Authors: Toye Lawson Brown


“Mi coranzon, a man knows when his woman is being yearned
for by another man,” he said lifting an eyebrow.

She smiled shyly. “I enjoy hearing you saying I’m your

“Yes, amor, and he’d better realize that once the reality
of it sinks fully into his head.”

“He does.  What he said to me ended our twenty-year
friendship for good.”

He sat in the oversized leather chair watching as Taylor
crossed the room to sit across the desk from him in one of the black
cherry-wood winged-backed chairs.  He tapped the tips of his fingers together.

Taylor smoothed her skirt over her crossed knee. “What is
on your mind?”

“You are hurting.  Taylor, my plan, was not for you to
end your friendship with Dillon.”

She held off the rush of tears building to spill from her
eyes. “That was not my intention either.  He ended everything between us.  He
said I will be one less person for him to worry about.”

“I don’t want to overstep my bounds and make trouble
since we’ve made up, but what happened at breakfast?”

“Breakfast was a disaster.  Dillon and Kelly were
fighting.  I didn’t want to be in the middle of it so I left.  Good enough
answer for you?”

“Not quiet sufficient enough.  How did you get home?”

“I had a choice to walk or call Sabrina since you left me
stranded.  I didn’t have the energy to walk and I knew Sabrina wasn’t out of
bed that early in the morning.  Thankfully my neighbor was shopping in the area
and offered me a ride home.”

Mario sat back in the chair rocking back and forth with
his index finger and thumb perched on his face. “I see and I’m sorry I left you
there.  I had no idea would be a disaster.  So Dillon took the news of us
dating badly and tried to debase you in the process.”

Taylor removed the hairpins holding her French roll
together, from her hair.  Shaking her head, her hair tumbled around her
shoulders. “He was upset we hid it.  He’ll get over it and make Kelly the
center of his world now.”

“No he won’t, Taylor.  He is playing the
‘I’m okay
with it’
game because he is pissed off.”

“He’s been pissed off for the last eight months, Mario. 
On top of that, he believes you are in charge and I am doing what you tell me
to do.  He called you a testosterone-filled bully.”

He laughed aloud. “If you ask me, he could use a little
testosterone.  He might not be in the position he’s in if he had the balls to
stand up for himself.”

“Dillon is really a sweet person.  He has a tendency to
let the smallest problems turn him into a nervous wreck.  When Kelly accused
him of having an affair at breakfast, He almost died on the spot.  She said it
right in front of me to get him riled.  All hell broke loose after that.”

The chair squeaked as his body weight shifted. “His
office is two doors over.  I hear him on the phone with his beloved and there
are times he doesn’t act like a man in love.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Couples argue, Mario.  We
just had a major blow up over nothing.”

“It was for something—your friend putting his nose when
it doesn’t belong.”

“Oh God,” Taylor groaned.

“I’m not going to hamper on it anymore.  All I know is if
you had been pregnant with my baby, and miscarried, I would not talk to you the
way he talks to Kelly.  I would ease all your fears and let you know I am there
for you.”

Taylor ran her hand through her hair pulling the longs
tangles free. Licking her lips she said, “Funny that you mentioned that. Kelly
was rather emotional and condescending of him. I was surprised she spilled her
guts to me.  If she believes I am messing around with Dillon, why would she ask
me to be bridesmaid?  What is her motive?”

“There is something seriously wrong in their relationship
and it centers on you.”

“Mario, how? I only know Kelly by way of Dillon.  I made
sure she was included in whatever we did together.”

“If Dillon didn’t start acting iffy until you came around
again, she senses the attraction he has for you.  She needs to have you close
to keep an eye on you.”

“Baby, does he talk about the
good ole days you two
when Kelly is around?”

“Yes he does and I hate that.  He makes it sound as if we
were joined together at the hip in school.  I had my friends and he had his. We
rarely hung together in school.”

“He is not happy, and she is not happy.  Combine that
with his being unhappy about me being with you.  I only see more trouble
brewing for the both of them and you being part of it.”

She winced rolling her eyes upward. “Baby, I don’t even
want to think about that.  What can I do to convince her I don’t want to take
Dillon from her?”

“Talk to Kelly.  You have to get her to listen to you.”

“Then Dillon will be upset with me because he wants to
end his relationship with her and will think I am trying to keep them

“If you are friends with other family members of his, you
might want to contact them.  It is something wrong with Dillon.  I don’t know
the guy but he is hiding something and acting irrationally.”

“I’ve noticed that but what would I say to them, Mario? 
I’m supposed to inform them their son may be suicidal and should be on 24-hour
watch.  They will want something to go on and I have nothing to give them. 
Hell, I’m sure they know Kelly and have been around her longer than me.”

“You have a point.”  He leaned forward in his chair. 
“Have you noticed he does not speak to me unless you are present?”

“My office is on the other side of the floor.  He
seriously never stops to talk.  Not even work related exchanges?”

He shook his head. “We do not speak at all.  When I speak
he chooses to ignore me.”

A shiver rippled over her.  She rubbed her arms to warm
herself.  “I had no idea he was shunning you professionally.”

Mario’s sultry black eyes penetrated hers. “I’m a big boy
with thick skin so his silence doesn’t bother me.  He will lose his mind
conjuring different schemes to break us apart.”

Taylor tore her eyes away from him and got up from the
chair to pace the perimeter of the office.  The lower C- or B-offices were not
luxurious or posh as the attorneys with A-offices who had the choice to
decorate to their liking.

Mario chose to have his office decorated in dark cherry
wood, with leather chairs and beige carpeting.  The walls, decorated with
framed photos of Puerto Rican landmarks hung next to the many diplomas, and
countless accolades highlighting his distinguished law career.  At forty years
of age, he had made it to the top of his field and strived to go higher.

Taylor stood at the window.  The lowering sunshine
skipped across the greenish-blue water casting a calm and peaceful scene. 
Mario came up behind her kissing her neck.  Her head tilted to give him better
access.  His large hands moved down the length of her arms sending tingles down
her spine.

His accent dominated when he spoke. “Do you see yourself
being happy with me?”

She closed her eyes.  Mario was the most exciting and
masculine man she’d ever met in her life.  The sparks flew between them the
moment they set eyes upon one another in the elevator.  The way he romanced her
with kisses that levitated her from the floor set her heart aflutter.  And once
they had finally consummated their relationship, her stupidity had almost
ripped him away from her forever.

She turned around placing his head between her hands to
caress his handsome face.  Taylor James for the first time in her life realized
she could commit to loving a man. 

“I see myself very happy with you.  One day I want to
fall madly in love with you.”

“Then let’s tell everyone the truth.  I want everything
out in the open.  Your family knows we are together.  Our friends and
colleagues should also know.”

Her thumbs caressed his high-cheekbones. “If you are
sure, then we should do it.  You should be aware we might get canned.”

“So what; it will give us time to work on our dream. 
Taylor, I’m tired of attending dinner parties with women I have no interest in
dating.  I want to be with you.  I want to take you to the Mayor’s ball.”

 She peppered light kisses upon his delicious lips. “I
want the same, Mario.  I’m tired of being the pathetic third-wheel and showing
up alone or with men I have no interest in dating.”

The scent of her perfume made him moan close to her ear.
“I want to marry you and have babies.”

She raised a shapely arched eyebrow. “Not tonight,

 “Not tonight but maybe tomorrow,” he said.

Kissing her deeply, he picked her up and carried her to
the sofa and sitting next to her.  Taylor lay back allowing him to pull her
blouse from the waist of her skirt pushing it up to admire the lacy black bra
underneath.  Lowering his head, he kissed the swells of her full breasts and
used his thumbs to caress her nipples, bringing them alive.

Taylor chest heaved upward.  Her fingers weaved through
his silky black hair urging him to feast on her taut, but sore nipple. When his
lips closed around her nipple, she gasped.  The wetness spreading through her
loins happened each time he came close to her.  She let his hand on her thigh
crawl under her skirt.  Her legs slackened giving him the freedom he needed to

His fingers hooked the rim of her pantyhose and underwear
and tugged them down enough to slide his hand inside to feel her bare skin. 
The warm moisture greeting his fingers was one he had grown familiar with and
loved to taste on his lips.  Finding her spot he began a sensual teasing with
his finger while gently sucking her nipple.

Taylor’s body squirmed on the sofa.  The heels from her
shoes caught the fabric of her nylons, ripping them as she erupted in an orgasm. 
Mario released her nipple from his mouth to kiss her lips as her body settled. 

“Did you enjoy the pleasure?” He asked licking his
fingers dripping with her essence.

Taylor could barely speak but caressed the bulge
stretching against the zipper of his pants. “We should go to my place to
continue this.”

Smiling, Mario covered her breasts with his hands
massaging the soft flesh. “I would love too, but I want you.  Now.”

The waves of ecstasy rumbled through her at the notion of
them making love in his office.  Mario was Latino folklore.  Once they got
started it was a marathon until both collapsed.

She moved him out of the way to tug off the torn
pantyhose.  Kicking off her heels, she balled the material in her hand tossing
it across the room.  “Do as you please counselor.”  She lay back on the sofa
spreading her arms open.

He removed his tie from round his neck and unbuttoned his
shirt. “You are a bad influence on me.”

Her eyes twinkled when she winked. “Mr. Infante, you are
definitely a bad influence on me, and have been since the day I met you.  I
would not be brave enough to ever have sex in my office but you are enticing me
and I’m doing it.”

He took her fingers and placed them on his lips letting
his tongue trace each one seductively.  “To be honest, I would not either.  We
are wasting time talking,” he said lowering his body on top of hers.  Gliding
his hand down her neck, kissing and lingering on the spot between her neck and
shoulder, Taylor shuddered.

He moaned as she rolled her hips against him and placed
her hand on his growing member, squeezing gently to release weightier moans
from deep inside him. 

Done teasing him, she rolled the tip of her tongue across
his earlobe whispering, “Make love to me.”

He lifted his head from her shoulder saying, “Mi placer.”


Dillon entered his office closing the door gently.  He
didn’t want to alert the couple having sex he was still in the office.  He sat
behind his desk closing his eyes imaging himself with Taylor.  He was just as
skilled as Mario Infante when it came to lovemaking.

Crossing his arm over his forehead, he could hear the
faint thumping coming through the thin walls.  The reality hitting him Taylor
was making love to Mario gave him an upset stomach.  It was too much for him to
bear knowing Mario was getting what should rightfully be his.

He sat up in the chair up abruptly swiping papers and
supplies on his desk onto the floor. The gold picture frame of him and Kelly
was included.  His respirations rocked hard and rapid as he got up to pace his

Dillon’s office was basic.  He chose not to decorate the
stark white walls or order any particular style of furniture.  Kelly took it
upon herself to hang colorful drapes to add contrast to the bland walls, but he
refused to let her style or have the tables flooded with pictures of them
smiling and pretending to be the happy couple the firm forced married attorneys
to portray. 

He hated the idea of being married to any woman other
than Taylor.  The day Kelly told him about the pregnancy, he knew she plotted
it on purpose.  He specifically demanded she get on birth control because he
did not want kids.  She refused since her Catholic faith forbid birth control
of any kind.  He counteracted by using condoms or withheld from having sex with
her at all.  The only way he could actually achieve sexual pleasure with her
was when he let his mind drift to Taylor.  He’d replace Kelly with Taylor in
order to reach an orgasm.

His temples throbbed and his head pounded from the
headache screeching across his forehead.  He grabbed his head, an attempt to
stop the lights from flashing behind his eyes, and the room from spinning. 
Gritting his teeth, he waited for it to end.  These spells had been occurring
more often lately.  At first the headaches were happening when he stressed
about his upcoming wedding but now he was getting them more frequently and
sometimes during sleep.

Dillon loosened the tie around his neck.  Sweat poured
down his face as he walked over to the table getting a bottle of warm water. 
He opened the bottle drinking the entire content without stopping to take a
breath. Removing his suit jacket to cool down, he turned off the lights and
stretched out on the cloth sofa.  Instantly, he fell asleep.

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