues tangling languidly. “You're beautiful. Sleep well."

Jason's warmth left his side. Spencer felt an odd sense of loss and reached out a hand for contact, unsure of what should happen next. Jason caught the questing hand and kissed the palm.

"Roll over. Sleep. I'm not going anywhere."

Spencer rolled over, facing away from Jason, then gasped as Jason's arm curled around him and his back made contact with Jason's chest. Oh, that was so good, and it felt safe. “Good night."

"Night, love."

* * * *

Jason woke to see brown eyes, slightly unfocused, watching him. He blinked and smiled, leaning toward Spencer for a kiss. “This is nice. Good morning."

"Good morning,” Spencer replied before turning around and searching for his glasses.

Jason reached out and caught Spencer's arm. “Leave them. Let me enjoy you totally naked."

Startled, Spencer looked down at the blanket covering them. “Um... I don't remember getting... um... naked."

Jason laughed and raised an eyebrow. “It wasn't easy, but I helped.” He pulled Spencer closer, knowing he was going to have to be the one to initiate anything. “But see, you're safe and still in the same pristine condition that you woke up in yesterday.” He hooked a leg over Spencer's and bumped their erections together. Jason closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He couldn't guarantee Spencer would be pristine for much longer, though. The man's innocence was such a turn on.

"God, that feels good.” Spencer groaned and attacked Jason's lips with his own, like a starving man being offered a four course meal.

Jason's eyes flew open in surprise. He'd been expecting a sweet and slow seduction attempt, with him doing the seducing. Not this full on attack. Not that he was complaining or anything. In a valiant attempt to regain control, Jason pulled Spencer flush up against him and ground his cock against Spencer's answering hardness while thrusting his tongue between Spencer's lips. Oh God, was he awake enough for this?

"Don't stop."

"I'm not doing anything,” Jason murmured against Spencer's lips before his tongue probed them and they opened for another kiss, this one initiated by him. Control regained.

"Doin’ enough.” Spencer managed between kisses, his hand coming to rest on Jason's side.

Jason couldn't remember the last time he'd managed to get off with just kissing and some frotting. Spencer's hand was searing his side. How far was the eagerly innocent Spencer willing to go. Jason twined his fingers with Spencer's. “Touch me."

Spencer tensed before removing his hand from Jason's. Slowly, Spencer's hand moved along Jason's side, pausing at his hip before dipping down to touch Jason's cock. Fingertips caressed, taking their time in becoming acquainted with Jason's erection.

"That's good,” Jason encouraged. He kept still. “Hold it, wank me like you'd do you.” Oh, he couldn't wait to return the favor. This was so much more than he'd dared to hope for this morning.

Spencer's hand wrapped around Jason's cock, enveloping it in heat. The slow, steady strokes were almost torturous, but oh, so good. A moan caught on Jason's breath as Spencer's thumb tentatively passed over the head of his cock. Jason knew he should say something, encouragement... anything. But mere words seemed inadequate—as they always did. Unable to keep still, Jason's thrust his hips in time to Spencer's stroking.

"Harder,” Jason managed to say. “Faster. It won't break."

Spencer tightened his grip on Jason's cock and pumped harder. “Better?” he asked.

Pleased that Spencer wasn't as shy in the bedroom as he was at work, Jason just nodded and reached over to pull Spencer close enough for a kiss. Breathless and messy, with tongues tangling and noses bumping, Jason didn't think he'd ever had such a perfect kiss. Or maybe it was the perfection of the moment. The thrill of discovering Spencer's willingness, and having the man with him. “Keep going, so close... yesss."

"You sound surprised."

"Yes... no!” Jason was desperate. “Just... oh God... keep... don't stop."

Spencer's thumb hesitantly circled the tip of Jason's cock again. The slick pre-come cooled as Spencer's thumb moved along his shaft. “Good?"

"All good, love.” Jason closed his eyes and took a deep breath, willing himself not to come. He wanted the soft torture to last and last, to have Spencer play with him all day, to play with Spencer all day... teach him how good everything was, how perfect, with the right man. Jason's hands stroked Spencer's back. Smooth and flawless, he knew girls who would kill to have such beautiful skin. Jason wanted to mark it; imagine how perfectly his finger prints would bruise the pale skin of Spencer's hips. He nuzzled Spencer's neck. A bite just there would make Spencer the stuff of fantasies. He licked Spencer's neck, his lips moving over the area he wanted to mark just to the left of Spencer's throat. Oh fuck, this should be the last thing he was thinking about. “Gonna come."

Jason's hips thrust into Spencer's hand as his teeth closed over the tender skin of Spencer's neck. Like a man drowning, he sucked Spencer's neck for life while his cock pulsed, draining him.

"I underestimated you...” Jason mumbled when he could form coherent words again. The hand job wasn't anything spectacular in itself so he surmised it must be because of who he was with. Jason's hand ran down Spencer's smooth flank seconds before he flipped Spencer onto his back. Spencer's startled eyes looked up at him and Jason wondered what Spencer could see in his, if anything.

"I, um... never done that before,” Spencer mumbled.

Jason laughed softly, exceedingly happy at that piece of news. “Good.” His lips brushed over Spencer's. “I'm selfish, I want you to myself. No prior claims."

Spencer shook his head. “Never."

"Never?” Jason pushed himself back and looked Spencer in the eye. “You've never been with anyone?” Whatever Jason had been expecting to discover about Spencer's sex life, it hadn't been that.

Spencer's nodded.

The enormity of the trust Spencer was placing in Jason was overwhelming. He was Spencer's first... in every possible way. He pushed himself off Spencer and lay next to him. “Wow. I'm..."

Spencer moaned, and Jason turned to look at him. Spencer had wrapped his hand around his own cock and was jacking off. Jason just brushed Spencer's hand away. “Oh no, this one's for me."

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