Nora Roberts Land (30 page)

Read Nora Roberts Land Online

Authors: Ava Miles

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #small town

“You want to work now?” He kissed her ear.

She firmed her resolve. “Yes, I’ll be too tired later. Once I’m in bed, I don’t like to be interrupted.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Do you want some wine? A little dinner while we read what the great Arthur Hale sent along?”

“That works.”

After polishing off a couple of pretty decent omelets, they settled down on the couch—her feet on his lap—and he read the reports out loud to her.

While the information twisted her stomach, his soothing voice smoothed out the dark edges. They were in this together. They were a team. It felt…well, it felt right.

He threw the report aside when he finished. “How convenient for them to say Ray had alcohol in his system when he skidded off the road. Fuckers had to ruin his reputation.”

Meredith ran a hand down his arm. “Gene said his tox screen was under the legal limit.”

“Why couldn’t he have left that out like he did with Jemma? Ray was a good kid.”

“This doesn’t say he wasn’t. Like everyone else, Gene’s looking to give people answers to a senseless car accident.”

“I still don’t like the way he works. Why does he get to decide what people know? Besides, it’s against the law. Why doesn’t that bother you?”

He was in a fighting mood, and she didn’t want to fan the flames. “It does bother me. Read Kenny’s file.”

He complied, Hugo’s ears perking up at the sound of his deep voice. “Hah,” he said when he reached the end. “I’ve seen enough of these reports to read between the lines. They suspected Kenny was smuggling drugs out of Afghanistan, but couldn’t prove it. Add in insubordination to a superior officer and some drunk and disorderlies, and he’s history. He’s a disgrace to the uniform, but his commanding officer’s too much of a gentleman to say it.”

She rubbed his denim-clad thigh with her bare feet. “Another thread. If he was doing drugs there—”

“Makes sense that he’d do them here. Stick with what you know. Smart to choose pot. It’s not opium, which makes it a lower priority for law enforcement, and by lacing it, he’s ensuring steadier sales.”

“But Gene didn’t find anything in Jemma’s tox screen besides marijuana and alcohol. We’re still missing something.”

“All the more reason for Peg to run another test on the drugs. See if her lab finds that missing element.”

“What happens if they don’t?”

“Don’t borrow trouble.” He tugged her onto his lap with one hand. “I have a request. I want to take a picture of us.”

Her head darted back. “Why?”

“So I can put it on my phone’s home screen.” He held it up. “Say cheese.”

She turned and smiled as he clicked the photo, her stomach suddenly queasy. Pictures signified they were a couple. She was delighted… and a little afraid. They hadn’t talked about their future plans, and she wasn’t sure they were ready for that conversation.

“It’s just a picture, Meredith,” he muttered, giving her a squeeze. “The bug I planted at the garage is working, by the way. I did some listening earlier. Kenny’s planning on taking a long vacation, and they’re shutting down operations like they said. He didn’t say where he was keeping his truck. And I didn’t find another set of tires where Ray went off the road.”


“Kenny and Barlow were right. We don’t have dick unless I figure out where his car is hidden.”

“Don’t you dare look! They already know you’re onto them. Let Peggy test the paint shavings from Ray’s car.”

She rubbed his rock-hard shoulders, trying to settle down herself. “We have Ray’s statement and the drugs. His phone call to you and the warning after they killed him. Plus there’s everything we heard in the garage and the paint shavings. Let Peggy test them. Please! We’ve got to pray it’s enough to have the authorities take this seriously—even if there’s nothing weird about the drugs.”

“We still don’t have enough. Do you really think they’d investigate a deputy sheriff on a whim? They need more. As for what we heard in the garage, we were there illegally. It’s our word against theirs. And we never actually saw them. We can’t connect the drugs to them without Ray. The threatening phone call came from Ray’s phone, not theirs. And I can’t prove anyone fucking called me except Ray! Even a shitty lawyer could pick that apart without breaking a sweat.”

“I’ll circle back to Gene. Gently see if he thinks he might have missed something.”

He pulled her closer. “Peg will have some ideas too. She’s more objective than I am. I’m worried about getting her involved though. She’s bringing my nephew with her. I know she can handle herself, but Keith’s just a kid.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “We’ll keep them safe. It’ll be okay, Tanner.”

He pulled back and stared into her eyes. “Do you really believe that or are you just blowing smoke up my ass?”

“I believe it’ll be okay if we stick together. They’re closing things down, hoping everything will blow over. They don’t want more action now.” She studied his dark frown. “This isn’t Afghanistan, Tanner.”

“And yet, two kids are dead.”

His head fell back against the sofa. She traced the stubble on his jaw, the texture prickling her fingers.

“I should shave.”

“I’ll do it,” she volunteered, ready to take his mind off his worry and guilt. When he lifted his head, she smiled to lighten the mood. “Unless you don’t trust me with a razor to your throat.”

He snorted and lifted her into his arms, heading for the stairs. Hugo stirred from his place by the fire and barked, racing after them.

“I thought for sure you’d protest.” His brown eyes gleamed.

She wiggled her ankles playfully as warmth spread across her body, heading right for her heart. “I’ve decided to enjoy it.” He was the first man to carry her, but she stayed silent about that.

“Glad you aren’t stubborn about everything.” He shut the bedroom door on Hugo.

He carried her into the massive master bathroom and set her on the counter. Opening the cabinet, he sifted through toiletries. “You’re lucky I went back to a razor and shaving cream when I returned from Afghanistan. I had a beard overseas. It made it easier to blend in.”

She let her feet dangle. “Oh yeah?”

He set the can and razor by her hip and leaned in, caging her. “Let’s make this interesting.”


He tugged her red shirt off. “I don’t mind you being my barber as long as you’re only wearing your hot lingerie.” The black lace ruffled against her skin when he feathered it with his fingers. He traced the DW stitched in the corner near her left ribcage.

“Are you ever going to tell me what it stands for?”

She unzipped his fleece, not taking her eyes from him. God, was there anything hotter than watching someone while you undressed them?

“It’s for Divorcée Woman.” She decided a little truth couldn’t hurt. “I bought a ton of La Perla lingerie with my alimony. It’s top-of-the-line.” She tugged at his belt. “Part of gaining my confidence back.”

He raised her hands to his lips. “He didn’t deserve you.”

“I know. Now kiss me.”

When their lips met, neither of them rushed. He kissed the corners of her mouth before increasing the pressure, sweeping his tongue in her mouth. She ran her hands inside his white shirt, tracing the muscles of his back. She moaned when he framed her breasts.

“I think the shave will have to wait,” he murmured.

“You’re not the one getting beard burn.” Reaching for the can, she shook it and slapped his hand away. “It won’t take long.”

The can coughed out shaving cream into her palm, and her fingers spread it lightly across his face and jaw. His eyes sparkled, but he kept his hands at his sides. When she ran the razor down his face, it was a slow caress, an achingly gentle slide across his smooth skin.

“You’re driving me crazy, Meredith.”

She angled the razor against his neck, anticipation electrifying her nerve endings. “I know.” She scraped her way across his face, washing the razor off with warm water after a few strokes.

“You have a pretty square jaw.” She dragged the razor down a centimeter at a time.

“Beats a rectangular one.”

He stared at her with such a hunger she had to lock her hand to stop the trembling.

“You want to hurry up?”

The razor removed the last of the shaving cream. “I need a washcloth.”

She wet the one he handed her, and then massaged his face with it. His hands tucked under her knees and drew her to him, his arousal pressing against her core.

“Okay, that’s enough.”

He pulled her forward on the counter. Their hands streaked over each other, finding weak spots designed to inflame passion and need. Their remaining clothes fell away. He undid her bustier more easily this time and sucked on her breasts until her head hit the mirror.

God, it was incredible. No nerves. No undue concern about her body or her performance. She succumbed to straight, unadulterated pleasure. Urging him closer, she ran a hand down the front of his body to his hard length. His groan echoed off the walls when she traced it with her grip.

He balanced her on the counter’s edge, spreading her legs wide. She covered him with the condom he handed her. His breath hissed out as she took her time, smirking. He put an end to her teasing when he traced her opening with his fingers, easing one of them inside. Her hips bucked. His thumb rubbed hard against the spot that made her squirm, unrelenting. She climaxed in one hard jolt, the heat shooting through her like a Roman candle through a dark night.

He took her mouth with a greed that ignited her desire again instantly, and she struggled to hold on.

“Again,” he called, his breath hot on her lips.

She twined her legs around him. “Inside me! Now.”

He thrust into her core in one deep movement, muscles locked against her.

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

He pulled out and thrust again, fitting their hips more tightly together. She steadied herself on the counter and pushed back, meeting him stroke for stroke. When he grabbed her and pushed her to the adjoining wall, she clenched her legs around him. He picked up the pace, thrusting hard and fast. White heat swept up her body again and exploded in one fiery pulse. Her head fell to his shoulder as he came too, groaning into her neck.

The sex was getting better and better between them. Hell, she was feeling better and better, like she was discovering new aspects of herself with him. She kissed his sweaty, clean-shaven neck, gratitude welling—for him, for them, for this.

He pinned her into the wall, and she loved the weight and warmth of his hard body against her. She could see them in the mirror. God, he had a great backside. And her legs were wrapped around his waist. Her face was flushed, her hair mussed. The gleam in her eyes couldn’t be mistaken for anything but boneless satisfaction. She wasn’t embarrassed. She liked what she saw.

“Am I crushing you?”

She looked away from her reflection when he raised his head from her shoulder. “No.”

“I love making love to you.”

Her heart tripped as if over broken sidewalk. “I was…just thinking the same thing.”

He kissed her lightly. “Were you?”

“Yes.” She trailed a hand down his shoulder.

“I didn’t expect you, Meredith Hale.” He traced her cheek, his expression tender, making her heart pound harder.

“I didn’t expect you either.”

And wasn’t that the truth? She’d come home hoping to find a Nora Roberts hero, but she hadn’t really believed she would. Hell, she hadn’t really been ready to take the plunge if she was being honest with herself. Why else had she dated so many no-goes? She hadn’t emailed Karen an update about Tanner because she wasn’t quite sure what to say. Did she want to put it in black ink that he was The One? She didn’t think this was rebound, but she’d been wrong before. She’d married Rick-the-Dick, hadn’t she?

Better to wait until they’d uncovered the conspiracy and sent the bad guys to jail. Then, she’d see what she wanted, what he wanted. She fidgeted, her thoughts swirling. Her life in New York felt very far away, but she would be returning in a little over a week. Tanner knew she was leaving, but hadn’t mentioned it. Did that mean anything?

“I’ve fallen for you, you know,” he said, tracing her cheek.

There was something off about his voice. Boneless muscles switched to rock-hard tension.

“You’re pretty special to me too,” she managed to say—scared to say more.

He let out a breath and lowered her to the floor. “That’s enough honesty for now. I’m not sure we can take any more.” He kissed her again. “But the time is coming. Let’s shower.”

When he turned the water on and reached for her hand, she joined him, her heart pounding from anything but desire. The hot steam swirled around her, cloaking her from him. She angled against the corner, needing space.

What had he meant by that? She was suddenly afraid to find out.

Chapter 38

anner waved to Meredith as she reached the entrance to
The Western Independent
the next morning. Her smile made him feel like slime. Memories of their early lovemaking, swim, and coffee faded. He reached for his phone and searched for the photo he’d taken of them last night.

She looked beautiful and…confused. He looked just about as uncomfortable. Hopefully, Sommerville would be satisfied. Giving state secrets might have been easier.

He sent the picture and drove to the university for his nine o’clock class.

As he pulled into the parking lot, his phone rang. “Satisfied?” he answered.

“A quiet night at home by the fire. How lovely. When are you seeing each other again?”

“I’m having Thanksgiving with her family.”

“Good. Send another picture. Be nice to see if her parents redecorated.”

Give the bastard an inch… “I have class. If there’s nothing else…”

The chuckle was dark. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure you could pull it off. At first I was content with the idea of you breaking up with her and stopping the article that way, but now I’m starting to rethink things. If she finds out you’re working for me, she’ll hate your guts.”

Fear slid down Tanner’s spine like ice. “When I break things off and stop her from doing the article, I’ve done my job. She doesn’t have to know about our deal.” Even though he planned to tell her, he wanted to be the one to explain the situation. God only knows what Sommerville would say.

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