Read Now and Forever Online

Authors: April King

Now and Forever (20 page)

Maybe I should borrow a page from your fashion savvy book by wearing clothes so bright people think I’m a human neon sign. I could only imagine all the winners I’d snag.

“For your information, Grace has the most amazing man head-over-heels in love with her,” Ava said, breezing into the kitchen toting a grocery bag in each hand. She appeared calm and nonplussed by Deidre’s presence. Her jaw was set with determination. Her feathers wouldn’t be ruffled easily.

Grace was another story.

Deidre grabbed the bags from Ava ungraciously. Not missing a beat, she said, “If he’s so in love with her, why did she spend the night with you, instead of him?”

Darn it.

Grace and Ava swapped glances, knowing Deidre had made a valid point. However, Grace didn’t intend to provide her mother with the sordid details about what had taken place last night. It was the kind of perfect ammunition the woman would use in the future to shoot her down.

Ava shattered the uncomfortable silence that had fallen over the room. “Because of circumstances beyond their control, they’re going through a trying time. But they’ll get back on track very soon.

Deidre snorted. “Well, Grace isn’t getting any younger. I’ve almost given up hope on having grandbabies to spoil.” She put food away in the fridge. “Grace needs to stop pining away for some man who seems to have baggage. There’s plenty of fish in the sea and she should get off her big fanny and catch one.”

I’m still in the room
, Grace wanted to say. But she remained silent and absorbed her mother’s words. Though she hated to admit it, Deidre was right. Tanner wasn’t the only man in the world. So what if he made her weak in the knees? And had those killer bedroom eyes that pierced her to the core and melted her resolve weren’t the only ones around. Certainly, if she looked hard enough and long enough, Mr. Right would land in her lap, or she would land in his.

From this moment on, she’d get a new lease on life and a new attitude. Tanner was just a dream—too good to be true.

For once, she would take her mother’s advice. However, her “big fanny” comment just caused her to lose out on a Mother’s Day call.




“Are you ready to order?” the pretty waitress asked, radiating youth and cheer.

Grace smiled. “No. I prefer to wait until my date arrives.”

“Okay,” the waitress said. With a spring in her step, she bounced over to another table.


The mere idea set off the tiniest of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. A sweet anticipation swept through her. She was meeting Roger McCoy, a corporate attorney, for dinner. She saw his profile on a local dating website and decided to contact him after her mother left. Of course, Ava thought it was a bad idea. Unlike Grace, she was steadfast in her belief that Tanner was the only man for her. She expected Grace to sit around, twiddling her thumbs, hoping he could fix his baby mama drama.

She wasn’t getting any younger.

There was no guarantee Tanner would be a part of her future. Sheila was proof he had options. He didn’t have to fear getting over the hill, withering away into a bleak and lonely existence. Someone would always want him. As she aged, her options dwindled, which was the main reason she bought the little red dress she had seen at
fashion show and strappy shoes to match. She intended to put her best face forward. Roger needed to see her as a desirable woman. Not for his sake, but hers.

Earlier, when they had spoken on the phone for thirty minutes, she gathered they would really hit it off. He’s a single man, who enjoys jazz, black and white movies, reading, long walks in the park and seafood. His voice was pleasant. While he hadn’t sent her pulse racing wildly, the brother absolutely ranked high on her likeability scale. Like her, Roger was a newbie to the whole online dating scene. Not being able to find a compatible mate elsewhere had pushed him onto the internet. He had been really thrilled about meeting her in person.

Grace blushed.

A date might turn out to be a rewarding experience for them both. Who knew?

Snatching a glance at her watch, she noted Roger would appear at any minute. He struck her as the punctual type. In order to get her nerves in check and get a feel for the restaurant, Grace had arrived fifteen minutes early. Mallory’s was the perfect place for a date. The fireplace and dim lights created an intimate atmosphere. It seemed to encourage tender touches on the hand, soft gazes and whispered words.

Killing a few seconds, she applied more gloss to her lips. As soon as she returned the beauty product to a compartment in her purse, a distinct scent filled her nose. Lifting her head, she was greeted with a dozen long-stemmed red roses, which were inches away from her face.

She took the flowers and sniffed. The intoxicating fragrance exhilarated her. “These are beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.”

Her body stiffened. Tight knots formed in her stomach. A tidal wave of emotions washed over her. Pleasure and pain battled for control. Slowly, her eyes travelled to the delectable mouth of the handsome man with the deep, sexy voice that drove her crazy. In her mind, he was nothing but trouble. To her heart, he was heaven and beyond. Dressed in a deep brown shirt and matching slacks, he sent balls of fire rolling under her skin.

What was the captain of her fantasies doing here?





At the sight of her, his heart swelled. She took his breath away. A thousand doors of desire unlocked within him. He had no idea it was possible for her to grow more beautiful with each passing day. Her ebony eyes reflected the incandescent lights of the room. He gazed at her latest hair style appreciatively. Silky waves were swept away from her face and pulled to one side. Embracing her body in a manner that accentuated her assets, the red dress she wore complimented her skin tone. Thunderbolts of lightning flashed in his mind. Grace looked too damned appetizing for her own good. How could his thoughts not linger on matters of a sexual nature? She was more mouth-watering than any dish Mallory’s served.

Mega-watts of envy charged through him, remembering she had gotten all dolled up in a sexy outfit for another man’s benefit. She was trying to move forward with her life and forget about him and the pain he had caused her. Hurt fractured him.

When Ava had called to give him the grim news, he had been playing a rousing game of peek-a-boo with Ariel. “Fight for the woman you love,” she’d advised. Her voice had dripped with urgency, “This may be your last chance.”

Comprehension had hit like a fist to his gut. That hard blow had rocked his senses. His mind had staggered. He’d clenched his fists, muttering an oath under his breath so Ariel’s delicate ears wouldn’t hear. Being brutally honest with himself, he realized he had not considered Grace’s feelings. She was a vivacious and passionate and fascinating woman.
One of a kind to be exact.
She had so much love to give. Although he’d only had a taste, he knew making love to her would be an unforgettable experience. Selfishly, he’d wanted to have that pleasure for himself. But why would save her love for him when she could easily find a man with less… drama?

As he had berated himself mercilessly, Ariel wrapped her tiny hands around his index finger. His heart gave a little twitch. The bundle of energy had sat subdued in his arms, feeding off of his somber mood. For the past few days, she’d kept him company. Not one moment of trouble had she been. She’d opened his eyes to the joys of fatherhood and had even shared her favorite stuffed animal with him. Her worth surpassed many levels.

He felt safe seeking her advice. “What
think Chipmunk? Should I go after Grace?”

Ariel’s cheeks had inflated with air. She had flashed Tanner a toothy grin that swelled his heart, bobbing her head.

“That settles it, then.” He had tickled her stomach and she squealed gleefully. Before he had left for the restaurant, Zelda had arrived to baby-sit.

“Hello, Grace,” he said, taking a seat at the table.

Grace fidgeted with the petals of a rose. She forced herself to make eye contact with him. Their gazes clashed. Her unease floated across the table. The confidence she’d had before he approached her was gone. Clearly, she had been excited to meet that Roger guy.

“How did you know I’d be here?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

Oh, boy
. Ava had told him Grace’s plans in confidence. He didn’t want to snitch. However, he didn’t want to lie to Grace. So he made the lamest comment of his life. “A little bird told me.”

Grace’s brows snapped together. “Ava.
That traitor.”

Tanner choked back a smile, neither confirming, nor denying her suspicions. He didn’t dare show any sign of amusement, especially given Grace was on edge. Knee deep in the brown stuff for imposing on her dinner date, he handled the situation like a porcelain teacup. In her fragile condition, one wrong move could splinter the moment and send her sprinting out the door…and his life.

Straightening her back, Grace grew taller before his eyes. Undeniably, his sudden presence rattled her. Knowledge of Ava’s “betrayal” added fuel to the fire. Whacking him with an iron gaze, “You know I’m supposed to meet a great guy for dinner.”

Of course
Ava had been very thorough with the details of the engagement. Right down to the man’s identity. Without flinching, he said, “Yes. In fact, Roger and I had cordial conversation in the parking lot. Basically, I let him know you are the woman I intend to marry.”

Grace’s jaw dropped.

Tanner remained nonchalant, coming across as a man who hadn’t stepped over any boundaries.
Partly due to Roger’s cooperation in his quest to win Grace back. The man stood a few inches shorter than him and sported a low hair cut. He was polished from head to toe. A conservative personality matched his attire. It had been plain to see, he had his stuff together. Easy-going and level-headed, Roger had not hindered Tanner from keeping their conversation brief and civil. Under different circumstances, the two of them could have been friends. “You were right on the money. Roger
a great guy.”

“Unbelievable,” she huffed, tossing the flowers on the table. Ridged lines creased her forehead. Flames blazed in her ebony pools. “Did you also mention Sheila and your

He shrugged. “Too much information,” he said. “And I haven’t the faintest idea where Sheila is now.”

“Huh?” The squiggly lines on her forehead flattened slightly.

“Sheila and I can’t live under one roof. This morning I gave her a lump sum of money to tide her over, until she finds a job, or a sugar daddy. Immediately, she left to run an errand, but never returned. My calls to her cell phone went straight to voice mail. And she hasn’t phoned to check on Ariel.”

Grace raised her brows. “She…she abandoned her baby?”


Her features softened drastically. Pity and sadness perched in her eyes. A flurry of unasked questions flitted across her face. Her entire disposition changed. He felt the cold distance between them close. Warmth emitted when she met his gaze. Tension faded away. He sensed her heart opening. She reached across the table and placed her hand on top of his. “I’m sorry.”

Her soft hands were so soft, just as he remembered. Heat emanated from her touch and sparks of tender flames traipsed down his spine, spiraling to his lower half. Longing for her oozed through him like lava down a volcano. Oh, how he had missed the feel of her skin. He had memorized every nook and cranny of her body. The texture and the shape of her physique came alive in his dreams at night. Never before had he been so aware of a woman. Her touch, her scent, her taste were elixirs he wanted to consume daily. One drop of her love had him hooked. However, it was more than magic pulling them together. A concrete force controlled their fates and made them slaves to its wishes. In his mind, this truth was as visible as the sun in the sky. Grace’s vision was impaired. Real love stared her in the face, but she couldn’t see beyond the heartache her ex-husband had caused her. But Tanner had the cure for all her ailments. Soon she would be healed. He was determined to make certain her days were filled with sunshine. “Thanks.”

“What kind of woman does such a thing?” she said, searching her mind for clarity.

“A woman I don’t want to be in a relationship with,” he said.

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