Not Alone (23 page)

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Authors: Amber Nation

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

I decided that a shower was in order before I faced Grady and our conversation that needed to happen. I needed to cleanse myself of the grime that Corbin bestowed upon me. Immediately the warm water hit my muscles and I felt myself relax. I was finally at a point where I was used to showering while keeping my arm out from under the spray so it didn’t get wet. Six more weeks of this, I was beyond ready to get this cast cut off.

Dressing extremely comfortably in yoga pants and a loose fitting t-shirt, I was ready to face Grady and finally have our talk.

I stopped dead in my tracks and took in the scene before me. At the edge of the kitchen I just stared at Grady, standing with his back towards me, while he was cooking at the stove. It still shocked me seeing him cook for me since no other man had, and I must say that I loved it.

I had to wipe my mouth free of drool before I cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned towards me, spatula in hand. I took in his appearance, starting with his shirt, which was the same one from the day before. I continued my gaze upward and immediately stopped my ascent on his eyes. For what was lurking behind those beautiful sapphires made my breath hitch and my heart stammer. The feelings in the depths of his eyes said it all: warmth, affection, but most importantly, sorrow.

“Emmalynne, are you ok?”

“I’m good,” I managed to squeak out. I was surprised by the fact that I could form any coherent words at all, since my brain flew out the window.

“Grady, before we have the talk about…about us, I think we need to talk about last night. I don’t want anyone else outside of us and Charlie to know about what happened.  With everything that has been going on, and Tessa being pregnant, I just don’t want anyone to freak out over something that doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Not saying that I hundred percent agree with you Emmalynne, but if that’s the way you want it, then that’s fine with me. Besides, I think Charlie already had to come up with some sort of excuse since he had to leave while the band was playing.”

He brought a massive plate filled with bacon, eggs, and toast to my dining room table, which was already set for two, pulled out a chair and directed me to have a seat.

Digging into my food, I started, “Grady—.”




Chapter Forty-One




“No Emmalynne, we are going to eat first, then we will go sit on the couch to have our talk. You’ve lost weight since I’ve seen you last, so you need to eat to build back up your curves.”

That created the response that I was looking for, her eyes were wide and they looked as if she were a deer caught in headlights. Damn, she was beautiful.

“Build back up my curves?” she asked, somewhat bewildered.

Wanting to stray away from the deep conversation for now, I quickly changed the subject. “So where is Tucker at?”

She seemed to be miles away, pushing around her food on her plate. She looked up into my questioning eyes, “What?”

“I asked where Tucker was. Where were you just now?”

“Oh it’s nothing. Tuck is with my dad, ever since my dad came back into our lives Tucker hasn’t been far from his side.”

That was news to me, but I’m thankful for it. Sam Johnston is a stubborn man, I wonder if she had to end up initiating the first move. “Oh you’ve seen your dad, that’s great.” The conversation was starting to feel forced. I didn’t want things to become awkward between us. Hopefully it would all straighten itself out.

“I forgot you didn’t know. Um…he came to visit me while I was in the hospital. He did a thirty day stint in rehab and has been sober for going on almost nine weeks now.”

The pride surging in her voice was unmistakable. I was just glad that he finally got his shit together. It was rough seeing her go through that, but in the end, it was best. Sam was the parent and Emmalynne the child, not the other way around.

“It’s a shame about your coffee table, I’ll have to make you a new one,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. I had the perfect design in mind for a coffee table and matching end tables.

“Make one?”

“Yeah, I was big into woodshop in High School and just recently got back into it. It helps if you have an uncle who has a barn full of table saws as well as various other tools. I made the liquor display case at the bar.”

“You made that?” She perked up for the first time since she’d come down for breakfast, “That cabinet is absolutely beautiful, it’s truly amazing Grady.” Her compliment was a major ego boost. I didn’t know why her approval of my woodworking meant so much to me, but it did.

Once we were finished eating, Emmalynne rushed to take our plates to the sink to wash them. She was trying her hardest not to make eye contact with me.

I had to physically pry the dirty dishes out of her hands, which were visibly trembling, as was her bottom lip. Lifting her chin up, forcing her to look at me, I said “Emmy Lou, the dishes can wait, we need to talk.” I was trying so hard not to crack a smile at her nervousness but she was just too damn cute.

Taking her uninjured hand in mine, I led her towards the couch. I had arranged the seating to where our thighs were almost touching. Being this close to her, and not being able to touch her, was causing my body to be on high alert. It was pure torture sleeping wrapped up in her and not being physically
her, but I needed to be sure she was safe.

“Relax Emmalynne.”

Rubbing my clammy palms on my jeans, I gathered my words. “The situation with Becca, was all just a big misunderstanding.”

“Grady, I know. Tessa told me last night, which was why I texted you. She helped me realize that I needed to pull my head out of my ass. Being with you was the first time I didn’t second guess myself, and when I did, it destroyed me. But all of this heartbreak was unwarranted and I want to apologize for not giving you the chance to talk. I’m so sorry Grady.” Tears were now freely flowing down her cheeks. I took a swipe at her cheek to clear off some of the wetness.

“No, Emmalynne, it’s me who should be sorry. If I had come forward in the first place and explained to you how Becca wouldn’t stop harassing me, then you would’ve known that I would never, ever do anything to hurt you. Sure, I might piss you off from time to time, but not intentionally break your heart. I need to get better with my communication, so that is all on me, not you honey.”

I turned towards her and took her hand in mine. This was important, and she needed to hear me loud and clear. “I’ve learned that without you, my world pales in comparison. I felt myself die a little more every day. You’ve completely ruined me for anyone else Emmalynne, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sure, life goes on, but not for me, not without you. What I’m trying to say is…I love you Emmalynne Morgan, I love you so fucking much.”

Sobs racked her body and her voice trembled slightly with what I thought was desire. “You…you love me?!” she asked, incredulous.

“Emmalynne, listen to me and listen closely. You are an amazing woman, any guy would be lucky to have you, but for some reason, unknown to me, you chose me. So, with you being as wonderful and beautiful as you are, as brave as you are, and you chose me, that tells me that I’m the luckiest guy on the fucking planet. Sweetheart, you are an incredible mother.—“

“Even when I go all momma bear?” I see, now she was fishing for compliments. Well hopefully she would never get tired of hearing them from me, because they would be flowing in bucket loads.

“Especially when you go all momma bear.” I cupped my hands around her jaw, leaned closer towards her, my voice was soft, gentle, and affectionate. “Of course I love you. I’ve always loved you, and I’m so fucking sorry it took me so long to say those three words.”

“Grady, I love you too.”

That was all it took, I threw myself forward, took her mouth and I kissed her with all the pent up longing that I had been feeling for her.

Breaking free after several minutes, the wave of arousal that washed over me was unmistakable; I was crazy in lust just from one soul-searing kiss.

Looking at her, I noticed that her breasts were swollen and her nipples tightened underneath her shirt.

“Grady, I need you,” she said through her lust induced fog.

That would never get old, having her tell me that she wanted or needed me. It made me feel like I was on top of the fucking world. And I would be much obliged to give her exactly what she needed, because in the end, we needed the exact same thing: each other. I needed her more than I needed air to breathe.

My mind moved immediately to what was happening next as Emmalynne whipped off her shirt with only one hand. A pretty amazing feat if you asked me. She swung her leg over mine to straddle my lap, as I reached out to cup her breast over her bra.

“I missed you so much babe,” she whispered as she trailed kisses down the side of my face. I loved it when she called me that. I felt as if my heart was going to burst out of my fucking chest. I’d never in my life felt love like this and I was so fucking glad that it was with my Emmy Lou.

I wrapped my arms around her, burying my face in the crook of her neck. I inhaled deeply and the intoxicating smell that was Emmalynne immediately flooded my senses. Sighing, I murmured, “I missed you too, baby, so fucking much.” I felt her smile against my head which caused my breath to catch. I was so fucking delirious with excitement, I couldn’t believe she was mine again, and currently in my arms.

I cradled her under her delicious ass and rose to my feet. It was time to take this to the bedroom. Feeling her full breasts press up against my chest, made me shiver with anticipation. I quickly made my journey towards her bed, once I hit it, I settled Emmalynne down, careful not to aggravate her ribs. I’d have to be sure to stay in control tonight so I could make sure that I wouldn’t hurt her. So tonight I would take things slow.

Not wasting any time I hastily I pulled off the rest of her clothing, revealing her round, full breasts and her mouthwatering core that was already dripping with desire. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to ravish her completely, but I had to keep in mind her injuries. “Baby, I want you to let me know if I hurt you, I’m going to try my best not to, but just looking at you takes my fucking breath away. It’s been far too long since I’ve been inside you, so I might get carried away. So you gotta let me know.”

“Grady…we don’t have to, um…what I mean is that I can’t do much.” Christ, she was talking in circles again. I’d noticed that she rambled whenever she was nervous, and it was cute as hell.

My amused expression turned serious as I said, “Let me love you baby, don’t you worry about a thing. Once you are back to hundred percent again, then you can love me all you want, but for tonight it’s my turn.” Her breath came out in ragged gasps as she simply nodded. I had rendered her speechless with my bluntness.

I crushed my lips to hers as I drug my hands up her voluptuous form. I swept open-mouthed kisses along her collarbone, down to her breasts. Propping myself up on an elbow, to be sure to not crush her, I took one of her pert nipples into my mouth and gave it a swift tug. She immediately arched her back and hid a wince, if I hadn’t of been watching her, I would’ve missed it. Immediately releasing her nipple, I asked, “Honey, are you ok?”

“Grady, I’m not made of glass, please fuck me already, I’ll be fine!” she spat out. Well, hello hellcat Emmalynne, she was new. I couldn’t get over how cute she was.

I stood up and quickly rid myself of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head, then came my pants and boxer briefs. Emmalynne’s eyes were settled upon my bare chest as she darted her tongue out to lick her lips, while a whimper of pleasure escaped her mouth, which in turn caused a growl to vibrate from my chest, and my erection to throb wildly.

Settling back on her capturing her mouth in a sensual kiss, I made love to her mouth, our tongues caressing each other’s; it was heaven. It had been too long since I’d tasted her, and I had missed it. I wouldn’t ever do anything again to keep us apart. Slowly, I moved my hands down her torso, relishing her curves that I loved so much. Reaching her core, the one place I was yearning to be, I ran my fingers expertly through her soaked folds causing her to squirm with impatience.

“Mmm, so wet. Are you ready for me baby, because I can’t wait any longer.” She released a long moan, which I took to be an affirmative. I’d love to have time to taste her, savor her, but I would have to save that for round two, because if I waited any longer to be inside of her, I was afraid I would explode like a fucking teenager.

I pushed the tip of my erection into her heat slowly, until I was buried deeply inside her. Savoring the feel of her wrapped around me, I had to get reign on my excitement so I could get ahold of my control, because the last of it was holding on by a tiny thread and it was ready to snap. Every time with Emmalynne felt like the first time, we fit together perfectly, like she was made exactly for me.

It was as if my world always had something missing and I found it when I found Emmalynne. She made me whole, complete.

I felt her hand rest on one of my shoulders, moving lower and roaming my back, lightly scratching the surface.

Looking deeply into her chocolate brown eyes, the passion I felt in that moment was so unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. I didn’t want the moment to ever end. Trying to hold out on my release, I felt her body begin to tremble as she thrashed around, her core tightened around me I knew she was on the verge of her release. “Grady…oh God, Grady” she gasped as she closed her eyes.

“Emmalynne, look at me baby.” She opened her eyes which were shimmering with unshed tears. “Come for me sweetheart.” Her walls instantly contracted causing the tension of my climax to build intensely.

Pumping myself into her just a few more times I came, harder than I’d ever come before as Emmalynne came down from her orgasm induced high.

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