Oak, Sophie - Siren Beloved [Texas Sirens 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (21 page)

She frowned. “Don’t you dare. This isn’t a game, Lucas. I want this. I want this life with you. I want to submit to you. You better take me up on this, babe. I seriously doubt I’ll be compliant anywhere but the bedroom, or barn, or wherever you happen to tie me up.”

Just one of the reasons he loved her. He kissed her, letting his tongue have its way. He wouldn’t have wanted her as badly if she hadn’t been difficult. She was smart and funny and creative. She was his.

Lucas kissed his way down her body. He loved her touch, her sweet scent, the taste of her skin. He nipped at her breasts and tongued her navel. By the time he made his way to her plump pussy, she was writhing.

“Lucas, do it now.” Lexi didn’t sound terribly submissive.

He chuckled against her flesh. Her clit was poking out of its hood, practically begging him. “I like to take my time, baby. You know I never rush things.”

Not anymore. He used to rush things, but he’d learned the power of patience.

“You’re going to kill me, Lucas.”

Lucas breathed in her arousal and took a long, slow swipe. She tasted sweet and savory all at once. She was a treat, and he indulged in her. He licked and sucked, spearing his tongue into her cunt, imitating what his cock was going to do. He pulled her labia gently apart so he didn’t miss an inch. He traced a line from just below her clit all the way to that tight asshole he intended to fuck one day. He licked her there, and Lexi squirmed.

“You stop, Lexi,” Aidan commanded. “You behave or I’ll spank you, and Lucas will have to start all over again.”

“Please,” Lexi cried. “Please don’t stop.”

That was where Lucas wanted her. He wanted her begging for his cock, because Lexi begging meant something. She wouldn’t beg for just an orgasm. She had to be involved soul deep to truly submit.

Aidan’s voice softened, but only a little. “Then calm down and let Lucas have his way.”

Lexi stilled, though her pussy was weeping and clenching. Lucas looked up, and Aidan was staring as he stroked Lexi’s hair. A look of longing crossed his face as he watched Lucas lavish affection on Lexi.

How long was he going to pretend with Aidan? It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since Aidan had walked back into their lives, but Lucas was ready to throw his stupid heart at the man. How long before he gave up? Lucas had been offering his heart since he was a kid, and only Lexi had ever stayed. How many times did he need to get his heart stomped on?

“Come down here, Sir. Help me send her to heaven.”

Aidan was beside him in a heartbeat, his head leaning over. Aidan touched their foreheads together, the contact sweet and gracious.

How many times would he try? Lucas would try until he had what he and Lexi needed. Lucas understood why Aidan ran. He’d been afraid. Accepting oneself was hard and frightening when it meant giving up so much. Aidan had been afraid of losing his family, his community. He was back, and he wasn’t afraid anymore. Now Lexi was the one who was afraid.

Lucas bent down and lapped at her pussy, Aidan’s head joining him. Their tongues played in the heated pool of her cunt. Every now and then they would slide together, exchanging her taste. Lucas’s cock was begging, but he had a point to prove.

Aidan speared his tongue into her cunt, and Lucas finally gave in to her little cries. He sucked her clit between his teeth, and Lexi screamed.

Aidan lapped, his tongue licking up all that cream. Lucas was done being patient. He fished into his jeans and pulled out the condom he’d put in there when he’d dressed. Lucas watched Aidan rubbing his nose in Lexi’s pussy as he kicked off his boots and jeans. His cock bobbed up and down. It was so hard it was painful, but relief lay there on that hard rack. She was glorious with her hands tied, her body helpless against their assault. Lucas rolled the condom over his dick and prayed he lasted more than a stroke or two.

“Get up, Aidan.”

Aidan’s head came up, and Lucas watched the Dom in Aidan threaten to take charge. Aidan’s whole body tensed, and an icy glare came over his dark eyes.

Lucas didn’t have time for a fight. “Spank me later, Sir. I’m going to fuck her now.”

The Dom fled, Aidan’s expression softening. He hopped off the table and kissed Lucas gently. “All right. Thank you, Lucas.”

Lucas hugged his partner, because he couldn’t think of Aidan as anything less. He would have to find a way to convince Lexi to forgive Aidan and leave the past behind. His cock bobbed against Aidan’s. Oh, he wanted that, too. He wanted to fuck Lexi while Aidan screwed his ass. He wanted it all.

But now he needed Lexi.

He climbed onto the table and spread her wide.

“Oh, Lucas,” she whispered. “I love you, Lucas.”

Tears pricked at the back of his eyes because he’d waited so long to hear those words. “Forever, baby.”

He lined his cock up and started to thrust.

“God, Lexi, you’re so tight. So fucking tight.” Lucas heard himself groan. She clenched around him. She felt so good. His balls were already drawing up. He pressed forward.

“I’ve only had one lover, Lucas. I’ll only have two in my life, I swear.” Those dark blue eyes were filled with tears.

He’d had so many he couldn’t count them, but she’d had Aidan, and now him. It was a gift. He pressed forward, but he was in control now. He had to make it good for Lexi. Lucas leaned down and kissed her, savoring their connection, mind, body, soul. She was a part of him. The best part.

“You’ll never regret it,” Lucas promised.

He worked his way in. She hadn’t had a lover since Aidan, and that was years before. Since then, Lucas had been her intimate connection, and he’d been careful. He’d used a vibe on her, but he was bigger than the one he’d bought for her. He pressed in until he was finally all the way in his love.

Lucas felt a hand on his back. Aidan. He smiled at the joy in his heart. They weren’t home yet, but they were together.

Lucas pulled back and plunged in. He thrust into Lexi, over and over. The feel of being inside her was overwhelming. Lucas ground his pelvis against hers as he pushed up. He might have had an enormous amount of meaningless sex with men and women, but it had taught him how to please a lover. It was all worth it if it brought Lexi joy. He pushed his cock deep as he ground against her clit, and Lexi’s whole body tensed and shuddered.

“Oh, Lucas!” She shouted his name over and over.

And he was gone. She tensed around his cock, squeezing him tight and his balls shot off. Pleasure coursed through his veins as he gave up his cum.

“Fuck.” Aidan was beside him. Aidan’s cock strained, and his hand stroked helplessly.

Lucas moaned as he continued to thrust, wanting to get out every last drop. But he wanted something more, too. “Shoot it on her breasts. I want to see you come.”

“Give it to me, Aidan,” Lexi said, her voice a throaty groan. “You know you can get it back up. I want you both. One in my ass. One in my pussy.”

“Oh, god.” Aidan’s hand pumped up and down his huge cock. Lucas kept up his connection with Lexi, stroking into her as he came down. She shuddered every time he hit her clit. Aidan’s cock throbbed in his hands. It was huge and thick. Aidan pumped, cream pulsing from the slit. Lucas remembered what he tasted like. Salty and masculine. He’d loved deep-throating that cock.

Aidan’s head fell back, and he jetted cum on Lexi’s round breasts. Lexi’s eyes watched that cock as it gave up its cream. She was coated in it, her nipples covered in pearly fluid.

Lucas felt his cock swell again. Lexi just might get her wish.

Aidan pumped his cock for the longest time. His head fell forward, and he panted for breath.

Lucas slipped out of Lexi’s pussy. He leaned down, pressing his chest to hers. He loved the fact that Aidan’s cum was slick between them. He kissed her, a deep sense of satisfaction and belonging coursing through his system.

“I love you, baby. You won’t get me off you now.”

She grinned against his lips. “Never.”

Lucas turned to smile up at Aidan, but he was staring at the door, his eyes widening.

“What the hell is this?” a feminine voice shouted as the light of day spilled into the playroom.

The blonde from last night stood in the doorway, her mouth open in horror. But that wasn’t the worst of it. She’d brought a friend or two. Lucas quickly cupped himself and dove for his pants.

“Is that who I think it is?” Lexi asked, trying to crane her head around.

Lucas looked at his Dom. He couldn’t help but laugh a little. His Dom was in some serious trouble.

“Alexis Ann Moore. What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” Abigail Barnes asked.

Lexi flushed a pretty red. “Hi, Mom.”

Chapter Eleven

Aidan was pretty sure that if looks could kill, he would be dead six ways from Sunday. Aidan had faced down some rough motherfuckers in his life, but he would rather be back in Iraq than standing in front of Abigail Barnes. Unfortunately, she was currently pacing in his living room.

Aidan scrubbed his hair with his hand as he looked into the living room from the kitchen. He knew what Lexi’s mom was seeing, a weathered house in need of money and attention, neither of which he had a great deal to spare. His father had damn near run the ranch into the ground with his stubborn refusal to try anything new. Jack Barnes had offered Aidan a way to keep the ranch that had been in his family for four generations, but it wouldn’t start to pay for a while. Abby wasn’t his biggest fan, and seeing the home he could offer her daughter hadn’t helped.

While Abby Barnes paced, Sam Fleetwood sat on Aidan’s easy chair with a sleeping toddler on his chest. Jack Barnes stared a hole through his wife from the worn-out couch. It was obvious there was some dissension amongst the Barnes-Fleetwood clan.

At least Aidan was clean now. And dressed. Somehow he figured Abby seeing the other thing he could offer her daughter hadn’t helped her opinion of him, either.

“Mrs. Barnes,” Aidan began, wishing like hell that Lucas and Lexi had finished cleaning up first. But nope, they had retreated into the master bedroom and hadn’t shown up again. He’d been forced to shower in the tiny guest bathroom, shut out once again. “Can I offer you a drink?”

Hazel eyes turned to him, narrowed in irritation. “You can explain to me what sort of game you’re playing with my daughter, and don’t you even try to give me the ‘we’re just playing at D/s’ explanation. You were engaged to her. You can’t just waltz back into her life and experiment on her.”

“It’s not a game, Mrs. Barnes,” Aidan replied. “It’s serious.”

“It can’t be too serious since you have a fiancée.”

Aidan had to stop himself from putting his fist through a wall. He was going to have to deal with Karen. “I do not have a fiancée. I haven’t touched that woman in years, since long before I met Lexi.”

Sam perked up. “I told you she had that crazy-stalker-thing going on. I know all about it, brother. One day I’ll tell you all about Melissa Paul.”

“This is different, Sam,” Abby insisted.

“Really? How?” Jack asked, his mouth a flat line.

“It’s different because this is my daughter. You stay out of it, too. You’ve done enough damage, Jack.”

A single eyebrow arched up. “Sam, that’s another five.”

Sam closed his eyes and patted the toddler’s back, rocking in the easy chair. “I gave up writing down her punishments back in Waco. Let’s just understand it’s going to be a weekend project.”

Jack stood. “I’m sorry, Aidan. I sat her down and explained what was going on, but she’s being entirely unreasonable. I couldn’t stop her from coming out here.”

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