Read Now and Forever Online

Authors: April King

Now and Forever (11 page)

Grace’s breathing escalated when his mouth smoothly glided over her firm breasts and settled hungrily on her pert nipple, which he teased mercilessly with his tongue. Expertly, he licked, nibbled and sucked on her sensitive flesh. Overcome with hot emotions, she squealed with delight through parted lips. Incredibly, the man made her salivate.

Little did she know, Tanner had more magical tricks up his

While his tongue wreaked havoc on her upper body, his powerful hand journeyed down her back with slow ease to her southern region. He groped her curvaceous rear end, pressing her even closer to him, wrapping her legs around his waist. The temperature in the bathroom rose to a sizzling degree. They each sweltered beneath the staggering heat emitted by their pulsating bodies.

Tanner was hell-bent on giving her extreme pleasure. Grace was desperate to receive all he was willing to offer her. Clearly, he intended to show the cherished woman writhing in his arms heaven.
And beyond.

His hand rolled over her thigh and between her legs, searching for her moist center. When he found her feminine treasure, his fingers entered her. Softness instantly surrounded them. His fingers slid and out of her repeatedly, causing a spasm to rip through her body. Eyes closed, she threw back her head in pure ecstasy. The feelings monopolizing and mesmerizing her were immaculate, extraordinary and unforgettable. She clung to Tanner as he made love to her with his fingers. Utter madness claimed her senses. He took her to a sensual place she didn’t know existed—mentally and physically. He released a deep groan. Grace’s response to his touch brought him maximum gratification. He knew she had reached the pinnacle of pleasure when she quaked uncontrollably and collapsed against him.




This woman is awesome, sexy and mine
, Tanner told himself. A tender smile touched his lips as he stared at his lady love. Both of them were comfortably naked on top of the satin sheets, which covered Grace’s bed. He inhaled deeply. A sweet and feminine scent filled his nostrils. Her smell was embedded in the sheets. She rested her head on his chest with a delicate hand tucked beneath her chin. A peaceful look masked her beautiful face as she quietly slept.

He bent his head and kissed her on the shoulder. Her skin was warm and soft. She looked, smelled and felt like an angel. Immediately, his head jerked back. Heat flowed through is limbs. A burning desire to ravish her body once more possessed him. He fought to subdue his impending erection. Tanner didn’t want to disturb his sleeping beauty.

Moments later, he lightly stroked her hair after putting his panther-like hormones in check.

Boy, he was a lucky man. The woman of his dreams had just given him a first-class, round-trip ticket to heaven…without intercourse. Not even in his wildest imagination could Tanner have fathomed he’d find a woman who possessed the power to stimulate his mind, body, heart and soul. Grace was addictive. Soon, he’d be an incurable feign for her love. Thankfully, he had been given the opportunity to meet this phenomenal woman. Sheila’s deceitful ways had led him straight to Grace’s doorstep. The former private investigator was his future bride and mother of his children.

Kisses sweet as cotton candy consumed his thoughts. Grace’s skill in that area was off the charts. The thrill he received from her hands was incomprehensible. By now, she must have known every muscle in his chest like the back of her hand. How many times had her tongue traveled over each ripple?
Too many to count.
But not nearly enough for Tanner.
If a court ever sentenced him to an eternity of being kissed, touched and loved by the irresistible beauty, it still wouldn’t be enough. Nothing was sufficient when it came to spending time with Grace. Every moment was precious.
His body craved the warm sensations generated by her touch. His lips thirsted to drink her kiss. His heart yearned to have her love bestowed upon him…forever.

Tanner stared at the ceiling, preparing to fantasize about Grace in a manner that would make a nun blush. However, he felt a feathery kiss on his muscular chest, which chills down his spine. He glanced down at Grace. She was wide awake. Their eyes met. Passion flared in his loins. Sweet agony crippled his senses.
Hot damn.
When did he become so weak?

“That was one hell of a bath,” Grace said softly.

He smiled. “Wait until you see me in the kitchen. I can really heat things up in there.”

“Naughty boy,” she said, tracing his lips with her fingertips.

“You have no idea. I can work every room in the house, or any other place you have in mind.” He winked.

He felt her body twitch. She was aroused, but tried to shield her condition from him by averting her eyes.
Too late.
Tanner knew he had gotten to her—gotten under her skin. The same way she had gotten to him. Slowly, he peeled away her layers. He wanted to expose her interior. She had depth. So his journey to her center would be deep. Her kisses revealed as much. He recalled how she had clung to him helplessly, desperately and wantonly in the bathtub. Her need for him ran deep.
Just as deep as he expected to sink his manhood inside her.
But that magical moment wouldn’t happen until she realized she was his queen and he was her king. Once she grasped the fact that they were made for each other, they would make love without mental or physical barriers, including condoms. After all, he didn’t want, need, or intend to be with another woman. Grace was all he needed. Everything he’d ever wished for, she possessed.

Yep, he was pretty doggoned lucky.

“You lied to me.” Grace’s words slammed into him like a fist.

He would never lie to her. Tanner lifted a golden
“How so?”

“When you broke into my house and my bathroom earlier, you told me you had come to give me what I wanted,” she said, pouting prettily.

Tanner wagged a finger in protest. “No. I said I had come to satisfy your needs. By the way, I didn’t hear any complaints.”

“Well, I thought you were going to…you know.” She lowered her timidly.

He grinned. “I fully intend to…you know. But I will give you all of me when you are ready to give me all of you. That’s a fair exchange.”

Grace sighed.

He slipped a finger beneath her chin and tilted her head in his direction. Their eyes met. “We are already unified. The future is filled with our children, grandchildren and beyond.
Plain and simple.”

She shot a perplexed and quizzical glare. “So you say.”

“So I know.”

Grace repositioned herself in his arms. An amalgamation of emotions raced across her face. He couldn’t read them. His thoughts wandered back the sultry kiss they shared in the bathtub. It had spoken volumes. He had tasted a combination of loneliness, desire, doubt and even a little bit of pain. A steely determination to squash those negative feelings claimed him. He wanted to supply her with the finer gifts life had to offer—joy, laughter, family, and romance.
Most importantly, true love.

And he loved her.

Who couldn’t love such a fascinating woman? Her strength, her beauty, her independence and her heart were pure gold. What kind of fool would consciously toss gold aside once he had it in the palm of his hand? From what he gathered by speaking with Ava, Grace’s ex-husband was the ultimate fool.
A big, blind and pitiful one at that.
Obviously, the man had crippled her esteem. That worthless bandit had stolen her ability to understand she was a priceless individual and fit only for a king who was worthy of her deepest and purest affection. What’s-his-face had been directly responsible for the wall around her
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out she wanted to protect herself from slithery snakes, who tried to pass themselves off as real men. Real men knew how to treat and appreciate a woman. Thankfully, she no longer had to deal with such low caliber creatures. Tanner was now in the picture and he would make damn certain no one ever hurt Grace again. Losers were a thing of her past. He, however, was all up and through her future. Like the air she breathed.

He stole a look at her. She stared straight ahead--eyes focused and unblinking. Something was on her mind. Good?
Honestly, he didn’t know. If he broke her train of thought, whatever was trapped in her mind would no longer matter. In a low, husky voice, he declared, “It’s time for you to receive your punishment for carelessly leaving your door unlocked. Any Tom, Dick, and Harry could’ve waltzed in here without your knowledge. And they may not have been so…nice.”

Grace flinched. All previous thoughts faded away. She lifted her head and brought it dangerously close to Tanner’s. Anger flashed in her eyes. Her cheeks inflated with air, which she released in an audible huff. “You’ve got some nerve, mister.” She poked his chest smartly with a finger and continued, “You broke…”

In the blink of an eye, she was flat on her back.
Too stunned to utter a single word.
Tanner planted a quick and firm kiss on her startled lips. Then, he hovered over her like an eagle, preparing to swoop down on its prey. But an eagle never had a prey as delectable as his. He warned, “I’m about to give you the tongue-lashing of your life.”

He grabbed her legs and flung them over his shoulders. He hoisted her waist halfway off the bed. Sheer delight tumbled his insides as Grace’s eyes widened once she realized the naughty punishment he had in mind.

Wordlessly, she mouthed, “Oh…my…god.”

His hungry mouth zoomed in on her feminine zone. Before he could taste it, a familiar scent greeted him, exploding his senses.
Grace’s scent.
He inhaled deeply. Fireworks went off in the pit of his stomach. A rock-solid erection threatened to send him over the edge, plunging deep inside Grace, riding her like a black stallion.

But his mouth had plans of its own. Coincidentally, at the same divine spot his manhood ached to visit.

Unable to resist any longer, his tongue pierced her feminine center. He felt Grace’s sanity instantly escape her. An awesome frenzy seized control of her body. Quaking wildly, she struggled to speak cohesively, but failed.
His name?
Between strangled cries, she clutched Tanner’s shoulder, arms and hair. She sought salvation and craved sweet release with every flick and lick of his skilled tongue.

Grace’s fountain overflowed with the sweetest liquid he’d ever tasted in his life. Greedily and liberally, he quenched his thirst with her nectar. He couldn’t get enough. He was lost. She lost. Together, they’d be found.

“Tanner, don’t stop!”

Music to his ears.
An ear-shifting, toe-curling eruption ripped through her body. Waves of pleasure pulled her under and pushed her over the top. After shaking and shivering for what seemed an eternity, her body went stiff and crashed on to the bed.
Breathing hard.

“Oh…my…god,” Grace said, clearly and audibly.

A delicious sensation cooled Tanner’s heated body like a gust of wind. Floating on air, he smiled. Because of Grace and her ability to ignite his fiery passion, he soared like a kite, a bird, a plane. With a heavy-lidded and hazy gaze, he stared at Grace. And he couldn’t help but think that he was hooked on her love.
For a lifetime.

Chapter 7


stepped into Tanner’s office.

Early morning sunshine poured through a window. Bright rays bounced off the walls, while he sat behind a desk with a phone against his car and his brows furrowed. With a finger, he signaled for
to wait a minute.

“Bud, you’ve got exactly thirty minutes to get your butt to my office, or else…” He hung up the phone forcefully.

“How is Bud?”
asked, placing a small white paper cup on his desk.

“Stubborn as a mule,” he said, raking his fingers through his sable curls. “Speaking of stubborn, what are
doing here?”

tossed her sleek golden hair over one shoulder. “First of all, I brought you breakfast. I figured you would be rushed this morning and would neglect to eat anything since you didn’t spend the night at home. There’s blueberry muffins—your favorite—and black coffee.”

“That’s mighty thoughtful of you, Sis,” he said, blandly.

smiled. “I think so.”

He opened the bag and removed a muffin. His white teeth sank into it. He chewed and swallowed the food. “Mama’s tastes better.”

“Duh,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Mama is the best cook all around. I just wanted to make sure you put some food in your belly this morning. Boy, sometimes you can be so ungrateful.”

Tanner sipped his coffee and placed it on desk. He stared at
, suspiciously. He asked, “How did you know I didn’t spend the night at my house?”

She returned his look. “I went by there. I wanted to know if you would be attending the fashion show.”

“Really?” he said, lifting a brow. “And you couldn’t ask me over the phone?”

shrugged. “I guess. But since I won’t be in town much longer, I wanted to spend some time with you.”

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