Read Neon Yellow: Obsessive Adhesives Online

Authors: Andy EBOOK_AUTHOR Ali Slayde EBOOK_AUTHOR Wilde

Neon Yellow: Obsessive Adhesives (12 page)

"You can stay with me.” Jason lay back on the blanket. “What sort of boyfriend would I be if I left you homeless?"

"I...” Spencer stopped and gawked at Jason.
Stay with him?
Tempting as that was, he didn't think it was such a good idea. They'd only
known each other for a week—any hopes for the relationship growing would be squashed. People needed to learn each other's quirks and peculiarities before cohabitating. Although, he was flattered Jason had offered. Waking up next to Jason on a daily bases would be extraordinary.
The rest of Jason's statement filtered into Spencer's recently overtaxed mind. Was that how Jason saw them? The thought made him smile, but it didn't change his mind on the subject of living together. “Thanks, but I think I should find my own place—for now."

"And where are you going to find somewhere to stay on a Sunday afternoon?"

"Good point.” Spencer conceded. He could move into a room at The Madison until he found a new place. That would get pricey if he didn't find something right away, and the cheaper rates of The Ishtar would only be fun if Jason joined him. “Thank you for the offer."

"I can sleep on the couch if you'd prefer,” Jason offered. “Well, during the week, anyway."

"I'm not going to have you sleeping on the couch in your own home.” Spencer didn't want to elaborate anymore on the subject. He'd just wait and see how things went. If he ended up sleeping on the couch that was fine, however he was hoping for the best case scenario of sharing Jason's bed.

"We'll talk about it later.” Jason grabbed Spencer's arm and pulled him back, so they were lying next to each other. “Now for your astronomy lesson. You see those stars there?” He pointed to a group of stars; small pin-points of light right above them. “That's the penguin."

"The penguin?” Spencer laughed. “There's no such constellation.” Though, as he looked up at it, it did sort of resemble one.

"There should be."

"Maybe there should be.” Spencer agreed. “I would love to know the mythology behind a penguin being immortalized in the heavens."

"Well, long ago in the days of Emperor Ernie and his consort, Clive, there was a penguin. Not just any penguin, this was a magical bird... stood about seven foot six and all solid feathery muscle. Quite the stud he was, too... What?"

Spencer stared at Jason in disbelief. “Emperor Ernie? Solid feathery muscle? What the fuck is that?” Before Jason could retort, Spencer continued, sitting up for added dramatic effect. You couldn't tell a decent myth when lying down next to someone you wanted to kiss. “I'll tell you the story of Emperor
.” Spencer grabbed the bag of chips and the whisky bottle. Taking a swig of the amber liquid, he thought about what he knew about penguin lore.

"There once was an Emperor named Ernie.” Spencer paused. “He was young, thrust into the position after his father's sudden death. Ernie was sheltered inside the palace, rarely interacting with anyone except in matters of the kingdom."

A few more sips of whisky and the story took off. Spencer went on to tell about the young Emperor's sheltered life, how he never was allowed to socialize with anyone, especially not with people his own age, unless it had to do with matters pertaining to the kingdom. Animatedly, Spencer detailed how Ernie, being young and naturally curious, pilfered the shabby clothes of one of his servants and snuck out of the Palace and to the marketplace. There the Emperor met the equally young, and devilishly handsome, Clive. The two hit it off right away, causing Ernie to sneak out of the Palace more and more. Ernie and Clive moved past friendship to become lovers.

"One day while sharing lunch, and kisses, in what they thought was a secluded area by the lake, a Palace guard spotted them and recognized Ernie for who he really was. Ernie was quickly ushered home, while Clive was thrown into the Palace Dungeons.” Spencer took a break to eat a few chips and give his vocal chords a brief respite. He was enjoying himself; thrilled to have Jason's undivided attention.

"That's not how the story goes,” Jason interjected. “It's my myth, I oughtta know."

"What's wrong with my version?” Spencer asked. His version was more appropriate.

"Oh, nothing.” Jason folded his arms under his head as a pillow. “Please, continue,” he said with exaggerated politeness.

Spencer drank took another sip of whisky and continued, glad Jason wanted to hear more. “Clive was locked away, but longed to be with Ernie again. Since Ernie was the Emperor, Clive didn't see much chance of that—or of being released. Word spread like wildfire that the Emperor had succumbed to some mysterious illness and was bedridden. It didn't look well for Ernie: he wasn't eating, drinking or talking to anybody. With the Emperor's absence, the Kingdom was falling to ruin. Clive wished he could see Ernie just once more and try to help his soul mate. During one of Clive's dreams, he became aware of a tiny penguin with slate blue feathers. Curious, Clive followed—it was a dream after all—and was surprised when the little penguin led him straight to Ernie's bedchamber."

"Well, of course.” Jason sat up, and took the whisky bottle from Spencer. After helping himself to a drink, he announced, “I think that A: you've had too much of this, and B: you've been reading way too many of those tacky romances. You've got it all wrong."

Spencer feigned outrage. “I do
read tacky romances.” He preferred to call them fiction. “And according to animal totems, penguins are associated with lucid dreaming and the ability to astral project.” Taking the bottle back from Jason, Spencer took another hearty drink. “I have not had too much. I was just trying to think of something myth worthy for your penguin constellation."

penguin constellation? I'll have you know that
constellation has been there for thousands of years. I didn't just make it up ten minutes ago."

"The stars have been there for eons, but
made it a penguin."

"I did not! It was... Galileo. A well known penguin freak, er... fancier.” Jason grinned.

"Ah, my mistake.” Spencer enjoyed the comfort he had around Jason, he'd laughed more in the past week then he had all year. “Why don't you tell me the proper story then?” Rescuing the bottle from Jason, Spencer took one more drink before lying down on the blanket.

"Well,” Jason continued. “As luck would have it, Ernie was in his bedchamber and had only recently begun thinking about Clive and the mess of his life. At first, he thought he'd dreamed Clive appearing in his doorway, but Clive soon proved that he was real.” He turned and lay over Spencer, kissing him deeply. “Much like that."

"And how did Ernie respond?” With more kisses, Spencer hoped.

"He tore all of his clothes off and begged Clive to fuck him."

"I'm sure he did.” Spencer didn't want to talk anymore. He wanted more kisses. Giving in to his urges, Spencer captured Jason's lips with his own.

"Do I take it,” Jason asked, licking his lips. “That you've lost interest in the penguin constellation?"

Not wanting to bother answering such a silly question, Spencer wrapped his arms around Jason, pulling him close for another kiss.

Jason moaned appreciatively and thrust against Spencer. “I ask again, who are you and what have you done with my shy boy?” he murmured between kisses.

"Still the same guy,” Spencer said, meeting Jason's thrust. He was comfortable, and insanely attracted to Jason. Was it wrong to want a little feast after the famine?

"Mmm, good.” Jason responded by nibbling Spencer's neck. “Let's take this inside the tent. You're gonna get cold when I rip your clothes off."

"We're in front of the fire.” Spencer shifted, exposing more of his neck for Jason. Going into the tent would cost precious time, time that would be better spent kissing and touching.

"Exhibitionist, huh?"

"No!” Spencer scanned their campsite, double checking to make sure they were, in fact, alone. The thought of even wildlife watching had Spencer on edge. “Maybe we
move this to the tent."

Jason looked around quickly. “Food's away,” he muttered. “Fire's low.” He stood and pulled Spencer up and into his arms. “An early night never hurt anyone."

The short walk to the tent seemed to take forever, each step making Spencer's heart pound against his chest with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. This was still uncharted territory for him and he didn't want to be a disappointment.

The shelter of the tent removed a few of Spencer's inhibitions, while Jason removed most of his clothes. Pushing him gently from kneeling to lying down, Jason pulled off Spencer's shoes, socks and jeans last of all. Jason was unbearably gentle, with soft touches, whispers and kisses. Little nips to his skin kept bringing Spencer back from the soporific trance he'd love to slip into under Jason's ministrations. Then again, he also wanted to be aware of each and every wonderful thing Jason did: every experience, every touch, every word.

Jason stopped touching him for a few moments while he took his own clothes off. Spencer could see dark movements in the small tent area but that was all, and he was disappointed that they'd misplaced the lantern. He'd ever get enough of naked Jason.

Then Jason was back, warm skin against his. Jason's after shave was intoxicating, flooding his senses with its subtle scent. Hot hands ran over his body. Taking inventory? Checking for bits that weren't up to standard? Spencer gasped and jerked when one of Jason's hands settled between his thighs, thumb and finger tickling his balls. He moaned loudly. Jason laughed, warm breath fanning Spencer's face.

"You like that?"

Spencer nodded, not trusting his voice. The excitement, the nerves, the uncertainty all combined into one Hell of a rush. Every part of Spencer was bristling with desire and need. He settled his hands on Jason's back, slowly sliding them down and trying to commit every inch of skin to memory.

Jason's hand slid along Spencer's cock and Spencer moaned again. He'd have to stop doing that, in case it attracted unwelcome animals. But who wanted to stay quiet when they had Jason jerking them off? Spencer wanted to tell everyone, take out an ad in Summerset Times. He wanted to... Oh God, Jason was licking his nipple. And biting it. If Spencer had thought it felt good when he was tweaking his own nipples while wanking, it was nothing compared to the feel of Jason's tongue and teeth. He hissed when Jason blew across his skin, the cold making his nipple even stiffer, if that was possible.

"Okay?” Jason's voice was a husky whisper in the darkness.

"Yeah,” Spencer managed to reply. What was it with the stupid questions? He was in seventh Heaven, why wouldn't he be okay?

"Mmm, good,” Jason mumbled while nibbling Spencer's neck.

Spencer tipped his head back. He loved the attention his neck received from Jason. He'd be putty in the clutches of a vampire. Jason would make the perfect vampire, with his love of biting necks and ability to see in the dark.

"Nah, all done by touch and feel,” Jason said softly, running a hand up Spencer's torso.

Spencer had a brief moment of shock, thinking that maybe Jason could read minds too, before he guessed that he'd verbalized his thoughts.

"But, if you want vampire, just ask.” Jason's teeth gripped Spencer's neck and he sucked.

Spencer didn't say anything. Jason probably already thought he was some kind of perverted freak right about now. What he'd suggested was bordering on role playing and good boys with healthy sex lives didn't do that. That was for people who needed something
and Spencer was having enough trouble coping with ‘something’ without worrying about the ‘more'.

"Don't talk,” Spencer mumbled.

The warm laugh in his ear melted Spencer into a pile of goo. He supposed that meant that Jason wasn't going to be quiet.

"But then I can't say how hot you are, how much I'm loving this... that I want to fuck you so bad it hurts."

"No!” Spencer froze. He was happy for Jason to do just about anything, but the thought of fucking was out of the question. The first time was sure to hurt, and the tent wouldn't make things any easier. Spencer would rather it happened in a large comfortable bed and with lots of alcohol to numb the pain.

"Relax.” Jason's voice was low and soothing. “I said I want to. One day, when we're both ready."

"But... I, um...” Spencer was still finding it hard to think. His cock was controlling him. Always practical and matter-of-fact, Spencer was undone by carnal urges.

"Plenty of time. Not going anywhere.” Jason answered whatever Spencer had been about to say.


Jason shifted and his blunt cock poked Spencer's thigh. Then it was alongside his own and Jason was moving lazily, thrusting them together. Both Jason's hands held Spencer's head still while they leisurely kissed. Nothing hurried, just a meeting of tongues and lips. Slow and sensuous and, to Spencer, the most erotic kiss he'd ever experienced. Jason's tongue slid against his and Jason kept moving against
, the delicious friction of skin on skin, cock against cock, being echoed with tongues and lips. Oh fuck, it felt so good.

With his hips moving of their own accord, Spencer lost himself in the kiss. It was carnal lust, pure and simple. If it felt good, do it. And why not? There would be no consequences, nothing mattered but feeling great. Spencer wrapped his arms tighter around Jason's back and matched every thrust, every glide, with his own.

"So... fucking... good,” Jason mumbled.

Spencer nodded, vaguely aware that Jason couldn't see him, but speech was overrated anyway. Little whimpers and moans had made him tense before he realized they were coming from him, but he was past caring. There could be an audience of bears, deer and fucking psychopathic stalkers watching and he wouldn't stop.

"Oh, fuck... gonna..."

"God, yes! Do it."

Spencer gave in to his need. His come spilled between them, warm and thick on his belly. Seconds later, Jason grunted, tensed and captured Spencer's lips in a needy kiss. Messy and frantic with teeth and tongues mashed together, it was hot. Spencer felt Jason's come spurt onto him, mingling with his own, and smiled contentedly, before succumbing to lethargy.

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