Not Another Soldier (26 page)

Read Not Another Soldier Online

Authors: Samantha Holt

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Nick pats him down and comes to standing with a grin.
His knuckles are bleeding and he’s breathless. He flashes the pistol he’s
procured at me and I let out a shaky breath. At least the odds are a little on
our side now.

“How do we get out of here?” He takes my hand.

“That way,” I point down the corridor.  “We need
to hurry. They wanted to leave quickly when you said the cops were on their
way. I guess it takes a while to get a ship ready.”

“I can’t believe the fucking cops aren’t here already.
I was worried they were going to burst in and get us shot but I didn’t think
they’d sit with their thumbs in their asses and let us take on the bad guys,”
he mutters while we race up the corridor and to the stairs.

We pause and listen. I hear footsteps and voices but
have no idea if it’s just crew members or what. Surely not every person on the
ship is an armed criminal? Nick keeps his grip strong around my hand and the
pistol ready. We edge up the steps and my heart thumps in my chest. I’m sure if
there’s anyone up there, they must be able to hear it.

Then Nick drags me up the final few steps in a rush
and we come face to face with two startled crewmen. Both in overalls, they are
scruffy and clearly working men. And surprised to see us.

Nick motions with the pistol. “Go down those steps.
And stay there unless you want to get shot.”

They raise their hands and step cautiously down the
stairs, moving backward so they can keep Nick in their view. I don’t know if
they’ll stay there but I’m hoping they don’t want to get involved.

We race down the next corridor and the wash of fresh
air coming through the still open door whispers over my skin. Exhilaration
forces a grin across my face and my heart picks up, even though we’re not out
of the clear yet. I’m hoping Johnson is on the bridge or in his quarters and
won’t even notice we’re gone.

The sight of sky and dock teases us at the end of the
corridor but Nick pulls me to a stop and shoves me to one side. He peers
around, his back pressed against me in the small confines of the passageway.
Looking over his shoulder at me, he whispers, “Two guys. Both armed.”

I swallow hard. How are we meant to get past two armed
men? “Are you… are you going to shoot them?” I know this is what he’s trained
to do and I know they wouldn’t think twice about doing it to us but still… I

“Just stay here for a moment. I can’t aim with you
right behind me.”

I nod and he disappears out of the hatch. Two shots
ring out quickly and a third. There’s a slight gap and one more shot sounds. I
have to force myself to remain still and wait as my insides shrivel up. I’m
waiting for the armed guys to come storming up the boarding steps and find me.
I’m waiting to find out Nick is actually dead this time.

Footsteps sound and Nick thrusts his arm around and
snatches me.

“Oh, thank God.”

“Quickly,” he says and we sprint out onto the deck,
the quarters and bridge right behind us. I peer up at the large windows of the
bridge and my stomach clenches. I hope no one sees us but I’d be surprised if
they didn’t hear the shots. When I swivel my head back around, I see the two
men lying on the deck. One is definitely dead and the other is rolling around,
clutching his leg. I fight the rising nausea.

Nick keeps his hand clamped around my arm, his gun
still ready. We rush to the edge of the ship and ascend the gangplank. I want
to cry out in celebration when my feet hit the concrete dock, but I can tell
Nick thinks we’re not out of danger yet. Shouts come from behind us and I
realize he’s right. We race along the dock, away from the ship and the
warehouse, toward the containers to the right. A crack echoes around me forcing
my tired legs to keep going. I focus on Nick’s back, his torn T-shirt flapping
as we sprint. More bangs sound and several cars come screeching out from behind
the containers.

Nick pauses and I stumble into him. He swears, glances
behind us, and pushes me ahead of him. “Just keep running, babe,” he says
before turning and shooting.

I do as he says though I’m not sure what I’m running
to. More bad guys? But I trust Nick knows what he’s doing even if I’m scared
out of my mind for him. People pour from the cars and my heart jumps into my
throat as I see them draw guns. My legs almost give out from underneath me.

“Get down!” Nick’s voice filters in but doesn’t
register. Everything is a big blur of pounding feet, gun fire and pure fear.

Suddenly something strikes me in the back and I go
down, my face connecting with the concrete. It should hurt, I think obtusely,
but it doesn’t for some reason. And then a heavy weight lands on top of me and
all hell breaks loose.



I am
one lucky guy. I admire the sexy nurse sitting by my side, looking all
concerned for me and grin. Yep, I am a very lucky guy. I make a show of
struggling to sit and she’s all over me, arms around my shoulders, breasts
pressed into my face. I swear if my shoulder didn’t hurt so much, I’d be
tempted to yank her into the hospital bed and make love to her right now. I
can’t wait to get out of here and take her home.

Sienna plumps up the pillow behind me and offers me a
drink. I shake my head and pat the bed beside me. “Sit, short stuff. You should
be resting too.”

“I’m okay!” she protests but perches on the side of
the bed.

I run a finger along the scratches on her cheek and
the bruises marring the bridge of her nose. “You’ve been through a lot.”

“Yeah, but I’m fine. Thanks to you.”

I try to shrug and wince as my shoulder pangs in
protest. They’ve got me on nice strong painkillers but there’s only so much
that they can do when you’ve had a hole put in you. I trace the scratches on
her face again. “You wouldn’t have gotten these if it hadn’t been for me.”

“Nick, I didn’t know what the hell was going on. If
you hadn’t knocked me down I probably would have run straight into the line of
the cop’s fire.”

Fighting a shudder, I give her a twisted smile. Yeah,
I’m trying to forget that moment. Johnson must have spotted us escaping as he
had his men open fire on us from the deck. At which point, Detective Matthews
and his people decided to show up. Really, if it hadn’t been for them, we may
be dead, but we nearly got caught in the crossfire. After letting off a round,
the only way I could see us surviving was to hit the deck. Unfortunately Sienna
took the brunt of the fall. Christ, I’m lucky she didn’t break a rib or

“Stop it,” she says softly.


“Stop worrying and regretting. You did good, soldier.
We’re alive and the bad guy is going to end up in jail for a nice long time.
You can’t ask for more than that.”

She’s right of course. Once the cops searched the
tanker, they found enough weapons and incriminating evidence to put him away
for a long time, not to mention a plentiful supply of cocaine secreted away in
his warehouse. I can relax at last. Maybe now we’ll be able to move on and
actually focus on ourselves. I must admit I’m looking forward to it.

“I just wish you hadn’t gotten hurt. Wish I’d been
there to protect you.”

Sienna smiles gently and presses her palm to my cheek.
Sunlight streams in from the window behind her and the sterile hospital room
somehow makes her even more beautiful. Her auburn hair glows and even with
purple marks and red gashes on her face, she really does look like an angel.
It’s a good job I’m not on my deathbed or I’d be convinced I should head toward
the light.

“In a weird way, I’m grateful.”

I laugh. “Oh thanks.”

“Not that you got shot… but it did make me realize…”

“Realize what?”

“How much I love you. How much I’d be willing to put
up with for a life with you.”

“Oh really?” I arch a brow, waiting anxiously for
more. Yeah I need a little ego pandering. I’ve made some dumb fucking mistakes
but I’ll make up for them soon enough. For now, I want to hear all Sienna has
to say.

“You’re my hero, Nick.” She holds up a hand as I open
my mouth to protest. “Not just because you rescued me.” She laughs. “Well, actually,
yes because you rescued me. But not just because you rescued me from the bad
guys.” Her hand leaves my face and she twines them together on her lap. “But
because you rescued

I frown and bite back the ‘eh?’ on my tongue.

“I forgot who I was and you reminded me. I thought I
needed to be alone to find out who I was, to regain my strength and
independence, but I didn’t. I just needed you.”

My heart practically beats out of my chest at her
words. I think I’ve done it. Sienna is finally mine and there are no ghosts of
late husbands or best friends or bad guys to contend with.

“I need you too, short stuff. You’re my light, babe. I
need you more than you know.”

She grins and untwines her hands so she can recline
next to me. “Good.” Her lips brush along my cheek and an arm wraps around my
waist before she burrows her head into the crook of my neck.

I can’t do a lot with my damned shoulder but I savor
it, enjoy the fragrance of her and the soft tickle of her hair.

“I love you, Nick.”

I swear I’ll never get sick of those words. “I love
you too. I’ll be your hero whenever you want, Sienna.”

“Good,” she says again and I grin to myself.

Damn, I really wish I could high five myself now. I
smirk. Guess this hero finally did get the girl.




I pause to admire my handiwork in the bedroom and
swipe my hair back from my face. It’s not quite home yet, but it’s getting
there. The lemon yellow paint works perfectly with all the new wooden furniture
I’ve bought.

Something catches my eye out of the window and my
heart skips in my chest. I pull back the curtains and peer out.

A man in uniform.  

Resting the paint brush I’m holding on the can, I
swipe my hands down my paint-splattered jeans and draw in a breath. My hands
shake a little as I approach the front door. I pull it open before he gets
there and hold the air in my lungs for a moment. He glances up from under his
hat and I let the air out slowly in a hiss.

Amazing he can still make me feel like this really.
Nick gives me a lopsided grin, tucks his hat under his arm and strides quickly
to the front door. I jump on him so fast he barely has time to drop his bag on
the path. He scoops me up as I press a breathless kiss to his lips.

“I missed you,” I say between kisses.

Nick holds me close, almost squeezing the air from me
but I love it, the hard feel of him so warm and real.

“I missed you too.”

Arms looped around his neck, legs tangled round his
hips, I pull my head back so I can see him properly. “I didn’t think you’d be
back for another couple of days.”

“I pulled rank and called in a few favors.” He gives
me a wink and steps inside, still carrying me. “Christ, you’re getting heavy.”

I smack his arm playfully and he releases me so I can
slide down to my feet. “I am not heavy. I’m only twenty weeks!” I pat my
steadily growing stomach.

Nick’s eyes grow soft as he studies me and he hooks a
hand under my hair to pull me in for a fierce kiss. The heat and taste of him
makes my knees instantly buckle. I don’t how the man does it, but even after
two years of marriage, just a look from him turns me to mush. And a kiss...?
Well, I’m putty in his hands.

The warmth of his palm comes to rest over my stomach.
“How are you feeling?”

“Good. Still a little sick in the mornings but nothing
I can’t handle.”

He brushes a thumb across my cheek and pauses to
observe it. I giggle when I see the paint on it.

“Been busy I see.”

“Just a little painting.” I shrug as he releases me to
grab his hat and bag from outside.

Shutting the door, he opens his arms and draws me into
his embrace once more. I inhale the earthy scent of him. He’s been on maneuvers
for two weeks and probably hasn’t washed much but I can’t bring myself to care.
It feels so good to have him back.

“God, I missed you, babe,” he murmurs into my hair.

“I missed you too. But I’ve kept myself occupied.”

“I can tell. You going to show me what you’ve been up

I nod, grin, and lead him into the little bedroom
where the baby is going to sleep. He stops to admire the stenciled teddy bears
and the splash of yellow that’s brightened up the house. It’s not ours—we’re
renting from the military again—but it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. If I’ve
got Nick, I’m home. It took me a while to figure that one out but now I’d move
anywhere, do anything, as long as I’ve got Nick.

“You’ve done an amazing job,” he says, admiration
clear in his voice while he rests an arm around my shoulders. “I hope you’re
not tiring yourself out.”

“I’m fine. I like being busy. I’d get bored

Nick thinks I’m all fragile and delicate now I’m
pregnant and though I have my moments, not working means I have far too much
time on my hands. Since we moved and discovered I was expecting, there was no
point in trying to find a new job so I’ve been at home a lot. I like it in a
way. It’s strange not to be always rushing around but I know I’ll have my hands
full soon enough so I’m making the most of it.

He strokes his hand over the wooden crib in one
corner. My mouth goes a little dry at the sight. It feels like so long since
I’ve had those fingers stroking me.

“You didn’t put this together yourself, did you?”

“No,” I tell him with a twisted grin. “Steph and Tracy
came over to help.”

He nods, clearly satisfied with my answer, and I grin.
That’s another thing that’s changed. I’ve actually made friends on this base.
I’ve put myself out there and got involved. And I don’t think I would have had
the confidence had it not been for knowing Nick was there behind me, supporting

“Come here, woman, and give me another kiss.”

I turn into his arms and press a teasing kiss to his
lips. He groans when I pull back.

“You need to eat and shower.”

“You’re a bully, Sienna.”

“I’m just trying to look after you!”

“You don’t need to look after me, short stuff. I’m
supposed to look after you.” A mischievous twinkle fills his eyes and he cups
my ass, presses me against him. I gasp as I feel the hardness there. “But… you
could come look after me in the shower. I think I need some looking after in

I pretend to consider this even though my body is
screaming to feel him inside me. “Oh, go on then.”

He shakes his head and laughs, scooping me into his
arms and carrying me to the bathroom. I can’t help but laugh too as he hastily
starts tearing off his uniform.

“Come on, woman.” He kicks off his boots and yanks
down his trousers. Frankly, I’m just enjoying the show. “It’s been two weeks
and I have thought of nothing but you every second. Get naked and get in this

“Yes, sir.”

He wrenches off the rest of his clothes, leaving them
in a messy pile and I roll my eyes with an exaggerated smile and tug off my
jeans and socks. Nick watches me from under his brow as he climbs in the
shower, his blue eyes intense and almost suffocating but in the most exciting
way. Tingles race over my body while I take in the sight of dark blond hair and
sculpted muscle. He flicks on the shower and I forget what I’m doing, my hands
lingering on the hem of my T-shirt. Rivulets of water darken the hair on his
legs and the slight scattering that trails down his stomach. He’s ready for me.
ready. And I ache just looking at him.

“Come on, short stuff. You’re killing me.”

Snapping my gaze up to his face, his twisted grin
sends a flutter of delight through me. Sometimes, I can’t believe this man is
mine. Sometimes, I can’t believe I nearly gave it all up. What would life have
been like if I hadn’t come to my senses? Miserable probably. Still living alone
in my small flat and working my butt off.

I remove my T-shirt and smooth my hands
self-consciously over my belly. It’s still only a little rounded but I’m sure
I’ve expanded more in the two weeks he’s been gone. Will he still find me sexy?

Then I lift my head again and his expression has
become intense. He rakes his hands through his hair which has grown a little
longer. I can’t wait to push my hands through it too. I peel off my underwear
and step in beside him. He splays his fingers across my stomach, an awe-struck
look on his face.

“You have gotten bigger…” he murmurs.


“You are one hot mama,” he tells me as he draws me
close under the spray. “How did I get so damned lucky?”

I shake my head. Water spills down me and I play my
fingers over his slick chest. “I’m definitely the lucky one.”

A warm, coarse hand cups my breast as the other
squeezes my rear. I sigh and practically melt into him. I touch the rough scar
tissue on his chest in wonder. I do that a lot. I can’t help it. I still feel
that pain—the agony of thinking I’d lost him—and, actually, I treasure it
because it reminds me how I nearly lost this. Nearly lost Nick. I will never
take him or what we have for granted. My marriage to Rob taught me many things,
but mostly it taught me how easy it is to get things wrong.

I chose the wrong man, took the wrong approach to
life. But never again. I still mess up but I’ll never get ‘us’ wrong. With Nick
behind me, he’s always there to catch me, just as I am with him. I finally feel
on an equal footing with him. I know he gets as much from me as I do from him
and that’s not something to take lightly. How many other people are lucky
enough to find what we have?

“I love you, Sienna.” He lifts me and I’m so ready for
him, it’s insane. My blood sings in anticipation and he moves against me,
teasing me with his hardness.

I cling tightly and rock with him. We lock gazes and
the love I see in his eyes takes my breath away. “My sexy soldier,” I whisper.
“I love you.”

Yes, once I chose the wrong soldier. But I got it
right this time. My best friend, my protector, my hero. He keeps me strong,
even when I’m alone because he’s given me back that confidence.  I feel
him in my heart, wherever he is, whatever he’s doing.  Never again will I
be lost, not with Nick by my side. Nick is so much more than just another
soldier to me.



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